
Bored... where do you browse on the net?


Aug 8, 2005
What do you do on the net (other than PS) to be entertained?

I'm tired of watching TV, there is only so much PSing a person can do, and I can't shop anymore!

Help me out here folks.

I read the news, go on fb, plan wedding...
Go on FB, Sims 3 forum, YouTube, google random stuff, read articles, search for weird/funny/disgusting/politically incorrect pics. :bigsmile:
Facebook,Twitter, NY Times, tech blogs, random Wikipedia entries...
It's not online per se, but I've been indexing records on Kind of a neat thing to do if you're into genealogy at all.
I browse Sotheby's & Christie's auctions of all sorts of stuff. Look up historical things. Check out fancy evening dresses at Neimans that I'll never have myself. Love to go through real estate listings of historic houses.
I like to read so I'll look at Salon, NY Times, Washington Post, Slate, etc. And of course there's always the option of getting off the Internet! Read a book, go for a walk, work out, etc.!
I recently got into Pinning- at

You can organize and save various things you like and find online- like DIY projects, decorating ideas, recipes, jewelry, etc. And the best part is, Pinterest saves the original location of the link so you can always go back to it. I only started last week, but have pinned so many things already!
thing2of2|1311074973|2972094 said:
I like to read so I'll look at Salon, NY Times, Washington Post, Slate, etc. And of course there's always the option of getting off the Internet! Read a book, go for a walk, work out, etc.!

I like this! I'm trying to balance my Internet time with other activities as well. I love reading (books), but hardly do anymore because most of the little down-time is spent watching TV or checking mail/favourite sites. :knockout:

When I'm on the net, though, I usually go to FB, PS, my local news website, and my email, and sometimes Yahoo -Shine (women's website). Sometimes I research interesting terms/info/people/news that I've always wondered about. I usually just check all of my favourite sites in a particular order, respond to what I need to, and when I'm done, I'm done. :))
Facebook, look things up on wikipedia (I justify that with the fact that I'm learning!)
Facebook, News, Jewelry, Gemstones
JewelFreak|1311074015|2972081 said:
I browse Sotheby's & Christie's auctions of all sorts of stuff. Look up historical things. Check out fancy evening dresses at Neimans that I'll never have myself. Love to go through real estate listings of historic houses.

Ditto on Sotheby's and Christie's and I love looking up historical homes, especially in Georgia.
I'm amazed how many old churches are for sale in the UK and at beyond reasonable prices compared to where I live. If I ever move back home I'd definitely consider buying one and doing a conversion whilst keeping the bones and historical architectural features intact.
Castles for sale also intrigue me, alas, not in my price range but I can fantasize!

I also like V&M and 1stdibs for finding unique pieces, albeit sometimes overpriced, there are deals to be had and sometimes something is just worth it to me to pay the extra.
I must say though, you can spend vacuous hours online. Recently my SO and I went to visit his folks at their lake cottage and I didn't take my cell and they don't have internet...was cathartic, I couldn't live like it, but it made us mindful of how much time we spend online.
We both use the Internet for research a lot. In fact, had we not found PriceScope we would not have made an educated choice for our engagement ring.
I love The Hairpin and The Awl for the freaking hilarious articles.

Dear Sugar on The Rumpus is always inspiring.

Not Always Right and Dear Blank Please Blank when I need a quick laugh.

YHL and Isabella and Max Rooms when I'm in a decorating mood.

Bakerella and Smitten Kitchen when I want to drool over delicious food

Pinterest. Above anything and everything lately, Pinterest.
I stumble. I love it. Last night I was stumbling puzzles and found a whole bunch of great ones. I've found everything from Goodreads to inspirational pics, animal facts to home interiors.
Wedding websites. (including potential venues etc in our area)
Semi-random chemistry information searches.
Searches about physics.
Used textbook websites.
Links from PS.

I usually just see what comes up as I'm doing stuff. Generally starts as semi-productive (reading up on a subject before I take a class on it, financial regulations for work, etc) and then I see interesting things like articles or something that sounds interesting I'd like to know more about or links to other websites that look interesting or........

ETA: While typing this out, I had to stop to do something for work which brought up an interesting topic I've not really thought about so now I'm off to do a search on Americans owning houses in Mexico and other random Mexico property regulations and maybe even known property scams.
I look at settings on ebay, or wedding stuff and pretend we're renewing our vows. is great for finding interesting things to read you wouldn't necessarily find otherwise

and I've definitely been Pinteresting A LOT lately!
Ohh yes, 2nd sillyberry on Pinterest and also I spend a lot of time on Houzz
Pinterest and Houzz

and design blogs.
i go to price scope first then eBay jewelry discussions boards,the auction sites and also the major antique jewelry sites like morning glory antiques and also a few minutes on Facebook and i also like the history channel, PBS, watch series or for American and British television shows.
Kismet|1311071439|2972063 said:
It's not online per se, but I've been indexing records on Kind of a neat thing to do if you're into genealogy at all.
I LOVE GENEALOGY and family type sites!!!
I haven't heard of MOST of these websites. COOL BEANS! I got stuff to browse now! Whooo hoo! Thanks guys.
I check out Facebook and Ravelry (a Knitting & Crochet community). I actually heard about PS on Ravelry when I was wanting some advise on some jewelry. A friendly person mentioned PS in a private message and I've been hooked here ever since. :D
Same here, Kenny.

I get my juvenile humor fix from,, and;

Then I see what's happening on and do some window shopping at;

A little celebrity gossip at;

Balance it all out with and

Then I settle in for the long haul with some PS :)
Facebook - although that seems to not be as exciting as it used to be.

I have also been on Chow a lot as my newest hobby is cooking and baking.
Facebook, Veggieboards, a message board for IC/PFD (I have both), Damn You Auto Correct, I Can Haz Cheeseburger. I also like to read the local news on Yahoo.
For serious boredom, I love Regretsy, and TheSuperficial. Not things you want to check in on every day, but always entertaining.