
Calling all listed Pricescope Independent Appraisers

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Sep 3, 2000
There are quite of few of us listed in the Resources section of Pricescope. This is of terrific value to us as a way of meeting potential clients. It is a big gift from Leonid and Pricescope to be able to meet so many people in this easy way, and for no cost, too.

What better way to respond than to participate actively on the site in response to questions, pose our own unique sort of questions to stimulate conversations, and to make relationships with clients and vendors from all over the country and even outside the USA.

How about responding to this thread with a short bit about yourself and how you can assist people to do a better job at buying this most important of gift, a diamond.... Give us a little private insight into what makes you tick. What are your personal diamond preferences? What fancy or plain tools do you use to analyze diamonds? Show us a photo of your kids, your spouse, your dog-cat-bird. Make your self a little better known.....It will be fun and good for all the particpants.

Although I do not buy, sell or broker jewelry and am not actively involved in the purchase of diamonds, I serve my cleints by answering the questions before and after their important purchases. Because I do not compete with retailers, I can honestly say that I am welcome in the jewelry stores that I use for researching market data for my reports.

Sometimes, things happen. Regardless of assurances made by the jeweler, the buyer becomes nervous because they feel that their questons are not being answered, their needs are not being met or a third party like a friend or family member is coaching them. I do step in to reassure a buyer before the diamond is set and include that "before" service with my final written report. Everything calms down very quickly when I show them what their diamond looks like up close, how to use a loupe and/or microscope, how to read the lab report, allow them to use my equipment with supervision and answer the questions that didn''t get asked in the first place or were lost in translation. More than any specialized equipment, the rational human element can go a long way in completing a transaction or stopping fraud. When, in the rare instance that the diamond does not match the paper or the price does not match the goods, I council them as to what theiir options are, depending on the situation. And I remind them that I am not their advocate. I am and will remain a hired objective third party.

I take the time to do this because I know that any member of the buying public is turned off once by a bad experience with a jeweler and stops buying jewelry, then I am out of a job.

I'll use your topic as an opportunity to thank Leonid, PriceScope, and all the vendors, consumers and appraisers who have expanded my awareness, sharpened my skills and increased my business.

I am a much better appraiser for having found PriceScope. It rides the cutting edge wave of the industry, and I was lucky enough to catch that wave and manage to stay on my surfboard.

Personally, I love having the independent appraisers here such as Rich, Dave and others, they add a unique voice to each conversation and many years of experience of seeing and analyzing many stones.
This is a call for all those on the list to participate.
As Rich says - we all learn so much from being here. Imagine how difficult it is to answer the questions you get here - they make you research and learn all the time.
So come on all you other appraisers who have never posted, or post rarely - as the old horse said - "dart into the fray"
Hi Dave and Fellow Pricescope Appraisers:

I'm happy to be here and have met some wonderful clients who have been active forum posters on pricescope.
I'm truly impressed with their knowledge, curiosity, and their desire to learn about diamonds. Thanks, Leonid
for bringing us all together.

At age 13, I was gift wrapping appliances that were impossible to wrap back in 1969 at my father's jewelry store.
I grew up in the business and am proud to say that jewelry and everything related to the industry is my passion.

I have been a Graduate Gemologist (since 1986). This will be my 26th year in the industry. I have been very fortunate over the years in being able to experience
so many valuable aspects of our industry. I've managed retail jewelry stores as a District Manager...ran an estate jewelry
buying office...was a diamond sorter and grader...performed quality control...and managed an appraisal division for a
seven store AGS jewelry firm in New England. It's all about understanding what the consumer wants and listening to
what they have to say.

Jeff Averbook, G.G.
Metro Jewelry Appraisers

I too have found Pricescope to both entertaining and educational. My practice is significantly better because of what I''ve learned here. I’m proud to be a participant and I join with Rich in thanking Leonid and the Pricescope community for the opportunity to be involved.

Appraisers are the third leg on the three-legged stool that is the jewelry business (along with the manufacturers and the vendors). I appreciate being given this opportunity to converse on an even plane with both of the other groups as well as the chance to learn from a highly educated, interested and articulate group of consumers who are forcing us all to do our very best, every single time. Together we are reshaping our own businesses and the entire diamond industry, one post at a time.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
Yes, thanks Leo for the Independent Appraisers list (and everything else on PS!). We were able to find Jeff Averbook who was right down the road and just awesome. The list really helped us narrow down our search and made everything easy and worry-free
Does anyone know of a good appraiser that is located in Southern California that is closer to the Inland Empire? All the appraisers on this list are over an hour''s drive to get to and I''m going to need someone to trust when I''m ready to buy my EC diamond...

thanks in advance!

There are a few independent apprasiers in San Diego listed here on PS, but I wanted to see if any PSers--pros and laypeople--had any personal experience with an appraiser in San Diego/SoCal (I''m willing to go as far as LA) who they''d recommend highly.

Thank you!!
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