
Buying a new laptop


Dec 12, 2008
I need a new laptop. Mine totally conked out and I just turn it on now to charge my fitbit battery. Not sure if I can get the pictures off of it or not?? Have to take it down to the computer place in town I guess.

That one is a Sony Vaio. Got it three years ago. I don't even think they make them anymore haha! We went to play w/laptops at Best Buy a few weeks ago and the guy helping us gave me this look like I didn't know what I was talking about when I said the one I was replacing was a Sony Vaio. It was a touchscreen also.

All I need it for is looking at jewelry and tattoos. Getting on a couple forums, FB, gmail. Browsing Etsy and Ebay, youtube, that sorta thing. I don't play games. I like to have multiple windows open at once and I want things to look nice. I don't need a huge screen.

When we played w/them at Best Buy, we looked more at the 2 in 1's that can be a laptop or flip around and be a notebook or they can be tented etc. Of the ones we looked at, there were three I liked the best.

I don't know exactly how much I need for memory, all three of those are different combos, and that's mostly b/c when I was looking for the models online I noticed oh well, this one is 8GB and I could get 16 for $200 more, so I saved that link.

The laptop I use at work is a little MacBook Air, teeny lil thing, super light. The screen is small compared to what I had, but it's not a big deal to me---I use it sitting here curled up on the couch while I watch tv so it just makes it easier to have a smaller one I think!

The guy at BB said an i7 is what I want, and I'm not sure what my Sony was, so all those above are i7's.

If anyone has any thoughts or advice on the links I posted, the memory, i5 vs i7 etc, anything, I would love to hear! For now I'm bringing my work laptop home w/me.

I'm not very techy at all..I just typed on the keyboards at BB and fondled them to see if they felt nice on my fingers and the keys weren't clunky and irritating to me. I can't stand using JD's laptop--it has the finger touch pad but then it also has two longer keys you have to click for different things and I hate it.


Dec 3, 2011
Hey packie... I just wanted to chime in and say that I had Sony VAIOs for years. I went through 3 of them in a 10 year span. I loved them, but they kept getting wiped out by viruses, regardless of my anti-virus software or how careful I was... I finally got a MacBook Pro in 2011 and have never turned back! I. freaking. love. it. Over five years and absolutely no problems whatsoever. It took me about 6 weeks to get used to a Mac -- and the sticker shock! But I have to say... it's been worth every penny! ;))


Sep 16, 2009
I love my macbook air! It was the cheapest one on the Mac refurb site so probably not i7 or whatever. Works great. I just use it to stream videos, email, browse photos.

I had a Sony for a while and then switched to a Mac about 6 years ago. For me it's a durability thing. The Sony was constantly having issues with the power connector and other stuff. Never have had an issue with my little air.

I think computer store dude is a bit overkill stressing processors etc. Get something with good reviews and a solid state drive. You're not exactly using it for programming or anything super taxing.


Jun 18, 2010
I got a killer deal on a Dell from Costco. Costco doubles the manufacturer's warranty, so I like buying there.


Feb 27, 2007
I had 2 Vaio, a HP and a Toshiba. They lasted about 2 years until they became so slow and buggy I moved on. Then I bought a Mac Air and loved it. I kept it about 4 years then got the Mac Book Pro with Retina when they came out. I know Macs are more money but they last longer and I certainly haven't had problems with them like I had on Windows based machines.


Apr 29, 2008
I purchased a Lenovo some years back, and DH never used it because it was buggy. My friend in IT had me reformat the harddrive and just install Win7 in a clean sweep which took off all of the crapware the manufacturers and third party vendors have preinstalled. I'd only get a Windows laptop at this point if I could do that.

I now own an iMac and Macbook Air. Yes, they are expensive, but I won't go back.


Jun 25, 2007
I'm MacBook all the way. I have a 2007 and it's still going strong. I'm generally not a proponent of spending a lot on things. But seriously this thing has never given us any trouble. My mom goes through a laptop every few years. She's probably had 4 or 5 in the time Ive had this one. If you keep things and don't always need/want latest and greatest, get a Mac.


Dec 12, 2008
Argh I told JD when we got that Sony I wanted a Mac and he thought it would be too hard (since at the time we only had the one) for him to use a Mac at home and a Dell or whatever he has, at work. I'm like um...I use a Mac at work so that's what *I'm* doing, using two different ones, how is that different??? :twirl:

I looked just real quick on BB...

Anything to look for in particular?


Feb 27, 2007
I have the Mac Book Pro with retina and it looks and works fabulous. I've had it almost 4 years now and never had a single problem with it. I use Windows machines at work and I often wish they were Macs. :bigsmile:


Sep 16, 2009
If it were me I would go with the second one because of the flash storage. Had to replace the hardrive in my dad's macbook pro over Christmas because it died. Replacing the drive is fairly easy and inexpensive on older Mac's, BUT not the newer ones. Go for fewest moving parts possible.


Jul 27, 2011
Based on what you said you'd like to do with the laptop, I would suggest looking at a google chrome book.


Feb 15, 2013
I know I sound like a broken record, but once you go Mac you never go back. More expensive initially, but longer lasting and easier to use. And much less prone to viral infections.


Dec 3, 2011
boerumbiddy said:
I know I sound like a broken record, but once you go Mac you never go back. More expensive initially, but longer lasting and easier to use. And much less prone to viral infections .

This. This was about 90% of the reason I got my Mac initially. No bothering with anti-virus foolishness. That's what would always get my VAIOs... I never worry about my Mac at all! [emoji7][emoji1360]


Nov 25, 2002
Gotta chime in with another endorsement for Mac.

I use Windows laptop at work, but ended up getting a Macbook Air to cut down on the weight in my bag when I travel.

Though that was the initial impetus, I'd say that I've become a rabid fan for several reasons. 1) as most mentioned, nothing ever goes wrong with it! It's just seamless all. the. time.

2) Good feel to type on. I normally hate laptops since I learned to type on an electric typewriter, so thumbs were always positioned at space bar....which means inadvertently pushing something on the laptop that jumps cursor back annoyingly. Don't get that on the Mac.

3) It's just fabulous, and I bought refurb. Bought it through Apple as refurb, and it came with original warranty to boot. Couldn't lose.


Dec 3, 2011
aljdewey|1461602106|4023382 said:
Gotta chime in with another endorsement for Mac.

I use Windows laptop at work, but ended up getting a Macbook Air to cut down on the weight in my bag when I travel.

Though that was the initial impetus, I'd say that I've become a rabid fan for several reasons. 1) as most mentioned, nothing ever goes wrong with it! It's just seamless all. the. time.

2) Good feel to type on. I normally hate laptops since I learned to type on an electric typewriter, so thumbs were always positioned at space bar....which means inadvertently pushing something on the laptop that jumps cursor back annoyingly. Don't get that on the Mac.

3) It's just fabulous, and I bought refurb. Bought it through Apple as refurb, and it came with original warranty to boot. Couldn't lose.

Yes, this! My next Mac I purchase (and by next, I mean when I convince my husband to ditch his POS laptop, and I give him my Mac) will be reburb from Apple. :halo: ;)) :bigsmile:


Dec 12, 2008
so this is me looking on the Apple website at refurbished Mac's.. ;-)

I emailed the IT guy at work and my Air is an 11" screen. That gives me a frame of reference when I'm looking at them online.


Apr 2, 2006
Another MAC fan here. Just a few notes, though:

My imac (now ancient) has not been totally trouble-free. However, Apple's warranty service is very good, and even after the warranty expires their service is pretty low-cost and easy to use. That's assuming you close enough to an Apple store to bring it in when needed.

I didn't find Apple's suite of office-like products to be very compatible with MS Office, or that easy to use. You can buy MS Office for Apple but it costs a small fortune. If you or your hubby uses a licensed Office suite at work though you should be able to get a "home use permit" through the workplace that will allow you to download MS Office for Apple for less than $20.


Aug 27, 2011
I had a similar dilemma a couple of years back and decided I didn't need a laptop at all! Ended up buying an iPad as I was only using it for similar things to what you describe above. It's fantastic for sitting in front of the tv etc, not too heavy. The only downside I can see is if you want to print anything off you need a special printer. I love mine, it's revolutionised my shopping habits!


Jul 27, 2011
Just my 2 cents:

Laptops are portable, and part of being portable means that they can easily get dropped :nono: ;( , which is why when I'm purchasing a laptop, I buy the cheapest one out there.

Apple does not make inexpensive products, with the exception of the free iphones I've gotten in the past :dance: But we like macs, so Instead of a macbook, we went for a mac mini (desktop).

The last laptop we replaced was 2+ years old. It stopped charging, and the part where the power cord is supposed to push into (female adapter) was bulging from the side of the laptop. Me thinks that when DH goes to bed, and lays the laptop on the floor next to his side of the bed, the kitties jump from the bed or the night stand to the floor and landed on the laptop one too many times, or stepped on the laptop and used it as a spring board onto the bed or night stand one too many times :lol:


Aug 12, 2005
PintoBean|1461607526|4023419 said:
Just my 2 cents:

Laptops are portable, and part of being portable means that they can easily get dropped :nono: ;( , which is why when I'm purchasing a laptop, I buy the cheapest one out there.

Apple does not make inexpensive products, with the exception of the free iphones I've gotten in the past :dance: But we like macs, so Instead of a macbook, we went for a mac mini (desktop).

The last laptop we replaced was 2+ years old. It stopped charging, and the part where the power cord is supposed to push into (female adapter) was bulging from the side of the laptop. Me thinks that when DH goes to bed, and lays the laptop on the floor next to his side of the bed, the kitties jump from the bed or the night stand to the floor and landed on the laptop one too many times, or stepped on the laptop and used it as a spring board onto the bed or night stand one too many times :lol:

Gotta agree with PintoBean here. I have learned my lesson the hard way several times with expensive phones and laptops. I consistently break things and now I have a kid who consistently breaks whatever I don't manage to break on my own. Or drop into a toilet or other body of water. I need a new laptop as well, due to wear and tear (you know, dropping it off my lap causing the power cord to break the inlet so now it's taped in to charge) and also because something won't allow it to download a software program I desperately need. I keep having to use one of my husband's laptops for a monthly project and I hate borrowing other people's tech. That said, I'm looking at whatever is best under $500. I am not putting $1k+ into a laptop for myself. And I use mine every single day for work plus all the fun stuff. If you just want something for email, social media, and bling, I really think spending a thousand plus on a laptop is overkill.


Dec 12, 2008
We had a passing "hmmmm maybe an ipad?" thought but weren't sure, so nice to see someone who uses one instead of a laptop, thank you! Yeah I don't want to spend a lot either, Monnie! So maybe an ipad would be an ok idear after all...if I need to print, I print at work, I have my dad do it, or when we get our new printer, JD can do it from his laptop.

Hmmm..more points to ponder!


Aug 4, 2008
For a desktop replacement and general use without moving it a lot or travel you cant really beat this one:

first thing to do is create a restore image on a 32gb flash drive then uninstall everything that says hp and the included anti-virus. Install avast and malwarebyte free.
Reboot and let it install the generic drivers for everything.
Then go to amd's website and install the real amd driver package.
That should be done on all laptops, create the restore image then remove all the per-installed garbage, get drivers from windows update.

The walmart 2 year care plan if it still covers accidental damage like it used to is a decent buy for people with kids or who are rough on things.


Jul 27, 2011
I'm not a die hard for any HW or SW platform - I am a bit of a hoarder I think when it comes to computers. Just to give you a point of reference of how much "gear" I have and my love for them all :
2007 laptop (Windows Vista) some cracks in the plastic
2007 macbook some cracks in the case, and dropped it with a dvd in it that broke inside of it :nono:
2008 Asus netbook
2012 mac mini
2012 Google Nexus 7 - gen 1
2014 (?) Samsung google chromebook - whatever the first one was that came out... it's thin like a macbook air
2015 ipad
2014 (?) iphone 5c
2016 iphone 6s
2016 hubby's laptop (Windows 10 - he hates it, but whatevs, he's done something with a virtual machine and is downloading movies onto that :wall: even if it's a movie he could also watch on netflix :eh: )
oh yeah 2015 I got a work laptop - Lenovo Think Pad

My only complaint with the ipad is that I find that the apps tend to be "bloated" and eat up my memory, compared to the same/similar apps on my nexus

I grab my chromebook when I am tired of thumb typing and crazy autocorrect from my bad thumb typing. I like how light it is and being able to use a real keyboard. Chromebooks are just so cheap right now, too! Since you like the size of your work macbook air, I think a chromebook could be a good fit for your purposes.


Dec 3, 2011

I wanted to add that, if you buy a Mac refurbished directly through the Apple store, it is eligible for Apple Care. However, if you purchase through another vendor, it is not. FWIW, I have treated my MacBook Pro pretty badly over the years. I've dropped it several times -- nothing crazy, but from the bed to the hardwood floor... it's still going strong.

If you pay $600-800 for a new laptop every 2-3 years, you could have just purchased a Mac and been done with it -- they last forever it seems. Add Apple Care into the mix, and I don't see any reason to get anything else! (but I'm biased -- and for good reason!) ;))


Jun 29, 2006
Love Macs! After going through a Sony Vaio, then a Dell, I went to a Macbook. Had that one for 5 or 6 years and just upgraded to the new Macbook (in gold) :naughty: I'll never go back to a non-Apple laptop. I also have an iPad but I really only use my iPad for travel (movies) or for cooking (addicted to my Pinterest recipes) :bigsmile: As for my Macbook, I pretty much only use it for web browsing, photo storage/editing, finances, and a few word/excel docs here and there. I have Word/Excel/PPT for Mac and they work fine.

I will say though I do really like my work laptop too. It's a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon and it's a workhorse but still super light weight and boots up/shuts down almost as fast as my Mac. I'm super impatient about that kind of stuff, I hate when computers take forever to start up/shut down. For work purposes, I prefer it over the Mac. But for my home life, my Apple is perfect for me.


Jun 2, 2013
The current inventory of refurbished Apple MacBook Airs & iPads:

I'm comfortable with both platforms, but prefer the Mac versions of Word, PowerPoint, and use Numbers instead of Excel. So the only time I use the Lenova ThinkPad laptop my office issued to me -- they all are PC-Android users & thought they were doing me a huge favor -- is for Adobe Acrobat work, which I don't do often. If not at my desk with the iMac, I use my iPad, usually with a Logitech UltraThin Keyboard Folio ('cause I prefer a real keyboard to using a touch screen for anything more than surfing the 'net). I can do basic printing from the iPad itself, no app or installation of drivers needed.


Dec 12, 2008
I found a refurbished iPad, and then got to thinking..I like to type, and mostly when I'm on here or when I'm emailing an offline friend now and again, I don't know that I would like to type not on a keyboard. That's why I started bringing my Air home w/me (shhhh don't tell!) b/c it's a pain to use my phone to type out responses/emails etc.

so maybe I need to go back to looking at the Air again.


Dec 12, 2008
No way! how cool is that? Hm..sooo maybe an ipad wouldn't be a half bad idea! Even w/the keyboard, an iPad would be half what an Air costs.


Dec 3, 2011
packrat said:
No way! how cool is that? Hm..sooo maybe an ipad wouldn't be a half bad idea! Even w/the keyboard, an iPad would be half what an Air costs.

I think that's gonna be the most cost efficient way... My main complaint about my iPad was no keyboard/mouse. It would be super convenient for travel as well. [emoji2][emoji1360]
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