
Aussie BIW club

Palm cove with Double Island in background

Palms, and cove.


I just saw this thread again! Thanks so much for posting those pics, they are awesome.

My Mum and sis were actually at Angsana the other week taking pics for me, probably at the same time you were there! I havn''t seen the chapel since last October, but it''s so perfect! I am so in love with my venue
Hi Aussie gals!
Thought I''d bump up the thread with a wedding dress related question.
I saw a pronovias dress at a bridal shop yesterday (3 doors down from my house conveniently!!) and was just wondering if you girls think that 3125 for the dress with alterations is too much? What is too much? I was thinking of spending around 2500 is that naive?
I cannot stop thinking about the dress! I''m still 22.5months out from wedding day and am not expecting to get anything any time soon but it hit me like a tonne of bricks! I''ve attached a pic of the dress.
Let me know what you think! Thanks!
oops here it is!

gls medina.jpg
WOW gorgeous dress for sure, but 3125 seems very expensive.

If you love it though, then go for it!!!
Hello fellow Aussie! I think that PS does our heads in a little here down under and gives us unrealistic prices. What I am trying to say (after a good half a bottle of my fav wine) is that dresses seem to be a lot cheaper in the US. When I went shopping for my gown, I was suprised at the price of gowns, until I really started looking into the ''details'' such as fabric quality and alterations, made to measure etc.

I would say that $3k for a pronovias gown with alterations is what I would expect, probably I would have estimated a little more even! I paid just over $3k for my made to measure gown. I picked it up today and I can tell you, it was worth every freakin cent!!! Sure, you can find another gown cheaper, but I found the cheaper fabrics were just that, cheap. They looked cheap, they felt cheap. If you want a gown that looks expensive and the fabric falls and sit well, you have to pay for it. End of story.
^ i completely agree with everything you just said honey. You def get what you pay for.

Having said that I do understand what you mean 3K is a lot of money for a wedding dress and i can understand why you are hesitating.

It is a beautiful gown, let us know what you decide!!
I''m sorta in your predicament, gls ~ I''m still trying to wrap my mind around the amount I am going to spend on a dress (after a lot of comparison shopping). If it were me, gls, I would shop around more to at least compare what else you can get for $3125 and give yourself some peace of mind. I think it is fantastic that you found a dress you love already - it''s a beautiful gown!
Hi supergirl10,

Could you please add me to the Aussie BIW list? 17th December 2010.

thanks so much girls!
Honey I completely agree with you, you see all the US prices and especially with the aussie dollar being so good its so annoying!! They are lucky to get so much to choose from at such great prices! Im so glad you finally got your dress! The day is almost here! How are the final touches going?

I know the dress is expensive and over budget but in the scheme of things not so much extra if that makes sense 600 is a lot of money but its dont exceeding my budget by double or something. And my dress to me is going to be one of the highlights, its my dress Ive been trying to pick since I was 6!
I spoke to my fiance about it and he said if I like the dress then not to worry and mum was with me and was more concerned about whether I could carry it (its got A LOT of lush satin) rather than the price. Im thinking of trying it on Monday or Tuesday, was told to go back when it was cooler

Thanks again girls
Gls, what is the name of the pronovias dress you are after??

My Maggie Dress was nearly $3000 at a bridal store here and i found it online and ordered it from the US, including postage it was $1197, and that was when the dollar was low!

I can have a look and see if they stock yours for you if you want?
Supergirl can you change my date to the 12th of March 2010 please??
So I am starting to put together a plan for the wedding.

FI and I really want a small ceremony. We are thinking a secret ceremony with only the bridal party there.

But we also want to have the party to celebrate.

What I was thinking was to have the secret ceremony, but invite all of our guests to our "engagement Party". We turn up and say "surprise, we are married!"

My question is, would you be offended if you went to what you thought was an engagement party, but it turned out to be a wedding reception?

I have asked here because I think Aussies tend to be a bit more relaxed about wedding "rules" and I wanted an Aussie perspective first. But for any American girls lurking on this thread, please chime in also!
Date: 11/19/2009 7:25:05 AM
Author: hawaiianorangetree
Gls, what is the name of the pronovias dress you are after??

My Maggie Dress was nearly $3000 at a bridal store here and i found it online and ordered it from the US, including postage it was $1197, and that was when the dollar was low!

I can have a look and see if they stock yours for you if you want?

That would be fantastic!
Its called Medina and its from the 2010 collection
Aww sorry gls, they have 207 pronovias dresses but not that one.

probably because it is so new, but, since you are not getting married for a while there is every chance it
will appear on there. Also, they say if you can''t find the dress you want you can email them and they can see
if they can get it for you.

The website is If you want to keep an eye out or send them an email, my dress is due to get here by Christmas
and they have been great so far.

I completely agree with honey with the ''you pay for what you get'' but I think if you are lucky and you have the time up your sleeve
you can get what you want for a lot less.
Date: 11/19/2009 7:38:41 PM
Author: bobbin

So I am starting to put together a plan for the wedding.

FI and I really want a small ceremony. We are thinking a secret ceremony with only the bridal party there.

But we also want to have the party to celebrate.

What I was thinking was to have the secret ceremony, but invite all of our guests to our ''engagement Party''. We turn up and say ''surprise, we are married!''

My question is, would you be offended if you went to what you thought was an engagement party, but it turned out to be a wedding reception?

I have asked here because I think Aussies tend to be a bit more relaxed about wedding ''rules'' and I wanted an Aussie perspective first. But for any American girls lurking on this thread, please chime in also!
Hi Bobbin!

When i got engaged Fi and i had a similar idea also.. except the whole wedding was going to be a suprise at the e party..

My mum hated the idea..


But we were still going to go through with it anyway.

All was good until a few months ago and we decided to change our plans and we are now doing something entirely different.

Things i picked up on were:

1. You have to be REALLY good at keeping secrets (i am not)

2. You need to do it within a fairly short time frame esp if you are calling it an ''engagement party'' (say before the end of summer) otherwise people will ask when your e party is and when you say ''next year or not for 10 months'' they come back with what? are you getting married at the same time then?? (true story, so many people figured it out).

3. You don''t get to do all of the other wedding related stuff before hand, such as kitchen teas, hens nights etc.

4. It''s hard to get excited when you can''t tell people what you are planning or when the wedding is.

5. Booking 5 weeks holidays with only a 2 week trip to bali creates alot of suspicions with your co workers.

Now i personally still love the idea but it just wasn''t meant to be for us.

I found this site whilst doing internet searches on suprise weddings..

she blew hers at the 11th hour as wel!![/URL]
Date: 11/20/2009 1:51:36 AM
Author: hawaiianorangetree
Aww sorry gls, they have 207 pronovias dresses but not that one.

probably because it is so new, but, since you are not getting married for a while there is every chance it

will appear on there. Also, they say if you can''t find the dress you want you can email them and they can see

if they can get it for you.

The website is If you want to keep an eye out or send them an email, my dress is due to get here by Christmas

and they have been great so far.

I completely agree with honey with the ''you pay for what you get'' but I think if you are lucky and you have the time up your sleeve

you can get what you want for a lot less.

Thanks so much hawaii. I cant believe out of 207 dresses they dont have that one!
Oh well, I still havent tried it on I may not like it that much when I do.
Thanks so much for the link, I''ll keep my eye out, I love a good bargin!
Date: 11/20/2009 4:05:03 AM
Author: hawaiianorangetree
Date: 11/19/2009 7:38:41 PM

Hi Bobbin!

When i got engaged Fi and i had a similar idea also.. except the whole wedding was going to be a suprise at the e party..

My mum hated the idea..


But we were still going to go through with it anyway.

All was good until a few months ago and we decided to change our plans and we are now doing something entirely different.

Things i picked up on were:

1. You have to be REALLY good at keeping secrets (i am not)

2. You need to do it within a fairly short time frame esp if you are calling it an ''engagement party'' (say before the end of summer) otherwise people will ask when your e party is and when you say ''next year or not for 10 months'' they come back with what? are you getting married at the same time then?? (true story, so many people figured it out).

3. You don''t get to do all of the other wedding related stuff before hand, such as kitchen teas, hens nights etc.

4. It''s hard to get excited when you can''t tell people what you are planning or when the wedding is.

5. Booking 5 weeks holidays with only a 2 week trip to bali creates alot of suspicions with your co workers.

Now i personally still love the idea but it just wasn''t meant to be for us.

I found this site whilst doing internet searches on suprise weddings..

she blew hers at the 11th hour as wel!!

Thanks for those tips Hawaiian. I do think it will be difficult to keep it a secret. I think I am going to let my cousin in on it. I am still debating about whether to include my parents or not, or simply to let everyone who we want at the ceremony know about two weeks before so they can take the time off work.

We will be waiting a year also, but when anyone asks about our plans we have decided to simply say thay we hadn''t started to think about it and that we would have an engagement party when we are ready to start planning properly. Given that I have just graduated and am job hunting, FI just got laid off and is also job hunting and we have a million things to do with renovating the house, I think it might be believable...

No. 3 and 4 are very good points. I think I will let in two of my good friends and my cousin, so we can have a very small hens night or trip away, and so I have someone to get excited with!

I am a bit worried that when we turn up and say "surprise!" people will be offended that they were not at the ceremony.
Bobbin, i think if people love you and they see how happy you are they wont be too offended they weren''t at the ceremony, they will be happy that they still get to celebrate with you, but as you know there will ALWAYS be exceptions to the rules!
Updated Aussie BIW list girls




Ozsparkle 10/10/2009
Red Shoes - ? (Looking Forward to pics)

In order of coming event :)

Honey 22 - 26/11/2009

Hawiananorangetreee 12/03/2010

Cynd33 - 20/03/2010

Supergirl - 04/04/2010

Deelight - 12/06/2010

Cindy - 10/07/2010

Danielle - 04/12/2010

Bobbin – 17/12/2010

gls - 01/10/11

Aprilzephyr - ? Date
Also a big aussie welcome to




Nice to have you here, April if you could just reply with your date that would be fantastic.

Hoping that Lozza finds her way over here also
Date: 11/19/2009 7:38:41 PM
Author: bobbin

So I am starting to put together a plan for the wedding.

FI and I really want a small ceremony. We are thinking a secret ceremony with only the bridal party there.

But we also want to have the party to celebrate.

What I was thinking was to have the secret ceremony, but invite all of our guests to our ''engagement Party''. We turn up and say ''surprise, we are married!''

My question is, would you be offended if you went to what you thought was an engagement party, but it turned out to be a wedding reception?

I have asked here because I think Aussies tend to be a bit more relaxed about wedding ''rules'' and I wanted an Aussie perspective first. But for any American girls lurking on this thread, please chime in also!

No i think that that would be lovely!!!

I would not be offended at all, I would be honoured to be a guest at the reception.
^ that is my post above, i have no idea why i came up as anonomyous ....

Date: 11/19/2009 7:17:09 AM
Author: aprilzephyr
I'm sorta in your predicament, gls ~ I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the amount I am going to spend on a dress (after a lot of comparison shopping). If it were me, gls, I would shop around more to at least compare what else you can get for $3125 and give yourself some peace of mind. I think it is fantastic that you found a dress you love already - it's a beautiful gown!

What dress are you looking at april, we would love to see some pics!!!
Date: 11/22/2009 6:57:54 PM
Author: supergirl10
Also a big aussie welcome to




Nice to have you here, April if you could just reply with your date that would be fantastic.

Hoping that Lozza finds her way over here also

I did I did!!!

Hi everyone, I just found this thread! I got engaged last Wednesday, so no date yet, but we''re thinking Spring 2010. Oh, and I''m in Sydney.
Welcome Lozza!

Only two more sleeps to go ladies!!!! I am super excited!!!!!!
Best wishes for tomorrow honey and Mr Honey to be

Hope everything goes to plan and can''t wait to see the pics!!!
Supergirl - I only just saw your post. Thanks so much for the welcome - I''m not Australian (but my partner is and we live in Sydney now), so I wasn''t sure if I could join the list! Our tentative date is sometime July 2010, depending on where we having the ceremony.

About the wedding dresses - I''ve done a lot of research on what is available here in Sydney, but I am wondering why Maggie Sottero dresses cost more here. For some reason, I was under the impression that MS was an Australian company??
Date: 11/25/2009 12:29:56 AM
Author: aprilzephyr
Supergirl - I only just saw your post. Thanks so much for the welcome - I''m not Australian (but my partner is and we live in Sydney now), so I wasn''t sure if I could join the list! Our tentative date is sometime July 2010, depending on where we having the ceremony.

About the wedding dresses - I''ve done a lot of research on what is available here in Sydney, but I am wondering why Maggie Sottero dresses cost more here. For some reason, I was under the impression that MS was an Australian company??
Hi April

I have bought a Maggie Gown and it was a considerable amount more here in the bridal store than what it is online in America.. i just put it down to mark up. I''m not entirely sure but i think they are an American Company (.com web) and the dresses are made in Asia somewhere.

My order has gone from Australia to the US to China and then the dress is going from China to the US and then finally to Australia!
My dress would have done more miles than me by the time it gets here!
Date: 11/22/2009 7:28:39 PM
Author: supergirl10
^ that is my post above, i have no idea why i came up as anonomyous ....

Date: 11/19/2009 7:17:09 AM

Author: aprilzephyr

I''m sorta in your predicament, gls ~ I''m still trying to wrap my mind around the amount I am going to spend on a dress (after a lot of comparison shopping). If it were me, gls, I would shop around more to at least compare what else you can get for $3125 and give yourself some peace of mind. I think it is fantastic that you found a dress you love already - it''s a beautiful gown!

What dress are you looking at april, we would love to see some pics!!!

I forgot to respond to this! I don''t have any photos of dresses to share - I''m still undecided, but I think I will most likely get the dress made and the quotes have all been in the A$3,200 to A$4,500 range (hence my comment to gls above
). Honey''s experience (as well as this article) makes me (being new to both the dressmaking world and the Aussie bridal market) feel a bit better about the pricing (i.e. that is the usual pricing for custom work and they are not trying to overcharge me)! I''ve tried on a handful of dresses in the US before I moved and many dresses here in Sydney, and as lovely as many of them were, I could not imagine myself getting married in any of them. But I''m finding more options as I''m exploring the custom route, so hopefully I''ll have more luck!

hawaiianorangetree, thanks for clarifying - I have no idea where I read that MS was (or at least started as) an Aussie label (I felt I read it in more than one place!). The price difference is really astonishing - your dress is such a great deal! I wanted to find a dress in the US or a dress from a brand that I could order over the phone/internet from the US too, but I suppose it wasn''t meant to be.