
Broken Left Arm ... Ugh. Wait on proposal?!


Nov 1, 2013
Well this was unexpected. My GF broke her left ulna (one of the forearm bones) last night. I had planned to make a casual yet memorable proposal within the next couple days, worst case week(s). Now Im a little confused about what to do.

Heres my concern. She'll be in a cast for probably 8-12 weeks and the surgery that she needs to set the bone hasnt even been scheduled yet. Im not thinking she'd like to have a billion pictures of her arm in a full cast as she get to share the proposal with everyone; its just not very glamorous, you know? Is it weird of me to think like that? Will she care? Shes not a vain person. She hasn't ever talked about what ring she wants, finger size, nothing. I was completely in the dark through the whole process. I think she did that on purpose because wants the process to be 'magical' and a surprise and genuine. Would I be stealing some of that magic with a proposal right now? It feels silly and I dont THINK she'll mind, but I want to be considerate of the possibility.

Of course the other part of this whole thing is that 8-12 weeks is a LOOONG time. Its taken me forever to get the right diamond, right ring, get it made ... etc. We're both excited to start our lives together and I want to spend the next 8-12 weeks talking about our wedding and future, not just waiting for it to be over. Life happens, you know? We cant just hit the pause button every time something unexpected happens. So thats my dilemma.

I thought about cute ways to propose if I did decide to do it with the whole cast thing. Shes very fun loving and care free so I expect she'll have people sign her cast like we're in 3rd grade. I could propose right on the cast! That would be memorable and fun. I could also pretend to buy her something to 'bling-up' the cast and present her with the ring. I dunno, those are some of my thoughts.

Please weigh in! All thoughts are welcome!! Thanks in advance!
I love the idea of proposing on the cast!
Go for it!

What a great way to show off her ring without having to wave her hand around for people to notice :bigsmile:
I LOVE the idea of you proposing via cast!
I love the idea of proposing on the cast too! You'll definitely have a unique and really cute engagement story. I think you should stick to your plan rather than waiting a few months. This is just coming from my personal experience, but when my fiance got my ring, and I didn't know it, he acted REALLY strange, and I kept asking him what was wrong. Now I know it was just his anxiety / excitement about proposing, but at the time I was worried about him! I can't imagine if that had lasted for months.
Alright, its settled!! Cast proposal it is!! Ill try to delay a couple days (week) after the surgery so some of the swelling goes down. I want the ring to fit!

Thanks for all the input!
Just thinking through my fingers here, but given that you have a tangible thing to propose with, maybe you should get a shadow box of sorts to display the cast (or a piece of the case) in after?
Hudson_Hawk|1400172075|3673530 said:
Just thinking through my fingers here, but given that you have a tangible thing to propose with, maybe you should get a shadow box of sorts to display the cast (or a piece of the case) in after?

My thoughts exactly. We have a good relationship with the surgeon so Im hoping I can get him to save a chunk of it with the proposal on it. Hopefully it doesnt get too dirty/grimy over the weeks. Worst case we'll throw some pictures of it up on the wall. Im sure there will be many :wink:
cjuncosa|1400262416|3674271 said:
Hudson_Hawk|1400172075|3673530 said:
Just thinking through my fingers here, but given that you have a tangible thing to propose with, maybe you should get a shadow box of sorts to display the cast (or a piece of the case) in after?

My thoughts exactly. We have a good relationship with the surgeon so Im hoping I can get him to save a chunk of it with the proposal on it. Hopefully it doesnt get too dirty/grimy over the weeks. Worst case we'll throw some pictures of it up on the wall. Im sure there will be many :wink:

I love this!!!!
Ugh no update?
Personally I would wait.

I know when I am disabled (broken bones) I am quite miserable.
I need an update! How sweet!