
Can I get some healthy kitty vibes?

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Nov 28, 2006
My kitty is sick
. I''m praying for all the other sick kitties on here, and I hope everyone gets good news! My baby has pancreatitis for the second time. She had it two years ago and got it again last week. Again, she had to have a tube surgically put into her intestines. She''s been in the kitty hospital since tues. She came through her surgery okay but is know having bloody vomit and such. I spend the first two days straight crying, but I''m trying to stay positive for her. We''re hoping she can come home tomorrow. It''ll mean my husband and I canceling our vacation week (our anniversary is tomorrow) and tube feeding her, but it''s worth it to have her home.

I love her so much and going through this twice has been emotionally draining, not to mention financially devastating (if I can offer one piece of advice to any pet lover it would be pet insurance-- our baby''s bills are going to run 5K this time). She''s only 9 and I''m not ready to lose her.
Sending postive healing vibes your kitty''s way. What a nice kitty mommy you are. My dog had Lupus years ago so hear you on the vet bills but pet insurance wasn''t available back then. Try to have a happy anniversary despite of all this. I pray she gets well soon!!!
Sending good thoughts and vibes your way!
Sending good vibes too.
Oh that poor little kitty baby. I hope that precious thing recovers quickly so she can be home with her mom and dad. I can only imagine how stressed out and upset you strong. Chloe sends head bonks...
So sorry to hear that...I'm sure you are very worried. Staying hard is positive, I know, but you just have to hope for the best! I'm sure your baby will be home with you in no time flat...I could use some of those vibes too...My vinny is having a CT scan as we speak and possible surgery after that for a condition that "baffles" them over there at the premier animal hospital. Great. Maybe our kitties can send positive vibes to eachother too :)

As for the pet insurance...tell me about it. We actually had it and canceled it. THis procedure alone is $3200.00. Ugh.
I''m sending positive thoughts your way that your sweet kitty recovers quickly!! Please try and have a wonderful anniversary.
Sending healthy kitty vibes.......
Wow, so sorry you and your kitty are going through this! I hope you get to bring her home soon!

Wish I had pet insurance on my kitty... he was already 4 when I got him so I found the cost prohibitive, but I''ve racked up thousands of dollars in vet care for just Max over the years. The other two are much healthier. Hoping they stay that way!
I''m really sorry to hear your kitty is sick. My grandmother''s dog had pancreatitis and they were able to control it with a special diet. I can''t remember if there were medications or not, it was a long time ago.

The pet insurance is a great idea. Vet bills can be really expensive, and it is a shame when people have to put a pet down because they can''t afford the vet bills.
Oh I''m soooo sorry! What is it with all the sick kitties? Not a good week for our felines for sure. I''ll be sending healthy vibes her way..

*head bonks* outgoing from my gang too - hang in there!
Healthy kitty vibes and lots of purrs from my five kitties heading your way. I pray that your furry purry pulls through okay.

I know how you feel about the vets bills. Rupert Bear, my British Blue Shorthair, was chronically ill nine years ago (severe and ongoing urine infection) and his bill came to 1500 pounds, which was astronomical at the time, but he pulled through and he''s still here, so it was all worthwhile. I''m hoping your kitty will pull through and enjoy a long life.
Oh... poor little love. Sending healing positive vibes your way... I know its so hard to stay upbeat when you babies are sick... but I know mine feel better when I''m not tense with worry... so I''m sending you some good vibes too. ((HUGS)) for you and your baby.
Wanted to send you healty kitty vibes, colorkitty!! I hope kitty gets better!!
Date: 3/5/2007 5:26:53 PM
Author: moremoremore
So sorry to hear that...I''m sure you are very worried. Staying hard is positive, I know, but you just have to hope for the best! I''m sure your baby will be home with you in no time flat...I could use some of those vibes too...My vinny is having a CT scan as we speak and possible surgery after that for a condition that ''baffles'' them over there at the premier animal hospital. Great. Maybe our kitties can send positive vibes to eachother too :)

As for the pet insurance...tell me about it. We actually had it and canceled it. THis procedure alone is $3200.00. Ugh.
On a lighter note, MMM, is it okay if I quote you?
Healthy kitty vibes all around...and to all ailing felines...take care of those babies!
Hoping and praying for a quick revovery for all the sick kitties.
Update: My kitty is home! Thanks for all the good vibes. It much have worked because she stopped vomitting soon after this post. She came home on our anniversary (what a great gift!). Feeding her and giving her medications is exhausting and time intensive, but it''s worth it to have her well. I was frustrated with the vet because she wanted us to throw away the $90 worth of liquid medications we just got for her from the pharmacy and get $130 worth of injectibles because we''re having problems getting the liquids down her. She just didn''t get why we didn''t want to do that. We''re willing to spend a lot on our animals, but there has to be a limit and she acted like we were subhuman for even thinking that. Ugh.

Today is my b-day and hubby surprised me with a curved journey pendants (yep, they''re trendy and we fell for the marketing hook line and sinker). I didn''t think he''d buy me anything after the bills, and our cat was present enough. It made me feel a little bit guilty, having such a nice necklace when I was complaining about vet bills, but I waved it in front of kitty and she loved to swat it. It doubles as a cat toy!
Happy Birthday!!!! So glad to hear your kitty is doing well!!!
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