
Buying online - appraisal of loose stone or once it is set ??

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Nov 29, 2006
So, I took the plunge and bought the diamond from WF . . . we are having it shipped next week.

That brings me to my next question. Do, I get this diamond appraised when it arrives? Or do I make a decision on it without an expert opinion and wait till it is set into a setting before I get it appraised?

IF I get it appraised now, will I have to get it appraised again once it is set? For insurance purposes or verification or both?

I feel comfortable making my own decision on diamonds since I have seen so many of them now, but the strong blue fluor is giving me pause about evaluvating it myself. If all I needed to decide on was the 4 Cs . . . but that strong blue fluor makes me wonder if I would know if this stone has detrimental visual effects? What would you do, if you were me?

Thanks guys, I apologize for the frenzied posts lately, I REALLY do appreciate all your help.
Hikerchick, ask the guys at WF like I said previously if the strong blue has any adverse effects, they are the only ones who will know for sure, and to put it in perspective, it is very rare for diamonds with SB to display any negatives. To put your mind at ease, contact them. As far as the appraisals, I believe WF will give you a good appraisal which will cover your insurance needs and you can have complete confidence in them that you are purchasing what they say you are, but if you prefer, they can also send the diamond to an appraiser of your choice. It is best to have the appraisal done unmounted, another one won't be needed once the ring is complete. Appraisals are also useful in as much should the worst happen and your diamond gets damaged - VERY RARE DON'T PANIC
! that you have a good case of getting a similar replacement rather than a diamond of the insurer's choosing etc.
i highly (very highly) doubt that wf would put this stone in es if it had any adverse effects but if you want to be sure, all you have to do is ask them. they will be honest. it is a waste of everyones'' time and money to be sending products back and forth so they do their very best to describe the diamonds as accurately as possible. if the fluor is a concern, just contact them. again, i really don''t think you have anything at all to worry about.

they also send an independent letter of verification that you can use for insurance purposes.
Thanks guys !!!
Yup, I have asked Bob at WF about the fluor and he says there are no adverse effects, I have asked him like 5 times :D
He probably thinks I am nuts !!!

The only reason I would have it appraised is for independent EXPERT verification that there isn''t any adverse effects of the fluor. I know I should trust WF given that they are so highly regarded but ya know a little independent pat on the back never hurt :)

So, which independent appraiser in Boston is the best and the most affordable?
I called Jeff Averbook and will likely go to him unless someone has a better option for either expertise or price ???
He seems the best overall from what I have read on here.

Thanks again for calming my fears, sorry to be so paranoid. :D
jeff is a great choice
How will you have it set?

Also, make sure you don''t have a tautological surprise. Dave Atlas here might suggest a higher color, in principle, could be avoided. Do you know, in advance of seeing the diamond, if Jeff has any feelings about Blue Flor. Alternately, if it were Garry, he might tell you to gobble it up.
forgive my ignorance . . . what is a tautological surprise ???
Also, do you think an H color stone with Strong Blue Fluor is likely to have visual effects?

I just got off the phoen with Jeff Averbook, he is going to meet with me next week to give me his appraisal.
He also suggested that we would have another insurance appraisal once the diamond has been set . . .

I haven''t decided on a setting. I know what I like and what my bedget is so if WF can provide what I am looking for within my budget, we will likely have them do it all, setting and stone :)

I am sure I will be hitting up ya''ll for some more advice on settings and insurance.
I think with H you''re good to go either way. Some are predisposed if DEF to not get flor, I think, that''s all.

And, I think having the appraisal after the fact is a good idea...generally, though I don''t know that I''ve heard that WF have had any craftsmanship issues, putting stone with setting. Jeff can check for that, and be unbiased about it. Particularly, you may find his valuation to be more midway between your actual cost and a somewhat inflated cost (not sure, but wouldnt'' surprise me if this was true), and this may be good for your budget on monthly payments for insurance.
Date: 12/19/2006 10:51:30 AM
Author: belle
jeff is a great choice
Couldn''t agree more!!!
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