
Can someone show me this as a light scope image?

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May 28, 2003
So the consensus from the other thread seems to be that I should get this stone, provided I get an independent appraisal. I''ve seen that cool light scope image some of you can produce, and I''d love to see one of this stone. I know it somewhat shallower than ideal, but I''m curious to see how it looks. I like a spready stone as long as I''m not sacrificing too much on brilliance.

Here''s the EGL NY report: 2.03, G, SI2, 8.40-8.36 x 4.87 mm

Table: 62% (they told me it was 58%, but they didn''t have the report)
Depth: 58.1%
Crown: 31.7
Pav.: 41.2
Culet: small

Polish and Symmetry: Very Good

I ran it through HCA and got a 2.4 VG rating. I''d love to see a light scope of it, and what every one thinks before I commit. Thanks for all of your help.
Hi Spike. Interesting stone.

This profile on this stone falls in the AGA Cut Class 2A category, which is described as a "fine" make. The crown angle is a bit shallow, but with the statistics you listed the stone probably has a medium girdle, and you don't really have to worry about chipping.

The thing you do need to find out for sure is if the stone is truly an SI2. If it is (and it is a true G color), the $10,500 price you listed on the other thread is a very good price. If the stone happens to be overgraded on the clarity, then the price is not so good. It's a very critical grading juncture, (the price per carat of an I1 is dramatically less than an SI2), so you want to be sure and have the grade verified by a savvy independent appraiser.

As far as the simulated IdealScope image and Light Return Analysis goes, the stone is a very nice performer. With that crown/pavilion angle combo, big table & lower crown height (probably 11.7%), this stone is one of those that majors in the white light return arena (brilliance), while suffering a bit in the colored light return arena (fire), which is not presently calculated on the DiamCalc LRA.

Higher crown stones with steeper crown angles and smaller tables have more "fire", while lower crown stones with shallower crown angles and larger tables have more "brilliance". The lower "contrast" score, by the way, means that the diamond doesn't have as much black-white-black-white contrast/scintillation because of the over-riding white light brilliance.

It's all a trade-off... This stone incidentally has a 2.17 carat "spread".

An IdealScope image is attached, and the LRA follows:

Light Return (mono)…...: 1.01 Very Good
Light Return (stereo)…..: 1.01 Very Good
(Non) Leakage (mono)..: 0.99 Very Good
(Non) Leakage (stereo).: 0.97 Very Good
Contrast............................: 0.85 Good
(Non) FishEye Effect…...: 1.00 Very Good

IdealScope- In general, the darker pink areas indicate areas of greater light return, with the lighter pink areas indicating areas of lesser light return. The black areas indicate areas of greater contrast, with the gray areas indicating areas of lesser contrast. The white areas indicate areas of light leakage. A good explanation of the IdealScope image along with examples can be found at

Disclaimer- The facet arrangement and symmetry of the image will probably vary from your actual diamond, which may affect the light performance indicated, sometimes dramatically. The computer generates an image with “perfect” symmetry, which is rare. Also, the star/lower girdle facet lengths will probably be different from your diamond. The computer simulation is reproduced best when the actual diamond is being viewed and the image "tweaked" to the appearance of the diamond, or Sarin info is downloaded directly into the program. However, this "blind" reproduction should be helpful in considering the major light performance aspects.
Wow 2.17c spread!!! Amazing! My stone has .12c extra spread. Yours has around .14! I'm EXTRA jealous now.

The image is pretty good for a shallower crown angle stone sim was a little similar, yours has a better table area than mine though.

Richard..spike noted in another post that there is one inclusion he can slightly see but it can be set with a prong. He also said he placed it against other stones in comparison and this one looked the best!
Richard..spike noted in another post that there is one inclusion he
can slightly see but it can be set with a prong.

Hiya Mara. That's the critical decision. Would GIA or AGS grade the stone as an SI2, or an I1? Is the EGL clarity grade dead-on, or generous?

It makes a big difference as to whether or not the stone's a good buy. Otherwise, it looks like a great stone with green lights all the way to town.

If it were me, and I was crazy about the stone, I would buy it with a right-of-return period in case it didn't check out to my satisfaction with an independent appraiser. $10,500 is a lot of money, and a confirming second opinion would give you peace-of-mind.

Buy the way, if a credible second opinion stated the stone to be an I1, you wouldn't necessarily have to drop it. Just ask for an appropriate discount for the stone based on that clarity grade. Martin Rapaport reports a 35.6% discount between a 2ct G/SI2 and a 2ct G/I1, while Donald Palmieri reports a 36.8% discount. (An EGL "SI3" grade trades at a 17.8% discount.)
Richard, thank you so much for the analysis. I feel even better about it now. I was a little concerned about the shallowness, but it seems like the light return is still pretty good.

I think I'm (gulp) going to buy it, pending an independent appraisal.

Mara, it sounds like your stone, just a little bigger
Okay, I just bought it, with a full life-time trade-in policy for full value. I also got them to take $400 off the price--of course I'm still having a minor heart attack! Thanks to everyone for all of your great help and advice. And especially Richard for the scope and analysis. I'll let you know what it looks like when it gets set.
Yay--post pictures when you get that monster set and let us know how the appraisal turns out. Congrats!!
Who are you getting it independantly appraised with?

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