
Buying a loose diamond from WF - seeking advise


Jun 4, 2011
Hi all,

I am finally set on getting my loose diamond from WF. After doing a lot of research and price comparison, I am almost (99%) ready to pull the trigger on this stone:

In addition to diamond pics posted on the website, I've asked WF to take a hearts image (see pic below)... Although this diamond is part of their Premium Selection, I really can't see anything wrong there (other than polish is only excellent vs. ideal).

Diamond pros, please take a look if you can spot anything to be concerned with?

Also, would you recommend to take the diamond to an independent appraiser to verify the AGS lab report? Should I be concerned with AGS report vs GIA? From what I hear AGS may be a little soft on color so AGS G color may actually be closer to GIA H?

Thanks for your feedback.

It looks to be a beautiful stone. Looks like it might have missed ACA due to the polish.

Dont worry about AGS grading...they are very reliable.
I'm in no way an expert on rounds, but this looks like a really good balance between color, clarity, and the cut grade from AGS is ideal. I think the size is great, too. Which setting are you going with?
tyty333|1307401859|2939310 said:
Dont worry about AGS grading...they are very reliable.

Ditto. I would buy the stone set, myself, and then just have it appraised after for insurance purposes, at which time they can easily verify the diamond matches the cert based on the clarity plot and insciption, if it has one. Is there a reason you want to have the stone sent loose?
I would go with that diamond without a question! I would also go with WF for a setting, If they don't have one you like they do custom work and you would know you are getting the best quality. As far as getting it appraised you can do that with a set diamond it does not have to be loose. I think you will find you are getting exactly what you are paying for AGS, or GIA, WF is very trustworthy :twirl:
WF sells vatche. ETA: I would not suggest getting a replica made of the vatche Swan either. It is a very distinctive and elaborate style, custom would likely not result in the same end product, and Vatche is known for their high quality. I also think for what it is the price is good.
Dreamer_D|1307412012|2939498 said:
WF sells vatche. ETA: I would not suggest getting a replica made of the vatche Swan either. It is a very distinctive and elaborate style, custom would likely not result in the same end product, and Vatche is known for their high quality. I also think for what it is the price is good.

Good advice. Nice stone!

Looks like a beautiful stone. You'll be happy.

Buy it!
I was planning to get a loose diamond so I can independently verify it first... just to make sure I absolutely love it before setting the stone. But then again, I wasn't aware that WF carries Vatche designs so I will definitely take a look.

Thanks for the advice!
kuvalda99|1307414354|2939534 said:
I was planning to get a loose diamond so I can independently verify it first... just to make sure I absolutely love it before setting the stone. But then again, I wasn't aware that WF carries Vatche designs so I will definitely take a look.

Thanks for the advice!

The only thing to check is whether the stone matches the report, which can be checked when set by your appraiser for insurance purposes, who can match the stone to the report's clarity plot or the inscription on the girdle. It is not much of an issue with WF, who have such a good reputation. Clarity won't be an issue, and unless you ar every color sensitive I cannot imaging a G being a problem. Cut checks out as one of the best you will find on the market. And worst case, WF has a very good return and refund policy. My thought is that it is worth thr "risk" of ordering it set, because the odds of you not liking it are very very small. That small risk, to me, is worth the ease of ordering the vatch setting you want and having it all done in one deal.
kuvalda99|1307414354|2939534 said:
I was planning to get a loose diamond so I can independently verify it first... just to make sure I absolutely love it before setting the stone. But then again, I wasn't aware that WF carries Vatche designs so I will definitely take a look.

Thanks for the advice!
Buy the stone and have it shipped to yourself or an independent appraiser to make sure you like it before having it set. Then ship it back to WF to set. People do it all the time. I bought my stone from WF and wanted to see it and play with it before I had it set. I didn't take it to an appraiser because I trusted WF as a vendor. But you have to feel comfortable with your purchase. Do check out how to insure it while it travels.

It's a beautiful stone and WF is a trusted vendor.
swingirl|1307428456|2939648 said:
kuvalda99|1307414354|2939534 said:
I was planning to get a loose diamond so I can independently verify it first... just to make sure I absolutely love it before setting the stone. But then again, I wasn't aware that WF carries Vatche designs so I will definitely take a look.

Thanks for the advice!
Buy the stone and have it shipped to yourself or an independent appraiser to make sure you like it before having it set. Then ship it back to WF to set. People do it all the time. I bought my stone from WF and wanted to see it and play with it before I had it set. I didn't take it to an appraiser because I trusted WF as a vendor. But you have to feel comfortable with your purchase. Do check out how to insure it while it travels.

It's a beautiful stone and WF is a trusted vendor.

I think the OP is in Canada, making this type of thing more complicated, but it is a viable option still. You just need to do a little more paper work to make sure you can prove to customs that you previously imoorted the diamond and paid taxes when doing so, to ensure you don't pay taxes on the stone whem importing the completed ring.