
BF or FF?

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Feb 4, 2009
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

I have a sort of quirky/fun thing to bring up! Just something I have noticed :)

I have noticed a lot of posters call the man in their life their FF - and I mean, its obviously fitting, considering we are all LIW''s...

However, do you find yourself ever revelling in the fact that he is your boyfriend and just that?!

I find that now that I know the proposal is coming soon... (less than 60 days!)... I am calling him ''boyfriend'' more :P

Like, ''good night boyfriend'' and ''I love you, my boyfriend''... instead of the typical, baby/sweetie/honey/etc.

It''s like I wanna get it all out of my system cause I know sooner than later he''s not going to be my boyfriend anymore! I will never have a boyfriend again! The tragedy.. *insert eye rolling smiley here*

Ah... The things we give up to be engaged eh?!
hehe funny! I never thought about that, but i just call my bf my bf.... even though he really is FF =D
Date: 2/8/2009 11:58:12 PM
Author: rosebud10
hehe funny! I never thought about that, but i just call my bf my bf.... even though he really is FF =D

yup me too!!
sometimes i forget and accidentally call fi my boyfriend haha
Haha, I don''t really ever call mine BF or FF. We do have silly pet names, though, and I usually call him by that. When I''m referring to him in conversation, I just call him B.
Date: 2/9/2009 12:28:10 AM
Author: Namaste
Date: 2/8/2009 11:58:12 PM

Author: rosebud10

hehe funny! I never thought about that, but i just call my bf my bf.... even though he really is FF =D

yup me too!!

Me three!
I call him my BF...I don''t think I''ll ever refer to him as FF. I feel like that might jinx me!

I have started calling my BF "bubby" know, boyfriend/hubby
. He thinks it''s pretty funny (or crazy!)...
i call him boyfriend. but i refer to his family as "in law" just to bug him.

I''m so sweet ;)
When I first started posting on PS, I picked up using FF, and I keep using it because I like to be consistent

IRL, I would never call my BF my FF, afraid my family and friends would think it was way too corny. So there's he's just BF (although he knows I call him FF on PS
When I was a LIW I used BF, I always thought FF was for when you KNOW he had the ring or you were involved in the ring process.
I still call my FI my BF. Maybe bc he was my bf for 8 years before he was FI. It''s funny though bc my friends always try to correct me and I still like saying bf.
I still call him my boyfriend...and we''re engaged
When I was a liw, I would say it BOYFRIEND on purpose, so he would know my disdain for the word. But when he was my fiancee I would slip and call him boyfriend (in a nice way) and he''d be like, HEY! I earned the name fiancee... GET IT RIGHT! hahah. I was sooo wicked, he ended up hating the word boyfriend!
I call him BF, mainly just habit and technically that is what he is. However, I was responding to someones thread (he was next to me) and asked what I used and told me I was supposed to use FF. It made me happy to know that that is how he thought of us (at least on PS. hehe) So now I try to use FF, but BF comes out from habit.

As to the OP, I think it is adorable that you are cherishing him as your boyfriend. I think many of us tend to want the FI status immediately and don''t realize everything we have at this exact moment. Thanks for posting because I know it made me stop and think for a moment and realize there really is no rush and to cherish the moment.
Silly as it may sound, I really don't like the word "FIANCE". It doesn't bother me when others say it, nor does it bother me when he introduces me as his "fiance". Although I introduce him new people as "the fiance", I usually still refer to him as my boyfriend when I am talking about him. Weird I know.
Date: 2/9/2009 12:40:48 AM
Author: Smurfysmiles
sometimes i forget and accidentally call fi my boyfriend haha
Shame on you smurfy.....
Date: 2/9/2009 12:40:48 AM
Author: Smurfysmiles
sometimes i forget and accidentally call fi my boyfriend haha
I still kept calling my husband my boyfriend right up until the wedding... I didn''t like all the attention that mentioning "my fiance" seemed to draw ("ooh when is the wedding? how long have you been engaged? can I see the ring? how did you meet?"

I never referred to him as my "future" anything, really, I just called him what he was (minus fiance), be that friend/boyfriend/husband.

Thanks for the input! I guess for a second I didn''t realize that there is world outside of pricescope and just cause they may be referred to as FF''s here - that may not be the case in real life! Thanks for the input though :)

Date: 2/9/2009 11:26:40 AM
Author: Definitely, Maybe

As to the OP, I think it is adorable that you are cherishing him as your boyfriend. I think many of us tend to want the FI status immediately and don''t realize everything we have at this exact moment. Thanks for posting because I know it made me stop and think for a moment and realize there really is no rush and to cherish the moment.

Thanks so much for your response Definitely, Maybe! I didn''t realize how much I do cherish the moment until you pointed it out.

Honestly, it''s amazing how many times we try to rush through life.. But, as eager as I am to leave my L-I-W status; I love being *just* a girlfriend!

Mind you, this may be because I see the light at the end of the tunnel :$ Less than 59 days! *happy dance*
Haha, cute ?, NP. I agree with sammyj, I don''t use the FF here because I don''t want to jinx anything :) In real life, I don''t think I EVER use the term bf. Usually it''s "the guy I''m dating", and only if I''m talking about him to someone I don''t really know. And then they ask how long we''ve been seeing each other and I say "two years". As they''re like "...oh, you mean your boyfriend?" Hahaha, I dunno, just something about the word boyfriend that sounds a little silly to me.. Ditto for fiance though- guess I''m just not big on titles.
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