
Canadian Emerald Cut/Polished in Canada (or US)


Sep 23, 2021
Hi everyone,

This will be a long one. I appreciate anyone who tries helping even if it may not end with leads. My partner and I have been consistently searching for my diamond since September 2021, with months of research into what we wanted before that. We’re both well-versed in diamonds (or up until now we thought).

*Not using James Allen or Blue Nile

DIAMOND: 4.1-4.9ct natural Canadian mined Emerald. F-H colour, VVS1-VS1, no fluorescence, l/w ratio of 1.45-1.5.

PROBLEM: We are Canadians living in NYC. I want a Canadian mined diamond that will remain there or the US for the entire cutting and polishing process. We are not interested in our diamond being sent overseas. With Canada being one of the top mining countries in the world, we have been surprised at how difficult it’s been to find the right contacts to lead us in this direction.

Before anyone jumps on the opportunity to say all Canadian diamonds end up overseas at some point and cannot be traced back to the mine, that isn’t true. We have heard it also from some, but have also had conversations that say it is possible. See below.

Over the past four months we have met with jewelers, dealers (De Beers affiliated), sight-holders in the NYC diamond district, ongoing communications with Crossworks and the wholesaling company who holds the sole contract of a large Canadian mine, and finally email consistently the creative director of product development for a company who recently opened a Canadian cutting factory.

QUESTION 1: With all of this said, does anybody know of a process I'm not aware of to keep Canadian diamonds local? The options presented to us so far have been:

1. Put a (significant) non-refundable deposit down on a rough diamond they they will custom cut to our specs, which we are not opposed to, but know how important seeing the diamond with your own eye is; the affiliated paperwork isn’t the most important. We feel it is a huge risk to place trust into cutters and polishers and should it not turn out how we envisioned, we lose 30% of the cost of the diamond. We would prefer to see diamonds already cut and polished.

2. The diamond wholesaling company who holds contract of large Canadian mine contacted me with a beautiful stone that specs weren’t exact and offered to cut that one into what I wanted, but for a large fee. Similar to option 1. This company has told me they do cut and polish overseas.

3. Dealer in New York says he works with Canadian diamonds all the time, and will happily bring options in for us as he works with Crossworks, but isn’t able to guarantee if the stone left North America, and due to Canada’s c-r-a-z-y export taxes- does not work with rough stones.

QUESTION 2: Does anyone know any gemologists, dealers, jewelers, sight-holders, wholesalers, anyone(!!!), who we can email and perhaps take our search a different direction? We are patient and will wait for the right stone. We simply don’t feel like we’re contacting all of the right people for this request.

We know emeralds of larger carat sizes are incredibly hard to come by in Canada, but we have been sent one even larger than our specs, and could have it polished down if we wanted (refer back to option 1- not cut in Canada). We have also seen two others in the 3.5 carat range from DD dealer he is just not able to confirm whether it went overseas.

If you made it this far- thank you for any and all help. I will always try my best to lead anyone in the right direction if others have these kinds of questions as well.
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Oct 10, 2021
Following. I love the idea and now I want one too! I bought a Canadian mined diamond but never asked where it was cut.

Good luck with your search!


Nov 16, 2018
Hi everyone,

This will be a long one. I appreciate anyone who tries helping even if it may not end with leads. My partner and I have been consistently searching for my diamond since September 2021, with months of research into what we wanted before that. We’re both well-versed in diamonds (or up until now we thought).

*Not using James Allen or Blue Nile

DIAMOND: 4.1-4.9ct natural Canadian mined Emerald. F-H colour, VVS1-VS1, no fluorescence, l/w ratio of 1.45-1.5.

PROBLEM: We are Canadians living in NYC. I want a Canadian mined diamond that will remain there or the US for the entire cutting and polishing process. We are not interested in our diamond being sent overseas. With Canada being one of the top mining countries in the world, we have been surprised at how difficult it’s been to find the right contacts to lead us in this direction.

Before anyone jumps on the opportunity to say all Canadian diamonds end up overseas at some point and cannot be traced back to the mine, that isn’t true. We have heard it also from some, but have also had conversations that say it is possible. See below.

Over the past four months we have met with jewelers, dealers (De Beers affiliated), sight-holders in the NYC diamond district, ongoing communications with Crossworks and the wholesaling company who holds the sole contract of a large Canadian mine, and finally email consistently the creative director of product development for a company who recently opened a Canadian cutting factory.

QUESTION 1: With all of this said, does anybody know of a process I'm not aware of to keep Canadian diamonds local? The options presented to us so far have been:

1. Put a (significant) non-refundable deposit down on a rough diamond they they will custom cut to our specs, which we are not opposed to, but know how important seeing the diamond with your own eye is; the affiliated paperwork isn’t the most important. We feel it is a huge risk to place trust into cutters and polishers and should it not turn out how we envisioned, we lose 30% of the cost of the diamond. We would prefer to see diamonds already cut and polished.

2. The diamond wholesaling company who holds contract of large Canadian mine contacted me with a beautiful stone that specs weren’t exact and offered to cut that one into what I wanted, but for a large fee. Similar to option 1. This company has told me they do cut and polish overseas.

3. Dealer in New York says he works with Canadian diamonds all the time, and will happily bring options in for us as he works with Crossworks, but isn’t able to guarantee if the stone left North America, and due to Canada’s c-r-a-z-y export taxes- does not work with rough stones.

QUESTION 2: Does anyone know any gemologists, dealers, jewelers, sight-holders, wholesalers, anyone(!!!), who we can email and perhaps take our search a different direction? We are patient and will wait for the right stone. We simply don’t feel like we’re contacting all of the right people for this request.

We know emeralds of larger carat sizes are incredibly hard to come by in Canada, but we have been sent one even larger than our specs, and could have it polished down if we wanted (refer back to option 1- not cut in Canada). We have also seen two others in the 3.5 carat range from DD dealer he is just not able to confirm whether it went overseas.

If you made it this far- thank you for any and all help. I will always try my best to lead anyone in the right direction if others have these kinds of questions as well.

My original engagement ring had a Canadian mined and cut diamond!!! Love supporting our economy as a fellow Canadian.


Feb 23, 2013
There are US-based re-cutters, so perhaps purchasing the larger stone and having it re-cut could work.
Apr 22, 2020
I believe something like 90%+ of the world’s diamonds are cut and polished in India (this statistic was true as of some years ago according to a documentary I watched. Not sure what it is now). So it might be difficult. I personally feel that if it’s really important that it be both Canadian rough and cut in N.America, your best bet is the custom cut from rough, either the company you’ve already specified, or find a cutter whose work you trust, and contract them to cut it for you. If necessary, you can perhaps use your contacts to procure the rough / put them in touch with the company you said. Or, you procure the diamond from option 2 and have a cutter you have found and trust cut that into the specs you want. Good luck!


Dec 26, 2017
My wife has a Canadian diamond. It actually has the CanadaMark engraved on the girdle. I think it was cut by the Canadian Company that mined it but can't swear to that. The CanadaMark website might be a good place for you to get more info. LINK
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