
Baby name help


Mar 2, 2005
I love Henry Nathan.

Just brainstorming here:



Jun 21, 2011
I LOVE the name Ryan, but unfortunately I know too many Ryan's in real life that it would probably we weird for me to give that name to my kid. And I would avoid it if I were you because of Nolan Ryan. You would never hear the end of it! Ellis to me sounds like a girl's name, so I don't like it for a boy (sorry I hope I don't offend those of you that said you know someone/named a boy Ellis). I know too many Nathan's, so it's not for me, but it's a good name. Henry is my favorite!


Jun 18, 2010
gem_anemone|1357143826|3345474 said:
Ellis to me sounds like a girl's name, so I don't like it for a boy (sorry I hope I don't offend those of you that said you know someone/named a boy Ellis).

Ditto. The only time I've heard the name is on Grey's Anatomy, where it was the name of Meredith's mom.


Apr 28, 2008
Yes, I hope you won't be offended pupp, but Ellis doesn't sound like a boy's name to me either. For a middle name it's fine though!


Dec 12, 2008
names are so hard! I like Ellis better for a girl too. I have a friend named Kylon (kylinn is what it sound like), maybe an idea? in a way it has a similar ring to Ryan..maybe too much I dunno, just wanted to toss it out there. I love baby name threads!

and yeah bad, naughty husband to spill the name- beans!

of the names you posted I like Henry.


Jun 25, 2007
Haven, I think you might be onto something with just not deciding for now. Narrowing it down to two and choosing when the baby is born knowing that we have two good options might just have to be what we do.

Lulu, is Ellie’s full name Eleanor? If we were having a girl, we were going to use some variation of DH’s grandmother’s name which was Jane Eleanor. I loved the idea of naming a girl Eleanor and calling her Ellie or Nora. Guess we don’t have to worry about that now since this is our last!

Ponder, you lucky woman! No suggestions? I thought about letting DH choose the name because I’m so burnt out on names but now realizing that I don’t even really like his favorite, that’s totally off the table! I definitely understand what you’re saying about weird spellings so I’m glad that the names on our short list are all pretty much phonetically spelled and we would keep them that way. DD’s name is Corinne and, even though it’s not spelled *weird*, people still screw it up!

LAJennifer, never even thought about combining my top two to name baby. I’m definitely going to think about that one. Then I don’t totally have to give one of them up! I’ve suggested other traditional names to DH like David and Steven and Samuel. He’s just not into them.

Kunzite, I love all of your boys’ names so knowing you like Henry is actually very helpful! DH sure does know how to land himself in the doghouse these days! I can’t wait until I’m no longer hyper hormonal and can discuss these things in a way that doesn’t just make me seem psycho!

…funny that so many of you mention that you see Ellis more as a girl’s name. I totally *hear * the Alice thing when I say it aloud but never thought of it as a girl’s name. When we named our dog (he’s a boy) Hollis, I had NO idea that it was more commonly a girl’s name either. Many people assume our dog is a girl and I’ve seen female characters with the name since. At this point, I think Ellis is only in consideration as a middle name.

As for where we stand now, I think Ryan has officially dropped off the list…for me anyway. Ellis has moved pretty much to middle name status which leaves us with Henry and Nathan. What do you all think about the middle name Hobson for Henry? It’s a family name and I quite like it but our last name also ends in “son”. But, it’s not often that someone says your first, middle and last name together anyway. I haven’t even suggested it to DH yet but he might be into it. Nolan’s middle name is Walker which is a family name.

I saw MIL for the first time this morning since Christmas. She usually watches DS a few days a week but my husband was on break for the last week or so. As soon as she came in she gave me the lovely bedding (so cute!) and immediately launched into how she’s trying really hard to think of a name for this baby and every time she watches TV or reads something, she pays close attention to the names. So, I think we’re going to fib (okay, flat out LIE!) and tell her that we’ve decided on a name but will share when the baby arrives. That ought to put an end to the suggestions. :naughty:


May 21, 2009
puppmom I agree w/haven, just pick your favorites, have a few combinations decided on & wait to see. we didn't really decide until we were in the hospital. we were between lily elizabeth (which was the front runner & had been all but decided a few weeks before) & elizabeth Parker (a late entrant when my hormonal self decided I wasn't sure about lily). so, our Ellie is an Elizabeth; my dh & I both have a grandmother named Elizabeth and Parker is totally random for us (although everyone assumes its a family name; dh just said what about Parker 2 days before she was born). you all will pick a wonderful name for your little fellow. I still like Nathan Ellis :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Jun 25, 2007
Love Elizabeth Parker! It sounds very strong but feminine to me!

I think you're right...we'll eventually get there. :))


May 21, 2009
thanks! we like it too but it took us, literally, 9 months to get there.


Jan 2, 2011
Henry was on our list as well - it is such a cute name but I think it is becoming very popular. Which is fine (Jessica and Jennifer were super popular when I was a kid and they are still great names).

A) Punch your husband :naughty:
B) Tell your husband to tell his mother to stop sending suggestions to you. If she wants to suggest a name, send them to HIM and if he likes it, he can bring it up with you. You need a buffer between you and your MIL. Unless you want to....
C) Punch your MIL :naughty:


Of the names you have put up, I would definitely go with ELLIS! Even Ellis Ryan sounds nice. Nolan and Ellis are different but similar in that they are somewhat unique names without being right out of left field. Second choice would be Henry. Henry Ellis.

There are some super talented name-freaks on NameBerry that may be able to help. They have their fingers on the pulse of name trends before they become trends (i.e. their kids have been named Abel and Huck and Harper since way before they started trending up). Maybe you could post there?


Jun 18, 2010
puppmom|1357224233|3346231 said:
What do you all think about the middle name Hobson for Henry? It’s a family name and I quite like it but our last name also ends in “son”. But, it’s not often that someone says your first, middle and last name together anyway. I haven’t even suggested it to DH yet but he might be into it. Nolan’s middle name is Walker which is a family name.

What about Hobson for a first name? I like it.


Oct 2, 2008
amc80|1357234922|3346384 said:
puppmom|1357224233|3346231 said:
What do you all think about the middle name Hobson for Henry? It’s a family name and I quite like it but our last name also ends in “son”. But, it’s not often that someone says your first, middle and last name together anyway. I haven’t even suggested it to DH yet but he might be into it. Nolan’s middle name is Walker which is a family name.

What about Hobson for a first name? I like it.
I think she said her last name ended in 'son' so it may be rhymey. Depends on what it is though! I have no idea what your last name is but I picture something like Hobson Andrerson or Hobson Henderson and it doesn't seem like it sounds odd if you don't mind the rhymey-ness! I like it too, it's different!

Of the names you've posted, I would have similar concerns with Ryan because of Nolan's name. Since you like Nolan (which is/was part of the using last names as first names trend) what about other last name choices? Grant? Parson? Carter? Grady? Brooks? Sawyer?

Of the ones you posted, I think Henry is my favorite but it does seem to be gaining in popularity, not sure if you care about that. I really love Ellis, but could see how it could be perceived as a female name (at least in sound). Recently Alice has been gaining in popularity again so if it weren't for that, I think it would be a stronger choice for a first name.


Jun 25, 2007
Eh, DH just totally shot down Hobson. Oh well. He did agree to take Ryan off the list though. I'll take it. He also agreed to hold off on a final decision and to tell his mom that we've decided and aren't telling so she can stop suggesting. :appl:


Aug 22, 2009
puppmom|1357235924|3346403 said:
Eh, DH just totally shot down Hobson. Oh well. He did agree to take Ryan off the list though. I'll take it. He also agreed to hold off on a final decision and to tell his mom that we've decided and aren't telling so she can stop suggesting. :appl:

Excellent news, pupp! That's progress at least! :appl:


Apr 9, 2007
I think your idea to throw off your MIL is genius.

We had no middle name when H was born, so I totally think you can wait. We actually got Ellis from my cousin when she visited, it's our great grandmothers maiden name, and she and H share a birthday, 110 years apart! I never thought it was girly, but oh well ;-)

I LOVE your DDs name btw!


Jun 18, 2010
puppmom|1357235924|3346403 said:
He also agreed to hold off on a final decision and to tell his mom that we've decided and aren't telling so she can stop suggesting. :appl:

Good luck! We had our name picked from the beginning. My mom would text/call me DAILY with name suggestions. Every time I spoke to her, I'd remind her we already had a name. Never stopped the suggestions.


Jul 3, 2011
I think all the names you like are very sweet and I can picture a little boy with those names. My favorites are Nathan and Ryan.


May 6, 2007
Yeah I don't get why people would offer advice if not specifically asked. I love Henry! Could understand not using Ryan. Ellis is also good and I wouldn't worry about the dog. I think I'm not going to tell many people- it's going to be hard to choose as my husband doesn't like anything, lol. Also for twins I don't get if they are supposed to sound good together or if they need to? I just came up with jack and Henry if I have two boys but its not very original, nor am I sure it goes with our last name...


Oct 5, 2010
MuffDog|1357232954|3346357 said:
Henry was on our list as well - it is such a cute name but I think it is becoming very popular. Which is fine (Jessica and Jennifer were super popular when I was a kid and they are still great names).

A) Punch your husband :naughty:
B) Tell your husband to tell his mother to stop sending suggestions to you. If she wants to suggest a name, send them to HIM and if he likes it, he can bring it up with you. You need a buffer between you and your MIL. Unless you want to....
C) Punch your MIL :naughty:


Of the names you have put up, I would definitely go with ELLIS! Even Ellis Ryan sounds nice. Nolan and Ellis are different but similar in that they are somewhat unique names without being right out of left field. Second choice would be Henry. Henry Ellis.

There are some super talented name-freaks on NameBerry that may be able to help. They have their fingers on the pulse of name trends before they become trends (i.e. their kids have been named Abel and Huck and Harper since way before they started trending up). Maybe you could post there?

This is, perhaps, the greatest advice ever for dealing with in-laws.

And second the NameBerry suggestion; my DH will TTC for our first this year and I am already obsessed with that site.


Jan 7, 2010
Of the names you've posted, I like Henry and Ellis the best, and I think they match Nolan really well! I'm not a fan of the alliteration of Nathan and Nolan, and dislike the "-an" matching of Ryan and Nolan. I do NOT think that Ellis sounds like a girl's name!! My perspective is probably a bit different as I'm in Australia, where the trend of naming girls by "boys' names" has not caught on to the same extent as in the States.

Overall my advice would just be to go with the one the two of you love best on balance. People will always have opinions but they will hold their tongue (mostly) if the baby is already out and named, whereas if you leak the shortlist pre-arrival-of-baby it somehow gives people carte blanche to say the most hideous things they can think of :roll:


Jun 25, 2007
:wavey: Just wanted to pop in to give you guys an update. Names are definitely narrowed down to Henry and Nathan (with Ellis as middle). DH has agreed we'll name the baby when he's born. It's such a relief to quit debating names! :appl:

We've been trying them both out on our two year old DS and have gotten funny responses on both. Both names confuse him as our best friends' son is Ethan and he only knows Henry from Thomas and Friends. So, if I say, "Is there a baby brother named Nathan in mommy's tummy?", he'll respond, "Mommy, no Ethan in your tummy. Ethan at his house!"

If I say, "Is there a baby brother named Henry in mommy's tummy?", he'll respond, "...and Thomas and Percy and James." :lol:
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