
Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch settings


Mar 2, 2005
After chewing on Frankie, CharmyPoo and Gypsy threads for months, I finally decided to have Steven set my stones. I recently purchased three G VS1 ACAs from WF, Chris and Vera have been very patient and professional with me during the process. I will have steven set the two small ones into Martini settings like Phoenix's, and halo the big stone like Frankie's.

I hope Steven's work will be as perfect as Frankie, Charmy and Gypsy's! :appl: :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Very good choice! Steven does outstanding work from what I have seen here lately!


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305031183|2917239 said:
Very good choice! Steven does outstanding work from what I have seen here lately!

Hi DS,

I already placed an order with WF to have them set my stones into their stock settings. Yesterday morning, somehow I just noticed your quote "when in doubt... don't..." and then I read Charmy's "If you are picky, saving a few bucks will end up costing you more." So I canceled my order with WF, and placed an order with SK. I am now at peace. Thank you DS for wise advice!

How is your pendant project come along? Have you decided yet?


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Ironically I JUST gave somebody else that advice not to settle for a nice setting but to go for an excellent setting to compliment a special stone! So I think you were very wise! If I get to the place I know I am not changing my studs (and I doubt I will), I'd love to have handmade settings!

Yes, I did finalize the pendant yesterday! I am going with the inside-only milgrain bezel pendant at BGD, but with a redesigned back. I wasn't in love with the back they had and asked if it could be altered. And of course, they are always willing to work with you to get what you want! So we'll see how that experiment turns out!


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305048311|2917491 said:
Ironically I JUST gave somebody else that advice not to settle for a nice setting but to go for an excellent setting to compliment a special stone! So I think you were very wise! If I get to the place I know I am not changing my studs (and I doubt I will), I'd love to have handmade settings!

Yes, I did finalize the pendant yesterday! I am going with the inside-only milgrain bezel pendant at BGD, but with a redesigned back. I wasn't in love with the back they had and asked if it could be altered. And of course, they are always willing to work with you to get what you want! So we'll see how that experiment turns out!

I know what you mean "not changing my studs". I wanted to buy two 90 pointer ACAs for years. It is very hard to find both of them at the same time. Sometimes one showed up, I was thinking just wait for a little while until the next patch comes along, maybe there will be a match. The next week or two, the 90 pointer was sold! When the price increase came, it forced me to take decisive actions. I ended with a 0.718ct and a 0.73ct, which have slightly different spreads. Not perfect, but I did the best I can. Then comes to the setting. The handmade settings are 3 times more than the stock settings. Considering you only can see the prong tips once you put them on, it's kind of wasting money. So I'm thinking the 70 pointers will be my permanent studs, maybe that will justify the pricey settings.

DS, I am happy that you made up your mind with your pendant setting. :appl: What a relief! I know the stone is special to you and you want it to be an heirloom piece. Do you have to go custom to have BG redesign the back? Are you going to have a slide chain? Good luck with your project!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

hee hee DS's advice of "When in doubt... dont" is why it takes me 6 months to decide on any project 8)


Jan 3, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

I don't think you'll be disappointed in your decision at all. Can't wait to see more SK projects!! :appl:


Dec 10, 2004
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Dreamer .... That is why it took me a year to get my avc set.


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Dreamer_D|1305051690|2917547 said:
hee hee DS's advice of "When in doubt... dont" is why it takes me 6 months to decide on any project 8)

Haha! And I live true to my motto, that's for sure! I take forever to decide anything, too!

Izumi...I wouldn't exactly say it's custom. I told him I wanted to change the back and showed him the back of one of his custom earrings and asked if that style would work on the back of the bezel. He spoke with his design people and they said yes. And yes, it will have a slider chain. I am hoping it turns out well because I think it would be appealing to other OCD people like me who want even the backs to be symmetrical!!!! So I get you on the earring setting issue! I had .75 each studs and gave them to my daughter, and replaced them with .65 each because there wasn't much difference in size but there was a big difference in price and we had just done a wedding in December! I think they are a great everyday size and I hope I will just keep them as my permanent ones, too! (I did go ahead with G VS just to make sure they'd be long term mind-clean in that respect!)


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

CharmyPoo|1305080559|2918045 said:
Dreamer .... That is why it took me a year to get my avc set.

haha.. I figured something like that 8) I hope your wedding planning is easier!


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305084811|2918134 said:
Dreamer_D|1305051690|2917547 said:
hee hee DS's advice of "When in doubt... dont" is why it takes me 6 months to decide on any project 8)

Haha! And I live true to my motto, that's for sure! I take forever to decide anything, too!

Izumi...I wouldn't exactly say it's custom. I told him I wanted to change the back and showed him the back of one of his custom earrings and asked if that style would work on the back of the bezel. He spoke with his design people and they said yes. And yes, it will have a slider chain. I am hoping it turns out well because I think it would be appealing to other OCD people like me who want even the backs to be symmetrical!!!! So I get you on the earring setting issue! I had .75 each studs and gave them to my daughter, and replaced them with .65 each because there wasn't much difference in size but there was a big difference in price and we had just done a wedding in December! I think they are a great everyday size and I hope I will just keep them as my permanent ones, too! (I did go ahead with G VS just to make sure they'd be long term mind-clean in that respect!)

Diamondseeker, do you have pics of the altered back you can post by any chance? I tried to look on their website but cannot really find anything that may be what you're planning. BGD is currently setting my 2.656ct diamond into the Barbara pendant and I like the idea of something symmetrical for the back (am a bit OCD too, ha ha :wink2: ). Thanks.

Izumi, sorry for the threadjack.


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Oh, Phoenix, I am so glad you asked! I adore the front of that pendant but thought the back needed some revising! Here is the earring back that I asked to be put on the back of the pendant. It was just easiest to have them do something they were already doing as opposed to really starting from scratch with an original design. I wanted the back open but prettier! I am posting the proposed back as well as the Barbara back for comparison. I'll be interested to see what you think!




Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

An update. Steven just received my package. Yay!!! :appl: :appl:

I asked him how did he feel about my stones.

Steven, "The 2ct is Beeautiful!"
Me, "Yay! Can see the tint?"
Steven, "To be honest with you, under my 35x microscope, I can see the tint. But in natural lighting, no."
Me, "How about the two small ones?"
Steven, "They're not small. Of course, they're not big. They're cute. Good candidates for the Martini settings. I will try to get them set before you leave..."

I'm leaving the country in about 2 weeks. He is sooo nice and accommodating! The call only lasted 3 minutes.

I am so excited!


Jan 3, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

izumi, how exciting!! Can't wait to see the finished product(s)!!


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

mrssalvo|1305141477|2918858 said:
izumi, how exciting!! Can't wait to see the finished product(s)!!

Mrssalvo, your determination of getting the right stone and setting inspired me! Thank YOU!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Listen, a G VS ACA is going to be gorgeous!!! I think you are going to love your ring!


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305147915|2918968 said:
Listen, a G VS ACA is going to be gorgeous!!! I think you are going to love your ring!

DS, I am not getting a ring, it's going to be a pendant!

I like the earring back design much better than the Barbara's back... When you ultrasonic all your diamonds, the culet of your pendant will be protected!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

izumi|1305173084|2919409 said:
diamondseeker2006|1305147915|2918968 said:
Listen, a G VS ACA is going to be gorgeous!!! I think you are going to love your ring!

DS, I am not getting a ring, it's going to be a pendant!

I like the earring back design much better than the Barbara's back... When you ultrasonic all your diamonds, the culet of your pendant will be protected!

Ohhhhh!!!! When you said you were going to halo the larger stone like Frankie's, I thought you were having a ring setting made!!! Wow, now you are going to make me regret my decision once I see your pendant!!! Is it going to be a slider or have a fixed chain or a bail?


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting


Thank you for kindly responding with pics, and so promptly too! :)) I really appreciate seeing the different setting. I think I like it better than their original Barbara's back. I think (hope) it'd prevent/ minimise flipping/ titling forward better than the original. It does seem more symmetrical and as Izumi pointed out, should protect the culet better too.

Would you mind if I asked more more Q pls if I may: why did you decide to only do milgrain on the inside? I seem to remember that you wanted to do full milgrain. Just curious, is all. (btw, am having mine done with full milgrain - hope it turns out well).

Thanks so much again.


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Izumi, I too assumed that you were going to make a halo'ed ring, not a pendant. That's gonna be a monstrous pendant, in a good way of course! :)) I'm re-thinking mine now! :tongue: I wonder if BGD has already started setting it (?).

Btw, there's no way you're gonna see any tint in a G. In fact, G VS1 are very high specs, esp. for a pendant, imo. It's gonna be soooooo gorgeous!! :love: :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Phoenix, I am glad the pictures were helpful! I am doing the milgrain exactly like those .75 bezel studs you had earlier. Did you not like that style?

(I know we are on opposite sides of the world and I want to wait for your reply, but it is 12:40am here and I just have to go to bed! So I'll be back to check the thread in 7 hours or so!!! I do want to find out your opinion on the milgrain!)


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305175200|2919432 said:
Phoenix, I am glad the pictures were helpful! I am doing the milgrain exactly like those .75 bezel studs you had earlier. Did you not like that style?

Oh no, I do like it. It's just that I *think* I prefer the full milgrain (seems a bit more antique-y than the only-inside milgrain which seems more modern, to my eye anyway). I hope I will love the full milgrain effect when I see it in person.

And NOW, I'm having second thought abt the whole bezel thing. :rolleyes: Am lusting after the SK halo a la Frankie, and now a la Izumi! :cheeky: This is the danger of PS, too many gorgeous settings out there, lol!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Oh, good! I saw your reply! Gosh, I am second guessing everything, too! :errrr: I don't want it to look modern! And my stone is really small so maybe I should do the halo, but on the earlier thread I did, everyone said the milgrain bezel was more practical for frequent wear!

I wish I could see both of the milgrain styles in person!!!


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305175717|2919438 said:
Oh, good! I saw your reply! Gosh, I am second guessing everything, too! :errrr: I don't want it to look modern! And my stone is really small so maybe I should do the halo, but on the earlier thread I did, everyone said the milgrain bezel was more practical for frequent wear!

I wish I could see both of the milgrain styles in person!!!

I have an idea, DS, why don't you wait until both Izumi's and mine are done? Then you can compare and you can also compare with my previous inside-only milgrain earrings. I know it's not the same as seeing them in person, but it's something.

Hope this won't keep you up! :)) I know *I* have been kept up thinking about bling projects! :tongue:

Good night. Sweet blingy dreams! :))


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Thanks, Phoenix! Do you have any idea when yours will be finished? If yours is ahead of mine, then I could certainly tell them to wait on doing my milgrain! I have only seen close-up shots of the full milgrain and do not know how delicate it is from a distance.


Oct 5, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305203168|2919552 said:
Thanks, Phoenix! Do you have any idea when yours will be finished? If yours is ahead of mine, then I could certainly tell them to wait on doing my milgrain! I have only seen close-up shots of the full milgrain and do not know how delicate it is from a distance.

Hmmm...that's a bit tricky. I think BGD has already started work on mine, as I wanted to wear it for an upcoming special occasion; but now that may not happen, so perhaps I'll wait for it to be shipped with my 3-stone ring, to save money on shipping and insurance. God knows when the ring will be completed, but I've only *just* put in the Work Order with Leon. Perhaps I'll get them in June some time. Can you wait 'til then?

If it helps, my local jeweller has a ring done with full milgrain (or at least I think it's full milgrain) - I'll see if I can take pics of it and post them here (?). I actually think it's really really delicate IRL. Oh oh also, they have some pearl earring jackets with tiny diamonds with tinier milgrain that look really yummy and super delicate; am considering getting my pearls done with similar jackets. Perhaps I can try take pics of those too?

ETA: Perhaps we can start a new thread so as not to thread-jack Izumi's thread too much. Sorry again, Izumi.


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

diamondseeker2006|1305174060|2919420 said:
izumi|1305173084|2919409 said:
diamondseeker2006|1305147915|2918968 said:
Listen, a G VS ACA is going to be gorgeous!!! I think you are going to love your ring!

DS, I am not getting a ring, it's going to be a pendant!

I like the earring back design much better than the Barbara's back... When you ultrasonic all your diamonds, the culet of your pendant will be protected!

Ohhhhh!!!! When you said you were going to halo the larger stone like Frankie's, I thought you were having a ring setting made!!! Wow, now you are going to make me regret my decision once I see your pendant!!! Is it going to be a slider or have a fixed chain or a bail?

DS, sorry I didn't specify it clearly. Somehow I assumed everyone knows I'm getting an pendant -- I was discussing the settings with WF, BGD, MWM, VC, Maytal, LM and SK on and off for weeks!

To answer your question:

-- Not a bail (I don't like the V shape of the necklace, it appears too sharp for my taste.)

-- I like the fixed chain look, but don't like the Micky's ear connections. I also understand with the fixed chain, the pendant (if it's not heavy enough) travels around your neck especially if you have a heavy lobster clasp. That means you have to adjust it constantly, which is troublesome.

SK is the only person who guarantees me that he can do a prong setting, elegant, no flipping, no leaping forward, no Micky's ears. He said he will make a design which allows the chain to thread through it, that way if the pendant flipped, leaped or moved up, it still gets a chance to adjust itself to the right position when my body moves around. Does it make sense? If not, let me know, and I will explain more.


Mar 2, 2005
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

Phoenix|1305174795|2919428 said:
Izumi, I too assumed that you were going to make a halo'ed ring, not a pendant. That's gonna be a monstrous pendant, in a good way of course! :)) I'm re-thinking mine now! :tongue: I wonder if BGD has already started setting it (?).

Btw, there's no way you're gonna see any tint in a G. In fact, G VS1 are very high specs, esp. for a pendant, imo. It's gonna be soooooo gorgeous!! :love: :appl:

Hi Phoenix,

Sorry I didn't write it clearly. It's going to be an "Adrianna" style halo'ed pendant. Talking about monstrous, you're the one who has so many monstrous pieces , of course in a very good way!

I placed an order with WF last week, on Monday morning I saw DS's "when in doubt... don't..." I canceled mine...

I was surprised that SK said he saw the tint under his microscope. Maybe my G is boarder line G? Anyway, thank you for sharing my excitement. :appl: I normally don't get excited with jewelries, somehow this time is a little different. Maybe because Steven is new rising star on this board, maybe his work is too good to be true? The uncertainty and anticipation make me nervous and excited at the same time. We'll see if he delivers this time. I think mine is going to be his 5th project this year on PS. Fingers crossed.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

G does have some slight "tint" if you can even use that word to describe a G color stone! :)) I owned a gorgeous G that bordered an F, and it was by favourite color for a diamond. On its own, bright white and crisp. Help next to an E color stone, you could see the ever-so-slight softness of the white -- I could not even use the word "tint" for what it looks like, but slightly less crisp seems right. But for someone like Steven I am sure he would be able to detect that slight body color in a G under 35x magnification! When you see it, I know you will love it.


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Best of both worlds -- WF ACAs and Steven Kirsch setting

We just got confused when we saw the reference to Frankie's ring! It's not unusual for people on here to be talking about mutiple projects at the same time! :lol:

I really can't wait to see what Steven does with your pendant!

Phoenix: I LOVE seeing pictures of anything you like since you have such impeccable taste! (And especially anything with milgrain! I adore milgrain but have very fine milgrain on my Legacy ring and Van Craeynest band and I am fearful of milgrain that might not be as well done! It is just hard ordering things you haven't seen in person!)
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