
Calling Kenny - Shrimp Related!


Jun 25, 2007
We acquired a 10 gallon freshwater tank about a month ago when a coworker found that one of her fish was aggressive with her other fish. We now have him (an angel fish), two lyre tail tetra and three neon tetra. This morning we noticed hundreds of teeny tiny white...worm things on the glass. I did some reading and it said they feed off of biological leftovers. I.E. I am feeding too much... but my fish are always hungry! SO Petco recommended ghost shrimp to help clean up the food matter so there is nothing for the tiny worm things to feed off of. They said it is quite common for any who are concerned. I was wondering though Kenny if you have any knowledge of ghost shrimp and how they thrive best? They said we could put up to 10 into our tank without increasing the biological load, but I want to make sure I take good care of them as well!
Use your loupe to look at those wormy things.
If they look like little trees they are hydra.

If so I'd be more worries about hydra eating shrimp than shrimp eating hydra.
Hydra will definitely eat baby shrimp; I've seen it.


I hear a fish called pearl gourami will eat hydra.
But you may want to get very small gourami so they don't bother your other small fish.
When the gourami get large, or your hydra are gone find them a new home.

If you want shrimp I recommend Japonica Shrimp.
Ghost shrimp are cheap and cool but Japonica's live longer and I've found them to be trouble free, and mine don't breed.
Maybe they are the same gender. :oops:


Anglel fish will probably eventually harass, de-fin, or kill your other fish.
Angels are misnamed and are not for community tanks with small docile fish.

You may want to find it a new home with other cichlids.
Fish always appear hungry.
Ignore that.
Many fish will eat till they suicide.
Feed only what they will eat in 2 or 3 minutes.
Do this 2 or 3 times a day.
No more.

Fish will be healthier, live longer, and your water quality will be better, if you feed too little rather than too much.
Hi Kenny,
After another look they are definitely not hydra. These have no branching to them, just one straight body. I have reduced their food quite a bit, 2 feedings a day and just a small pinch that they can eat quickly.

It's funny you mention that about the angel. His name is jaws. We originally acquired him because he was harassing the fish in my friend's tank!! When we brought him home he went into a bit of shock and laid on his side for two days. Meanwhile we got the two tetra which were larger than him at the time. They ignored him. On day 2 he went upside down, and I thought surely he was going to die. The next morning he was up and swimming like nothing ever happened, BUT I seriously think it humbled him. He has not shown one ounce of aggression since his little side and upside down bout. He swims harmoniously with the two larger tetra, and the largest of the two will even push him away from a piece of food it wants. I definitely keep an eye on him though, just in case he decides to try to live up to his name.

I'll definitely look into the other variety of shrimp as well. Thank you so much for your responses and in advance as well for any other tidbits you might think of!