
Breaking the ICE

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Feb 6, 2003
Wow...after 3 months or so of lurking on this site and putting up the occasional question or two, I have finally chosen the stone to propose to my gf with. I wanted to first thank this site and and all the helpful people that kept me informed so I could get the best my hard earned money could buy. In the last 3 months, I have checked on all the major and minor internet vendors i could find, moms and pops jewelers, tiffany's, robbins brothers...etc and Jonathon and his crew from Good Old Gold were the ones that got my business. I won't go into detail other than to say they are a CLASS A place to deal with. Bank transfer just went through and my ring will be headed to the scene of my proposal, San Francisco. She won't have any idea what hit her, I've already hinted on it not happening this weekend.

Christen was kind enough to send me the picture of my stone to be in it's temporary Tiffany Style setting. We are going to have an antique styled setting designed soon after.

Wish me luck! But something tells me with this rock...I won't need it

Here are the specs on the stone.

2.008 G SI H&A AGS (Eye Clean)
60.4 Total Depth
56 Table
34.5 CA
40.8 PA
Culet - Pointed
Flourescence - Negligible


WELL DONE, Swansong.

And no, you won't need luck.

That is a GORGEOUS ring! Congrats!
WOW!!!! Don't forget to give us a little details when you propose!
That baby is gorgeous!
WOW!!! What a gorgeous hunk of rock!!!

GREAT Colors!!! GOG loves to tell stories with great pics!

Best of luck, tho I doubt you'll need it with that baby!
OH...MY...GOD. Breathtaking. Congratulations!!!

This is SO going into my little personal private folder of eye candy on my desktop computer. It's the 'dream' folder...poor fiance..if he ever finds it he will have a serious inadequacy complex (about the ring!!). It's where I put things like Lugus' ring and Kayla's ring and very large 2-3c stone pix that just blow me away. I adore my ring, but a girl can dream!!
Hi all,

What a wonderful weekend, I hope everyone had a safe and fun one as well.

As you might know, I proposed to Casandra Barraza on 5-25-2003 in the city of San Francisco at my generous brother's house. We had the whole house to ourselves, which is always the case when we visit.

The weather wasn't the greatest this weekend so I thought I just propose to her right in bed, well actually the floor
. I woke and asked her if she loved me...she replied..."too much"...I then told her that I had a peom to read her and that it's been a while since we had a romantic weekend together. I then reached into my jacket pocket got the piece of paper I wrote the poem on and started...

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! -- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death."

When I was finished she was in tears and said "that was one of the most beautiful poems you have ever read to me"...Before this point I wasn't sure If I was gogin to propose to her then and there...I knew it was going to be sometime that day...I knew after that moment that this was going to be the time and my brother's house was gogin to be the place. His house has always been soo special and dear to us. We hugged for a while and I told her that I needed to go in the closet to show her a painting that my brother had stored in there that she had to see, ofcourse that was where I hid the ring. I showed her the painting and then sat right next to her and told her to sit-up so I could hug her more tightly...she got up and we hugged and I asked her again...Does she love me?...she replied...again "too much" (I do this all the time to her so it wasn't revealing at all...she had no idea what was about to happen...I threw her off all weekend and when the local jeweler called the day before to setup an appointment, that sealed it, she had no clue.) So I sat her up, hugged her tightly and reached into my back pocket and told her...I have a little gift for you...and as she opened it...I said...."There will not be another person I love more than you, will you love me forever"...She hugged me tightly and started balling...that brought me to tears as well and we were both there just hugging each other...I then said "So is that a yes?"...and she looked at me with her tear drenched face "Yes, Ofcourse..Ofcourse". I then said..."well do you like the ring?"...she replied " OH MY GOD...I can't belive's soo beautiful, it's soo soo beautiful. She has been attached to that ring ever since...

The ring sparkles like crazy everywhere...and for an H color stone it faces up white as can be...We received soo many compliments this disperesed soo many colors it was truly amazing. We couldn't be happier with it's performance.

It performs best in the can be blinding...and I'm not exaggerating...the glare can be soo great. Now im interested in knowing which lighting condition your stone performs best in?

Well i'm emotionally drained right now...and I still have to call all of my family...I hope you all enjoyed my story...I am a terrible writer so excuse me for my lack of poetry...Thank god for people like Elizabeth Browning

Thanks to all of you once again for all the kind words and thoughtful knowledge...Thanks GOG for makeing my fiance as happy as can be...I can't wait until she tells me all the stories of her day showing off the stone at work

On 5/27/2003 11:55:13 AM SwanSong wrote:

..I can't wait until she tells me all the stories of her day showing off the stone at work


And, I can't wait to hear either!!!!! So sweet -Congrats & Best Wishes to your financee!
I've been accused in the past of having some sort of impaired tear-duct glands, as I look female and all that--but I really am not emotional nor do I cry, but your story brought tears to my eyes!!
So many of these great Pscope stories are so incredibly touching. It raises the bar for my poor guy..hee hee.

What a great job, and so imaginative. I love the poem touch. So special--I am sure she was incredibly shocked.

Sorry the weather was sub-par in San Francisco this weekend, you should have gone to Santa Cruz (where we were this weekend at our friend's beach house), it was blazing hot there yesterday. Sunburned today!!

Congrats again!
Thank You all for the well wishes...

I'll sum up the reactions of Casandra's co-workers when viewing her ring.

the Men - My wife better not ever see that
the Women - My Husband needs to see that ring

Oh, wonderful, beautiful story from a wonderful, beautiful couple. Congratulations!
On 5/28/2003 10:36:51 AM SwanSong wrote:

Thank You all for the well wishes...

I'll sum up the reactions of Casandra's co-workers when viewing her ring.

the Men - My wife better not ever see that
the Women - My Husband needs to see that ring


Awww, SwanSong, what a touching proposal story! I was tearing too!
Congratulations on your engagement and a stunning ring.

This co-worker summary just cracked me up!
Well we finally did it...We got the ring...Casandra is just on cloud 9 right now...she keeps on randomly saying how much she loves it. Everytime she says that, I must admit it's another stroke to my ego

We got to see it get set and polished and even rhodium plated (i thought that was just for white gold) Is this common in platinum as well? It was such a neat experience. We were soo giddy we forgot to ask them to take pictures of it. I do apologize for posting without the stone set, I will try with my little point and shoot sometime tomorrow. For now you can see the setting without the stone. These pictures don't do the ring person it's just soo white and glimmery...I'm starting to love these things too much...way tooo much...Help..I need help



These are actually older pictures..the ring has changed a bit since..most notable where the shank meets crown from the side view...those gaps are now covered with diamonds

Thanks again to everyone on here for the great advice and the kind words and support. I couldn't even come close to this if I didn't find this site...not even close!

What a beautiful setting! Can you give the details on it?
hmm details on the setting...
Platinum antique style
~1.5 carats pave set stones
size is 4.25
The center stone is a 2 carat H&A S1-G
The shank is actually concave and shows all three sides from the top view.

It's a hybrid of 2 antique settings she loved.

I hope that helps descibe it more...let me know if you need any more details.
So pretty!! Wow 4.5 finger with a 2c rock and 1.5c of pave...her hand must be sooo heavy. Get her a cart to carry that thing around on

Her dentist keeps on telling her that she better take off that ring when she sleeps or her wedding finger is going to get BUFF...heh.

I'll take some pics tonight, hopefully they wil turn out... I have a point and click but I have never got the macro mode to work correctly on the darn thing. sigh....

stay tuned.
On 5/27/2003 11:55:13 AM SwanSong wrote:

Well i'm emotionally drained right now...and I still have to call all of my family...I hope you all enjoyed my story...I am a terrible writer so excuse me for my lack of poetry...Thank god for people like Elizabeth Browning


you're emotionally drained?! I'M emotionally drained! *whew*

great story. great ring. i think we need a group hug...
Well this was the best I could do with my point and shoot canon. I'm pretty satisfied on how the pictures came out...My next hunt is for a wedding band now...geez it never ENDS. Here are two pics one from the top view and one from three quarters. Enjoy!


I just read the proposal for the first time and the coworker response. I love them both. I'm going to read your proposal to everyone I know. It was so sweet.
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