
bunches of questions

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Feb 19, 2006

When we''ve looked at rings, the salesperson always explain thiers warantee and how you will need to come in every now and then to have the ring checked, or rhodium plated if it''s white gold, etc.

When you buy a ring from the internet - say Whiteflash, Blue Nile, etc; where do you get those things done if you need them? Do you actually have to mail the ring in every now and then for maintenance?

Also, if you have a ring and you want to have the center stone reset - what''s the best way to go about doing that as far as internet jewelers vs. the actual store. There is obviously some hesitation about tossing a diamond ring in the mail, even with insurance and tracking.

Finally, if anyone can recommend a good jeweler in Winston-Salem, NC (or nearby) I''d appreciate it!!

Sorry for the bunch of questions!!!

Thanks :)


Apr 22, 2004
Unless the vendor has a specific warranty (free sizing and melee replacements), they usually want you to to send the ring back every 6 months for a checkup. Other than that, a local jeweller is best. This is why it is a very good idea to develop a relationship with the local jeweller: he/she can check the prongs, do resizing, resets, cleaning, polishing and etc.

As for upgrades, you usually have to send the entire ring back to the vendor and they will reset the diamond. USPS is the safest way (and the price is quite reasonable at under $20) as it is always under lock and key every night with insurance up to $25K. I''ve sent and received many diamonds, gemstones and jewellery this way. USPS now even has a feature where you can track your package via email notifications.


Sep 3, 2000
You can wear most rings for many years with zero maintainance, but building a relationship of trust with a local merchant who will check over things and do minor repairs when needed is not a bad idea. The concept of returning to a store on a regular basis is not only for your benefit, but allows the merchant to get you in the door and give a try at selling you some new goody. You have annual birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, religious celebrations, etc which all can be looked at as opportunities to make a new sale to a client. It isn''t all that bad to establish trust and a relationship. The people to whom you give gifts will surely enjoy the results if you can afford to become a regular buyer.

If you shop from the relaible Internet vendors, you can also do very mcuh the same with them. Of course, it isn''t a warm and cozy thing dealing with shipping, email and the phone, but it is a very efficient way to save time which may be at a very high premium for some folks. So long as you understand how to do the shipping, and how to coordinate the situation, it all can work out just fine even over great distances.

I''m pretty sure that many Internt vendors have a program to remind you of upcoming dates where you might want to give a jewelry gift. It could be as siple as an email reminder sent to you a few weeks ahead. Ask them if this is something they offer. I''d be surprised if most don''t have this kind of thing already in place. They might even have a "wish list" zone in their shopping cart for you and those you buy for.


Jul 21, 2004

Most storefront jewelers are tickled to do your inspections for free, and minor repairs for a reasonable cost, even if you didn’t buy it from them for exactly the reasons that Dave has outlined. ‘Free’ repairs often means the same as ‘prepaid’ repairs and there are generally LOTS of rules and exclusions to the programs. This is handy for people who are annoyed to get charged $25 ala-carte for something that seems minor but, in the long run, free repairs can turn out to be quite expensive.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver


Feb 19, 2006
Thanks for the replies :) Still don''t know what to do though...

I guess I''m pretty hesitant about purchasing something as big of a deal as a ring online without ever seeing it first!

I know that Jared has a ring that I love - it''s almost perfect; say I wanted Whiteflash to copy it but with a few changes, how would I go about getting that done? There''s no way I would be able to describe it properly... would I be have to take tons of pictures of the ring and then email them over (if so, would Jared even LET me??)?

Does whiteflash give quotes beforehand? And if so, do they usually stick to the price they quoted?

Thanks again :)

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Date: 3/29/2007 5:20:42 PM
Author: umgoblue2003
say I wanted Whiteflash to copy it but with a few changes, how would I go about getting that done? There''s no way I would be able to describe it properly... would I be have to take tons of pictures of the ring and then email them over (if so, would Jared even LET me??)?

Does whiteflash give quotes beforehand? And if so, do they usually stick to the price they quoted?
Not sure, of course...but Jared''s a chain, actually. John from WF has a thread about his travels there. They probably have a model number or name for a specific ring. I''d ask for it.

Re the''ll want to ask WF...except the part about sticking to quotes. Maybe others will respond.


Apr 22, 2004
Date: 3/29/2007 5:20:42 PM
Author: umgoblue2003
Thanks for the replies :) Still don't know what to do though...

I guess I'm pretty hesitant about purchasing something as big of a deal as a ring online without ever seeing it first!

I know that Jared has a ring that I love - it's almost perfect; say I wanted Whiteflash to copy it but with a few changes, how would I go about getting that done? There's no way I would be able to describe it properly... would I be have to take tons of pictures of the ring and then email them over (if so, would Jared even LET me??)?

Does whiteflash give quotes beforehand? And if so, do they usually stick to the price they quoted?

Thanks again :)
Well, you do get to see it. Let's say that you are interested in a diamond from Whiteflash, they can send you the diamond to view in the privacy of your home or to an independent appraiser of your choice. If you don't like the stone, send it back and you'll only be out $25 or so for the shipping cost. Also, if you post your prospective diamond(s) here for review, many experienced Pricescopers will comment on it/them and narrow it down to the most beautiful ones for your final selection. The narrowing down selection is done using the HCA tool, Sarin reports, magnified photographs, Idealscope pictures and ASET pictures.

As for the setting, I'm sure that Jared's has a model name or number for the ring. Jared is a chain jewellery store and probably even has a website that you can find a picture(s) of the ring mounting you like. You then can cut and paste the pictures and send them to Whiteflash (or whoever you want to make the setting) with descriptions of the changes you want to incorporate. Yes, WF, and I believe all vendors who post here on PS, gives quotes before accepting a job from a customer. Both parties have to agree on the price before work can begin and as far as I know, they also stick to the price they quoted. If not, it is usually due to some changes made by the customer and again, this is always discussed before the change is made and mutually agreed upon.


Feb 19, 2006
so we found a local jeweler to make the ring... but we still have to go to Jared and take a picture of the ring I like... (and see who is willing to do it for a better price)

Is it OK to take pictures there or at any other chain jewelry stores? Has anyone else done this?

I think if i take pictures from the side, at an angle, and straight on, that should be enough for the jeweler right?

any suggestions??



Jan 1, 2007
I''m not sure if a jewelry store would let you take pictures at all. A lot of retailers won''t let anyone take photos inside their store for loss prevention reasons. I have seen pictures on here of people trying on rings in jewelry stores so I know some jewelers must let people do it.

Although it''s definitely less than honest, you might just want to go in and "try on the ring" and then ask if you can take a picture of it and a few others to show your mom/girlfriend''s best friend/etc. to help you decide. I would not make it obvious you''re just trying to copy the design.

And if they won''t let you take pictures, ask if they have a catalog with photos of the ring in it or if the ring is on their website, etc.
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