
Back from the honeymoon

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Nov 13, 2007
Well, I feel like I can finally join "Newlyweds". All of our wedding activites are over... and we're a real married couple trying to make it in the real world

I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't been on much since a few weeks before the wedding, but I'm going to try to update myself as quickly as possible!

We had an incredible time! All the ports we stopped at were wonderful. We are both very glad that we waited a few weeks to travel and were able to enjoy 10 days of honeymoon instead of just 6.

However, the excitement eneded pretty soon after returning to US territory. When we got phone service again, we had a message from our apt complex telling us some water had gotten into the apartment, but it had been taken care of. We later found out that what they didn't tell us was that it was not "water" it was the local sewer that had backed up into our apt thru the toilet and bath tub. We walked in ready to sleep in our own bed for the night, but instead left immediately for the closest hotel. Not exactly how we were planning our return. We spent all day yesterday moving everything out of the apartment, so they can dry and clean all thefloors so they can be replaced. (I should add, they were not planning on replacing the floors in the begining!!! They just wanted to shampoo it and "see" how it loooks!!!

Yesterday morning we drove straight over to meet with the management company and to walk thru the apt. Once we did the walk-thru we noticed that no one had bothered to check the master bathroom, which is conneted to our master bedroom. Yup, it had backed up ther as well. After seeing it first hand, and not just smelling the after effects, there was no way we were staying there. We asked to be moved to a new apt, but they have no more 2 bdrms available, so they promised to replace everything.

What a way to retrun, huh?

I guess the silver lining... it feels like we're moving into a new place.
Ohh, ya, but not until after we spend the next 2 nights at C's parents house!
We weren't even there for 3 hours and she made another comment about how they must have spent so much more than my parents when "they add everything together".


Jun 4, 2008
Welcome back and I''m so sorry to hear about the surprise waiting for you at home. But hey, you will DEFINITELY laugh about this one with your husband soon.

Re: your MIL''s comment

That is I''m sorry you had to hear that. Did you say something back?


Sep 4, 2007
Hey welcome back! That stinks about your apartment but good news is you rent so everything will be taken care of!!!

Your MIL - ugh. Prepare yourself though - it''s been almost a year for us and we STILL hear $$$ comments about the wedding from DH''s parents.


Nov 13, 2007
Well, It''s Friday and we are still at the in-law''s house.

They finished putting the carpeting, padding, and the new baseboards in. The head maintenance guy wants his crew to do some retouching around the baseboards and up the walls (I assume some walls might have been sctratced/punctured when moving the bed and couches), and I was able to add some other requests as well, since they are already in there.

Apparently, it will be like an all new apartment... well, you know, other than that whole sweage thing.

I think they''ve had the AC off the whole time and since we didn''t use the hotel, I''m definitey going to be asking for a pro-rated amount on next months rent. That will be nice on the ole'' wallet.

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