
Best advice you''ve gotten or given

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Dec 29, 2006
What''s the best advice you''ve gotten or have given to someone beginning their search for an engagement ring? "Do your homework" and "be an informed consumer" seem to be right up there. Any other advice?
If you are hitting the B&M''s, get an ideal-scope! It takes differing lighting conditions out of the equation. The back light is a good idea too.
Do not let pure emotion rule your decision willing to walk away if you feel you are not getting your best deal, there WILL be other stones...and if this is THE one, it will be okay...
Buy from someone with a good upgrade policy just in case you want to go bigger later on or change your mind what your tastes.
1. Stop
2. Don't buy anything
3. Read PS for one month
1-don''t let anyone talk you into something that you aren''t sure about (ie mother, sister, etc. saying one shape is better than what you had in mind) - you have to wear it every day so go with what YOU like the best

2-don''t settle - be patient and willing to wait a bit for just the right stone or setting (or man, for that matter!) -- if the jeweler''s work doesn''t meet your expectations - don''t accept it - ask for it to be corrected. If your man mistreats you, don''t accept it. never settle for less than what you want/deserve!

3-live within your means - don''t go broke or into dangerous debt for material things - it''s not worth it and will take years to recover and will harm your relationship(s)
Cut is everything.
Look at EVERYTHING and make sure when you buy, it makes your heart flutter. Minds will change, but make sure what you''re buying is exactly what you want and what you *think* you''ll want forever (or until an upgrade).
1. to get platinum prongs
2. to buy what you like

what a good thread!
The wearer should be involved in the process!!!
Date: 1/28/2007 11:01:33 AM
Author: sumbride
The wearer should be involved in the process!!!
Everything that you all said - zoe, diamondfan, kcourselle, kenny, juliefiis, ILikeBond, Ebree, LadyKemma - is SO TRUE. The point that hit home hard is this statement by sumbride. In the past month, I''ve had 2 friends complaining about just this very thing.

One friend''s husband bought her a marquise diamond for her e-ring. She hates it and never wears it. Apparently he brought his mother shopping and she picked it out. Ugh! So my friend has her MIL''s dream ring on her finger. Poor dear! I have sent her a bunch of East-West setting ideas, but I think she''s permanently bummed out.

Another girlfriend''s BF took his mother Christmas shopping for my girlfriend''s gift. He wanted to "make sure" she liked her gift. Instead, she wound up with something the mother loves and she hates.

To all men out there, your mother is not necessarily a good gage of what your fiancee wants!
Don''t fall for aggressive sales tactics. Beware of heavy discounts. Do your homework, but don''t obsess and over-analyze.
Keep the romance part intact.

and most importantly...There''s always a reason why someone is willing to cut the price or why
a diamond is being heavily discounted.
Find out exactly what that reason is before you spend your hard earned money.
chose your diamond as you chose your boyfriend..., there is no such thing as a perfect boyfriend...., sorry diamond!!!
Date: 1/28/2007 3:33:38 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Don''t fall for aggressive sales tactics. Beware of heavy discounts. Do your homework, but don''t obsess and over-analyze.

Keep the romance part intact.

and most importantly...There''s always a reason why someone is willing to cut the price or why

a diamond is being heavily discounted.

Find out exactly what that reason is before you spend your hard earned money.

Do your homework, but don''t obsess and overanalyze. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy is this true!

With the internet at our disposal, it''s entirely TOO easy to second guess the choices you make. Know what you want, do your homework, and TRUST YOURSELF that you know what you''re doing (after having read PS for a month, per Kenny, of course).
LOL! I am so reminded of the time I wanted to stand up and scream at the young bride to be, "RUN, FAST!!!!!!!! This guy is a total mentally abusive jerk!"

Sadly I could not do it as at the time I was employed by my first boss in the Jewelry world. The marriage was VERY short.

Trust, but verify.
Quality and Patience go hand in hand, don''t rush your jeweler and plan ahead! :)
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