
Bachelor Rome, anyone?

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Apr 29, 2005
Did anyone see the finale last night? Is Lorenzo nuts??? I CANNOT believe for that Lorenzo picked that complete dingbat over the sweet and classy Sadie!! Even in the face of rejection all she cared about was his happiness. Jen lacks class and style, and I fear for the children whose minds she shapes.

I was just blown away when he chose Jen. To be quite honest, I think he was intimidated by the resonsibility of Sadie''s virginity. I think Sadie is the classiest bachelorette that''s ever been on the show, and I hope that she will find a man of the same caliber of class and grace that will make her a true princess....maybe she''ll be chosen as the next Bachelorette!

And that ring, I wasn''t so fond of it...

I need to get a new hobby, I''m way too into these reality tv shows....


Jun 17, 2005
~~I watched in horror!!! LOL I really wanted him to choose Sadie...They seemed to really hit it off from the start, and they always seemed (to me, at least) to be a really good match. Him & Jennifer just didn't have that same spark that he had with Sadie. I was soooo shocked that he chose Jennifer...and I thought his parents liked Sadie more as well...What was he thinking??
ETA: I agree, the ring was nothing spectacular...I wish they could have just given him the diamond and let him choose the setting.


Aug 3, 2006
I know what you mean!! I was so blown I actually started to cry for the guy...I am so scared for his future with Jen. Was it just me, or did anyone else feel vibes that she was in it for "the stable future" meaning - he is a prince, and have you heard of princes have money problems? After all - Jen is a teacher and that isn''t always a stable situation. Jen was flighty and boistrous to some degree, and her father...he was very pushie in being the only one to really talk when all the group was together...and he did more or less assume that Lorenzo would "choose" his daughter.
Now Sadie, dear beautiful, quiet, Sadie. She had values - she works in PR...she had class - now what did you think of her sweet goddess outfit for the final rose ceremony...a touch of a Rome goddess - I thot that was very tasteful. She was a darling, and even didn''t let down, not even for a real prince, and to me that was classy. I think personally she would have been the better to have represented a royal family - she just had the class for it...but oh well - it was Lorenzo''s choice, and I just hope he doesn''t regret it. And I hope Sadie finds the man that so deserves her...but I am sorry Sadie, Strm is taken and he is a prince!!
As for the ring, When he said his mother designed it, I was like ok - cuz I looked at her fruit earrings and thot wow that is different for a Princess...giggle But Jen thinks it is beautiful, and when she looked in his eyes when he said it wasn''t a proposal yet, I thot I could see "Oh good, then I can pick out a nicer setting" giggle...ok maybe that was just my thots giggle :}
I''m still very sad for Sadie this morning tho...and the book she made for him - time and thotful and showed her love as giving and not just getting...I think she should have gotten it back - giggle :D But then again - if he keeps it - it can be a painful reminder when Jen starts acting up :D giggle


Oct 30, 2002
HA HA as if they have a future togther!!!

Only two (three?) so far out of the 25 million Bachelor/ette shows they have run have actually stayed together. I watch for pure entertainment value...I liked Agnese the best, so when she got booted 2 weeks ago I was like MEH whatever. I tivo''d last nite but who knows if I''ll even watch it. I didn''t really like Sadie OR Jen!

Though gotta say they always do a great job of picking a great wacko for the season, Erika anyone?!?!? Delusional hits new heights....I LOVED the women tell all episode, I think the best phrase ever for 2006.. ''well you said i was ugly and spoiled, and i called you a prositute,it''s the same thing right''....


Nov 18, 2004
I don''t watch it anymore. No one ever ends up staying together, so why watch?? Loved the first two seasons but after that I lost interest.


Sep 10, 2004
I couldnt tell you the last time I watched one of these...

I am curious to see pics of the ring though... caught a glimpse of it during one of the commercials and I thought it looked rather plain for being a Bachelor ring!


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 11/28/2006 9:32:31 AM
maybe SADIE will be chosen as the next Bachelorette!

HA! I said the SAME THING! I told DH that the producers were probably HIGH-FIVING each other in the control room when Lorenzo ditched Sadie: thinking "We''ve got a VIRGIN for our next BACHELORETTE!!" Oh lordie, I can write the promos in my head already.

I was sure it was JEN from the promos LAST week showing the ring ... ''cause you know how they always let the girls PICK their ring .. when I saw a picture of the ring I was like "NO WAY WOULD SADIE EVER PICK **THAT RING**!!!" ... but my little theory of ring sleuthing didn''t pan out so well when it turned out Tacky Seance Mama *designed* the ring herself.

Man, that''s the best part of The Darn Bachelor ... going to the jewelry store! Those gals got ripped off!


Jun 17, 2005
Date: 11/28/2006 2:33:51 PM
the ring ... 'cause you know how they always let the girls PICK their ring .. when I saw a picture of the ring I was like 'NO WAY WOULD SADIE EVER PICK **THAT RING**!!!' ... but my little theory of ring sleuthing didn't pan out so well when it turned out Tacky Seance Mama *designed* the ring herself.

Man, that's the best part of The Darn Bachelor ... going to the jewelry store! Those gals got ripped off!

~~LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing!! I think it was sweet for his mother to pick out a diamond (that would then be their family diamond), but he should have been able to at least go ring shopping!!! That's the part I was waiting for...that ring was something terrible!!


Jun 17, 2005
I WAS SHOCKED. Jen is cute but has no real substance from what I saw watching it.

I think he is a cute guy, but when mom had the ring designed without even meeting the girls, I smelled trouble! Maybe that is why he was still single, meddling mom! She wanted to stir trouble by having them all to brunch! Yikes. I really liked Sadie but maybe they had no chemistry? Hard to tell. Did not like that ring, though...and Jen''s parents were a bit odd to me, not as supportive as Sadie''s.

I heard he has been spotted in New York with other women already...what a shock!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I didn''t like the ring either. I think it was a little strange that his mom designed it. I really didn''t care which one he chose. I was just glad he got rid of the brunette with her "plan." She was so annoying! I wonder if they are still together?!?


Jul 19, 2006
I thought when he said to Sadie "there''s another woman here, and I''d rather be with her more" was totally rude!


May 5, 2006
Date: 11/28/2006 4:50:09 PM
Author: Girlrocks
I thought when he said to Sadie ''there''s another woman here, and I''d rather be with her more'' was totally rude!
I couldn''t believe it either! It was obvious that he hadn''t thought out what he was going to say to Sadie, but that was downright harsh.

I don''t get Lorenzo, and I think they could have picked a better Bachelor. Anyway, I really did not like the ring at all...the setting wasn''t too appealing. What I don''t understand is he told Jen he couldn''t propose to her yet, but he put the ring on her left hand. Did anyone catch that?


Sep 21, 2006
I wondered too why he put the ring on her left hand after he said it wasn''t a proposal-that was so wierd. I love too how it is such a huge decision who to pick and moments later the bachelor of the season is proclaiming undying love from the beginning. I liked Agnes too, and find it hilarious that he booted her because of the language barrier-good lord! An Italian prince who doesn''t speak italian-what''s next?

Anyway, Sadie should have been picked, but in the end she will do better as the next bachelorette. Don''t you wonder what goes on in that suite
-I guess Sadie had Lorenzo spend the night on the sofa......


Sep 30, 2006
I am so sick of the "here''s this ring, but it''s not an engagement ring, it''s an ''I promise to pursue our relationship'' ring." Ugh. Save the ring for when it will mean something!!!
So is she gonna wear it until they get engaged, then get a new one? Or will this be on her finger both before and after they are engaged? Puh-lease.

Anyway, poor bf heard me yell "aw, COME ON!!" from the other room when he rejected Sadie last night. I just told him, you yell at the TV when you watch football
! I liked Jen ok too... I mean, I can''t really argue against a woman who gets teary-eyed when talking about how much teaching her students means to her (we need more people like that!) but I did really adore Sadie.

btdub... Anyone else creeped out by the way Lorenzo wouldn''t make eye contact with Sadie? He kept looking off to the side and shaking his head around. And the angry look while he watched the limo drive away? haha
I know it was all just emotions, but the camera angles, etc. made it look pretty bad!!


Jun 17, 2005
I know most of them end up borken up, so I do not know why I watch but I do...the next guy looks a bit weird to me.

Sadie would make a great Bachelorette but doubt she would deal with it after going through all this torture.

I knew he was not choosing her when she arrived first and he shook his head when he watched her walk towards him. Her list stated that she wanted someone who loved her so much he could not fathom being with another woman and he could not give her that. But at least she was classy enough to wish him happiness. Jen was just not as elegant and regal to me, and Sadie seemed fun and spirited to me. But she definitely showed a bit of bitchiness when they were showing her comments last night, she had a bit of an edge, maybe she was overconfident?

I did hear they are not together but do not know where to find the information!


Dec 8, 2005
I totally watched and I was really surprised when Sadie came out of the car first...Jen was SOOOOOOO annoying.

And okay, I get that he's not a real "prince" but Jen wore jeans to meet his parents. JEANS. J.E.A.N.S. That is klassy with a K if ever there were such a thing.

The ring...Eh. High set and all bevel set at the same time. Yucko.

They showed the new bachelor too...

I'd like to say I won't watch. But I will.

Because I am a reality tv addict.

eta: I don't think Sadie won many points with the little scrap bookie thing. Also, she was probably a bit too religious for his taste...considering that his Mom is all into astrology and palm reading and her family seemed pretty christian. NOt that there is anything wrong with either...just not sure they mesh too well.


Jul 19, 2006
I thought on the other Bachelor''s that they always put the "promise ring" on the right hand. The previous ring that I have in mind was a 3 stone, but this ring totally looked like an engagement ring, albeit an unattractive one! She should have put out her right hand.


Oct 6, 2004
My husband and I watched the last 30 minutes of this show for fun and to see who he picked. And of course I wanted to see the ring, which I agree, was ugly. We were both cracking up at Jen and how she sounded like such a ditz. Haha! Next season''s bachelor is way cuter than Lorenzo.

One thing I''m glad about is that Lorenzo didn''t propose to Jen. But it is odd how he still placed that diamond ring on her left ring finger.


Sep 16, 2006
I was rooting for Sadie too. But I predicted that he would choose Jen. The way Sadie was depicted on the show made her the obvious choice. But from watching every season of the show, I noticed that the bachelor rarely picks the favorite. I think the producers edit the show to make it seem like the bachelor is going to pick one woman, just so the viewers will be shocked when the other women is chosen. Its all smoke and mirrors to me.

And the ring was not cute. I Tivo the show just so I hit pause during the jewelry store parts, and this season I couldn''t.


Jan 21, 2006
I never saw this particular bachelor, but I did notice from the previews that the two final women looked so similar in appearance, anyone else think so??


Jun 17, 2005
They were both blonde but really I did not think they resembled eachother. Sadie had more delicate features and was a bit more polished looking to me. Jen was cute, bubbly, like the girl next door/cheerleader type.


Jun 11, 2005
I went to the message board for and you would not believe how so many people feel the same way alot of us here feel about Lorenzo and his treatment of Sadie. I personally have nothing against Jen. She seemed very sweet, kind of dingy, but very devoted to her students, which is nice to see. I am sorry but Lorenzo needs serious tutoring in the handling of delicate matters of the heart. He was tacky, heartless, cold and just plain rude. I was really hoping to see a bit of eloquence with him at such a tender time, but he just did not come through.

Lo did have a real connection with Sadie and it scared the he$# out of him. I think her confidence to state her feelings about her standards impressed him but it was daunting to him as well. Let''s get real...he is 34, comes from a wealthy family, runs in circles with lots of opportunities to meet alot of great and lovely women, so why a tv reality show?

I also perceive that Sadie''s convictions to her religious standards may have scared him a bit. I think he would have liked to have been more physical with the lady he chose and that was certainly not going to happen with Sadie, not saying with Jen that it would or would not. I think Lorenzo screwed up big time and he knows it. There is NO frickin'' way he could not. Did anyone watch him and Jen on the morning tv shows? I didn;t but on this message board people who did cited how awkward, embarrassed. and distant he was. Not cozy to Jen or mushy or overly thrilled or anything. Jen was her normal spunky self I guess.

I admit I was rooting for Sadie and had hoped he''d come through but like all the other Bachelors before him except Byron who is marrying Mary, his pick, this coming December I think, Lo fell short. I really was in his corner up until he dumped Sadie. Not jsut for dumping her, but for the cold caddy way he did it. I do not watch these shows with the hope that everyone lives happily ever after, but for romance, entertainment for sure and for curiosity sake. Even my 12 year old who was finishing some homework perked his head up and said that Lorenzo was making a huge mistake and how he was a jerk for the words and the manner he handled himself with Sadie. My son actually said that Sadie deserved a real prince of a guy, not one who has the title and not the class. Can you believe it??? If my kid can see this, what in the he%$ did Lorenzo think when he saw himself later??? Yep, as someone mentioned on the message board, I really hope he read some of those posts and saw for himself how the audience who watched saw to be a schmuck and certainly not a man who was following his heart. You have to have one to follow it first.

Sorry for the tirade but Sadie was treated so badly by this man and now, at some point, Jen most likely will be too. With the history of this show, it is only a matter of when, not if. I am a diehard romantic and wish no one ill will, not even Lorenzo, but it is just pathetic to see this type of behavior and write it off as ok. Sadie will find that prince of a guy who is worthy of her and he will have more than a title...he''ll have her heart.


Jun 11, 2005
That ring was just ok. Nothing super amazing and not my style. I expected something grand and regal. It just wasn''t...


Jun 11, 2005
You know this relationship was built on tv and not of the real world so only time will tell how it fares. I mean, he and Jen come from completely different worlds and circles and her dad...yuck. That man grates my nerves and when he took out the gun at his house, I thought Lorenzo would get a clue to not consider Jen too much, but hey, if they do marry, it will always be the three of them in that marriage---Lorenzo, Jen and Daddy Dennis. I think that one menage a trois even I could not stomach in a nightmare.

I give this whole mess until February...maybe.


Jun 17, 2005
I heard it was kaput already...what did they say on the morning shows? I can only imagine what they will be like, she is a sweet girl but I thought Sadie was more his type, a bit classier, and her parents seemed classier to me as well. I did not think Jen should have worn jeans to meet the folks, I am not a snob but thought she could have made more of an effort but hey, he still picked her. I also thought Jen was very giggly and sort of dim, sweet, but just not an intellectual girl at all. Does he work for the cosmetic company? I did not really get a sense of what he does. And, why, at his age, with a title and good looks, is the man still single and needing to go a this show? Something is fishy to me...


Jun 11, 2005
Date: 11/29/2006 1:39:30 AM
Author: diamondfan
I heard it was kaput already...what did they say on the morning shows? I can only imagine what they will be like, she is a sweet girl but I thought Sadie was more his type, a bit classier, and her parents seemed classier to me as well. I did not think Jen should have worn jeans to meet the folks, I am not a snob but thought she could have made more of an effort but hey, he still picked her. I also thought Jen was very giggly and sort of dim, sweet, but just not an intellectual girl at all. Does he work for the cosmetic company? I did not really get a sense of what he does. And, why, at his age, with a title and good looks, is the man still single and needing to go a this show? Something is fishy to me...
EXACTLY my thoughts! Jeans? To meet potential in laws of their stature? Oh my, I was surprised. Did you notice how Sadie was dressed? Nice, classier with panache, yet young still. Jen is a year older too, but I felt Sadie carried herself as the more mature one. I only know from the message boards that they asked them what was next for them and he responded with that they would take things very slow to build a friendship(?) and go from there. Lo said he was wanting to see what would develop with Jen living in the US and she apparently corrected him to say possibly her living in NYC. He did not interview well I heard. They were also on The View and he was fidgety and physically ill at ease next to her, awkwardly reaching for her hand once or twice. I heard on the radio and read on the msg board that they had talked ONCE on the phone since the final rose ceremony before seeing each other this morning. Weird I thought. If I had had a connection like this was supposed to be, electric, fiery, lusty, romantic and hot and bothered, I would be having a difficult time not pawing my sweetie in a PDA way. Everyone who responded on the board and I mean EVERYONE said he either was too nervous or distracted or just awkward or over her. Others said he may be wondering what in hell did I do here? Who knows?

But jeans? And for the brunch she was in a dress I would wear to the beach or out on my patio or running errands in when its summer time. Not to a brunch with my potential hubby and his parents. Sadie was casually dressed but very tastefully as well. Daddy Dennis irks me! He was so ugh at the brunch and Lo and his parents either didn''t hear him or know how to handle this oof or were too shocked to do anything. Well, Lo, if you marry the girl, he is NOT going away...


Jun 17, 2005
I so doubt marriage is even in the cards...I thought her dad was a boor and talked toooo much, and was obnoxious...but did not find Lorenzo''s mom to be what I envisioned in a Princess either...


Apr 29, 2005
ditto on what everyone said about the ring-picking part- I look forward ALL season to the ladies trip to the jewelry store, and was so disappointed that they didn''t pick out their own rings.

After lamenting all day yesterday on Lorenzo''s choice, my husband finally broke down and watched the show, and had a couple of interesting comments.....he said it was the kiss of death to give Lorenzo that scrapbook thing, it shows she''s way too intense and overconfident (I still think it was cute), and that he thought it was classless how Lorenzo threw back at Sadie her criteria in the list "you said in your list that you wanted sometime who thinks that you are the only woman in the world" thing.

Did anyone else watch them yesterday on "Regis and Kelly"? They came out separately, and then sat in chairs next to each other, but didn''t touch each other or hold hands, thought that was weird. They really didn''t say too much, except that they are NOT engaged, but she''s still wearing the ring on her left hand. No mention if she moved to NYC or anything. Now that I''m thinking about it, what happened to the traditional "After the Rose Ceremony" show on ABC?

One more comment....I think the new bachelor looks a little light in his loafers, and is way too into himself.


Apr 29, 2005
ooh, ooh.....just saw this!

here''s a piece of it......... "I decided about two hours before the final Rose Ceremony and it was obviously a very difficult decision because I had strong feelings for both Jen and Sadie," told reporters during a Tuesday afternoon conference call in which the newly revealed couple met with the media. "I felt a little stronger with Jen just because I thought we had more chemistry. I was trying to find faults with both of them and it was almost impossible but I knew I had to make a decision and it was just that I felt a little closer to Jen and that''s why I went with what I was feeling at the time."

However despite waiting so long to decide which woman to present his final rose to, Lorenzo says he hasn''t had any doubts that he made the right decision. "I''m very glad that I made my decision."

After getting to be together only once since The Bachelor: Rome finished filming in late September, the New York City cosmetics entrepreneur and Miami area schoolteacher plan to continue to conduct a long distance relationship -- at least until Jennifer''s school system ends its school year next May. "I''m a schoolteacher in South Florida so I have to finish the year there with my kids but when May hits and I''m looking to possibly go back or not then at that time then me and Lorenzo will make a decision that''s best for us," Jennifer explained.

"I save lots of frequent flyer miles right now, I love New York City and Lorenzo loves Miami so in that sense it''s pretty easy. We couldn''t live in two better cities and a lot of people make relationships work from New York to Miami is a common, easy flight. So I think it''s going to be visiting each other, talking on the phone as much as you can, staying in contact -- he''s going to come down and see my [school] kids -- and you know we''re just going to work on it as best as we can in any long distance relationship."

Yikes! I see trouble brewing!


Sep 30, 2006
hahaha I like this quote:

"I didn''t have a necklace on me or a string but I mean it is a ring so you should put it on a finger and so I decided to put it on Jen''s finger, and obviously before I did I wanted her to understand why I was putting it on her finger and what it meant but she''s got it on her finger right now and I think that''s what you do with a ring."

ramble much?
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