
$Buying$ more time...

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Nov 13, 2007
This is kind of a different question:

I love my BF to death, and he is paying for our ring with cash, so it is taking a while to pay off... but he has picked out a diamond that I have not seen, and don''t want to see until the engagement, that is MUCH more than we originally talked about. We have the money so that''s not a problem... sometimes I just sit back and think how funny he can be, and maybe he''s using a bigger diamond to blind me of the fact that he''s dragging his feet. I don''t care when it happens bc I know I will be with him no matter what, but it just makes me kinda giggle under my breath.

For those of you that know the question is coming, and you have discussed the ring with your FF... Have any of you ever felt like your FF was purchasing a nicer diamond in order to somewhat, "buy" more time until taking the plunge?


Nov 16, 2007
I haven''t felt that way but that is very interesting the way you see it. Just causally mention if it takes a really long time you expect to have a boulder on your finger.


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 2/12/2008 1:55:28 PM
Author: LegacyGirl
I haven''t felt that way but that is very interesting the way you see it. Just causally mention if it takes a really long time you expect to have a boulder on your finger.
No joke... our latest convo was this weekend, and he said it might be until August, UGGH!!! At that point, he will have been making payments for 11 months... while my gorgeous ring sits in a vault at the jeweler, with no one to love it.


May 30, 2007
My man and I joke about this sort of thing but we are not serious. Its just something to have fun with. He jokes that I get $500 every month I wait to add to my ring. I just laugh and shake my head and say, "no honey, its a quarter carat (in addition to a one carat starting point) for every month I wait". For Valentine''s day he jokes that he''s just make a gift certificate for me to put towards a bigger diamond. We definitely have fun with it, but its not for real. Just a joke for fun.


Nov 16, 2007
Date: 2/12/2008 2:53:33 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 2/12/2008 1:55:28 PM
Author: LegacyGirl
I haven''t felt that way but that is very interesting the way you see it. Just causally mention if it takes a really long time you expect to have a boulder on your finger.
No joke... our latest convo was this weekend, and he said it might be until August, UGGH!!! At that point, he will have been making payments for 11 months... while my gorgeous ring sits in a vault at the jeweler, with no one to love it.
Love it from afar then! Don''t worry it will come sooner than you think


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 2/12/2008 10:26:44 PM
Author: LegacyGirl

Date: 2/12/2008 2:53:33 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 2/12/2008 1:55:28 PM
Author: LegacyGirl
I haven''t felt that way but that is very interesting the way you see it. Just causally mention if it takes a really long time you expect to have a boulder on your finger.
No joke... our latest convo was this weekend, and he said it might be until August, UGGH!!! At that point, he will have been making payments for 11 months... while my gorgeous ring sits in a vault at the jeweler, with no one to love it.
Love it from afar then! Don''t worry it will come sooner than you think
I have had the WORST morning ever, and your comment is actually the first thing to put a smile on my face. Thank you so much!!


Nov 20, 2007
Date: 2/13/2008 9:36:55 AM
Author: meresal

I have had the WORST morning ever, and your comment is actually the first thing to put a smile on my face. Thank you so much!!
How come? Because of the finger hurting thing? Not to minimize your pain.....but you know the saying, "It could always be worse."

Not sure where in the country you are, but I'm in Southern CT. Last night, we had 6" of snow...followed by freezing rain and sleet all night.....followed by temps that went 10 degrees higher overnight with rain by morning. Now, I have also been battling the cold from hell for the last week. My doc won't give me anything for it because he said that it's a nasty cold -- antibiotics will do no good for a cold. All I can do is drink a lot of fluid and rest. So, I have had a sinus headache, post-nasal drip, a smoker's cough (and I don't smoke) and body aches all week. And I can't take any time off from work because we are swamped and I am going on vacation week after next. So....

I go out of my house this morning to go to work....and I see a scene similar to the one posted below. I had to clear off the crust of ice on my car to even get into it. I got soaked to the bone. Had to go back into the house to change clothes...and on the way, I fell on the ice and (I think) wet my pants from the shock of going down so quick. My choices of clean outfits sucked (need to do laundry but have been to sick/wiped to get to it), but I put something passable on, anyway. Once on the road, I almost got into an accident on the way to work because, while this state is the highest taxed in the union, our public works are too lazy/cheap to properly sand and salt the roads and people here drive like chimpanzees. And now I am sitting here in work, trying to stay awake because myy body is telling me to go to sleep.

Sleep? No. That will not happen at any decent hour tonight. You see, tonight is my son's 8th birthday. He is with his Dad this week, but I promised I would take him out to his favorite restaurant for dinner. I love my baby but I am exhausted --- so I am going to try to get into somewhat of a party mood. And not look ill. I don't have to worry about getting my son sick because I caught this cold from him and he is better now. And then after I bring him back to his Dad's, I have to stop at my girlfriend's house to have her highlight my hair. This is the only night she will be around to do it for me before I go on vacation. I adore her, but she is a talk-talk-talker....and I will be lucky to get out of her house before midnight tonight. Sigh........

I hope that made you feel a little better......and it's OK if you want to laugh at my expense.

Bridget in Connecticut.



Nov 13, 2007
Date: 2/13/2008 12:09:24 PM
Author: sandia_rose

Date: 2/13/2008 9:36:55 AM
Author: meresal

I have had the WORST morning ever, and your comment is actually the first thing to put a smile on my face. Thank you so much!!
How come? Because of the finger hurting thing? Not to minimize your pain.....but you know the saying, ''It could always be worse.''

Not sure where in the country you are, but I''m in Southern CT. Last night, we had 6'' of snow...followed by freezing rain and sleet all night.....followed by temps that went 10 degrees higher overnight with rain by morning. Now, I have also been battling the cold from hell for the last week. My doc won''t give me anything for it because he said that it''s a nasty cold -- antibiotics will do no good for a cold. All I can do is drink a lot of fluid and rest. So, I have had a sinus headache, post-nasal drip, a smoker''s cough (and I don''t smoke) and body aches all week. And I can''t take any time off from work because we are swamped and I am going on vacation week after next. So....

I go out of my house this morning to go to work....and I see a scene similar to the one posted below. I had to clear off the crust of ice on my car to even get into it. I got soaked to the bone. Had to go back into the house to change clothes...and on the way, I fell on the ice and (I think) wet my pants from the shock of going down so quick. My choices of clean outfits sucked (need to do laundry but have been to sick/wiped to get to it), but I put something passable on, anyway. Once on the road, I almost got into an accident on the way to work because, while this state is the highest taxed in the union, our public works are too lazy/cheap to properly sand and salt the roads and people here drive like chimpanzees. And now I am sitting here in work, trying to stay awake because myy body is telling me to go to sleep.

Sleep? No. That will not happen at any decent hour tonight. You see, tonight is my son''s 8th birthday. He is with his Dad this week, but I promised I would take him out to his favorite restaurant for dinner. I love my baby but I am exhausted --- so I am going to try to get into somewhat of a party mood. And not look ill. I don''t have to worry about getting my son sick because I caught this cold from him and he is better now. And then after I bring him back to his Dad''s, I have to stop at my girlfriend''s house to have her highlight my hair. This is the only night she will be around to do it for me before I go on vacation. I adore her, but she is a talk-talk-talker....and I will be lucky to get out of her house before midnight tonight. Sigh........

I hope that made you feel a little better......and it''s OK if you want to laugh at my expense.

Bridget in Connecticut.
Sandia--- OMG!!! I''m so sorry. You deff have it worse, and I ususally live by the "It can alwasy be worse motto." However, this morning just about anything was going to sen dme over the top. I am in Houston where it is about 50 outside, and sunny... but will be leaving for Chicago Friday night, and am going to get a nice jolt of reality the minute I get off the plane.

Since my last post, yes my finger still hurts (LOL)... but here at work, since I''m the Associate and not the manager, I got to take the blame for a $37,000 payment not going out on the 1st, when it was que''d to be approved by my manager, and my mom just called to tell me that the man that was one half of my parent''s best friends died this morning in his sleep after his 2nd stroke. He has been battling cancer for the better half of 3 yrs, and recently found out that not only had it returned from remission, he had numerous tumors in his brain. He was almost 62.

I swear... at some point this day MUST get better. Right??? At least I get to leave my office for lunch in 30 minutes. I could really use a break.


Aug 17, 2007
I love the idea of making my SO increase the size the longer he waits. I think that should become a rule and each jewler should enforce it. Every six months, the diamond size increases by 1/4 or 1/2 carat. Although, I could see some 80 year old ladies ending up with 6 carat rings because the poor fella isn''t able to get his head above water with all the size increases

sandia-rose - I live in MA and had a similar experience this morning. I was literally hacking at the ice that had frozen over the inches of snow on my car. I had to run back into the house to grab another pair of tights and a shorter skirt because my long skirt got soaked while I was hacking away at my car and my feet felt like two blocks of ice from all the snow pouring in. I keep having daydreams of spring


Nov 20, 2007
Date: 2/13/2008 12:22:29 PM
Author: meresal

Since my last post, yes my finger still hurts (LOL)... but here at work, since I''m the Associate and not the manager, I got to take the blame for a $37,000 payment not going out on the 1st, when it was que''d to be approved by my manager, and my mom just called to tell me that the man that was one half of my parent''s best friends died this morning in his sleep after his 2nd stroke. He has been battling cancer for the better half of 3 yrs, and recently found out that not only had it returned from remission, he had numerous tumors in his brain. He was almost 62.

I swear... at some point this day MUST get better. Right??? At least I get to leave my office for lunch in 30 minutes. I could really use a break.
Oh, gosh, Meresal! Your day sounds poopy, too! Must be that full moon that''s coming next week...

Not sure if you will get this in time, but could you get out for a chair massage? Lots of places offer them for walk-ins (there is a nail place right around the corner from my work that does them). There''s got to be a place somewhere near your office! If my company, there is an unused office that I hijack sometimes. I go in there, close the door, turn off the light and sit there for half an hour with my Zen (ipod) in my ears for half an hour. I downloaded some free meditation MP3s that I loaded into the Zen, and those are a great getaway. There''s got to be a secret hiding spot where you are, too.

Bridget in Connecticut.


Nov 16, 2007

Oh my goodness you guys!!! I hope the day gets better for both of you. I''m wearing heels that are killing my feet so bad I''m limping if that makes you all feel any better HAHA.

I even had one of the deputies at the court house ask why I was limping... how embarrassing!



Nov 13, 2007
Date: 2/12/2008 3:35:06 PM
Author: designchica
My man and I joke about this sort of thing but we are not serious. Its just something to have fun with. He jokes that I get $500 every month I wait to add to my ring. I just laugh and shake my head and say, ''no honey, its a quarter carat (in addition to a one carat starting point) for every month I wait''. For Valentine''s day he jokes that he''s just make a gift certificate for me to put towards a bigger diamond. We definitely have fun with it, but its not for real. Just a joke for fun.
You''re definitely on to something!!!

Sandia- I just got back from lunch, and I''m feeling better. I am going to have to find one of those massage places soon. Maybe I will make it a First Friday of the month ritual for myself or something!!


Nov 20, 2007
Date: 2/13/2008 1:44:20 PM
Author: meresal

You're definitely on to something!!!

Sandia- I just got back from lunch, and I'm feeling better. I am going to have to find one of those massage places soon. Maybe I will make it a First Friday of the month ritual for myself or something!!
Just looked the following up. I don't know where in Houston you are, but there are several places that offer chair massage: This guy does chair massages at Whole Foods Market - S. Shepherd @ Alabama,
Thu & Fri, noon-4 pm This lady is offering chair massage at $1 per minute in her office as a special.

A Friday ritual for yourself is a great idea! Last year, I started having my nails done. I'm not much of a girly-girl, but I do have a bad nail biting problem and it was one of those things where I got sick of looking at my ragged cuticles but couldn't stop. So for my birthday, I got silk tips put on and decided to keep them. Can't bite through those, and I keep them at an active length so they look very natural and I can type with them. There is this great place near my work (same place that offers the chair massages) where they do nails, massage, waxing and aromatherapy. So every other Friday, I go there at lunch to get my nails done. A free shoulder and arm massage is part of their standard manicure package. The atmosphere at the nail place is very relaxing and quiet, it smells nice because they have this aroma machine going and by the time I get out of there, I feel refreshed. My fills/re-polish costs me $25 ($20 + tip), and even at every other week, it's much less than I pay for my counseling appointments. And it's a nice boost for me to look down and see nice, feminine hands as opposed to my former chewed mess. I can feel really cruddy and look down and feel good about my hands.

(Yes, the hands below are mine. Now if I can just do something about my knotty knuckles....)

Bridget in Connecticut.



Nov 20, 2007
Date: 2/13/2008 1:11:38 PM
Author: Keepingthefaith21

sandia-rose - I live in MA and had a similar experience this morning. I was literally hacking at the ice that had frozen over the inches of snow on my car. I had to run back into the house to grab another pair of tights and a shorter skirt because my long skirt got soaked while I was hacking away at my car and my feet felt like two blocks of ice from all the snow pouring in. I keep having daydreams of spring
New England weather STINKS! That is all I have to say. I don''t know if God was playing a practical joke or what when he created our part of the country....but it''s not funny!

Bridget in Connecticut.


Nov 13, 2007
Sandia Rose: You are INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you so much!!!


Nov 13, 2007
Legacy Girl: Shoes can be a serious pain, I can understand that. Do they look cute though? Bc that will make it all worth it!!!
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