
Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm RB..?


Feb 16, 2016
Hi all,

This is a desperate plea for help/opinions! I currently have a 5.5mm diameter round brilliant set in a plain setting. I am about to have it re-set into a pave halo setting with diamonds on the shank. What I am still agonising about is whether I should go for a single halo or a double halo! I have seen the Tiffany Soleste double halo, which is lovely, but that is (a) the only double-halo I have seen IRL, and (b) a different shape to the round stone/round halo I am going for. My pros and cons currently stand as follows:

Double Pros: adds size and sparkle. Can use smaller melee stones whilst still adding some finger coverage, which may minimise the amount of metal showing (in my mind I imagine that bigger melee stones means more visible space between them?). Double Cons: Halo may end up being disproportionately thick compared to the width of the centre stone, and therefore overpower it. Style may become outdated with time? More risk of stones falling out due to the additional melee as well?

Single Pros: less likely to dwarf my centre diamond (which is very sparkly and I love dearly). Perhaps a bit more classic/timeless than the double design. Single Cons: if the melee is too large, it will look a bit like a flower, which I feel strongly against. If the melee is too small, however, it might not really add anything to the size of the ring and I may be disappointed.

What I want is for the centre stone and the halo stones to all blend together in a beautiful sparkly diamond bundle! (I feel the Soleste does this!) I also want the ring to stay elegant and delicate. I just don't know if this is best achieved through a single halo, or a tight and small-melee double halo (like the soleste).

Any advice/opinions would be hugely appreciated!!

Many thanks in advance,

Re: Single or double halo for 5.5mm RB...?

IMO after doing a search online I think for a small 5.5mm a double halo will over power it were as a single halo will merge and give the illusion of a larger center stone from a distance
Re: Single or double halo for 5.5mm RB...?

Thanks Sphene - if I were to get a double halo, this is the look I would want:bling_1.jpg

This halo however is borderline too thick:


I just don't know if it's even possible with a stone my size to have a double halo that is now as wide as the stone itself!
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

I never find a double halo attractive. Looks just too busy.
A single halo looks more elegant yet still brings plenty of bling
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

The first one pictured is rather gorgeous the smaller melee in the inner circle really gives an extra dimension to the center - not liking the second one thou
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

Have you considered a halo that surrounds the stone but spills over the edge? Mine is kind of like that. (see avatar) Other options:

(Edit to try and fix first link.)

These are all James Allen designs, including mine. Curious to know what you think of other options. Also what is really nice is that JA has real ring pictures and they give the center stone specs so you could see what a similar sized stone looks like. The only exception to this is if the ring is a newer design and they just don't have any pics to display yet.
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

I have to confess... @flyingpig echoed all my concerns exactly. I don't want the ring to look too busy!

Thanks SparklySoprano! James Allen does some gorgeous settings! I had a bit of a snoop on the site and have to admit I am still drawn to the more traditional single or double halo, although the spill-over has given me food for thought. I have asked my jeweller to consider tilting the halo(s) which may give a bit of the same effect...?

Editing the subject of this thread since I welcome all opinions, not just from people with halo experience!
Re: Single or double halo for 5.5mm RB..?

Oh boo, I can't seem to edit the subject... Can you tell I'm new?.. :roll:
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

@DaintyG that is a very nice double halo!!

It does seem that people are generally voting for a single halo though...?
Re: Calling all halo pros! Single or double halo for 5.5mm R

daintyG's example is great! I think the stone looks really pretty in that double halo. Another idea is to have one circle of melee in another color, e.g. yellow or pink stones. But personally, if your jeweler can pull off the elegant look that daintyG found, and you love it, I say go for it! :wavey: