
Certification question in reference to CE

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May 5, 2003
I have a diamond that I am now suspecting to be CE, I am in the process of locating a qualified gemologist in my area to have it checked. My question is must the gem lab note on the certificate if the stone has been CE? My certificate is from UGS (affiliate of EGL). Second, if it is not noted, but should have been, do I have any recourse in going back to the seller or UGS/EGL?

Any trained gemmo should have no troule making the ID.

There is a list of appraisers on the upper left of this page.
I do not know about the legal position of the lab, they may only be limited to the value of their charges, but certainly you would have a right under common law from the place you made the purchase if such was not disclosed.
If it is a Clarity Enhanced diamond and was appraised by a reputable diamond company, it will state is's enhanced or treated in some way. Is the diamond laser inscribed? If so, check the inscription number and make sure it correlates to the serial number on the certification. If it's not inscribed then (God forbid) it may have either been switched or you may have just been scammed.
EGLUSA/UGS do a terrible thing: they put a ultra tiiiiiiiiiiny note on the comments section, if the stone has been treated. This is very misleading. However, if the stone was already CE at the time of grading, there should be a note about that.
Get this .. I wrote to UGS/EGL and asked if they certify CE stones, they wrote back and said they do not certify CE stones. Is this a word game, should I have specifically asked about diamonds?? !!!
Email them back and ask if they grade stones. I suspect the word "certify" is what they're balking at.
It took me two tries and a week to get that answer, but I have emailed them again asking if they 'grade' CE stones. So, I'll wait and see. Amazing how things can be so difficult, wait, no not amazing, disheartening.
That sounds strange... EGL USA DEFINITELY grades laser drilled stones and I think they grade fracture filled ones too... Other EGL's surely do that service. Let us know.
I think it's completely odd. I called the store where the stone was purchased, and asked what lab companies they use and they told me GIA and AGS ONLY. I asked three times and they gave the same answer. I then told them that my fiance had bought my stone there and it was a UGS cert and then their story changed. I'm just having such a difficult time with all this. I don't want to hurt my fiance's feelings so I have been trying to do this research as low key as possible. And, I am so thankful for this forum b/c I have learned so much from everyone here. Thanks so much and I'll let you know what I find out. Hopefully, nothing but good news :-D
Well, the verdict is in from EGL. They wrote back saying that EGL USA does not grade clarity enhanced stones. EGL USA does not grade clarity enhanced diamonds. (My cert is by UGS, but is EGL USA graded and inscribed, does that make sense??)

So, I guess the 'trick' here is that EGL USA does not, but their other locations may?

I am having the diamond appraised this evening by a local jeweler who comes highly recommended. We shall see how the reports match up.

The saga continues ....
I'm sure that EGL Israel and Antwerp grade fracture filled stones. They're being quite anal, in my opinion.
It's an excellent idea to get an indipendant opinion on your stone!
Well, the verdict is in .... it checks out fine! Thank goodness. The UGS/EGL cert matched up perfectly (.75 carat, 4.82x4.79x3.80, vs2, H, 10.6 crown, 42.7 pavilion, 79.5 depth, 76 table, girdle med to sl thick, no culet, no fluorscence, polich/sym good). It's cut a little deep making the stone looker smaller, but performs well ... b/c it's a princess it just lets light out when viewed from an angle. He also cleaned it well too, which removed some dirt. He said it was a good stone. Can't go wrong with that!
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