
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Wow tao! What a surprise!! I''ve heard other stories of couples being told one gender in the 20 week ultrasound and then getting a big shock with the opposite gender when the baby is born! It''s a really good thing you didn''t find out then!! It reminds me of my doc''s response when I had asked him what week the gender ultrasound would be done. He said promptly, "The gender of the baby is know at BIRTH". It took me back a bit when he said that, but I guess that''s the only time you can really have 100% certainty, huh?

Another curious question - was your gender estimate done early and did you see the three lines that they usually point out to indicate girl, or what is just the lack of a winky? I''m thinking about my ultrasound pic... I clearly saw the three lines, but am wondering if anything could''ve possibly been hid by the cord or something. Hmmm..... it definitely makes you wonder.

Thanks for the comments on team pink ( I think?), guys!

sunkist -Graham is a great name! As long as it''s something both you and your DH like. My DH"s taste is very specific... I have a whole list of names that I like - and he only likes about 4 of them, so our choice will probably be narrowed down that way.

Mandarine, how nice that you have your baby shower to look forward to this weekend.
I hope you have a great time and get lots of nice gifts too.
Tao- Crazy news! Congrats on having a little BOY in there! LOVE Alexander- it was our middle name if we had been having a boy.

Sunkist and Sha- yep, I sleep with a body pillow along my front, 2 pillows under my head, and another behind my back! There''s hardly room for DH in the bed at this point! Makes you wonder about when you get even bigger, you know? The pillows make a big deifference, though.

Mandarine- I want to see your bag, too! Yay for a girls night out AND a shower coming up! Mine is on August 16th- so excited!

Sunkist- great choice with Graham! I really really like it!

I''ll be 30 weeks this Thursday. I can''t believe it. A customer came into my work yesterday and was obviously pregnant, so I asked her when she was due. I was seriously expecting her to say she was overdue or due any day now, but she said JANUARY!!! I couldn''t believe it! I''m due first week of October and she was so much bigger than me! I don''t know if she even realized I''m pregnant because she didn''t ask when I was due. I was glad, because I would have felt awkward telling her, given the difference in our sizes. And FWIW, I am NOT a small person (at all). I had PLENTY of extra padding going into this (and still do). I guess it just goes to show how different each woman carries. I''ve noticed that if I sit leaning back a bit now I start to feel weird after a while. Kinda shaky and almost nauseous. I think maybe leaning back puts pressure on that vein/artery- I think its called the vena cava? I can''t think what else it would be. I''m a little nervous because I have a work trip later this week and I''ll have a 4 hour flight each way. I hope taking snacks, water, and trying to walk on the plane a bit will make everything okay. Please let me know if anyone has any tips!
Tao- No way, that''s too funny! Well, welcome to TEAM BOY!!!! For now?

Natalina- Yes, it''s probably your vena cava, which is why you can''t/aren''t supposed to lay on your back. It didn''t bother me to do so until 32-34 weeks, but a lot of people notice it earlier. It makes you feel light-headed and dizzy. Only thing I could say is try to sit more upright and definitely get up and walk around a lot, helps with circulation. Though (at least from what I''ve been told/read) you aren''t really hurting anything, it''s just uncomfortable. And it can slow baby''s HB, but the minute you move, it speeds back up again.

Sabine- Hey there. How are you feeling? I hear you on the godparents thing. DH and I haven''t decided yet, but he is Catholic (doesn''t go to church though) so it definitely needs to be people that are at least somewhat spiritual for us. I am not worrying about it for now, figured we don''t really have to decide until we do the baptism/christening. FWIW, I don''t think we are going to do the same godparents/guardians. When is your next appt, to decide what to do next?????

Sha- Funny story, one of my recent u/s, the tech asked "Do you know what you''re having?" I said "Well, it''s supposed to be a boy, but who knows!". She said, "Well, that''s a scrotum, so you are either having a boy or a really deformed girl."
Kinda funny, but not really! My most recent u/s, you can DEFINITELY see a scrotum sack (weird, btw) so I think the further you get, the more you can be sure of what they are seeing. BUT it''s never 100%!

So I had my appt today to determine if they have to induce me early b/c of my low fluid. So last week it was around 6.8 (they induce at 5) and today it was back up to 12!!!!!
I am SO relieved, can''t even tell you. I was trying to be zen about it, but honestly, the thought of being induced early by this total stranger was kinda freaking me out. So, still on "modified" bed rest, just have to take it easy, but thankfully it worked. They estimated he''s around 6.2 lbs now.
Tao, that''s amazing! I''m glad you found out (and then *really* found out) early! I asked my doctor if she could tell at the 15 week appointment, and she said she was almost certain it was a boy, but I''m waiting for 20 weeks to be sure - so many things can change at this point, what with hormones, etc. Not to mention those pesky umbilical cords! Congratulations on finding out for sure!
In the original u/s I felt like I could see the lines---she even has a little arrow pointing to them.....But apparently that was wrong! The original u/s was done at 20 weeks 1 day. This new u/s was done at 24 weeks 4 days.

In the new u/s you can see the scrotum....

I''ll try and upload some pictures later on to show you all the difference.

Congrats on growing a little girl in there, lady! She''s sure to be a doll!!
Sunkist I love the name Graham! You are quite lucky, IMO, that it was so easy for you and DH to agree on a name so easily!!!

I have been painting doors in the salon ALL day (ok, except for when my dad took me to get lunch at a great italian restaurant that I was totally under dressed for)... by the end of the day all of my "high points" had paint drops on them!
All 3 of my frontal bumps had splotches of white paint, and I had to stop at the grocery store on the way home. I kept my head down, moved quick and luckily didn''t run in to anyone I know!!!

G''night all.
Hey Amber, not really sure what you mean about the uterus feeling different above the belly button. I guess I''m not really aware of it being high up there yet
Even though I know it is growing up that way now. I can feel my ribs sometimes feeling like they are starting to get squished.

But I feel the kid kicking/moving a lot in the lower belly/pelvis, a lot in the middle, only rarely does he move up top. It''s weird when he does move up above my belly button cause then I realize how much my uterus is growing! Sometimes I feel him kicking on the inside and it tickles, like I think I said before, but it''s only on the lower inside. Never on the high inside.

Natalina I''m going to try some more pillows tonight!

Thanks everyone for feedback on the name Graham.

China, glad to hear that your fluids are back to normal! Hope eveything else is going well too!
Oh my goodness Tao, that''s crazy! I''ve heard of that happening before where the u/s tech says girl, but it turns out to be a boy, but usually it''s from an earlier u/s or the tech couldn''t get the clearest shot. It''s so good that you are taking it well though!

Sunkist, I really like the name Graham!

Sha, I definitely found sleeping with a body pillow to be helpful, but I never splurged for the actual maternity pillow. At this point, I almost definitely need a pillow propped under my belly on either side. Enjoy sleeping on your stomach while you still can, I miss it so...

Steph, glad to hear you''re feeling good and keeping busy!

Mandarine, awesome about the PPP bag...I secretly coveted those, but decided the bag wasn''t something I wanted to splurge on.

Natalina, from what I understand, the vena cava shouldn''t be squished unless you are laying flat on your back. It''s possible that you are just having more pressure on your lungs/organs from little one, but also make sure you aren''t dehydrated!

Circe, our u/s tech was positive it was a boy at 18 weeks, but I couldn''t tell by looking at the pic, so I was secretly nervous until my later growth u/s confirmed it, although I still haven''t seen "the goods" in a clear pic.

China, sooooo glad you don''t have to be induced for low fluid! That''s so exciting! My next appointment is tomorrow, so I''m getting really excited, can''t sleep, etc. My mom is coming in tomorrow night as well in case he schedules the birth for first thing thurs. morning!

I''ve been staying busy trying to make sure all the last minute stuff is done. Yesterday I went to the grocery store for the last time, and then I made cookies to take for the nurses at the hospital (I heard they really appreciate things like this, and I was really happy to be able to bake since I haven''t been able to eat sweets and dh doesn''t really eat the stuff I bake) and then I tried out a new recipe for dinner. Today I have tons of laundry to do, and then I''m making some meals to freeze. And tomorrow I have plans to do a major thorough cleaning of the apartment before my appointment....and then it''s baby time!
Sabine- can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!

China- SO glad to hear your fluids are back up! That is fantastic! Out of curiosity, how could your doc tell they were low?

I just finished reading through the amnio thread, and that was not a smart thing to do. I am now questioning all the care I have had so far and wondering if we should have had an amnio or CVS. We did the NT and were just told our results were "great" (didn't get the actual number), so we opted not to do anything else. Then we had our 20-week scan and were told everything looks good, but I couldn't tell what anything was- just a bunch of fuzz! As a self-admitted control freak, the unknown just scares the cr** out of me! The idea of maternal intuition letting you know something is or is not okay...ugh! I don't have that! I thought I was having a boy, and she's a girl ('course now Tao's news has me worried about that, too
), so what do I know?

So now I am back on this thread and needing my warm and fuzzy feeling back. Maybe I'll pop over to the newborn thread for some pics of our graduates' beautiful new additions to help speed up the fuzzy process! George, Hunter, Romeo, Daisy, Des, Lex, Jackie & Jonathon (and any other sweet little faces to be found over there)... here I come! ETA: just saw new pics of gorgeous little Sage! What a doll!

Sorry about the wacked out post
! Just need a bit to get my head back together! And need to learn when to just stop reading something that is upsetting...
Sabine: I love that you are also baking something for the nurses. I read on my other baby forum that the nurses LOVE when they get little treats like that and I''ve been thinking about doing the same thing (either baking them myself or just buying something from Farm Fresh--I love that you are in the area and know that that that is a grocery store!).

I can''t believe that Jackson is almost here...will Robbie be keeping us informed of everything once you are admitted?
Date: 7/28/2009 9:51:39 AM
Author: taovandel
Sabine: I love that you are also baking something for the nurses. I read on my other baby forum that the nurses LOVE when they get little treats like that and I''ve been thinking about doing the same thing (either baking them myself or just buying something from Farm Fresh--I love that you are in the area and know that that that is a grocery store!).

I can''t believe that Jackson is almost here...will Robbie be keeping us informed of everything once you are admitted?

This is so off-topic but you just made me home sick for my childhood. Haha. We were a military family and shopped at the commissary. So, going to Farm Fresh was always this major treat. I remember how beautiful I thought it was. I think I fell in love with cooking and the idea of food at Farm Fresh as a kid. Food Lion on the other hand always reminded me of a strip club, now that I''m older and I can make comparisons. It was always dimly lit, smelled suspect, and had some real characters working there. Is Food Lion still around? Haha
Hi ladies! I think I can safely join you now - I haven''t had an OB appointment yet (making one today), but I had blood work done last Friday and my HCG was at 109! (I honestly have no idea if that is good - I need to research!) I am barely in the first few weeks, probably only 3 or 4 weeks along, but yay!
Welcome MonkeyPie! Wishing you a sticky bean and happy healthy 40 weeks!
Congrats Monkey Pie! Welcome :)
China I missed your post last night when I skimmed through. I am so happy for you that your fluids went up and you don''t have to be induced! What a relief

Sabine In my hypnobirthing class last week my instructor was telling us how some women will start baking cookies/muffins/brownies etc. when they are in very early labor and then bring them to the hospital with a nice thank you note and their birth plan attached for all the nurses to enjoy. I thought it was a great idea!! I will prob. have to make muffins since my cookies *never* turn out, lol.
Natalina Aww, I hope a dose of newborn cuteness helped soothe your nerves :) The not knowing how everything is in there is stressful sometimes.

I am 17wks 5days, and have my next appointment with my Dr. this friday. He doesn''t know we already found out the gender, last time I was in I asked him if he thought 16wks was too early to find out and he said yes, in his opinion it wasn''t very accurate yet. Well, I don''t listen very well
, and now I don''t want to tell him that we already know, lol!!! DH is usually at every appointment, but can''t make it this time due to work, so I''ll have to ''fess up on my own
Welcome Monkey Pie!!

China: SO glad you don't have to be induced!!

Sabine: I wish you luck today!!

Sunkist, meant to mention before how much I love the name Graham. It's very classic and regal, but not uptight and stuffy- does that make sense? It's the cutest boy name, my nephew's middle is Graham. As for the pillows, I sleep with one propping my back up (I get heartburn regularly at night now), one between my knees and sometimes another one to snuggle up against. Luckily we have a Cal. King sized bed (for my Cal. King sized hubby) and I have enough room so far. I was curious about the movement, our girl seems to enjoy hanging out as low as possible, but maybe it's because I'm always sitting in my chair at work during the day. Still getting those pains?

Natalina: I totally agree with you- I read some sad things on the Bump and some horrific news story as well, and just wanted to crawl into a ball and just pretend everything is fine. We did the NT, we did the 20 week blood tests, but that was it. I haven't been back in the amnio thread because I freak the hell out. :) Last night I totally freaked out about the baby being okay (our supposed girl, who was conceived on o-date, who I thought was a boy like you) and still a girl. So I watched our 3D/4D ultrasound DVD last night watching extra closely at the nose and the neck and the mouth, the hands and yes, the little junk area.
We are pretty sure she's a girl, as we saw no testes and no appendages that appeared to possibly be penile. The doctor got many angles so we're pretty sure, but now... 100% isn't possible. Still, I'm not concerned about her having a greater risk, since I saw with my own eyes that everything was well formed. I think what bothers my "Need to Know NOW" personality is that we won't know ANYTHING until she's born. That kills me!! Anyway, I ramble, but wanted to say I'm farther behind in dates than you are, but I get ya.
Sabine- Your appt is tomorrow?????? Wow, so excited for you! Definitely think your Jackson will be here before mine. I think if I don''t have to get induced, my little guy will be late. Of course, who knows! See, I totally want to do those things- clean and bake, but am not allowed! Though my mom is going to come a few days early I think, so hopefully she can help do some of that stuff. You''re so close!!!!

Natalina- They measure your fluids during an u/s. So I guess there are "pockets" of fluid around the baby- there is a ton when the baby is little, but as the baby grows, naturally the fluid decreases b/c there is less room. So lower fluid levels are normal, but not below 5. So they measure the 4 pockets in the u/s and then come up with "number"- not sure how they arrive at the number though. And your fluid levels can change daily, if you''re dehydrated, etc. It''s not exact. Also- about freaking out about not doing further testing- I totally hear you and went through that. I always assumed I would do the amnio, esp since I am in my 30''s. But for some reason, I really found myself not wanting to do it, for various reasons. My dr''s POV was do the NT screen test first, and if the numbers come back questionable, then do the amnio. So that''s what I did, and the numbers were good. Then when I was way past the time to do the amnio, a friend ended up terminating her pregnancy b/c they did the amnio and found some terrible things. I freaked and panicked, and really questioned my decision. But at the end of the day, you have to just let it go and trust that all is ok. Which is hard, I know. I still have a twinge every once in awhile, but it''s just part of all of the worry that we go through. But you made the decision you did for a reason, so try to relax.

Cello- You crack me up, but I can totally "see" what you mean by your description. How are you feeling? Did you ever figure out what you could do for work?

MonkeyPie- Welcome, sending sticky dust your way.
Date: 7/28/2009 12:54:25 PM
Author: Mara
Speaking of names...I am sure some of you gals considering names have seen this...funny!!!

Give a weird name... up the chances of deliquency:

They were talking about this on my local radio station the other day! Who the heck would name their baby boy GARLAND? Really? It makes me think of Christmas and tinsel.
Welcome, MonkeyPie! Those first weeks are really exciting, and it just keeps on getting better ....
Congrats and Welcome Monkeypie!

Tao and Cello, I have to admit I''ve been alternating between Farm Fresh and Food Lion. I was disappointed the first few trips to both because neither seem to have everything I want that I was used to getting at the chain I went to in PA (Giant). Farm Fresh definitely looks nicer and has better fresh produce, but overall I''ve found them to be pretty similar in terms of quality and price for most things. We could shop at the Navy Exchange Commissary, but they are way far away for everyday grocery shopping.
monkeypie CONGRATS!!! wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!
Welcome Monkeypie!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!

Sabine, you made me crave cookies
Congrats, MonkeyPie!

I had my monthly appointment today and all went well. I am so excited we heard the heartbeat. It took forever for him to find it and I was going to request they do an ultrasound if they couldn''t since I''ve been having cramping on and off, but he finally found it and it was nice and strong! My blood pressure was good and I actually lost 2 lbs. this time (due to being so sick!). Anyway, just wanted to share the news. I hope everyone is doing well!
That''s great news Steph!!!!!!!

I went to the Dr today too...babies heart beats were good and that''s just always the best sound in the world

Tomorrow I go in for my 1-hr glucose test!!! Wish me luck!!!!!!
hi ladies-
i''m baaaaaccckkkk.... so so so sorry to do a general catch up. this thread has moved a bunch since i''ve been on vaycay.

welcome monkey pie!
hooray cc your levels went back up! what a huge relief. i hope you are able to enjoy your last few weeks at home before baby.
sabine! gah!!! keep us posted girl! i can''t believe you are going to be a mom this weekend!

howdy everyone else!

feeling decent. baby is moving a ton.... i danced my fair share at the reception this weekend... so much in fact, that my midwife/friend told me i needed to stop dancing and hydrate. i immediately got freaked out that i did something bad and went home early
- that''s OK, i did get to go back and pick up all of the drunkards - so i felt like i did a good deed

the middle of my back has been KILLING me - a heating pad has been working at night, but flying was very uncomfortable. is this sciatica? oh, and the heartburn has been fun

but if that''s all i have to complain about then i''m a-ok :)

will catch up more this week.
good night ladies.
Date: 7/28/2009 4:20:45 PM
Author: Mandarine
That''s great news Steph!!!!!!!

I went to the Dr today too...babies heart beats were good and that''s just always the best sound in the world

Tomorrow I go in for my 1-hr glucose test!!! Wish me luck!!!!!!
Yea for hearing the heartbeat today too! Good luck tomorrow. Hope everything comes out okay!
Check out Harris teeter---they are more expensive but they seem to have more of a selection also.

The commissary is huge and definitely has a bigger selection (my Dad is retired Navy--so my parents still shop there).
Yay for the heartbeat, Steph! But boo to the weight-loss - how far along are you? I''ve still got morning sickness in spades at 16 weeks, and I''m basically just adjusting to a very restricted diet and trying to pack on a few pounds. I have discovered that egg white omelets are my friends ....

Mandarine, GOOD LUCK on the glucose test - those things sound so unpleasant! I hope your drink is (tolerably) sweet and your hour passes quickly.

And Vizsla, sorry about the back pain! My suggestions would be the things you are already trying, so all I can say is that I hope that this, too, shall pass ....
Date: 7/28/2009 5:14:32 PM
Author: Circe
Yay for the heartbeat, Steph! But boo to the weight-loss - how far along are you? I've still got morning sickness in spades at 16 weeks, and I'm basically just adjusting to a very restricted diet and trying to pack on a few pounds. I have discovered that egg white omelets are my friends ....

Mandarine, GOOD LUCK on the glucose test - those things sound so unpleasant! I hope your drink is (tolerably) sweet and your hour passes quickly.

And Vizsla, sorry about the back pain! My suggestions would be the things you are already trying, so all I can say is that I hope that this, too, shall pass ....
Hey, Circe. I am 13 weeks today and still feeling sickness off and on as well. Aren't we supposed to be past that point by now? I wasn't nearly this sick with my son. Anyway, the doc wasn't concerned that I lost the 2 pounds b/c I actually gained 8 pounds right off the bat! I have no idea how since I was so sick, but I did the exact same thing with my son. My body just packs it on right away, then it slows down (thank goodness!!). Are you finding out the sex of your baby? I can't wait to find out to start planning! But Tao's story makes me nervous about starting the room too soon!