
Bought it!

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Nov 19, 2002
Hey everyone,

I went in to the jeweler today questioning whether to purchase my GIA certified 1.27, E, SI2 (eyeclean) stone with what might be viewed as a steep pavilion angle of 41.6 degree pavilion angle and 32.4 degree crown. It scored a bit lower than two on the HCA (around a 3 something); however, the gemapraiser ranked it "Very Good."

When I was looking today, I also looked at an AGS diamond of similar color and carat weight right next to mine. The AGS angles were 40.8 for pavilion and 34.4 for crown, and it scored very well on the HCA.

I looked at both stones and I have to admit, I liked my origional choice better. I wasn't obligated to take it over the other stone, so I tried to be honest with myself, and I still just came away liking my origional choice. It had a lot of brilliance and scintillation. In fact, I felt my origional choice had a bit more scintillation than the other stone. The brilliance of both stones seemed about the same from what I could tell. I was looking for a lack of brilliance from my origional stone, for I've learned that if you have more scintillation that you give up a bit on brilliance. I was a bit baffled, but chose to stick with my origional 1.27 carat E, SI2 even though it shouldn't have been the beter stone.

I guess it's like Mr. Holloway and his proponents have said, use the HCA to get you to the right stones and then you be the judge of which stone does it for YOU. The way that I look at it is that there are so many variables to the real stones, that YOU have to be the one to make the final decision. Don't be foolish and go at it without the assistance of the HCA or Gemapraiser models, but in the end when you get down to the wire between two or more stones, your eyes will be the deciding factor.

I'm so glad that everyone here took the time to talk to me about the various issues concerning the diamond that I was interested in. I was able to make an informed discission and to utilize such great tools as the "cut advisor" and gemappraiser software to assist me in obtaining knowledge with regard to diamonds.

By the way, I stopped by another jewelery store on the way home to glance around and show off my new ring to see what the jeweler there thought (hey, I can't show the ring to my women for another few days). An older lady was behind the counter; you know, the ones that hang out in jewelry stores. She asked me if she could help me, and I just said that I had stopped by to see Mr. X whom I had known over the years to be a good jeweler to let him look at my new ring. Of course, I pulled the ring out for her to look at while I waited for Mr. X. The ring was so "sparklie" and refflected so many colors that the first words out of her mouth were, that doesn't look like a "real" diamond. It was awesome! Then, Mr. X came out and visited with me; he commented how nice my stone looked. He said it had great scintillation and brilliance. He immediately walked to his counter and grabbed a loop. He smiled after looking at the stone some more and said, "You've got a nice stone there, but I guess you already knew that!" I smiled back and told him, yes, and thanked him. We chatted for a while, and I left to go home to my woman who thought I was at a study group.

It's been a good day. I had been worried earlier about the stone and couldn't remember exactly what it looked like the first time I saw it a few days ago. After checking out this site, I had gotten worried that I would be making a mistake if I went ahead and bought the stone. Nope, I didn't make a mistake; With the help of all those on this forum and the info here, I made an informed decision, which is much better. Now, I have no worries about the quality of my stone. I have Cut Nut, Old timer, Leonid, and plenty of others to thank...sorry, I can't remember everyone's name off the top of my head, but thank you.

Good luck to the rest of you...

Haha... good luck luckyguy! I see you went with it. As long as YOU are happy that's what counts.

Thanks Rhino, and if you are who I think you are, then thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I would highly recommend anyone to contact for their next diamond purchase. I didn't end up purchasing from them for this particular stone, so I don't know all the services they provide, but they sure knew a lot about diamonds and were willing to talk to someone who they knew would probably not be purchasing from them this time around. That says a lot to me.

By the way, I know I talked and learned from quite a few people, so, again, thank you to everyone.

hehe... I am who you think I am ... I think. :twirl:


Luckyguy, thanks a lot for posting your story!

I have no doubt you did the right choice. By the way, GemAdviser rated your stone very high. It's just a matter of putting words like "Ideal", "Very Good", "Good" along with calculated numbers such as light return, light leakage, etc.

If you would load the proportions of the second stone with almost Tolkowsky crown and pavilion angles into the GemAdviser (40.8° pavilion and 34.4° crown angles), you won’t get much better results. You can play with one of the close examples that come with the program. It also will be rated "Very Good" – it's just the software developers have more cautious approach to wordings.

According to Diamond Calculator, your stone has some partial light leakage under the table, which is penalized by HCA. But you did the right thing by trusting your eyes at the end.

Congratulations and good luck with proposal! :)

Rhino, "I yam what I yam" :)
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