
Baby won't take a soother


Dec 16, 2007
Any tips to get a baby to take a soother? Ryder doesn't like any of the ones we have tried.
I might get stoned for this but have you tried teaching him to suck his thumb? My sister put N's thumb in his mouth once and he's been pretty much hooked since. It took him a bit to get the hang of but I think the paci takes a while too. I swear it's why he STTN so early. Now, at 13 months, not so much but that's a different story!

Who knows if he would have been a thumb sucker anyway. They say there are genetic ties and MIL likes to remind me that DH needed therapy to stop. :roll: tips here, unfortunately. Is there a particular reason you think he needs one? My son never took a pacifier or sucked his thumb. He didn't even use a lovey until he was like 12 months old or so.

Some of the hospitals in the DC area use this one:
I think some kids just don't like them. My oldest wouldn't take one. Around 7 months she started sucking her fingers, which she did until 3 years old. My middle one loved his pacifier from the beginning (he liked the nuk) and we took it away right before he turned 4! My 9 month old never took to one (I tried) and doesn't suck her fingers/thumb either. She sleeps with a sleep sack and chews on it, that's the closest we've gotten to a soother with her.
I want him to take it so he can sooth without being held/nursed/bounced. But he just chews them and makes faces. Tried the ones you all posted except the one basil posted, might look for it. He already tried to suck his fist but at 10 weeks he is not co-ordinated enough to suck/find his own thumb I think.

I know kids seem to vary in whether they like them or not, our 2.5 year old is binkie junkie. But I think it helps them sttn if they use them so would like if Ryder would take one.
2 of my kids took them, one didn't. He found his thumb, but not till he was about 7 months! Some kids just don't like them. I could never get my first to take one. He would suck it for a minute then spit it out.
Aidan had serious latching problems until he was about 6 weeks old. He couldn't take the soothie or gumdrop or my nips, just the bottle nipple. We finally got him to take the Avent pacis and he loves them. I like them because 1. they come with caps to cover the nipple when it's in the diaper bag, etc and 2. They make glow in the dark ones which is a huge help in the middle of the night.

Aidan still needs his at 12 mo. We went about 2 weeks without it but then he regressed with teething.
We use the avent pacifiers as well. He hated nuk, mam, tomme tippe, and soothie.
I think some just won't have anything to do with them. I tried hard with Daisy but she always spat them straight out and got frantic if I tried holding it in. She's basically only ever been interested in real nipples...
Pandora|1315429823|3012010 said:
I think some just won't have anything to do with them. I tried hard with Daisy but she always spat them straight out and got frantic if I tried holding it in. She's basically only ever been interested in real nipples...

Hee! My son, too. He just doesn't care about pacifiers.

He did start sucking his thumb around 7 months. It's great--we never have to worry about losing or dropping anything on the floor. The thumb is portable and always available. :)
Hudson_Hawk|1315399510|3011502 said:
Aidan had serious latching problems until he was about 6 weeks old. He couldn't take the soothie or gumdrop or my nips, just the bottle nipple. We finally got him to take the Avent pacis and he loves them. I like them because 1. they come with caps to cover the nipple when it's in the diaper bag, etc and 2. They make glow in the dark ones which is a huge help in the middle of the night.

Aidan still needs his at 12 mo. We went about 2 weeks without it but then he regressed with teething.

Micah was similar - he didn't have latch issues, but he simply had no desire for a paci until he was a few months old and realized he liked it. Before that, he chewed on his blankies, which we came to call Chew Blankies as a result. He still is very attached to his blanky and paci, which he calls a poppy.

Personally, if you can handle him without a paci or lovey, I would totally do it. It's just one more thing you have to take away from them down the road.
My sister is a bit of an expert at this, whilst standing and holding the baby she pops in it and then taps the back of the dummy softly, whilst very gently making a bobbing/bouncing motion with knees bent. After a few tries at this it usually seems to work - I have no idea why but it does.
I withheld the pacifer at the start because I feared nipple confusion - we just have her our finger to suck on. Later on when I tried to introduce it, she always spat it out. I just looked back at old photos. At 2.5 months she'd suck on her fists. By 4 months, she had her middle and ring fingers plugged in there, and those have been in her mouth ever since. Our nanny is trying to get her to stop sucking on them at least during the day now. We'll see how that goes! At least we never had to deal with the "can't find my pacifier" middle-of-the-night-crying.
My son never took a pacifier or made-made nipple in his mouth. He also never sucked his thumb. It wasn't anything I tried to do or not do. That's just the way he was. He nursed until he could drink from a cup.

My daughter, on the other hand, loved her pacifier until she, on her own, found her thumb at around 3 months. She sucked it through elementary school! And in private for much longer!

Some kids will suck on anything and others will not.
He won't take any pacifiers at all. Maybe I should consider myself lucky. He does suck his fists so will be interesting to see if he will be a finger/thumb sucker later. He sleeps swaddled now so does not do it to sooth himself to sleep, but he still is managing to learn to fall asleep on his own so, knock wood, its all ok.