


Mar 12, 2009
charmypoo and everyone,

a friend of mine who is residing in CA would like to custom create a pave halo ring that is similar to mine. I immediately thought of Maytal Hannah. however without directly dealing with her i cannot give my friend appropriate feedback and thus am posting a thread here on RT to ask for some honest feedback on her pave work / claw prongs /fluidity / symmetry - how do these qualities compare to LM and SK ? timeline? is she responsive? price range?

thanks in advance and please let me know of your thoughts and suggestions! :wavey:
If her budget is generous, I'd recommend 23rd street jewelers over Maytal, personally.
I think victor canera is also in CA...he has made some stunning pave rings
slg47|1310952787|2971081 said:
I think victor canera is also in CA...he has made some stunning pave rings

I would also recommend Victor Canera. He is in LA.
thanks everyone ! 23rd street jewelers' work looks really amazing online, totally comparable to LM and SK's work ... friend is located in San Francisco area, are they willing to work from a distance ? if anyone has been through this process with 23rd street jewelers, please share your experience ! also, what is their price range for something similar to my halo ring ? timeline, etc ?

thanks so much again !
I would also like to recommend Singlestone. Their pave work is exquisite.
tried emailing 23rd street jeweler's email address on their website and got bounced back ... anyone has their correct email ? thanks !
I third Victor Canera! He has been absolutely a class act in terms of communication and passion towards the end product.
Call them. Lady Amethyst (I think that was her name) got a gorgeous halo for a huge purple stone from 23rd Street. Their prices might be higher than Leon, not sure though.

Your friends can also try Joe Escrobar in Campbell in Nor Cal. They have some great pave work on some of their settings. Beacon's setting is from them.
thanks everyone ! :wavey:

wow, that amethyst is GORGEOUS !!!

also searched a little and BHMom's Victor Canera Emilya halo is exquisite and is very similar to my ring ! will probably advise to have the halo tilted at 30 degree angle but other than that it looks just like my ring! i'll forward the contact !
Sorry so late responding.

Recommend 23rd Street and Victor Canera. You cannot work with 23rd Street remotely - they don't respond to email or phone calls. Really .. only way is to walk in. Don't bother with them for diamond purchases. Short of it .. they have one amazing bench person (others are average).

Maytal is a real sweet lady and looks to satisfy her customer. For me though .. I would not say comparable to LM or SK.
Thanks charmy! I used myself as a guinea pig with VC and with the most amazing results ever my friend is going to contact him too! One more friend is also considering a pave wedding band with him. :appl:
Sorry so late responding.

Recommend 23rd Street and Victor Canera. You cannot work with 23rd Street remotely - they don't respond to email or phone calls. Really .. only way is to walk in. Don't bother with them for diamond purchases. Short of it .. they have one amazing bench person (others are average).

Maytal is a real sweet lady and looks to satisfy her customer. For me though .. I would not say comparable to LM or SK.

Hi Charmypoo, can you talk a little more about why you do not feel MH’s work is comparable? I was thinking of using either her or VC for my reset. Do you think VC is worth the extra money? It seems like both of them do exquisite halos. Thanks for your input!