
Cat hanging around my house...d/k what to do

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Dec 31, 2006
I went outside to throw out the garbage and a white/gray cat was outside my looks clean/healthy...very friendly, let me pick it up...I am really, really concerned because I don't think it has any nails at all so I am so afraid to leave her outside.

I thought it may have been a neighbor's cat so I walked her over there but nobody was home...I did notice a plate of food and water outside their door - but I have no way of knowing if it's their cat...I tried calling them, too, the # I have for them is disconnected.

I was going to bring her into the house but I have a cat and I am afraid to do that. I was going to put her in the laundry room but I don't have an extra litter box or anything. I really don't know what to do...I will be so worried knowing she's out there...

What do you guys think I should do?

ETA: I do have an email address for these people...I'm thinking I should try tell you the truth I think it's also a chance to bring to their attention the danger of this cat being outside with no nails to defend itself with...
You don''t need a litter box. Just cut off the bottom of any box and put some litter in. I''d keep the cat overnight, but separate from my other cats. It would even be better if you kept her in the garage so your cat wouldn''t get a whiff of her.
Good idea about the box...

I just went outside again, she does have back claws, but they''re she''s obviously someone''s cat. Do the back claws offer them some kind of defense?

I did talk to my DH and he''s OK with me putting her in the you think that''s the best thing for me to do?
I wonder if the neighbors moved and left the cat?
You see so much of that on the news these days with so many losing their homes. I''m no help with the claw question.

One note regarding the garage, be careful there is nothing poisonouss that it could get into. I know antifreeze is deadly for animals and apparantly it tastes good to them.

You are doing a great thing for this kitty
Date: 3/14/2009 10:10:14 PM
Author: CJ2008
Good idea about the box...

I just went outside again, she does have back claws, but they''re she''s obviously someone''s cat. Do the back claws offer them some kind of defense?

I did talk to my DH and he''s OK with me putting her in the you think that''s the best thing for me to do?
Yes, the garage will keep her safe and warm. Good idea about the box. Definitely email them. I hope you find it''s owner soon. Bless you for taking such good care of this sweet kittly. I can''t tell you how many land on my front steps. I am a magnet for them and don''t have any cats. But always do my best to send them back to their owners...... or get them to the vet.
Thank you guys for your advice and support.

She is in my garage with food and water. I took a look around and there doesn''t seem to be anything she can get into that''s dangerous - but I''ll take another look - cats can get into ANYTHING.

I see a car outside their home so I don''t think they moved...I left a note on their door and will email them now.
I think it''s possible they can defend themselves somewhat with just the back claws, but I wouldn''t rely on that. A cat can get into a lot of trouble out there at night. You''re a good person for taking her in.
Aww baby. I''m so glad you took her in.

If the owners aren''t there anymore.And If you can''t keep her and if you are willing to: I''d take her to a low cost spay/neuter clinic, have her tested for FIV/FELV and checked out for some basics, and get a recommendation from them as to where you should take her.

She should not ever be outside with only back claws. She can''t defend effectively against predators at all cause she can''t climb. She needs to be indoors.

Oh this makes me angry. God bless you for caring!
The only way a cat that has been de-clawed (
) has to defend itself is to bite, their front claws are their best defence, their back claws are pretty useless (unless another cat has her on her back but by then its prob too late for her to save herself from injury) so you have definatly done the right thing in protecting her.
A cat that let you pick it up is sure not feral. I hope they didn''t abandon her, but there is a lot of that going on. A friend of mine who runs a no-kill dog shelter is getting calls everyday. Some people just drop off an 8 or 9 year old dog because they "don''t want it any more". A dog who''s been a member of their family for years! If there was food in the dish I''d assume they''re coming back, but I wouldn''t leave her out.
It''s so comforting to have you guys to talk to.

The neighbors just came home...and guess''s not their cat...but that''s why they had left food and water for her, because she was hanging around their house. I am so, so glad I took her in.

I don''t even want to THINK that somebody abandoned her. But I know people do terrible things.

Gypsy - thank you for the explanation as to why back claws aren''t enough - I am so glad she''s in my garage. I can''t keep her because I already have a furbaby and he''s too old to have to deal with someone else...but I might definitely keep her for a couple of days and post a flyer around my community to see if someone claims her. If not, your suggestion to have her tested is a good one - I can call my vet to ask them for low cost clinics.

One thing I had not thought about and it''s kind of freaking me out a little bit...fleas...last thing I want to do is infest my cat...any suggestions for that? She''s already been all over me...
Frontline... They have one that kills fleas and flea larva. It's really the best stuff. And here in CA it's available over the counter in just a regular pet store.

A cat's (unless it's a psycho pin head like my Hally) first defense is flight. They are (usually) smart enough to run away from any predator and get away from danger as quickly as possible. Declawing takes away lots of flight options AND makes fighting difficult too. It's really just a great way to get a cat killed.

I know there are stories about declawed cats catching birds and rabbits... but they are the predators in those situations. They are the hunters... so they aren't in danger. But when they are the hunted... those front claws are extremely vital to their survival.

Whenever I have a stray I am keeping, until they are completely tested (including for ringworm and other parasites) and cleaned I wear only crappy bleach-able clothing. None of my rings. I keep a trash bag in the room with the cat. I go in, stay with them, then on my way back to the home, strip down, throw everything in the bag and take it directly to the laundry room, and wash with hot water and bleach. I also wash my hands and under my nails and up to my elbows in a 10% bleach solution.

I kid you not. We used to do rescue (actually we still do, with Lulu in my spare room), and this is what we had to do to make sure out own cats were safe and stayed safe. Of course we had a new cat (or sometimes a small dog) in our garage every week (and then when we moved in our patio). So the risk was higher.

After they are tested and clean, then you are fine, generally. You should still wash your hands, especially if your resident pets are elderly or immune compromised. But the other dangers are usually greatly minimized then.
oh wow, I did none of that...I did change the shirt I had on while I was holding her and washed my hands, but kept the same pants on...and she rubbed herself all over them...
awww poor thing. So glad to hear that you took her in. If you''re going to keep her, I''d bring her for a check up and provided that she''s ok, you should be able to go about introducing her to your kitty. She sounds like a dote.
She really is a cutie pie...I cannot tell you how good it feels to know she was safe and sound here last night.

I don''t think I can keep her...but I am going to do whatever I can for her to find her owners or a good home. I will miss her - it''s so easy to get attached. I will be taking pictures of her for the lost/found so maybe I''ll post some here.

Is it OK to use the same scooper I use for my cat, not knowing if she''s healthy/OK?
Date: 3/15/2009 8:19:39 AM
Author: CJ2008
She really is a cutie pie...I cannot tell you how good it feels to know she was safe and sound here last night.

I don''t think I can keep her...but I am going to do whatever I can for her to find her owners or a good home. I will miss her - it''s so easy to get attached. I will be taking pictures of her for the lost/found so maybe I''ll post some here.

Is it OK to use the same scooper I use for my cat, not knowing if she''s healthy/OK?
Use a separate one or rig something up with the litter scoop to be on the safe side. Bless you for helping this poor little girl, it sounds like she has been abandoned.
You know, seriously, I cannot even imagine that someone could just walk away from their animal. How do you live with yourself? But I'm thinking it's possible she could be lost - I can't tell you how many times when I go pick up my mail (there's a central place where everybody goes) there are pictures/flyers for lost cats.

ETA: I used a plastic bag and my hand...not the most fun, but it did the job...

Here she is...

cat (1).JPG

cat (2).JPG
aww she''s so cute. Look at her tummy-love it!
Date: 3/14/2009 10:53:56 PM
Author: Gypsy
Aww baby. I''m so glad you took her in.

If the owners aren''t there anymore.And If you can''t keep her and if you are willing to: I''d take her to a low cost spay/neuter clinic, have her tested for FIV/FELV and checked out for some basics, and get a recommendation from them as to where you should take her.

She should not ever be outside with only back claws. She can''t defend effectively against predators at all cause she can''t climb. She needs to be indoors.

Oh this makes me angry. God bless you for caring!

Ditto, exactly. In addition to dangers of FIV/FeLV infection from being outside, there is the risk of injury from horrible, cruel people (plenty of those around) who do horrible things to cats, as well as cars, wildlife, the list goes on and on...thus why indoor-only kitties live MUCH longer and healthier lives.

Regardless, it makes me so angry, just like Gypsy, that not only did these people mutilate their poor kitty by declawing her, they then put her outside

Bless you for trying to take care of her
Date: 3/15/2009 12:54:39 PM
Author: AmberGretchen

Date: 3/14/2009 10:53:56 PM
Author: Gypsy
Aww baby. I''m so glad you took her in.

If the owners aren''t there anymore.And If you can''t keep her and if you are willing to: I''d take her to a low cost spay/neuter clinic, have her tested for FIV/FELV and checked out for some basics, and get a recommendation from them as to where you should take her.

She should not ever be outside with only back claws. She can''t defend effectively against predators at all cause she can''t climb. She needs to be indoors.

Oh this makes me angry. God bless you for caring!

Ditto, exactly. In addition to dangers of FIV/FeLV infection from being outside, there is the risk of injury from horrible, cruel people (plenty of those around) who do horrible things to cats, as well as cars, wildlife, the list goes on and on...thus why indoor-only kitties live MUCH longer and healthier lives.

Regardless, it makes me so angry, just like Gypsy, that not only did these people mutilate their poor kitty by declawing her, they then put her outside

Bless you for trying to take care of her
I am SOOOOOOO with you...

It was raining before...every time I looked outside my heart warmed knowing she didn''t have to be out there.

I posted her picture in a few different places and also sent it to my mom, aunt, and sister...maybe one of them will fall in love and then I won''t have to wonder how she''s doing
She is absolutely beautiful!!! It would be great if a friend or family member would take her, she looks like a complete sweetheart who would give so much in return!!
Hi CJ... I''m so happy she was warm and safe with you.

Absolutely do not use the same scoop until she is tested (and for parasites as well).

As for being lost. If you take her to the spay/neuter they will check her for a microchip. If she truly is lost, and she is chipped, it is the fastest way to get her home. If they did abandon her, and she is chipped, it''s also the quickest way to end the confusion.

You are doing a wonderful thing. And she looks like an absolute DOLL!!!
She IS a doll...very affectionate. A cutie pie.

I''m going to take her to get scanned tomorrow - if my local vet does it, great, otherwise there is a shelter a little bit further that will.
Bless you for rescuing this sweet mite. xoxoxox!

Please keep us posted!

Awww CJ...she looks like such a cutie! I hope one of your family members will take her if you can''t track down her owners. Although I''m hoping she just escaped from her house and the owners are worried sick right now. I loathe declawing and people that do that are really very dumb. One of my friends declawed her big cat because she was having a baby and didn''t want him to scratch the newborn, but come on!
Awww...LOVE her picture - what a super CUTIE PIE

Bless you for keeping her warm and safe until some kind of a home can get sorted out
Thank you, guys! I''m going to let her know you''re asking for her. :)

I was rolling a ball on the floor and I put some boxes for her to be able to look out the window but she just doesn''t seem to be interested in anything except for walking really fast after me/in front of me and rubbing herself against my legs. Do you think the lack of interest in playing could be because of what she might''ve been through and she''s not yet quite comfortable? I thought she was definitely going to be interested in the window...
I think her priority is bonding with you so you''ll take care of her. That''s what her behavior means to me.
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