
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Dec 16, 2007
Pheonix Period like cramps equals early labour! Gonna be within the week I bet! That''s what happened for me, it usually accompanies effacement.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 10/3/2009 4:05:16 PM
Author: meresal
RE: Furniture... does anyone have opinions of the Restoration Harware (or any other brand) of cribs that change into a toddler conversion bed, and then into a Full as your child grows?

They look very cost efficient. Am I missing something? They run like $980 in the beginning, but it seems like they will last for a very long time. Anyone looked at these?
Meresal, I wouldn't spend that much on any sort of children's furniture, simply because I don't think its necessary, but I mentioned in my post above that our plan is to purchase a convertible crib. My nephew has one, my parents paid about $350 for it and at 4 years old he's still using it and it's been a great purchase for them. Our local furniture store had one on sale on TV the other day for $200. Check out for some options, they are much less expensive, same concept.

Littlelysser, it's worth a lot to hear another positive story, thanks for sharing.


Mar 22, 2008
As I get closer to delivering (I''m 34 weeks and 2 days) the more I stop visiting the newborn thread!
It starts to freak me out because in my head I like to pretend like I''m going to have a perfect baby who breastfeds without tearing my nipple apart and who sleeps all night long--and reading the thread interrupts my fantasies! So I like to hear the good stories (with a tiny bit of bad thrown in) thank you for telling us how Calvin is doing!

My baby shower is tomorrow! And there is more drama from the sister that I''m hoping won''t rise up tomorrow and ruin the day (I won''t even bring it up here because I don''t want it to trickle to the shower tomorrow....If I don''t mention it--it won''t happen, right?)...I''m going to remain calm and happy and I''m just so excited that my bestest was the one who planned everything!

I''ve noticed that lately, I get super crabby if I don''t eat often enough. I had breakfast this morning at around 10:30 and by 1:30 I was ready to rip people''s faces off at work! Everyone at work thought it was funny--but I was seriously getting sooooo mean!

Anyways, loving all the belly pictures---I should be posting my nursery pictures tonight if my husband will help!


Jan 20, 2006
ha! Feet! what are those?...I miss ''em!

Exhausted but had a great day

Woke up at 7am and headed to the mom of multiples garage sale to say hello to the ladies. Then headed over to Starbucks for my daily dose of decaf non-fat 2-pump pumpkin spiced latte
and nursed it while getting a pedicure next door

Then I came home, took a 20 minute power nap and got ready for my maternity photo shoot!. I wasn''t sure I wanted to do one, but I had SO MUCH FUN!!!!. We set-up the living as a studio and spent 4 hours taking pictures!. I can''t wait to see how they turn out!. I actually felt "beautiful", not in a "pregnant beautiful kind of way, but just beautiful period. -- which is not exactly how I have felt in the last few months it was fun!. Definitely recommend it if you guys are considering it!. The hubster and doggie made the shoot, of course

So that was my day!. Now getting erady to grill some steaks with the hubs and spend some quality time in the couch!


Dec 9, 2008
Well, guys, I think I may be heading to the hospital tonight. Been having contractions since this afternoon, and they are now about 5 minutes apart and lasting at least a minute each. Yikes. I am freaked out! Going to stay home as long as possible, DH is already showered and ready to cute...Also, (TMI ALERT) snotty-like discharge with some pink/brown in it, but no mucous plug yet...Think this is a false alarm? Oh, and yes- I baked cookies this afternoon

Be back later to update if I''m still around....


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 10/3/2009 8:00:35 PM
Author: Mandarine
ha! Feet! what are those?...I miss ''em!

Exhausted but had a great day

Woke up at 7am and headed to the mom of multiples garage sale to say hello to the ladies. Then headed over to Starbucks for my daily dose of decaf non-fat 2-pump pumpkin spiced latte
and nursed it while getting a pedicure next door

Then I came home, took a 20 minute power nap and got ready for my maternity photo shoot!. I wasn''t sure I wanted to do one, but I had SO MUCH FUN!!!!. We set-up the living as a studio and spent 4 hours taking pictures!. I can''t wait to see how they turn out!. I actually felt ''beautiful'', not in a ''pregnant beautiful kind of way, but just beautiful period. -- which is not exactly how I have felt in the last few months it was fun!. Definitely recommend it if you guys are considering it!. The hubster and doggie made the shoot, of course

So that was my day!. Now getting erady to grill some steaks with the hubs and spend some quality time in the couch!

That sounds like a great day! Are you going to share some of the pics with us? I want to do some maternity pictures as well, I was the hired photographer for one of my friends when they were expecting, and it was just such a fun shoot.


Oct 30, 2002
Meresal, most of the cribs nowadays are convertible in one way or another. They call the ones that go from crib to toddler to day to full 'lifestyle' cribs in general. They have them at Walmart, Target, BRU, PBKids, Restoration and pretty much almost every store. They range from $200-over a thousand dollars. The PB Kids one we are looking at goes from crib to day (you can get a toddler rail) bed. The 'classic' style (like the PB Kendall) typically doesn't turn into a full bed like the Lifestyle. I thought about lifestyle but I have also heard people say that they didn't even use it past toddler, that they just got their kid a twin bed or a trundle or whatever. Since we are having a boy too I heard a lot of stories from Moms who said that their kid destroyed the crib/toddler bed or chewed off a rail or something so they had to get a new bed anyway once he got to like 4 or 5. I didn't want to set my heart on a lifestyle and have it not make it! In general my research has shown that the Da Vinci or Baby Mod Cadence/Kalani (same crib just diff branding) is highly recommended by buyers and online review panels, it is a Lifestyle. There is an article out there that also reviews the top 10 cribs under $250...try googling for it.

It really is crazy there are so many options nowadays for kids furniture. Like overwhelming amt of options! Worse than strollers.

Thanks for those chiming in on my furniture dilemma. I def think we will use our points for the PB stuff, just now what color is the final decision. I emailed a preggo friend who is also an interior designer and asked her if she thought our pine wood floors would be too matchy/rusticy with the PB honey color but I think it will complement, esp with white shutters. And Steph good to hear you guys like the honey for your son already, it seems really 'boy' doesn't it? Some of the espresso sets are SO beautiful but they almost seem pretty to me... I am def an espresso furniture person (most of our house is dark wood furniture) so the honey would be a departure from that.

Oh and the PB elephant bedding set is to die for in person... I was thinking of going more green for the nursery but this might be my 'blue' addition. So cute.

Kimmy its so cool you guys have the furniture from your hub's childhood! I love hearing stuff like that.
PG... you are in the home stretch, I am excited for you!
Mandarine...I was thinking about the belly shoot too, jury is still out but I think it might be fun...we'll see. Hope you post some shots!!
Lysser.. thanks for checking in! It's good to hear you guys are settling in well. I like to think that having a dog has mellowed us out a bit...but I guess we'll see. One of my friends just had her boy about a week ago and they sound like they are figuring it out too without too many hassles.
Tao...yikes...tearing up nipples...
I also would like to be in denial...hahaha. Have fun at your shower!!

I had 'beautification Saturday'...waxing and highlights/hair appt... thank god. Isn't it amazing how a little pampering can make you feel so much better?? I have given up on having a fun fall wardrobe but at least my hair looks good!

ETA...Nat I just saw your update..hang in there! No plug yet...could it really be happening that fast??


Mar 22, 2008
Good luck Natalina! I hope you have your name picked out!!!


Jun 15, 2006
Mara, when we were cleaning out his mom's house about a month ago he was ready to donate the set (a desk and dresser). I told him no way, we were going to keep it for the baby. It's a bit 60s, but that is easily fixable with fresh stain and new knobs/handles. I think it's so great that it's in good shape and we can pass it down. We also have my grandparents furniture (bed, dresser, bureau) in guest room and a bunch of other antiques from his family. I feel so lucky to have all of these pieces of history surrounding us. When we were first married I was a bit reluctant because I was afraid our house wouldn't reflect my style, but in planning how to decorate our new house (which will hopefully purchased before the baby comes) I can see how I can make it all fit together. We still never decorated this house, so I am determined not to let that happen again when we move.

Natalina, hope your labor and delivery goes smoothly.

Tao, don't say that about baby names, you're scaring me! We have the boy's name picked, but if it's a girl we have semi-jokingly decided we're going to say the names we love until she responds to one and that's going to be her name. I really don't think, if we need to, we'll pick a girl's name until after birth,.


Nov 14, 2004
Good Luck Natalina! The snotty discharge with pink/brown sounds like mucus plug to me.

Jealous of curvy girls. hehe. I know I am not that curvy, but definitely curvy for Asian girls. And I wanted to be skinny like a stick growing up since I always felt big around other Asian girls.

I was wondering the same thing phoenix was, that it could be hiccups if it''s repetitive.
You look so cute.

Glad you have a great visit with your friend and her baby. Bringing home a baby isn''t always a "horror" story. In fact, I thought it was pretty easy when Meena was a newborn. She just eat, sleep, poop.

That''s awesome that your Inlaws still have your DH''s old furniture and that you''ll be using it for your baby.

You have a tiny little bump. Adorable.

Glad you make progress on the decision for baby furnitures.

It''s a bummer that you can''t get BRU gift cards for your points. How about Target? We buy quite a bit stuffs from Target for Meena now, like bath products and clothes.

I know my "I look wider from the front" comment seems silly, but that''s just how I feel.

7 hours drive can be tough, but the relaxing sounds great. My dr. actually told me not to drive up to the Bay
Area after 5 months.

So funny that your friend said boys really mess up their crib. Meena loved to bite on the crib rail when she was teething. There''s a lot of bite marks on the crib. Oh well she''ll just have to live with bite marks on her tail board.

Ditto on there''s cheap convertible crib around. $1000 is a bit much, IMO.

Have a wonderful time at your shower tomorrow.

Can''t wait to see your nursery pics.

LOL on not visiting the newborn thread. If it makes you feel better, Meena breastfed without tearing off my nipples (I actually didn''t feel any discomfort) and she started STTN (6 hours stretch) at 3 weeks. So it''s very possible to have a perfect baby. But just beware that perfect baby might not be a perfect toddler. LOL.

Sounds like you had a busy yet enjoyable day.

Please post your maternity pics. I would love to see them.


Mar 15, 2005
Natalina - Hope all goes well. It sure sounds like the real thing to me! Good luck, and can''t wait to hear your birth story.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Mer, the Stokke Sleepi goes from mini-crib for newborns, to cot up to the age of 3, then to a cot bed that should last till age 7 or so - then it converts into a sofa or two armchairs.

The sofa option took both DH and I sitting on it at the same time so it''s pretty robust.

7 year warranty plus seeing a few that had done their time with people''s kids made my mind up. I bought mine from a family who were moving and couldn''t take it with them - they had had it for 4 years and 2 kids and it still looked brand new - just needed a new mattress.

As with my stroller that should take her till she''s 4, I like to buy things that will last and I get my money''s worth! And if I''m living with it for x number of years then I want something I like to look at. I''m pretty lucky that they are popular in the UK and so you can find them second-hand on eBay very easily - just a matter of waiting for the bargain one (I got mine the week before Christmas when most people are thinking about other things!


Jan 18, 2008
HI LADIES!!!!!! Sorry I''ve been MIA for the past few weeks... I''ve just been spendin ALL my time with my Lil man lol. Well...Logan turned 3 weeks yesterday (god its going by soooo fast!) And so far things are GREAT! I LOVE BEEING A MOMMY!!!! So far hes a pretty quiet and easy baby. We''ve only had 2 or 3 REALLY fussy days...As a rule Logan is very quiet and sleeps often. He''s now Eatting between 2-4oz per feeding and weighs a lil over 9lbs already. He sleeps good at night...usually up twice a night, but had a few nights where he only woke up once. He is BFing and formula feeding, and doing well with both. The formula feeding helped flush out his Jaundice (sp?) pretty quick. He is a strong lil guy ...already holding his head up for a bit on his own...and MAN o MAN does he have a grip with his hands lol. Hopefully if ALL goes well, we''re going to start TTC again when Logans approx 10mos old. The healing process has been pretty good. I was up and about fairly easily a day or two after coming home from the hospital. Although for a week or two after I would get these rediculous electric pulses from my back straight up to the back of my head...THAT wasn''t fun! But that has passed. But occasionally while standing for a bit (like in the shower) I''ll get a numb tingly feeling in my legs. I assume these wre side effects from the Epi. Anyway... I''ll post a few pics of him for you guys...



Jan 18, 2008
Am I boreing you yet?...



Jan 18, 2008
My 3yr old niece and Logan...



Jan 18, 2008



Jan 18, 2008
LAST one... (sorry guys lol)...



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/4/2009 11:09:56 AM
Author: Sapphire_Cutie
My 3yr old niece and Logan...
Congrats!!!! Logan is so precious!!!
Adorable pics!!!


Oct 18, 2005
Sapphire - Logan is GORGEOUS! I''m so glad everything is going so well for you.

Natalina - I''m thinking about you!

Re: Lopsided belly... My brother flew in this weekend for our auntie''s funeral and I hadn''t seen him since late June. He thought it was so funny that my belly was lopsided, he thought preggo bellies were always perfectly round!


Mar 20, 2003
So cute, Sapphire!

Go, Natalina, Go! Can''t wait to hear your birth story! I hope the hospital wasn''t too crowded with the full moon last night.


Mar 22, 2008
Loving the pictures of Logan! We never get tired of baby pictures over here. Love the football in the pictures! I''m a huge football fan and I can''t wait to put our LO in his Patriots jersey!

So excited for Natalina---no update = good news! I''m beginning to believe the full moon theory!


Oct 30, 2002
Sapphire...he is soo cute. I love the black and white shots..! Two of my coworkers are friends with this great photographer who did some amazing shots with their little boys after birth and I just love them. I can''t wait to have them done for us too. The one of your niece with the baby is adorable. And he''s so big! Greg asked if their eyes are really that open at 3 weeks. Amazing!

Natalina, hope you are having a good birth experience wherever you are and that you managed to sneak eating some cookies in before admittance!!

Pandora, thanks for the update on the Stokke, yes I think it''s sooo cool that it does so many converions. More cribs need to do that in the US! You are very lucky to have so many secondhand overseas, here on eBay we have like one avail. My coworker who has hers just loves it.

Of course prob just like wedding dresses when I was looking, it was so hard to find anything that fit our destination wedding style but 2 years later there were all sorts of slim flowing silk sheaths for destinations. It will prob be the same for smaller size euro cribs...hehe 2 years from now there will be a ton at reasonable prices, and I will be like DRAT.

We''re having homemade buttermilk pancakes for breakfast, YUM. I was too lazy to go out of the house. Happy Sunday all.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/2/2009 2:49:24 PM
Author: anchor31
Date: 10/2/2009 2:26:50 PM

Author: jcrow

so, last night hubby really wanted to take me out for my birthday... we went to this all organic highly rated cafe. the menu was pretty simple, but i couldn''t figure out what i wanted/could eat. the waiter came by three times to see if we were ready. and when i finally was he was like i sure hope you picked something good since it took so long for you guys to decided. he was joking around... and when i told him i wanted a blt he seemed a bit sad at my decision. haha. but the worst part was when the food came i couldn''t eat it. i ate the biscuit that was an appetizer and that was all i could get down. i felt so bad that i felt bad. we had to cut dinner short and get a to-go box for all of my food. ugh. i''m so ready for this part to be over.

and my latest is back pain. like really, really bad back pain on my left very lower side of my back. i''ve heard some people say it''s normal... but i don''t know. i mean this early on? i''ve been doing the heating pad thing...

jcrow - I started having back pain at 6 or 7 weeks. We secrete hormones that makes our muscles and ligaments relax and the two halves of the pelvis move apart a bit, and for some women that can cause a lot of discomfort. I saw a physiotherapist about a dozen times, and it helped a lot. Daily yoga stretches keeps it under control.

good to know. i''m still trying to figure out if i pulled it or if it''s part of the pregnancy stuff.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/2/2009 4:09:17 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Date: 10/2/2009 2:26:50 PM

Author: jcrow

so, last night hubby really wanted to take me out for my birthday... we went to this all organic highly rated cafe. the menu was pretty simple, but i couldn''t figure out what i wanted/could eat. the waiter came by three times to see if we were ready. and when i finally was he was like i sure hope you picked something good since it took so long for you guys to decided. he was joking around... and when i told him i wanted a blt he seemed a bit sad at my decision. haha. but the worst part was when the food came i couldn''t eat it. i ate the biscuit that was an appetizer and that was all i could get down. i felt so bad that i felt bad. we had to cut dinner short and get a to-go box for all of my food. ugh. i''m so ready for this part to be over.

and my latest is back pain. like really, really bad back pain on my left very lower side of my back. i''ve heard some people say it''s normal... but i don''t know. i mean this early on? i''ve been doing the heating pad thing...

While I didn''t have the back pain, I can totally sympathize about the stomach issues. I can''t tell you how long we waited to go out to a real dinner anywhere because of mine! At least your DH can have it for a midnight snack later
that''s what mine did lol.

haha, yep! that''s totally what he did.
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