
Can you please describe a hot flash?

Likely perimenopause, but be aware there can be other causes for night sweats, including tuberculosis. Do you work in a nursing home, or could you have been exposed to anyone with TB?


There are myriad possible causes for night sweats, but only one probable cause! As a social worker who has practiced psychotherapy, I always told patients to check out physical symptoms with a medical doctor, even if I suspected that the cause was psychological. In this case, however, tuberculosis seems like the most farfetched of all possible causes, unless House cat works with TB patients or has a friend or relative with TB.
I didn't have hot flashes for very long, but they gave me great anxiety because it was a full body reaction for me. I tended to stay home for a few days if I'd had an episode at any point during the week. I don't know why I had that link with a panic type response, but I did. I guess everyone reacts differently. I was completely finished with menopause at 50 though, and it's been great. It was fairly quick and painless, and no need for hrt. Just lots of cold water!
Throwing another theory out there. Are you taking supplements? When I take certain supplements I get a Niacin flush that feels like hot itchy fire ants. The B3 "source" wasn't agreeing with me. the rest of your symptoms sound like normal perimenopausal night sweats. I am 44 and have been having occasional night sweats for the past couple of years.
Yep sounds like them.

I get them when I'm on certain medications for a few days then they go away. The anti-nausea shot they give in hospitals is the worst one for me but the anti-nausea pills do it also just not as bad.
And yea I'm a guy :}
Did you start any new meds around the time it happened?