
Best place to see sapphires in person


Aug 25, 2015
Hi everyone, I'm a first time poster but regular lurker on pricescope. This site has been great for getting information and ideas. I got engaged and am in the process of trying to get a sapphire center stone ring and am extremely overwhelmed with where to start. My fiance knows me well enough to know that I'm picky and told me to figure out what I wanted and then he would get it since he wanted to be sure that I like it. I have a metal allergy which is why I don't wear a lot of jewelry now. I am having a hard time finding settings I like so I may have a setting made plus I have some diamonds from another ring I wanted to use but that is a problem for later.

After everything that I read through it seemed like it was best to start with trying to find the sapphire first. I am still deciding on size and shape. I think I have to try something on with different sizes or see some pictures on someone's finger that is the same size to get an idea of what it might look like. My ring size is 6.5. I have really liked the precision cut sapphire and have been looking at the sapphires cut at gemfx and white's gems. My fiance is very hesitant to buy something online and wanted to see some stones in person before we go that route. I think he wanted to have some sort of certification about it not being treated or having heat. I would like to see some as well but am not sure where the best place would be to see sapphires in person. I live in the Atlanta area and am willing to travel to see a good selection. I used to live an hour and a half from Tucson so I am kicking myself for not getting engaged sooner and checking out the gem fair there. Anyone know of a jeweler in Atlanta or driving distance that I could see some sapphires? Thanks so much :)
If you are in CA, I would go to Joe Escobar for finished sapphire rings. Otherwise, seek out high-end jewelry stores in Atlanta.

I live in Maryland, and went to high-end jewelry stores in DC and was able to find sapphires, rubies, and other colored stones before starting purchase online. You are right to see as many stones in person first. It's hard to purchase online because you will only order so many stones as potential purchases. It is better to see have seen 30 sapphires (for example), before buying even 1 online (or in person).
Hi Curby311. Preg gave you some excellent advice. While I do not know of a good place to see sapphires in Atlanta, it is a very good idea to go to several jewelers that have a relatively large inventory of colored stones and see as many sapphires in person as possible. You can also do a Google search to see if there will be any gem shows within a reasonable distance of where you live to see a lot of sapphires in person.
Another great place to see all sorts are top gems is the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in DC. I know this is not practical for you, but if you are ever here on a trip, it is worth a visit. I go there about once a year to look at what a top color emerald, ruby, and sapphire look like, as well as to see colored diamonds, aquamarines...pretty much any stone you desire. There are also harder to find jewels's where I realized why imperial topaz is so prized (the deep oranges and pinks, coupled with such brilliance is amazing).
Go to a gem show. I'm sure that Intergem has one near Atlanta if you look it up. At a gem show, there will be a host of vendors with sapphires, some exceptional, some mediocre. Its a good place to get your feet wet and see a bunch of different stones.

And welcome!
I am sorry I don't know any CS vendors in the Atlanta area.
Thank you all for your suggestions. That gives me a good starting point.

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