
Avoid French stuff

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Aug 25, 2000
Were you wanting to avoid French stuff. check this out.


Ever heard of Lagardere SCA? No? Well maybe because it's a French company. OK .. have you ever heard of
Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S.? Probably not, but Hachette Filipacchi publishes some magazines you may have
heard of.
Those magazines would be Elle, Car &Driver, Women's Day and others. Now it's getting familiar, isn't it? OK, so
we have Car &Driver which is published by Hachette Filipacchi which is owned by Lagardere SCA which is a French

So .. are we finished here? No, not quite. It seems that a man who has been in the news quite a bit of late owns
around two percent of Lagardere SCA. About $90 million dollars worth. His name? Saddam Hussein.

Join the "Boycott France" Campaign Please review this list of major French companies that Americans should

France has every right to disagree with America. But France has moved from simple dissent to active hostility
toward America. French President Chirac warned East European nations that if they side with America, France will
oppose their membership in the European Union.

This week, William Safire reported in the New York Times that France has been secretly helping to arm Iraq -- and
has been helping Iraq build long range missiles. These same missiles may soon be used against American

Just as France is exercising its right to disagree, Americans can exercise their right to boycott -- and avoid helping
companies and countries that do not stand with America.

French Products and Companies to Boycott:

Air France.
Air Liquide.
Allegra (allergy medication).
Aqualung (including: Spirotechnique, Technisub, US Divers, and SeaQuest).
AXA Advisors.
Bank of the West (owned by BNP Paribas).
Beneteau (boats).
BF Goodrich (owned by Michelin).
BIC (razors, pens and lighters).
Biotherm (cosmetics).
Black Bush.
Bollinger (champagne).
Car & Driver Magazine.
Chivas Regal(scotch).
Christian Dior.
Club Med (vacations).
Culligan (owned by Vivendi).
Dannon (yogurt and dairy foods).
Dom Perignon.
Durand Crystal.
Elle Magazine.
Essilor Optical Products.
Fina gas stations and Fina Oil (billions invested in Iraqi oil fields -- guess why they don't want us in there).
First Hawaiian Bank.
George Magazine.
Glenlivet (scotch).
Houghton Mifflin (books).
Jacobs Creek (owned by Pernod Ricard since 1989).
Jameson (whiskey).
Jerry Springer (talk show)
Krups (coffee and cappuccino makers).
Le Creuset (cookware).
L'Oreal (health and beauty products).
Louis Vuitton.
Marie Claire.
Martel Cognac.
Méphisto (shoes and clothes).
Michelin (tires and auto parts).
Mikasa (crystal and glass).
Moet (champagne).
Motel 6.
Motown Records.
Mumms (champagne).
Nissan (cars; majority owned by Renault).
Normany Butter.
Parents Magazine.
Peugeot (automobiles).
Pierre Cardin.
Playstation Magazine.
ProScan (owned by Thomson Electronics, France).
Publicis Group (including Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising).
RCA (televisions and electronics; owned by Thomson Electronics).
Red Magazine.
Red Roof Inns (owned by Accor group in France).
Renault (automobiles).
Road & Track Magazine.
Roquefort cheese (all Roquefort cheese is made in France).
Rowenta (toasters, irons, coffee makers, etc.).
Royal Canadian.
Salomon (skis).
Sierra Software and Computer Games.
Smart & Final.
Sofitel (hotels, owned by Accor).
Sparkletts (water, owned by Danone).
Spencer Gifts.
Sundance Channel.
Taylor Made (golf).
T-Fal (kitchenware).
Total gas stations.
UbiSoft (computer games).
Universal Studios (music, movies and amusement parks (owned by Vivendi-Universal).
Veritas Group.
Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
Wild Turkey (bourbon).
Woman's Day Magazine.
Yoplait (The French company Sodiaal owns a 50 percent stake).
Yves Saint Laurent.
Zodiac Inflatable Boats.
A few years ago my son at an age of 14 years old was over in France . He said "Dad that is the dirtiest town I have ever been
in and they were rude to us as soon as they knew we were Americans? Why is that?" Why would you be rude to children????
He said Switzerland was the nicest country.

I cannot wait. heading to Geneva, then to Cinque Terre and Lake Como Italy..
I cannot wait... i wonder if my boyfriend is going to propose there????!!!!!
We just picked out the ring and had it set.. thanks for all the wonderful adivice!!!!
We'll be a half hour from the French border, but I refuse to go
I hate to sound trite...
But my sacrifice is clear
I gave up Lancome
After many a year!!!

If my vanity suffers
Well, that's really okay
My new makeup's made
IN THE U.S OF A. !!!
I agree with what you say, Ice, but man-oh-man am I getting it from both sides.
Scott being in the military, and in the union.
I can get away with buying some stuff non-american made, but alot of the stuff, he checks religiously.
I try to be conscientious about most, but sometimes I guess we take for granted how natural it has become to just "grab" something.
It has nothing to do personally with other countries, just the fact that we (the US) should keep our own country in work, before we start worrying about others.
I had no idea the above listed had so many of the products I love.

I guess I'll have to be more careful from now on

I have a few suggestions for you.

1. Try reading more pages from books than the internet. This may assist in opening your backwoods closed mind as well as help ease the level of illiteracy you display in each of your posts.

2. Try spending more time building your business than your body. I've scoffed at the posts of you displaying 20 year old photos of yourself as well as photos of your car. Quite a need for a self-esteem boost if you are looking for it here.

3. "Nuff said" - Your superiority complex shines through quite golden. Noone buys it, and I definitely have my own impression of how you spend your days. How many posts did you issue to DiamondTalk?
On 4/9/2003 8:27:32 AM Iceman wrote about his son's travels:

"He said Switzerland was the nicest country."

I am sorry he never made it to Italy
On 4/9/2003 10:20:30 AM DiehardSearcher wrote to Ice:

"Try reading more pages from books than the internet.
Try spending more time building your business than your body."


You are clearly a clever man. Please don't give Ice any ideas. Life just wouldn't be the same if you had him start reading books. I like him just as he is. His body is lovely and there is no need for him to complicate things by starting to read!

Please...have a heart!!!

I agree, that did not display any heart. His personal attack on an honest review of a vendor prompted it. I will continue to ignore his fodder as I have in the past.

Thank you AGBF for confronting me about it.
People who think the French are rude and hate all Americans need to do something besides hitting all the tourist traps in Paris. Yes, the Parisian waiters and hotel staff can get snippy, but much of this is due to having to put with generations of American tourists who expect everyone to speak English and get upset when they discover that people in other countries do things differently.

If you get out of Paris and make an effort to get to know average French people, you will find them to be among the most gracious and hospitable people on Earth. One of the most enjoyable evenings I've ever spent was visiting the host family my sister stayed with during a year in France while she was in college. They served us a wonderful meal beginning with real fois gras and the best wine out of their cellar, and despite the language barrier made my wife and me feel totally at home. When my sister mentioned offhand that I liked cigars toward the end of the meal, her host father instantly jumped up from the table and went for his humidor, extracting a handful of Cuban cigars, then went for his collection of liqueurs. When the evening was finally over, he insisted on showing us his wine cellar, and--despite our protests--insisted on giving us not just a sample bottle of the two different wines they had served, but also a bottle of the raspberry liqueur I had complemented him on during the cigars.

I also visited France a few years earlier when I was in the Navy. I found no hostility to our presence despite representing the "evil" American miliatary (and this was shortly after we had bombed Libya, which didn't make us popular in Europe). Instead, we found the locals quite welcoming, and spent an interesting evening trading drinking songs with a pair of French sailors.

Some French people are rude. So are some Americans. I suspect that most American tourists who get treated rudely are probably asking for it with attitudes of their own.

Do you people defend the US in ANY way??
Sounds more like you should join the french military.
Or are you even FROM the US??
And, to Diehard, sounds more like your a little envious of Ices' posts.
AND, to Ice, another controversial issue

Keep up the good work
I defended the US for a number of years and have a VA-rated disability to show for it. That remark about the "evil" military was in quotes because I was being sarcastic, i.e., some people think all Europeans view us that way, but that was not my experience. And yes, I was born in the US.

Believe me, I have a serious problem with the French government and its behavior throughout this whole affair. I think they--and the UN--should be kept as far away from the reconstruction of Iraq as possible. The circus of feckless and venality that has characterized the UN's "reconstruction" of Kosovo (where the German official in charge looted millions of dollars from the humanitarian aid fund, then fled to Brazil) is what would await Iraq otherwise.

To repeat: I am profoundly irritated with the French government, but the average French people I have met have been very pleasant and not at all in line with the stereotypes portraying them as rude and hating all Americans.
Well, Ive made it to Italy already...I cannot wait to return next month..
Hey! There are many people in the US that do not feel that any other cultures exisit anywhere else except here.. I def. learned alot by traveling to other countries.. it def. has made me have a more open mind.
I am much more sensitive to Italian/Italian American stereotypes
Well, Ive made it to Italy already...I cannot wait to return next month..
Hey! There are many people in the US that do not feel that any other cultures exisit anywhere else except here.. I def. learned alot by traveling to other countries.. it def. has made me have a more open mind.
I am much more sensitive to Italian/Italian American stereotypes since Ive been over to Italy...
now, i can truely enjoy the italian culture and UNDERSTAND all of the contributions Italians have made, other than bring the "Sopranos" to life on HBO.
I have to say, when I travel to Italy, I come across many Americans who are so ridiculous.. as well as the Americans I come across in Mexico.. uggh.. it is so embarrassing..
I have to say- although this whole thing is going on, once it calms.. i will be traveling to the south of France
I whole heartedly agree that it's not the "common" folk of France that are the problem. It's the govt.
Just as seen on T.V. today, the people of Baghdad were thrilled when the military helped pull down the statue of SH. It's not all people who are to be despised, but they're not the ones calling the shots, and those that do, disgust me.
Kind of like the protestor issue. Some believe, and some don't.
And, on another note, I don't think it's fair, or should really be tolerated that ANYONE be put down like Iceman was for what he posts.
That's what this forum was for.
You can be opinionated, but hitting below the belt is uncalled for.
What would you think I would be envious about andrea? His body? His car? His (and your) first round ousting in the 5th grade spelling-bee?

My body is just fine, I see no need to post pictures of it. My car is quite a bit smaller, quite a bit faster, and quite a bit more german than his, I see no need to post pictures of it.

Iceman laid himself out in the open, I left him alone until I felt the personal attack.
Hey! It was an honest review of a consumer. I thought it was quite accurate.

So instead of sticking to the subject you want to try bashing me for posting pictures of my vacations and what I drive and
follow me around on posts that have nothing to do with what your mad about?????

First of all please take a great big cup of shut the fuxk up and listen before you run your mouth.

Until you know who you are talking to and what you even think, you know what your saying.

Yes, I make too much money in the Jewelry business and yes I have too much time on my hands to be on here and should be
doing other things. But I enjoy it! If your wrong I will be the first to say it.

If you want everybody to agree with you then go to

I think its a sin to put a great company like White flash through the ringer like you did and then badmouth them
like you do me.

If you like the French that is fine, you sound just like one of them. The post is about France stick to the subject.

Guess what ! You will find it hard pressed to find somebody that does not like me on here.
You need to get off somebody's payroll and do this at home.

Go ahead and bad mouth me some more, Im taking a vaction 32 miles through the Grand Canyon with a 60lb back pack , you will be the last one I will think about. Your two cents on here about jewelry is worthless.
"Until you know who you are talking to and what you even think, you know what your saying."
Excellent, just excellent. Quite worthwhile.

Get off of somebody's payroll? I will ask again; what makes you think your (notice the difference between "your" and "you're"???) time is any different than mine?

As for your customer review, is that what PriceScope is review customers? I thought it was to help customers.

If you will notice, Lesley did not deny any of my claims. That is because they are true. Do you also notice how much I paid tribute to them in my negative testimonial? That is because it was an accurate testimonial. You see, I can provide accurate beneficial information to other customers. Your inclusion into the post helped absolutely noone.

Tell me exactly what you know about WhiteFlash. At the same time, why don't you post here your company's bio? Would you like perspective consumers to view your 'information'? Thought so.

You certainly have alot of friends on the internet. As I do not, you will not waste any more of my time.
Wow that list is WAY too long for me to remember any of the stuff on it...much less avoid it.

Where is this thread that started Everything? Please do not make me suffer any longer in ignorance
Never mind. I found it easily and everything has been illuminated.
That's real nice, Diehard.
Nothing wrong with my spelling. An occasional typo, sure.
You have issues, and this thread was not directed at you. Somehow you've managed to make it your mission to create a huge problem where there wasn't one. Until now.
If you're going to act like a 3rd grader, then you have no business here.
Lighten up.
This addition to the pricesope forum was intended for things OF this nature.
If this continues, maybe we should ask Leonid to remove it all together.
Again, thank you for the personal remarks.

I chose to vent my thoughts towards Iceman's comments here rather than in the other forum because my comments did not belong there. I did hijack this thread, this is a hangout after all.

3rd grader? If I remember correctly, you interrupted the thread wondering if I was jealous of Iceman.

Don't quip if you want no response.
andrea ~ Any word on your Husbands return from Duty ? Do you here from him at all ? I believe they get a ribbon/bar or medal for his tour overseas in that war ?
Diahardsearcher quote~
Get off of somebody's payroll? I will ask again; what makes you think your (notice the difference between "your" and "you're"???) time is any different than mine? ~

Here is the difference ~ Give me your bosses number and I will forward this information to him and I will give you the number of my boss (me) and you can forward the same information.

Do you get it yet?????
You dont own the business you work at, I Do!!!! (notice the difference "Employee ~ Owner")
But I guess if you understood this then you would not be confused about it.

Let me help, give me the number of your boss and where you work

I guess you have a hard time with the truth, thats what started all of this

Ok, Im done with this , you can have your last shot and Im sure I will see you on other posts where we can start up again.
Ah, poor illiterate soul, it is you who do not understand.
I know this is between you and Ice, but what is it that's not understood?
Do you also own a business?
And, why do you question his intelligence. Out of curiosity.
(As I hunker down waiting for stones to be thrown)
This may assist in opening your backwoods closed mind as well as help
ease the level of illiteracy you display in each of your posts.

I don't know what started all this, but I do know a low class post when I see it.
On 4/11/2003 12:52:16 AM Richard Sherwood wrote to DHS (who was criticizing Ice):

DHS being quoted by Richard:

This may assist in opening your backwoods closed mind as well as help

ease the level of illiteracy you display in each of your posts.


Richard's reply:

I don't know what started all this, but I do know a low class post when I see it.



I adore Ice. We go back many years. Our virtual sexual experiences have been most gratifying. As one who loves him, please accept my advice: don't meddle here.

Ice asked for everything he is getting (as he often does). I love him dearly and nothing will change that, but he does tend to shoot first and then forget if he had any questions.

He and DHS are very well matched. DHS is clear, concise, and literate. Ice is impervious to anything shot at him so he is unaffected by that.

Ever since your good sportsmanship about liberals you have been a favorite of mine. This is a Battle of Titans. Steer clear
"Clash of Titans, eh?" Kind of like Frazier and Ali.

Okay. I guess I'll just get a bag of popcorn and take a ringside seat.


"virtual sexual experiences"?
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