
Breast Implants... anyone have them?

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Apr 12, 2006
Just wondering if you would do it again? or do you regret it?


Jul 26, 2004
I do not,
but my girl friend got them this year.
I must admit, we were all wondering why she would do it. She''s an intensly beautiful and athletic girl. I guess we all thought she was pretty lovely the way she was. She''s pretty happy with them, though. She did them for HER she says and feels better about herself in clothes. It''s not something that I personally would ever consider, I''m pretty happy with my athletic shape, but I won''t say that there aren''t other processes that I wouldn''t consider (I''m actually seriously considering having my nose done...and visiting a doctor this week... but that''s another matter...)
I thought I''d chime in, though, since I''ve recently been thinking about making a "change" to myself.


Dec 29, 2004
I live in L.A. Sometimes I think I am the only one who has never done it.

I have 3 close cousins. Two of them got theirs done. Another friend of mine got hers done after she had her son, and my best friend is considering it now that she is done with tits (apparently many women do them after motherhood to combat "flapjack t*ts"). In the last year, I''ve been hanging out with a new group of friends (as they are my hubby''s new friends) and just found out two out of the 6 girls have them too.

Most seem happy with them. But people don''t seem to realize they''re not one shot dealies...they will have to be maintained.

My cousin vacationed in Australia last year while we were there. She was sitting in the bath when she realized something was of her breasts had deflated/exploded/imploded or whatever it is they do. She''s a shy girl so this really wreaked havoc on her for a few days...ruining her and her DH''s time in Sydney because she didn''t want to be seen in public. When she finally did leave the hotel, it was to find a new bra that would manage her sudden new shape.

She called us actually a few weeks after it happened to let us know she was going back into surgery to get them both done. Yes, she had to redo them both, for symmetry purposes I guess. I asked her if she could just take them out. She was crying and said she wished she had never gotten them done, but they looked even weirder now that she had done them. This was an unexpected expense of several thousands that they had to fork out.

Hers is just one story. The rest seem happy with their decision. For the most part, I think that my friend''s bodies no longer look "special" but very cookie cutter "L.A." To each their own, but personally I guess I don''t have any degree of self esteem or body satisfaction tied to my hooters. (well, my case, they''re more like tweeters.)


Jun 15, 2006
I intend to have the opposite surgery done by the time I''m 35. I won''t have children past that age so will have been able to breastfeed if kids are in the cards. I am tired of being naturally well endowed. I have permanent indentations in my shoulders, trouble finding dresses and shirts that fit me properly, bad posture and a whole slew of less than glamorous things that come along with having large breasts. I don''t think there''s anything wrong with plastic surgery, as long as your reasons for doing it don''t include "I''ll like myself better" because your brain doesn''t change just because your body does. I know a few people who have had augmentations and are quite pleased with the result but it isn''t a one time thing, as TG said.


Jul 14, 2006
I have a friend in LA who has had them done, then had to have them redone (switched from silicone ones to saline ones). She went from barely B to D. Had to have drains and shunts and a big to-do. It seems like a lot of pain and expense.

When I was 16 I banged my head and had to go to a plastic surgeon to fix the cut. While I was there he noticed I was pretty small and brought out the implants to show me. This was a long time ago! I remember feeling them and they were like clear water balloons. He tried to sell me on it, but I had no desire for them.

To this day I am very grateful I did not do it - I am fine like I am and actually prefer being smaller.

I know each woman has a different type of bustline, even at the same bra size, so different people may feel strongly about needing/not needing them.

One thing I ask myself is how do you get a mammogram if you have those? They''ll get smashed! Obviously there is a way to deal with it, but I think there are many longer run considerations surrounding this procedure.


Feb 25, 2005
My best freind got them done about 3 years ago. She is athletic and beautiful. She looks awesome now!!!!! She is just proportioned right. She did not get them huge, but got a nice C. SO she looks natural.

She is drop dead gorgeous and LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES them.... If I had the money, I would seriously consider it.


Feb 25, 2005
I HATE her and love her all at the same time.!!!! LOL



Oct 19, 2005
I''m with KimberlyH, once I have children, these huge babies are getting reduced and lifted! I''m only 5 feet tall and a D cup and my back KILLS. My FI is actually worried because my lower back hurts always and I''m constantly squeezing out of tops. It sucks. I would think about getting them if I was flat chested, because I just want to be in proportion!


Oct 30, 2002
one of my girlfriend''s has them and she went through hell to get them!! she has had 3 surgeries, all by a top doctor but for whatever reason they are just never RIGHT. she''s kinda given up, but she loves them anyway i guess. they look huge to me! she really didn''t NEED it at all but she is very voluptuous on the bottom half and now i think she feels like the top matches the bottom. the one thing i am jealous about is that she doesn''t need to ever wear a bra again!! she tries on tops with me at the shops and she looks all fabulous and perky in whatever with no bra.


Nov 19, 2004
Mara--you hit on one of the things I envy about my friends with implants...the constant perky state. I am a natural D cup and I have friends with implants that are also a D cup. We all go to the beach and they just look fantastic in the smallest of bathing suits. My, real D''s, umm, require a bit more swimsuit management--some support definitely is needed. I honestly would love to be smaller. The back pain, no button shirts ever fit me etc. I''d be happy at a smaller C cup so I keep trying to loose weight hoping I''ll get there. But I''ve been a D cup since I was 13 so I''m not holding out too much help.

I''ve had kids, lost weight, gained weight...last year I was up to a DDD, now I''m back down but they seem to hang a bit lower now. Grr. Wonder if there is a way to lift them up without changing anything else?

sevens one

Apr 14, 2004
I have three girlfriends that have them.
All of them were in their early to mid thirties; all finished with having children.

They were very, very small chested.
Friend A with six children had a tummy tuck and breast implants- she looks amazing. Not too big.

Friend B had a nose job and breast implants. Her implants are small but very natural.

Friend C had a larger implant but very natural looking.

In my opinion they all look amazing.


Sep 8, 2004
My mom does. After 4 kids she still had A-cups, but somehow produced daughters with C''s and D''s. She went from an A to a C, and rarely wears a bra but still looks perkier than me and my sister, who are in our lower 20''s! At first they were really obvious, very high on her chest, a bit too large, but they''ve settled down in the past couple years and look much better. She''s more proportioned and I don''t realize she has implants unless I really think about it again.

Island - They do breast lifts, no augmentation, I think.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 12/19/2006 9:38:48 AM
Island - They do breast lifts, no augmentation, I think.

That''s correct, it is called a mastopexy. Can be done with or without augment.



Jun 15, 2006
Date: 12/19/2006 8:38:47 AM
Author: IslandDreams
Mara--you hit on one of the things I envy about my friends with implants...the constant perky state. I am a natural D cup and I have friends with implants that are also a D cup. We all go to the beach and they just look fantastic in the smallest of bathing suits. My, real D''s, umm, require a bit more swimsuit management--some support definitely is needed. I honestly would love to be smaller. The back pain, no button shirts ever fit me etc. I''d be happy at a smaller C cup so I keep trying to loose weight hoping I''ll get there. But I''ve been a D cup since I was 13 so I''m not holding out too much help.

I''ve had kids, lost weight, gained weight...last year I was up to a DDD, now I''m back down but they seem to hang a bit lower now. Grr. Wonder if there is a way to lift them up without changing anything else?
Island: I lost 60 lbs 4 years ago and have never changed cup size (DD-DDD depending on the bra manufacturer). My mom swears my breasts are smaller now, but I just have learned to hide them!

The day I have a reduction will by quite celebratory, I''ve had the same chest size since I was 12, I can totally relate.

Amber: I got into a serious car accident at 21 (flipped a small pick up going 90 mph) and the back pain began, it was miserable. I''ve always stood hunched over and I''ll be a hunchback at 50 if I don''t do something about it!

I''ve been counting down for surgery since I was 25.

Sorry for the hijack, just a different persepective on breast size!


Jul 27, 2005
Actually women who have implants SHOULD wear bras.
I know this because I watch WAY too much Dr. 90210, but implants will stretch your skin and eventually sag and hang much lower and cause stretch marks, etc. Wearing a bra is part of maintaining them. I particularly remember one episode where he measured a woman who was a "dancer" and said, you don''t wear a bra often do you? because they are much lower than they should be. It''s important for women w/ implants to wear sports bras, etc.


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 12/18/2006 7:44:15 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I live in L.A. Sometimes I think I am the only one who has never done it.

Haha, me too!

My roommate in college had a reduction, from a DDD to a small D. She also lost a bunch of weight soon after, so it was hard to tell if it was all the weight loss or some the reduction, but she looked fabulous, more like she was "supposed" to look--well proportioned and comfortable in her body (and the doctor told her she'd be able to breastfeed just fine). Ironically enough, her mother had had implants done (by the same surgeon!) 20 years before. Hers looked very natual, as well.

As for implants, I've thought about it. My body is SO curvy--big hips small waist, jeans never fit, blah--that small B's look very disproportionate on me. BF begs to differ
. I'm in the film/tv industry so implants would definitely give me a boost up in the "castable" department, but if I ever got them I wouldn't go above a C.

Honestly though, I don't think I could ever bring myself to do it. Too much trouble and effort, with too much risk to justify with one cup size.


Oct 30, 2002
i just hate wearing a bra, so of course the idea of being perky and braless is mentally quite wonderful, hahaha.

the interesting thing is that i have been a really full C since early 20's but when i lost weight this year and they got a bit smaller, i finally went to get a new bra or two and i was still a little too big for a B cup but i coulda sworn i had shrunk to a B! so now i'm in that weird in-between size where i'm not a B and basically a small C...and it's bugging me. ironic thing is i wanted them to shrink a bit when i weighed a bit more and now i am like HEY! where'd they go?! come back!


Apr 9, 2005
My best friend got implants about 7 years ago. I remember being shocked because it seemed like an impulse buy! She always wore very heavily padded bras and had a real complex about her stomach being bigger than her boobs but I didn''t know she was seriously considering the surgery. I stayed with her at her place for the beginning of her recovery and it was pretty gruesome but she is thrilled with the results and feels like she looks better in clothes. She hasn''t had any issues yet--I hope she never does.

I''m a tiny girl with an A cup so I have always wondered what it would be like to be well endowed but not to the point of wanting to have the surgery. I''ve always been pretty content being small and often feel lucky because I can go braless and can wear pretty much anything. I''m pregnant now and I was hoping that I would have a growth spurt just so I could get an idea of what it would be like to have something going on up top but unfortunately, it''s all gone to my belly and my boobs have not grown AT ALL!!


Oct 12, 2005
I dont have them but boy after I know for sure I am done having kids my breasts will need some work. I cannot believe what has happened to them after one child. I used to have great, good size perky breasts now.............holy mackerel. Add a tummy tuck to the breast job & i''ll be good to go.


Jan 20, 2006
I had a reduction 8 years ago and it was the best thing I ever had done. Unfortunately I got talked into by the surgeon to keep a 'full' profile (full C) and I probably will need to have a futher reducution when i hit my 50's. Apparantly in some women as they appproach menopause they increase their breast tissue. This has happened to me and 2 of my friends that have had reductions. It has nothing to do with weight gain as even if you lose any excess weight you do'nt lose it from your breasts the increase tissue is just a hormonal response.Why am I telling you this? Well it is a cautionary tale. If your mum or grandmothers breasts got bigger as she got older then the chances are yours will too and I would advise having a reduction that gave you a full B cup. Or you could wait to after menopause and have it done then


Mar 6, 2006
I''m with Kimberly on this. Mine are way to big and I have had my kids. They were always big but after kids they are bigger and I have back and shoulder pain and they just get in my way. And I HATE that men don''t look me in the eye!!! It drives me insane.

I''m working on getting my stomach back in shape. I''ve lost the baby weight but my belly is a mess.

My husband has agreed that for my 39th bday I can get my breasts reduced and if my tummy is still awful I may get a tummy tuck. I use to be so against tummy tucks (prekids) but having a lot of children close together make my body a mess. Thats 1 1/2 years away.

I would love a nice "C" and put these babies back up where they belong LOL.


Aug 15, 2006
Date: 12/19/2006 11:46:23 AM
Author: curlygirl

I''m a tiny girl with an A cup so I have always wondered what it would be like to be well endowed but not to the point of wanting to have the surgery. I''ve always been pretty content being small and often feel lucky because I can go braless and can wear pretty much anything. I''m pregnant now and I was hoping that I would have a growth spurt just so I could get an idea of what it would be like to have something going on up top but unfortunately, it''s all gone to my belly and my boobs have not grown AT ALL!!
Don''t give up hope--they still might after the baby''s born.

I have a friend who had implants last year--she''s soooo not "the type", so I was shocked when I heard, but I guess she''s happy with them. I''ve certainly thought about it, but I probably never will, for the same reasons I don''t color my hair: too expensive, afraid of looking less-than-natural, and afraid of the upkeep.


Mar 20, 2006
I''m a full B and fortunately have that natural perkiness that doesn''t require a bra (for now, anyway!)... but I''m enjoying it while I can, since I know I could end up deflated and saggy after pregnancy someday! But even then, not sure if I could justify implants or a lift... I''d be much more inclined to do something like lipo on my chunky thighs...


Jun 28, 2005
i would probably consider a breast lift after i''m done with having children. i won''t need to make them any bigger since my full C/small D is a good size. after nursing alyssa, my breasts are just not what they used to be. i mean, they''re not extremely saggy or anything like that, just not as perky as they used to be, so i''m thinking after two more children, it''ll be 3 times as worse!

maybe i''ll add in a tummy tuck too...hehe. sounds good, but i''m deathly afraid of surgeries, so i don''t know.... good thing, it''s many years away!


Mar 3, 2005
I used to be a small, perky A cup. I thought I would love to be bigger and had thought about implants but then I gained weight and became a C. Boy do I miss my small, perky, non-bra needing A''s. I hate that I have to wear a bra all the time and what i hate even more, this is TMI, I hate boobie sweat. I''m not sure if I''m more excited to get back into shape to get rid of my ever growing booty or to get back to being president of the itty bitty ti**y club.


Aug 15, 2006
Rebot, you crack me up! I have never gained weight "there", except during pregnancies. It all goes directly to my thighs. Sigh.

Being small on top definitely makes you look thinner, though!


May 2, 2006

Like most everyone else, I''ve thought about it at one point or another. I have a full B and a thin frame, so anything larger might look a little silly on me. My bf tells me a lot what great breasts he thinks I have, so eh...why bother?

Although I''d take it into more serious consideration as I get older and if I decide to have children. I like ''em perky!



Feb 18, 2006
I don''t have ''em, but, I''ve thought about having the old knockers scooped out and new ones put in. After 3 pregnancies and breastfeeding they are not what they used to be...They''re not bad...Just not as high and full. I''m seriously terrified of anything medical...Especially surgery.

I do have a good friend that had them done and had an experience similar to Mara''s friend. 3 surgeries and $10,000 later they still look soooooo horrible. One is high and has an overgrowth of scar tissue. The other is low due to the pocket being cut too large and has a big tuck in the bottom from the last surgeon trying to undo the previous surgeons boo-boos. Anyway, the moral of the story is that you should do the research for a good surgeon since skill is key. AND follow the doctor''s orders which is something my friend did not do and is paying the price for that now with fugly boobies.

BTW...I just saw the new 007 movie and there were no implanted women in it. I do think that huge fake boobs are in style now, but, may not be in the future.


Jan 6, 2005
Wow - this is a really interesting thread. I''ve really enjoyed reading everyone''s perspectives/experiences around this topic.

I''m strongly considering getting a reduction - I''m only about 5''3" and I have DDs, and they are not perky, sadly
But I''m not sure if I should wait until after kids...not sure if I can handle the back pain and uncomfortable treadmill workouts for that long (I''m only 24 now...).

But this thread has helped give me some things to think about. Thank you to all those who shared.
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