
Best place to find a large cushion spinel?


Jun 2, 2011
Hi, everyone! I posted a while back about perhaps an aqua or something similar for my e-ring, but since then I have done more research, and I think I've fallen for spinels! I feel like it will be a bit more durable for the kind of setting I'm looking at. So here is my new issue- I'm a picky girl and I need some direction in helping me find a place to find what I'm looking for! Here is what I'm hoping to get:

Cut: square cushion
Size: 10-12mm
Color: LIGHT lavender (I don't want a dark color)

So far, I have been having trouble finding that large of a size, and if I do, it's extremely saturated or a different color than I'm looking for. And if I find the right color, it's smaller or a rectangular cushion. Am I being TOO picky? Is what I'm asking out even out there?

I know that I can ask to have one cut for me, but I'm just not sure where to start or what the cost or process might entail or if the rough is available. And now that we are planning the wedding, I'm hoping to find something in the near future, lol! Thanks for any help you all can give me!
They are becoming expensive, and best of them are cut to retain weight, so your color may not necessarity come in the desired size or shape. If you are mainly looking for color, I'd try they have very nice lavender, purple and violet spinels. None of your size, but really nice colors.
I wish I can say "look here" or "check out this vendor", but unfortunately, you probably have to look at several websites and contact the vendors directly to find it. Spinels just do not naturally come in large sizes. Swala had some large lavender cushion spinels earlier this year, so that's where I would start. You'll need a substantial budget though.
I have been looking for a lavendar spinel for well....probably since I started on PS. Still haven't found what I'm looking for in the size, shape, color etc, but I still have hope!

Anyhow if you go the custom route I would contact:
Jeff White
Gary Braun
Barry Bridgestock- he actually does have a lavendar spinel on his website right now but i think it is smaller then what you want
Peter T

Their websites can be found in the sticky on the front page of CS.

Do you have a budget?
I've been hunting for something very similar (only smaller), and I would suggest keeping an eye on eBay as well- depending on your budget, I've seen a few beautiful candidates in large sizes that could probably be re-cut to suit what you're looking for. It's a bit more leg work on your end, but it will probably be cheaper in the long run than looking for something so large in a precision cut stone to begin with.

Otherwise, I second the suggestions of swala and gemcal.

Good luck!
Thanks, everyone.

Yes, I have a budget- I would like to stay under $2000. The problem is that there is such a wide variety when it comes to prices of colored stones that I don't quite know which way to go in terms of budget!
Thanks, crasru and Chrono- I haven't looked at Swala and gemcal in a while. I will try there!

SarahBear- thank you for the suggestions on the custom work. I definitely need some direction on who to go to if I decide to go that route!

Petit bijou- I love the color of that stone! That is exactly the color I'm looking for! I'm not completely against a rectangular stone because the color is more important, but I would like to have my cake and eat it too! :D
With that budget you can definitely get a large eBay stone and send it to be transformed into what you're looking for. FallenRox ended up "creating" her dream stone that way, you just have to have the tenacity to handle eBay.

Of course, eBay has some definite Cons- like deciphering photos and gauging reputable sellers, but often they're at a price point that you can take a chance and send it back if you don't like it.

I'd still keep scouring all the recommended vendors sites, but it doesn't hurt to save a search on eBay and keep an eye out there as well.

I just looked at he Glencove website in the UK, The photos look too good for the price they are harging. Check in their feedback to see what other stones are selling for. I don't think these are real, but take a look. Pictures are too perfect.

petit_bijou|1315000899|3008628 said:
With that budget you can definitely get a large eBay stone and send it to be transformed into what you're looking for. FallenRox ended up "creating" her dream stone that way, you just have to have the tenacity to handle eBay.

Of course, eBay has some definite Cons- like deciphering photos and gauging reputable sellers, but often they're at a price point that you can take a chance and send it back if you don't like it.

I'd still keep scouring all the recommended vendors sites, but it doesn't hurt to save a search on eBay and keep an eye out there as well.

Great advice. Like others have said, it will take some time looking around.
I would also check with Lisa Elser - she often works with larger stones, so she might have something at least close to that size.

One thing, though, is I'm wondering what the carat size would have to be for a stone with those dimensions. I have a pink spinel that is just over 5 carats, which is roughly 10 by 8 mm. So, if you were to get a stone from Ebay to recut, it would have to be REALLY big to be able to lose some weight and still be 10-12 mm. My understanding is that spinels this large are quite rare, so it will probably require some patience on your end to find, or perhaps some adjustment somewhere (I might be wrong, though). I will certainly keep my eye out!
petit bijou and IndyLady- thanks for the suggestion on Ebay! I have tried to look on there a few times, but I have no idea of who is for real on there. Do you all have any advice on how to navigate the waters? So far, I've only seriously considered those sellers that the PSers on here have vouched for (I think TL mentioned a couple in a post I found).

smitcompton- I am not familiar and couldn't find that jeweler that you mentioned. Could you give me a website?

NKOTB- fair point on the recutting issue. Most of the ones in the size I want that I've seen are anywhere between 5 and 9 carats. I wouldn't go under 5 for those dimensions for fear of a window if it's too shallow. I checked Lisa Elser's site and I like her selection- I will keep my eye on it! I like the squared-off spinel that she has on there that's SOLD- it's a nice color and I like the cut, but it's still a little small. I kinda like the other, darker one on there as well, even if it's a little darker than I like. I will keep that one in mind. Thanks for looking out for me!
Actually, a lot of Lisa's stuff isn't on her site, so I would contact her directly - just in case.
Will do- thanks for telling me that!
btrsweet - if you want this for your e-ring have you researched the question of durability and care? In all honesty the only gemstones that are "hardy" enough for everyday wear are diamonds, sapphires and rubies. Everything else (in varying degrees) needs care - not only in the frequency of wear but also how you clean it. I'm only mentioning this (and you may be aware in any case) but sometimes people just fall in love with a colour and then a year down the line fall out of love with the stone because it's damaged, abraded, cracked or generally looking very sorry for itself! Spinels are ok and not particularly soft but do need some care.

I'm light on my rings and have no problem wearing very soft stones quite often (ie sphene) but some people are less light on theirs. I remember TL saying that she had only worn her Tanzanite a very few times and had damaged it whereas I have worn my for years with no issue.
smitcompton|1315004025|3008648 said:

I just looked at he Glencove website in the UK, The photos look too good for the price they are harging. Check in their feedback to see what other stones are selling for. I don't think these are real, but take a look. Pictures are too perfect.



I have bought from Gemcove. The photos are definitely glorified - my stone was the real deal (didn't look as good as the photo but luckily I didn't think it would!) but thankfully it was how I imagined it would be. I don't want to malign this seller but I believe in another thread somebody reported that some of his stones are not what they are sold as.

Sorry, I was not clear on what I was referring to. Pett bijou gave you a link (above). That link went to Gem-cove website.
I was writing about the stone showing and others I checked on their feedback. So look at the link she posted.

smitcompton|1315074568|3009109 said:

Sorry, I was not clear on what I was referring to. Pett bijou gave you a link (above). That link went to Gem-cove website.
I was writing about the stone showing and others I checked on their feedback. So look at the link she posted.


Eh? I think we're saying the same thing! Gemcove's photos ARE glorified! However, some of their stones are the real deal but perhaps not all.

Am I misunderstanding you? (I've got jet lag so could well be my fuzzy brain isn't keeping up)!
LovingDiamonds- I think smitcompton was referring to me because I asked what the website was for the jeweler that was mentioned- Glencove. But it turned out to be Gemcove, lol! I also appreciate your response- it's funny, because I was just getting ready to mention what you did about the wearability of that stone and others! :lol: I am open to other stones, but I started out looking at sapphires and just couldn't keep up with the price due to my budget. I then looked at morganite because the color was nice (even though it was pink/peach in color. But many people said that it wasn't up to the task of everyday wear, so I put it on the back burner to get later for another ring. :naughty: I do want it to be durable enough for a lot of wear, as it will be my e-ring. Also, the setting I plan to put it in will not include a halo, so I know that makes the durability an even bigger issue. I will try to find a picture of the type of setting I want, but it will just be pronged with a pave band. I am not normally hard on my rings, but I know that anything can happen.

So, with that in mind, is there something else that I could find in the size/color/cut I want but that isn't spinel? I could possibly up my budget a little, but I definitely don't want to go over $3000. My budget really depends on my tax return next year, as we plan on buying a house either next spring or the one after. So any suggestions are appreciated!
Here is something similar to what I want for the setting...

Amorediamonds pave cushion.jpg
btrsweet - have you looked for a lilac sapphire? You should be able to find one within budget. A purple sapphire would be more problematic because for some reason they are quite expensive but the lighter colours are easier to find.

I've never managed to buy from Planetary Gems because they never answer my emails ( :lol: ) but I know two posters who have bought from them and been happy. They have a number in the colour I think you want so may be worth sending them an email to enquire - see if you have better luck than me!!!
Do you really think that a sapphire is in my budget? That would be ideal! I will check planetarygems- is there anywhere else that I should look for lighter sapphires? Is ebay a good place for those too?
Personally I would steer clear of Ebay for sapphires because they are not always sold truthfully i.e. they could be BE diffused and it won't be disclosed. If you do buy off Ebay I would get a lab report and make the sale contingent on the stone being as sold. You would be better off buying from a lapidary or a known gemstone seller.

Try: (John is very helpful) (Gene contributes to this forum often and I think he has a few lilac sapphires on his website but may well have more material and could cut something for you). (Daniel often has lighter coloured sapphires) (Barry Bridgestock is a favourite lapidarist on this forum)

I haven't searched any of the above (apart from Gene's store as I was looking for something else) so don't know if they have anything you ma want but they're definitely worth looking at.
Well, I've been doing some more looking, and I agree that it's going to take a while! So should I get with all the lapidaries at the same time, or just one and see what he/she can get a hold of before asking someone else?

Also, my fiance is from another culture, and he wants an "engagement" ring too, lol! He wants a ruby or something similar, so I'll be looking for that now as well! :roll:
Contact as many lapidaries as you can because there is no guarantee who will be able to get what you are looking for, or even if he/she will be able to find it.
Cool- thanks! I will let you all know what I find!!

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