
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 7/19/2009 1:39:21 PM
Author: orbaya

I'm 14 weeks pregnant with our first, and due in January so I wanted to pop in and say hello! I don't see myself going back and reading all 698 pages. LOL! I might go back and skim some though!
YAY!!! orbaya, that is soooo exciting, congrats... You may not know this, but you were the first to respond to me on PS. YUP almost 5 years ago. I asked a silly question, you answered and made me feel welcome. I have always wanted to tell you that, and now I can!!

How are you feeling?? I bet you are soooo excited.

Please ask away, your questions will be answered for sure. This group is amazing.

Nan and I were saying that we love this thread, we love seeing all the support that people give to one another, and how back in the day, we wished we had something like this.


Aug 16, 2007
Welcome Orbaya! Congrats! You definitely don''t need to go back and read the moves pretty fast, so I know I have trouble even remembering what was said on the last page, let alone before! Are you going to find out what you''re having?

Natalia, I think Calleigh spelled like that can stand on it''s own. Callie looks like more of a nickname. A nickname for Avery could be Ava. The crib mattress was something that I was told you really don''t need to splurge on unless you want to go organic, and even then, you can still find decent ones for barely over $100. Just make sure it is firm. If you are looking at them in person, you should put a hand on both sides, and not be able to make your hands come close to touching when you push.

Fisher, funny you didn''t know about pronouncing Calliope. In my head, i know how to pronounce it, but I always want to pronounce it Cal E(long E, not eye) Long O, pee.

Sweet Pea, yay for team BLUE!

Ebree, I''d love to see your nursery! I''m almost ready to show ours, but I mis-measured and only bought one valance, and we actually need to for our one window. I also want to get curtains to go under the valances, but haven''t gotten those yet either.

qt, still sending positive vibes your way. Yes, if I do happen to make progress, we can talk induction rather than c/s (as long as he hasn''t gotten TOO much bigger at the u/s, but I''m expecting him to be about a lb bigger, which would be 8 lb 5 oz., which I don''t think is too big at all. But unfortunately, I can still feel his head at the bottom of my bump, so it is not engaged yet, which is what the dr. is really concerned with. HE said medicine can make me dilate/thin out, but if he doesn''t move down, he''s not going to come out.

Steph, I''m bad and eat lunchmeat. I''m not one to be overly cautious with stuff like that though. When I was still working I would bring a salad to school almost every day with a hard boiled egg, plus an apple with peanut butter or other snacks like that. I would also eat baked potatoes or leftovers before I had to start the GD diet.

China, congrats on being term!!!! I totally feel you on the power being out and being stuck at home alone! Hopefully it was never out for too long. Does your dh get back today?

I''ve definitely been walking every day (almost 2 miles on the treadmill and then walking my dog throughout the day) and rocking on my exercise ball. Doesn''t seem to be helping =(. I''ve been having tons of braxton hicks, but absolutely no other labor signs. Dh and I went to the aquarium yesterday as one of our last fun "outings" and walking around there definitely kicked my butt and I didn''t want to move the rest of the evening. Hope everyone else had a good weekend! Anyone do anything fun?


Aug 23, 2005
hello ladies! thanks for the ''belly support''... it is soooo amazing how each one of us carries differently... we are all made up of the same parts!

fisher - thanks for the peony update!

steph - healthy choice has a few ''all natural'' entrees which i loved b/f getting PG - after which, everything ''good'' immediately made me want to barf. however, they were the best tasting of the ''cheapie'' frozen meals that i found. for lunch i typically have a PBJ, yogurt, soup and a carb (pretzels, sun chips etc.) then i make sure to pack some fruit and string cheese for a snack around 4:00. lunch has become pretty lame-o for me b/c lots of things just don''t sound good. however, when i''m really feeling saucy i''ll go to the cafe here at work and get a giant salad.... and then i feel like a superstar for eating my veggies :)

nat - i luuuvv the name emmerson (emme) love love love!

sabine - does that mean they are scheduling you next week?!?!!? eeeaaaakkkkk!!!!!

cc - i know of only 1 friend who named their son oliver. however, i can see it gaining in popularity... but maybe over the next 5-7 years and not right away - i don''t think it will ever hit jacob status. a name that i like that sounds similar to oliver (at least *i* consider them in the same ''family'') is simon. i have a soft spot for that name... and spencer. and full term!?!? whooo hooooo!!

our top contenders right now are wesley joseph, charley joseph, ethan ''roadway'', and mitchell joseph (DH really likes mitch -- it reminds me of ''old school'' or that line from caddyshack, but i can''t veto since this is one of the only names DH has suggested).

aside from that we got our kelty kids infant carrier last week (rei had a great deal AND 20% off!) i made DH try it on and walk around the house with it... it was pretty cute.

nursery is at a standstill... and will be for some time since we leave for a wedding/vacation tomorrow!!! whoo hoo! i''m sooooo ready for some sun and relaxation.


Mar 22, 2008
Sabine--I got married at the Virginia aquarium! They have a little deck right off of the main building that sits on Owl Creek--that''s where I got married. Originally we were going to rent out the entire main building (everything but the Imax)...I''m grateful we didn''t though--because the construction wasn''t done yet.

My husband finally felt the baby move from the outside the other day. Normally she stops moving as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach---but she finally did it just once for him. It was super exciting!


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks for all the lunch suggestions, girls. I will try some of the natural frozen lunches. Also, the thought of salad for the past 3 months has made me sick, but suddenly it sounds good again, so I think I will go get all the ingredients for some big salads. I am 12 weeks tomorrow, woohoo!!!! That is certainly a milestone for me and it is a relief to finally get to that magic mark. I go back to the doc at 13 weeks and can''t wait to hear the heartbeat....I think I will be very anxious until that point even though I keep feeling flutters when I am really still laying in bed at night. Hope everyone has a great Monday!


Oct 18, 2005
Sorry for this whiney, self-centered post, but I feel like such a bad mommy... I was sick twice this morning and the sick feeling just can''t seem to go away. I''m so tired of being sick. I''m really hungry, but I don''t know what to eat because it feels like nothing will stay down. I wanted to run errands today, but I''m worried that if I go out I''ll be sick on the street!

While I''m at it, am I the only one who hates the attention we get? I''m an introvert and not really the type to talk to random people at the supermarket, and when strangers start gushing/staring/asking me when I''m due, it just freaks me out. Women have babies all the time, so it''s not like I''m some supernatural phenomenon... I just don''t get it. And then my MIL (whom I dislike) goes gaga every time she sees me and starts touching me without asking. I''m pretty defensive when it comes to people touching me, my neck and tummy are particularly sensitive areas that I don''t even let people I''m close to touch (except DH, if he doesn''t sneak up on me), so if people I don''t know or dislike do it, I can get pretty nasty. And then she gets all huffy because I ''won''t let her touch the baby'' (um, it''s my tummy you''re touching, not the baby), ''she''s not doing anything wrong'' and ''I should get used to it''. Some people have no sense of personal boundaries. If I say don''t touch, it means DON''T TOUCH.

I just want my baby already so this can all be over...


Nov 20, 2006
anchor i'm sorry you're having it rough. hopefully it will get better for you soon. as for people touching your belly, it happens, and the first thing i usually do when it happens to me unexpectedly is take a HUGE step back and just look at the person like WTF? and i got a bunch of these tanks, when i was preggo with my first, that all say "don't touch my belly!!" and i used to wear it all the time around MIL cause she had a really bad habit or rubbing my belly and thinking it was funny. she used to think the tanks were funny until one day i i just told her, it says DO NOT TOUCH MY BELLY!

steph YAY for 12 weeks!!

orbaya CONGRATS!!! you guys must be so excited!!!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 7/20/2009 8:04:11 AM
Author: Sabine
I''ve definitely been walking every day (almost 2 miles on the treadmill and then walking my dog throughout the day) and rocking on my exercise ball. Doesn''t seem to be helping =(. I''ve been having tons of braxton hicks, but absolutely no other labor signs.

Wow. Did this bring back memories for me. Hang in there Sabine. Hopefully your baby engages. I''m sending you tons of good labour vibes.

Hi to all the other preggie mommies!


Aug 17, 2007
Orbaya- Congrats and welcome! Just jump right in, this board has a wealth of info, but the same stuff gets discussed since in the nature of it all, people move on and new people begin their journey. How are you feeling?

Natalina/Fisher- I don''t really mind Callie as a name itself, though I do think of it as nn, but only b/c I knew a Callie growing up. Hers was short for "Calista"= which supposedly means "most beautiful"- at least that''s what she always told me! These days, you can do whatever you want. I do like "Calleigh". But I''m sure there are other names out there that could be condensed to Callie- even Caroline if you think about it.

Sabine- You can totally birth an 8 lb 5 oz!!!! Assuming he moves down, that is. My BFF just vaginally birthed an 8 lb 9 oz boy, and she is a tiny person. But either way, you''re going to have your sweet baby boy soon, no matter how he gets here. My DH got back yesterday at 8 am, poor guy took the first flight out at 6:15 am. He was exhausted, but so sweet of him, he was so worried something would happen. Of course nothing did! Electricity came back on, so all was fine. Can you believe we are the wise old preggos on the thread? I am being sarcastic of course, I don''t feel wise, but I always felt like those at the end knew what was up and seemed to have it so together. Can''t believe it''s just you and me now (for regular posters). Want to see your nursery when it''s finished!

Vizla- Yes, the Oliver popularity thing is strange. I know it''s rising, and it seems like those kind of names- Oliver, Henry, Theodore- are getting popular again, but I don''t necessarily hear them everywhere like I do with Aiden and Hudson and such. Tough call. And you just can''t predict/control it, so I need to stop worrying about it. Btw, I watched The Princess Bride Saturday and thought of your Wesley!

Steph- Congrats on hitting 12 weeks! Such a relief. Hope your appt goes well- next week?

Anchor- Aww, vent away. We''ve all had our grumpy pants on at some point during this ride. I haven''t been as annoyed as I thought I would be by people commenting- I generally don''t like people looking at me. But for me at least, it took so long for people to comment that I was very used to being preggo by then. In the beginning it would have freaked me out. I would be so annoyed by your MIL- not only for touching you, but for trying to dismiss your feelings when you clearly and directly stated them. Ugh.
Maybe tell her that you feel sick and the last time someone touched your belly you got sick on them. Maybe that''ll keep her away.
How far along are you? I remember a point in my early days- either around 10 weeks or 11 weeks where I was just so miserable. I felt like crap and it never ended, I didn''t feel like myself at all, felt boring and exhausted and nothing interested me- not food, not going out, not friends. It was all I could do to just go to work and come home and lay on the couch. But then I suddenly started feeling better, and it made such a difference. I realized I was a bit depressed, which I think is normal. Your whole world has changed, including your identity, your body, everything, and it takes awhile to adjust. That being said, some people just hate being pregnant and are miserable their whole pregnancies, and then are fabulous parents. I don''t think it means anything to dislike your body being taken over by an alien life force! It doesn''t make you a bad person at all. Just try to get through it the best you can. Hope you stop feeling sick, at least, it makes a huge difference. Hang in there.

Not much going on here. Not feeling great today, but think just general exhaustion at this point. Feel a bit nauseous every now and again lately- anyone else start feeling sick again the last few weeks? Not as bad as in the first tri, but just a tinge. Maybe I''m just too hot all the time.


Nov 18, 2004
Like others have said, you can totally birth a 8.5 lb baby.
My mom is small (under 5'') and she gave birth to my baby brother who was almost 9 lb.
My cousin (who is 4''9") gave birth to an almost 10lb baby.


for the hitting that milestone.
How are you feeling? I may have missed it, but have you told your son yet?

Great u/s.
Bummer that you have to wait 2 weeks for the results.
I''m sure it''s nothing.
I thought those NT screening was mandatory a couple of years ago?
I remember my doctor giving me a pamphlet about it.


Feb 12, 2006
Awww Anchor. I''m sorry hon. It''s so annoying. This woman touched my belly at the doctors office, so I rubbed hers back. She was so embarassed and taken aback. I told her I thought we were playing some game I was unfamiliar with like "Touch the complete and utter stranger." Pretty snappy of me, but it really annoyed me that she touched me in the first place.


Aug 23, 2005
i was just briefly checking in but HAD to laugh at your post.... tee hee

anchor - i like to wear flowy tops anytime i see MIL to keep her paws off my belly. and when that doesn''t work i have DH run pass interference... and i always make sure to stand behind something or, better yet, have the dog. anyhoo, i emphasize with you girlie! it''s soooo annoying! and agreed... people staring at me is soooo weird ... however, i *know* i stare a PG women too... guess it''s paybacks.

orbaya - doy! so sorry i didn''t say congrats earlier!! congrats
and welcome!

cc - tee hee... just to tick DH off i like to say wesley like princess buttercup "oh, my darling WESly." re: oliver... really truly i only know of 1 oliver... and i big puffy heart it! classic but not overly trendy. what''s interesting is that my name has been on the top 20 for 10 years. it''s classic and not overly trendy with a ton of nn... but i know exactly no one who has ever named their baby my name.. weird.


Aug 23, 2005
oh... fyi... target is having big markdowns on dwell for target clothing, blankets etc.

i got some of the CUTEST onsies last night... one of which will probably the ''go home'' outfit... **swoon**


Oct 18, 2005
puffy, ChinaCat, cello and visla - Thank you very much for your replies, I needed the laugh. I''ll definitely take your advice on the belly-touching thing and I NEED on of those "don''t touch my belly" shirts! I''m going on 17 weeks, been having m/s for almost 10 weeks now... I just want it to STOP.


Nov 2, 2004
Date: 7/20/2009 1:15:37 AM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 7/19/2009 1:39:21 PM

Author: orbaya


I''m 14 weeks pregnant with our first, and due in January so I wanted to pop in and say hello! I don''t see myself going back and reading all 698 pages. LOL! I might go back and skim some though!
YAY!!! orbaya, that is soooo exciting, congrats... You may not know this, but you were the first to respond to me on PS. YUP almost 5 years ago. I asked a silly question, you answered and made me feel welcome. I have always wanted to tell you that, and now I can!!

How are you feeling?? I bet you are soooo excited.

Please ask away, your questions will be answered for sure. This group is amazing.

Nan and I were saying that we love this thread, we love seeing all the support that people give to one another, and how back in the day, we wished we had something like this.

I was the first one to respond to you? That''s cool and I''m surprised you remember. I''m sure what I had to say was quite profound!

I''m feeling pretty good. Still have some sickness and I hope it goes away very soon! We will find out what we''re having on August 21st...seems soooo far away!

It''s neat because my sister is pregnant to and is due less than 2 months before me, so our parents are just beside themselves!


Nov 14, 2004
Yeah according to my dr., you can still opt out of NT scan if you choose. I am not 100% sure of the details.
Yay for being full term. You''ll be holding your baby boy soon.
I don''t know any Oliver IRL. So even if it''s on the rise of popularity, it''s still not as common as Aiden or other popular names.
That''s really sweet of your DH to take the first flight home.
I started getting fatigue again toward the end of the pregnancy, so I think it''s normal. Just try to relax and rest.

No recommendations for crib mattress b/c I forgot which one we got. We are still deciding if we should get another crib or a toddler bed. M''s crib is convertible, so we could get a simple crib for baby #2.
Yay for no swollen ankle/feet.

Congrats and welcome. No need to go back 698 pages b/c there''s been many waves of mommies since the start of the thread.
How was your first trimester?

That makes sense. I hope your boy gets in position, so you can go the induction route. Fingers crossed for you.

Have a good relaxing vacation.
I like Wesley Joseph, but maybe I am biased since that''s our nephew name (Wesley).
I also made DH try on the infant carrier when we first got it. It''s the cutest thing to see the DH''s wearing the carriers with or without babies.

Yay for DH feeling your baby girl kicks. It''s such a special moment.

Yay for reaching 12 weeks and getting to hear the hearbeats next week. I love hearing the heartbeats.

Sorry you are not feeling well, and all the attentions are getting to you. No strangers ever tried to touch my belly last pregnancy. Only a handful of friends and co-workers asked if they can touch the belly, so I was ok with it. Maybe you can try to find those tanks puffy is talking about, and hope people get the hint.

How are you?

That''s hilarious what you did. Go mama.


Dec 9, 2008
Cello- you are hilarious! How I wish I had the guts to do that! That is seriously fantastic!

Anchor- I hear ya on the unwanted attention. Although, I think I give off pretty strong "mind your own business" vibes because I don''t have many strangers say anything to me. However, I am tired of the pregnancy being the only thing anyone I know EVER wants to talk about. The "how are you feeling"s are getting really old. I just try to remind myself that they mean well. Thanks for the update on Peony, I was worried.

Vizsla- have a great vacation!!! Thanks for the vote on Emerson!

Orbaya- welcome, welcome! Hope your morning sickness clears up soon!

CC and Sabine- thinking of you guys as your little ones'' due dates loom closer!!!!

So, I have narrowed down *my* favorites list for names (at least they are my favorites this week
). I say *my* favorites because DH is not necessarily on board with all of them, but he seems to waver even more than I do. So, any votes? Here''s the list, in no particular order:

Emerson Lake B_____ (rhymes with Connor)
Tessa Lake B______
Avery Lake B______
Ellison Lake B______

I''m pretty set on Lake as the middle name, and DH really likes it too. I would LOVE any feedback, other suggestions, etc. So for those of you that remember my post about having pelvic pain between my legs...ugh, last night it was SO bad. I woke up at 2am because it was hurting so much and finally got in the bath tub at about 4am because I just couldn''t figure out anything else to do. It was radiating down into my thighs. Is anyone else experiencing this? It''s like the bottom of my pelvis (right where the baby will come through) is slowly breaking apart. Is this just the ligaments? I go to the doc Weds and will ask her about it, but I was hoping someone here might have advice. My mom thinks I should try one of those pregnancy girdle thingies to help hold the belly up, but it doesn''t feel to me like it''s pressure from the baby. Maybe I''m going to end up with the hugest hips in the world
. And I really haven''t gained much weight. As the baby grows, I am slimming down elsewhere a bit (thank goodness, still have plenty to lose). Anyhoo, if anyone has advice, I would love to hear it!

Hope all you other mamas-to-be are feeling good!


Nov 15, 2005
Orbaya congrats and welcome!

Anchor I''m so sorry you''re still feeling so sick. I hope it goes away for you soon! My just sort of faded away, and one day just recently I noticed that I hadn''t felt sick lately. So I hope it disappears for you too.

Natalina I haven''t felt any pain down there yet, but you are a couple weeks ahead of me. I finally did feel round ligament pain the other day . It came on while I was exercising. It took me a while to realize what it was, but i remembered, ohhhh round ligament pain! Did the warm bath help your pain go away??

Ok, here''s my hormonal pregnancy rant of the day. I''m 22w2d and I don''t think I''ve had a rant yet, so I''m entitled to post one, right???

I have a question about husbands. Do your husbands pay attention to your growing belly/ changing body? My DH never voluntarily touches my belly and I sorta wish he would. I guess I just think about it all day and feel the baby moving and see it bumping around, so it''s always on my mind. But it seems like he doesn''t think about it much. When the baby is moving when DH is next to me I ask him to feel it moving and he does. I just kind of wish he would pay the baby/ my belly more attention voluntarily. Now, there is the fact that we don''t get that much time together because summer is his incredibly busy season for work. He doesn''t come home until like 10:30pm, so we don''t have a lot of time together. Now he does pay more attention to my chest that has filled out a bit and it''s "huge" to him
But I want to feel like he''s making a connection to the baby as well. I guess for some guys that really doesn''t happen until the baby is born and even then not until the baby really starts to interact with people. So I''m not bugging him to feel something he''s not feeling yet. I''m just venting to you guys.

Anyone else have this experience with your hubby too?


Apr 2, 2006
Date: 7/20/2009 10:38:21 PM
Author: natalina

So, I have narrowed down *my* favorites list for names (at least they are my favorites this week
). I say *my* favorites because DH is not necessarily on board with all of them, but he seems to waver even more than I do. So, any votes? Here''s the list, in no particular order:

Emerson Lake B_____ (rhymes with Connor)

Tessa Lake B______

Avery Lake B______

Ellison Lake B______

I''m pretty set on Lake as the middle name, and DH really likes it too. I would LOVE any feedback, other suggestions, etc.

OK... totally showing my age here and apropos of nothing:

Emerson Lake B_____ (rhymes with Connor) brings to mind Emerson Lake and Palmer, a 70''s soft rock group.



Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/20/2009 11:29:07 PM
Author: sunkist

Ok, here''s my hormonal pregnancy rant of the day. I''m 22w2d and I don''t think I''ve had a rant yet, so I''m entitled to post one, right???

I have a question about husbands. Do your husbands pay attention to your growing belly/ changing body? My DH never voluntarily touches my belly and I sorta wish he would. I guess I just think about it all day and feel the baby moving and see it bumping around, so it''s always on my mind. But it seems like he doesn''t think about it much. When the baby is moving when DH is next to me I ask him to feel it moving and he does. I just kind of wish he would pay the baby/ my belly more attention voluntarily. Now, there is the fact that we don''t get that much time together because summer is his incredibly busy season for work. He doesn''t come home until like 10:30pm, so we don''t have a lot of time together. Now he does pay more attention to my chest that has filled out a bit and it''s ''huge'' to him
But I want to feel like he''s making a connection to the baby as well. I guess for some guys that really doesn''t happen until the baby is born and even then not until the baby really starts to interact with people. So I''m not bugging him to feel something he''s not feeling yet. I''m just venting to you guys.

Anyone else have this experience with your hubby too?
Yup. TGuy was curious to see it move in the belly the first time, but I think it wigged him out. I would ask from time to time if he wanted to feel the baby and he''s nicely say "No, you''re alright." I secretly feared that I had a terrible father in the making.

When Amelia was born, he was helpful, but not doting. He wasn''t into kissing her or hugging her. He honestly told me she was a blob and it would take awhile for him to bond with her. This was around 1.5-2 months old, I think. I understood that and just encouraged him by saying it was normal to not feel bonded with the baby yet. I think he hugely appreciated that because I could see that it was a bit perturbing for him to admit it.

I would say somewhere in the 3-6 month range it clicked. Post 6 months, he couldn''t stop himself from smooching her all the time. I''m glad I gave him one wants to be told when they should feel something. I knew Amelia would draw him in sooner or later because I married a good guy. He is crazy about her now. Daddies love their little girls!!


Apr 28, 2008
Date: 7/20/2009 3:01:23 PM
Author: cellososweet
Awww Anchor. I'm sorry hon. It's so annoying. This woman touched my belly at the doctors office, so I rubbed hers back. She was so embarassed and taken aback. I told her I thought we were playing some game I was unfamiliar with like 'Touch the complete and utter stranger.' Pretty snappy of me, but it really annoyed me that she touched me in the first place.
Granted I'm a non preggo, but I'm sorry I think that's kind of mean.
Most belly rubbers mean well, they just don't know any better unfortunately. She was just excited for you and for your baby! I totally understand it's annoying, and I wouldn't like it either but that woman probably felt sooo awful when she just was happy for you and for the little one you're carrying.
Anyway, just hang in there!


Nov 15, 2005
Thanks, TG
It really helps to hear your experience too. And I bet Amelia loves her daddy too!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 7/20/2009 11:29:07 PM
Author: sunkist

Ok, here''s my hormonal pregnancy rant of the day. I''m 22w2d and I don''t think I''ve had a rant yet, so I''m entitled to post one, right???

I have a question about husbands. Do your husbands pay attention to your growing belly/ changing body? My DH never voluntarily touches my belly and I sorta wish he would. I guess I just think about it all day and feel the baby moving and see it bumping around, so it''s always on my mind. But it seems like he doesn''t think about it much. When the baby is moving when DH is next to me I ask him to feel it moving and he does. I just kind of wish he would pay the baby/ my belly more attention voluntarily. Now, there is the fact that we don''t get that much time together because summer is his incredibly busy season for work. He doesn''t come home until like 10:30pm, so we don''t have a lot of time together. Now he does pay more attention to my chest that has filled out a bit and it''s ''huge'' to him
But I want to feel like he''s making a connection to the baby as well. I guess for some guys that really doesn''t happen until the baby is born and even then not until the baby really starts to interact with people. So I''m not bugging him to feel something he''s not feeling yet. I''m just venting to you guys.

Anyone else have this experience with your hubby too?
DH was actually talking about this the other day with a male friend of his, and how he just didn''t really feel a connection to the alien in my belly, but when he saw Daisy it was love at first sight.

He was intrigued the first few times when he could feel kicks, but after that he was very meh about it. He also only came to scan appointments at the hospital with me - I went to all the other appointments on my own, and was completely useless during the birth (slept and played online poker on his laptop
) which I totally expected.

He only ever touched my belly when we met other people and then he would introduce ''my daughter'', otherwise not at all.

However he is great with her now - although don''t expect too much until they become a bit interactive, the first few weeks he wouldn''t play with her properly because the response wasn''t exactly rewarding. Now that he gets big smiles and gurglings it''s a different story...


Aug 23, 2005
orbaya... is your name from the bikes? orbea? just curious b/c that is the road bike my DH rides... actually i''m impressed he was able to knock me up with all of the bicycle riding he does

sunkist - i get ya girl... when the babe actually started ''moving moving'' i just took DH''s hand and put it on my belly. not giving him an option has helped him come around more than i thought he would. i quiz him each week on ''how pg i am''... and i make a point to ask him his schedule so he is able to go to apts. with me, and i talk about what is going on all the time. while he rarely asks, touches, talks about things on his own... he def. has become more involved thru my persuasion. sometimes he''ll put his head to my belly and yell "hey baby.. stop kicking your mom" or something like that. while it''s not the cutest or most adorable thing... i''ll take what i can get. i know once he arrives things will be different.. and i have to imagine that it''s hard to feel *so* connected to something when it''s more of an ''idea'' than reality at this point.

nat - gah! i never thought of emmerson, lake and palmer... however, emmerson is my first choice :) followed by ellison... cuz i just think ellie is the cutest! do you like audry or ivy? i tried to convince DH last night that penny was a good name if we were having a girl... he didn''t bite... i also luuuvvv charlotte (charley for a nn).


Mar 22, 2008
Hmm, my husband must be weird! He''s been to every single appointment---I normally go in first by myself and then send for him---one meeting with the doctor was so quick that I didn''t have time to send for him and he was upset! He''s always touching my stomach and kissing it, etc. He even started our registry without me there because he got so excited.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 7/20/2009 3:01:23 PM
Author: cellososweet
Awww Anchor. I''m sorry hon. It''s so annoying. This woman touched my belly at the doctors office, so I rubbed hers back. She was so embarassed and taken aback. I told her I thought we were playing some game I was unfamiliar with like ''Touch the complete and utter stranger.'' Pretty snappy of me, but it really annoyed me that she touched me in the first place.
I need a ROFL smilie here! I love that you did this! I have never understood why pregnant women''s bellies seem to become public property for anyone to rub. Yuck.

I work with mostly men and I have already put out the warning that anyone that touches my belly should be prepared to pull back a bloody stump.

Orbaya, Congrats! I''m 14 weeks tomorrow so we''re due about the same time (and so is qtiekiki).

Anchor, I hope the m/s subsides soon. I''m still having it every so often and it''s lasted longer this time than with other pregnancies. It''s horrible to still feel poorly at this point when everyone else seems to be feeling great.


Nov 8, 2005
Sunkist, SO was like that when I was pregnant with our 2 year old son and he''s still kind of like that. I don''t expect him to be all lovey-dovey with my belly even when I get bigger and the baby''s moving all around because it seems like he just doesn''t connect like that. He and our son are super close, so I can assure you that your DH''s hands off approach right now can''t predict how he''ll be with the baby. SO was absolutely and completely in love with our son the moment he was born.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/21/2009 9:49:48 AM
Author: taovandel
Hmm, my husband must be weird! He''s been to every single appointment---I normally go in first by myself and then send for him---one meeting with the doctor was so quick that I didn''t have time to send for him and he was upset! He''s always touching my stomach and kissing it, etc. He even started our registry without me there because he got so excited.
My husband was like this too Tao, he was pretty involved in everything and still is.

But when I was pregnant he wasn''t particularly obsessed with my belly, I think he was just more into me? He liked when I was pregnant quite a bit. But he wasn''t always stroking my belly or trying to feel movement. I think he felt the baby move once or twice the whole time
I think it is normal for them not to really be into the whole fetus thing
since it is so abstract to them. Heck, it was abstract to me! LOL!


Oct 19, 2005
Hello everyone!

Welcome Orbaya! Can't wait to hear more and see your gorgeous AV all the time!

Anchor, sorry you're still feeling terrible. I'm with Sunkist as my m/s just kind of faded away, but it DEFINITELY was worse in weeks 13/14 (I actually lost weight then) then suddenly wasn't as terrible.

Sabine: I'm hoping your little guy settles further down so you can have the birth you want!

Natalina: I love Avery Lake, it just sounds so melodious and beautiful to me. I understand your need for a nickname, too, though. That's the only reason our daughter is Piper Jane (other than the fact that we loved the meter of it). Piper was a name we loooooved, but non-nicknameable. So we'll call her PJ! You could always do "Avie" like Evie,just with an "Ay" sound to it. Sorry about the pelvic pain!

Sunkist- hi almost-date-twin!

I hope I didn't forget anyone! I'm 22w2d and this baby is wild. She's kicking all the time now! It's funny, and now I get the bladder kicks which is less funny. Nothing like the feel of almost peeing yourself to make you wake up a bit! Last night I had the WORST heartburn. I tossed and turned all night (the super high heat did NOT help), each time just got waves of it. SO uncomfortable. As long as I stayed still, I had no problems, but turning onto my side would kill me.

Re: Belly touching. I actually don't mind it at all! I'm probably totally the oddball here, as I know when I was TTC and whatever that I was just so obsessed with bellies. I love them, love looking at them, love touching them! So I can understand others wanting to do the same. Especially my MIL/ILs (and the nieces and nephews) who just want to be close to the newest member of our family- the last kids being born over six years ago! The kids don't understand the concept of there being a child to be in there and just want to touch it. In fact, at a party this weekend, a friend who is TTC seriously sat and cradled my belly, asking me to share some of my preggo dust with her. I felt bad for her, as I totally remember that feeling, so I just let her sit there and talk to PJ and feel her kick.

Which brings me to DH and my belly! He's been so engrossed in the pregnancy, reading all the books, telling me what they say about this time in the pregnancy. He goes to all appointments, and comes back with me every time (he does go straight to the room while I pee in my cup). It's actually helpful as I tend to get overwhelmed with details and forget things, so it's good to have him there to tell me the cm/mm of this or that, or what the doc said when I asked about a glass of iced tea. He also spends a majority of our time together with his hand on my belly, talking to the baby, chasing her around my stomach trying to make her kick him (which she does- she does NOT enjoy getting moved around). When we get into bed, his hand is directly on my stomach, saying goodnight to the baby (who I don't think knows it's night time). First thing in the morning, he rubs my belly. I think it's his way of feeling connected to the process.

How is it possible to have eaten 14 hours ago, and I still have HEARTBURN!

ETA: Any ideas on maternity bathing suits?


Nov 15, 2005
Oh you guys are making me feel so much better! Thank you pandora, Viz, Tao, Rockpaper, DD, and Amber! Viz, that is so funny that hubby shouts at baby to stop kicking, and you take what you can get
heehee! guys can be so suave, eh?

And Tao, DD and Amber, it''s great to know that your hubbies are involved and interested. I love hearing that too, I think it''s so cute!

I love my hubby so much and I think he will be a great dad eventually. He''s going to grow into it, like you guys say though. He doeosn''t hold other people''s babies now though, he''s just not interested. But he always says when it''s his kid, it will be different. I understand that. Awww, it''s just these pregnancy hormones that I think are going crazy.

Thanks again!
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