
Blood in urine

This is how my doc does it (bolded above). She would call something else in if the labs come back different than expected or the antibiotics didnt
clear it up. I always get meds before my labs on UTI like issues (but I'm in the U.S.) Also, some of our over-the-counter UTI meds
to reduce pain/and or drinking a ton of water can cause the labs to come back negative (or not grow anything as they say). So, labs
dont always help from what I understand.

EDIT...hope you get some meds and feel better soon @Begonia

In all my years as an infectious disease physician that how I have practiced and how I have taught my residents. As far as I know no new evidence to change that.
Please, whatever you do, don't take 'we don't know' for an answer!

My experience during COVID:
Poor doctors have become terrible
Mediocre doctors have become poor
Good and Great doctors have become AMAZING.

Be sure your doctor is AMAZING.

Blessings and best wishes!
Got the damn pee in to a lab. Yay me! Asked her politely that my doc was hoping for some results today so she could prescribe, so when might the results be ready? She muttered something about culturing 24 hours?? Well that takes me into the stat holiday tomorrow and all labs and doc are closed. Darn.

What I'm getting from this whole experience from calling clinics, docs office, ER and lab is we don't want you asking questions. Even polite queries where you are unsure of what the protocol is or what to do. Well. Eff. That.
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Got the damn pee in to a lab. Yay me! Asked her politely that my doc was hoping for some results today so she could prescribe, so when might the results be ready? She muttered something about culturing 24 hours?? Well that takes me into the stat holiday tomorrow and all labs and doc are closed. Darn.

What I'm getting from this whole experience from calling clinics, docs office, ER and lab is we don't want you asking questions. Even polite queries where you are unsure of what the protocol is or what to do. Well. Eff. That.

This is nuts? They don't have the dip sticks that check for WBC and blood? Blood in urine with fever and chills can be a sign of infection moving systemically. I've never been asked to wait for a lab sample to come back. I've described my symptoms, peed into a cup, they test for WBC and RBC there and then, give antibiotics and send to lab to confirm. They'll follow up if it's something else.
Wow, I could go to my local ER any time and get treated like royalty. They even have a section for non emergency. They expect stuff like this! On the other hand, insurance pays the cost, not the tax payers so what do they care? Terrible treatment of you! Hope you get the answer you need!
Can you get to a health food store/pharm and pick up some D- Mannose? You can also access it through Amazon. Cheap and effective. We always have some on hand.
I have had chronic kidney stones/UTI and this has knocked out the UTI for me every time.
It is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) derived from cranberries etc. that essentially 'wash' the kidney/urethra by grabbing onto e-coli bacteria(most common culprit). I've attached a clinical trial if you're interested in the mechanics.
I hope this helps!
My doctor always starts me on antibiotics and then changes them if the culture indicates a different one is needed. The reason why is that UTIs can progress from a minor annoyance to a serious kidney infection rapidly. This happened to me last Sunday even with starting antibiotics immediately. I am sorry you are going through this and hope they resolve it today.
This is absurd. l, like AprilBaby, would just go to my doctor, give a cup, and wait in the room and 5-10 minutes later they come in, it's a danged dipstick for heaven's sake! Cloudy, bloody, particulate all are a sign of a UTI, a lot of pain mid back and the rest is a kidney infection, you'd think these 'medical people' would know that a kidney infection is serious.. I am very pissed for you and am also sending a huge hug, know it will be okay.. the guy who said bad docs worse, mediocre worse, is right, that's my take lately too.. you take care, in the US you can buy some stuff to help alleviate pain, although in my 'golden years' my UTIs aren't as painful as bloody and the rest of your symptoms.. at a younger age I really experienced burning! .. you take care.. be good to yourself.. I've had more than my fair share of UTIs, not in the last 4 years tho! so I know this feelling of fear.. don't worry. Group hug!
I have read that antibiotics for UTIs are losing their effect and one must take them for much longer than back in the day, 4 years ago in Maine I was prescribed something that didn't work, so I had some Keflex from a cruise a cruise doc gave me so I took that and I was fit and fine in 5 days. Nitrofurantoin was the first course, totally useless.

My doctor always starts me on antibiotics and then changes them if the culture indicates a different one is needed. The reason why is that UTIs can progress from a minor annoyance to a serious kidney infection rapidly. This happened to me last Sunday even with starting antibiotics immediately. I am sorry you are going through this and hope they resolve it today.
@Begonia i am so sorry to read about the terribly unprofessional and rude service you received! That’s unacceptable. I wouldn’t bother with the medical chain of command; I’d go straight to Google and leave a scathing review about being shamed over this. When you’re feeling bad and just trying to get yourself taken care of the LAST thing you need is reproach from some righteous bully who is supposed to be there to provide care and do no harm!!!
I hope you’re able to find treatment soon and that you get well quickly. Hugs from afar and I am mentally bopping that woman on the head!
This is's not your fault you're sick. So much for patient care. Hope you get real help soon!
I'm not a medical professional, not have I had personal experience with the things you're describing @Begonia, but your symptoms are sound very concerning to me, and I'm so sorry you are not getting the medical and decent human being treatment from the ER staff. I hope you can get tested soon, and in the meantime, I pray that you continue to feel better and find a decent place for care soon.
Can you get to a health food store/pharm and pick up some D- Mannose? You can also access it through Amazon. Cheap and effective. We always have some on hand.
I have had chronic kidney stones/UTI and this has knocked out the UTI for me every time.
It is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) derived from cranberries etc. that essentially 'wash' the kidney/urethra by grabbing onto e-coli bacteria(most common culprit). I've attached a clinical trial if you're interested in the mechanics.
I hope this helps!

Yes! Totally familiar with it :))
Will get some asap.
Thank you!
My doctor always starts me on antibiotics and then changes them if the culture indicates a different one is needed. The reason why is that UTIs can progress from a minor annoyance to a serious kidney infection rapidly. This happened to me last Sunday even with starting antibiotics immediately. I am sorry you are going through this and hope they resolve it today.

Our old doc used to prescribe antibiotics but say don't take them till the lab comes back so we would have had them already at home ready to go but also were not taking antibiotics unnecessarily
We only take antibiotics as a last resort in our house anyway
Im.still angry this morning for you @begon
Just because our countries have a free public health service doesn't mean we sbould get subpar care
Thank you all for listening and caring! I think if I wasn't so tired, I'd be better equipped to figure this out and deal with the health care system where I live right now? If I am battling an infection, that might have something to do with my ability to process but I will say this, all those virtual hugs and well wishes sure feel good. Thank you all so very very much.
Thank you all for listening and caring! I think if I wasn't so tired, I'd be better equipped to figure this out and deal with the health care system where I live right now? If I am battling an infection, that might have something to do with my ability to process but I will say this, all those virtual hugs and well wishes sure feel good. Thank you all so very very much.

I hope you are feeling better now. I am so sorry you had an awful experience in the ED. I guess everyone is under a lot of pressure but that is no way to treat someone. I hope you managed to find a lab and get the tests done.
dear begonia,
i am sorry you are going through this. in any time, would be worrisome but in these current times and circumstances makes it even more challenging and troublesome. i wish i could do more for you than just offer you words. i feel itsmainleyyou's advice of d-mannose is your best bet until you can seek the medical attention and care you need ...
Thinking of you and sending well-wishes, @Begonia!
Hey there! Some results are in. Culture still waiting. Can anyone interpret these? Some results look good, but red blood cells...bad photo but pc updating :(20201110_151307.jpg
The specimen is dilute which means you have been drinking lots of water! which is good, but it can dilute the results, been there done this Begonia, you have to wait till the overnight bacteria count grows or not.. this is the only downside to drinking tons of water to alleviate the GD pain etc, it dilutes the urine and so they have to watch to see if bacteria grows, I had this happen to me once, it grew and the dr. called me and apologized. KTF. xo
The specimen is dilute which means you have been drinking lots of water! which is good, but it can dilute the results, been there done this Begonia, you have to wait till the overnight bacteria count grows or not.. this is the only downside to drinking tons of water to alleviate the GD pain etc, it dilutes the urine and so they have to watch to see if bacteria grows, I had this happen to me once, it grew and the dr. called me and apologized. KTF. xo

Ok, good to know!
Doc called and since no WBC and nitrites (i think she said), she's sending me to urologist. Damn. Was hoping for some evidence of bacteria but I drank 2 litres yesterday and some natural cranberry juice (omg, is that sour, even diluted). She says urologist to be on safe side, and no antibiotics at this time. Hopefully culture shows something tomorrow and she says she'll check in tomorrow even tho it's a stat. That I appreciate!
Hey there! Some results are in. Culture still waiting. Can anyone interpret these? Some results look good, but red blood cells...bad photo but pc updating :(20201110_151307.jpg

Referral to urologist is a good idea. The urine appears dilute, does not rule out a urine infection, but its reassuring. hope you feel better soon.
Did you go to a LifeLabs? If so, you can access test results and take them to an urgent care centre on the holiday if the culture comes back positive and your doctor isn’t available to prescribe.

I’m in Ontario and I forget where you are located. Since covid, I’ve somehow managed to break my foot, get a UTI, and start a Hashimoto’s flair. It’s been a bit different navigating the healthcare system, but I’ve managed to get through it in a timely manner (faster even somehow). If there is an urgent care near you please consider going in (rather than ER which can get hectic and have long waits for non-emergencies).

Hope you feel better! Are we cheering for bacteria? If so go bacteria!

Edited to add: I should read the whole thread before commenting. Sorry and I hope this clears up soon.
@Begonia so sorry to read this thread. Firstly I hope you find a diagnosis quickly and I am maddened at the ER nurse’s attitude. :(
First sign of a UTI, I take cranberry pills. Helps me every time. Good luck!! Be well!
Did you go to a LifeLabs? If so, you can access test results and take them to an urgent care centre on the holiday if the culture comes back positive and your doctor isn’t available to prescribe.

I’m in Ontario and I forget where you are located. Since covid, I’ve somehow managed to break my foot, get a UTI, and start a Hashimoto’s flair. It’s been a bit different navigating the healthcare system, but I’ve managed to get through it in a timely manner (faster even somehow). If there is an urgent care near you please consider going in (rather than ER which can get hectic and have long waits for non-emergencies).

Hope you feel better! Are we cheering for bacteria? If so go bacteria!

Edited to add: I should read the whole thread before commenting. Sorry and I hope this clears up soon.

Thank you girl! I am cheering for bacteria! Come on you creeps, grow. Lifelabs, yes :))

That's all good advice. I sure appreciate it!
Ok. Dilute alright :) drank 2 litres last night and some of that nasty cranberry juice and some emergen-C sachets. Ok, staying the course. Damn, come on bacteria!
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Thank you girl! I am cheering for bacteria! Come on you creeps, grow. Lifelabs, yes :))

That's all good advice. I sure appreciate it!

I managed to find a dinky little Lifelabs in a building with a few doctors offices. It’s been amazing. Never more than 3-4 people in there.

The ones in the strip malls are so busy.

Goodluck again and come on bacteria!
Thank you all for listening and caring! I think if I wasn't so tired, I'd be better equipped to figure this out and deal with the health care system where I live right now? If I am battling an infection, that might have something to do with my ability to process but I will say this, all those virtual hugs and well wishes sure feel good. Thank you all so very very much.

If i lived in your country and understand the ins and outs of the NHS i would be happy to help you complain
Complains here get a lot of attention
My OH had a locum misplace paperwork that resulted in him walking around with a ticking time bomb of a heart blissfully unaware
When the mistake was discovered (thankfully in time) the locum gave Gary all the info to complain to the professional body - which he didn't as he was ok and Doc learnt a valuable leason
Here in NZ every medical/ hospital/ old folks home ive been to have multiple govt posters up with information of expectations of care and how to complain
Its not right you are frightfully worried about this unknown condition and you basically got blown off by this nurse

i know nurses are like everyone else
you get outstanding caring compident ones and then you get grumps who have no place working with the public, let alone in a responsibility of care

I think at the very least you should at some stage talk to your GP or the freindly practice nurse at your family doctors about what happened
Hey there! Some results are in. Culture still waiting. Can anyone interpret these? Some results look good, but red blood cells...bad photo but pc updating :(20201110_151307.jpg

Hi @Begonia Hope you’re feeling better. I can help interpret your result if you take a picture to the left a little bit so I can see what each units are referring to.