
Are you left brain dominant or right brain dominant or

Left vs Right...which one are you?

  • My brain is predominantly left

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • My brain is predominantly right

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I'm equally split

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 8, 2008
Or somewhere in between?

For fun I took a couple of L vs R brain tests and to see if they were accurate I took a few different tests.

On the first 2 tests I received a score around 70% left brain and 30% right brain but on the last test (which I felt more accurately reflected the way I am because the questions allowed for a more thorough answer) I received a 50/50 split of R and L brain.

The tests are very quick and fun IMO.

Results explained next post.
First 2 of the 3 tests in the first posts = balanced, the last test scored 38% and leans towards being Left Dominated.

DK :))
I am equally in the middle..which doesn't surprise me...I am left handed but can use my right almost as well as my left I am a little odd lol
The power struggle is over. Both sides surrendered peacefully.
Interesting tests.
Being an artistic, creative person my whole life, I just assumed I was right -brained.
I guess I was wrong, because I scored "left" on all the quizzes!
Maybe it's because I'm not very spontaneous, and I always think things through before I do anything.
I am a Virgo, after all. Organized chaos, that's me!
I'm a mixed bag, which doesn't surprise me. I think by personality I'm more right-brained, but by education and profession I use a lot of left-brain skills. The first test I was almost 70% L, the second almost 70% R, and the third was about 60% R. The write-up on the third one did get one of my fundamental traits wrong because it said I was more of a visual learner/teacher when I'm totally not. I would rarely draw something to explain what I meant. I would just keep talking!
Mine were a jumble. Test one 63% left 37% right, test two 33% left 67% right, test 25% left 75% right.
Scored 50:50 on first. 46 left v 54 right on second and 58 right on third. Pretty accurate I would like to think as I like science but love arts!

My job has been professional, in an area with its basis in science but with a high degree of social and interpersonal skills needed. Privately I love art, drawing, design, dance and music etc. Always been good at spatial stuff and maps and can easily imagine things in 3D and sketch them. As a child wanted to be a choreographer, an engineer, a mechanic, an artist etc ...always felt pulled in two directions!

Just wish I was more creative!
First 2 tests = slightly more right brained; last test 50/50
If you are a Dem your left brain would be more dominant and if you are a Republican your right brain would be more dominant.
Dancing Fire|1456728163|3997214 said:
If you are a Dem your left brain would be more dominant and if you are a Republican your right brain would be more dominant.
Why? After all, the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body and vice versa.
The first test says the right side, the second test says the left side, and the third test says left side (29).
This was fun! Thank you for posting those links Missy!!
stracci2000|1456685279|3997036 said:
Interesting tests.
Being an artistic, creative person my whole life, I just assumed I was right -brained.
I guess I was wrong, because I scored "left" on all the quizzes!
Maybe it's because I'm not very spontaneous, and I always think things through before I do anything.
I am a Virgo, after all. Organized chaos, that's me!

Stracci, I think you're onto something here. This might be why I scored 70% left on the first 2 tests. I think everything through and need to plan. I am not spontaneous at all. My dh always jokes about that with me. If he says let's go out to dinner a few hours before I don't usually want to because I didn't plan for that lol. I need to schedule everything.

Though I did score 50% left and 50% right on the last test which as I wrote in the first post I feel more accurately reflects my brain. :read: The last test felt more accurate at least for me. I cannot imagine I am 70% left brain as the first 2 tests reflect because I cannot read maps if my life was depending on it.

Hounddog said:
Scored 50:50 on first. 46 left v 54 right on second and 58 right on third. Pretty accurate I would like to think as I like science but love arts!

My job has been professional, in an area with its basis in science but with a high degree of social and interpersonal skills needed. Privately I love art, drawing, design, dance and music etc. Always been good at spatial stuff and maps and can easily imagine things in 3D and sketch them. As a child wanted to be a choreographer, an engineer, a mechanic, an artist etc ...always felt pulled in two directions!

Just wish I was more creative!

Houndog, Me too! And wish I could read those maps like you can!

Dancing Fire, LOL. I love your craptistics. :cheeky:
Thrain, pay no attention to DF and his "crap"tistics. He is a master of making numbers up but we love him anyway. Maybe because of who knows. :wink2:

rainwood said:
I'm a mixed bag, which doesn't surprise me. I think by personality I'm more right-brained, but by education and profession I use a lot of left-brain skills. The first test I was almost 70% L, the second almost 70% R, and the third was about 60% R. The write-up on the third one did get one of my fundamental traits wrong because it said I was more of a visual learner/teacher when I'm totally not. I would rarely draw something to explain what I meant. I would just keep talking!

Haha me too rainwood. But you probably figured that out already. That I'm a talker. :oops: :lol:

lulu said:
The power struggle is over. Both sides surrendered peacefully.

Lulu, LOLOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Scandinavian, thank you. I thought they were fun to take too.

Chrono and arkieb, the tests sure showed different results between tests. I doubt they are very accurate obviously but fun. I kept looking for the test that would give me the results I wanted hehe. :lol:

diamondrnglover, aren't we all? A little odd that is. :bigsmile:

dk168, your test results were almost opposite where the first 2 showed you as balanced and the last one showed you as left dominant. Funny.

Matata, same as me for last test...yay for balanced. :appl:

Thank you everyone for taking the time to take the tests. I could only convince my dh to take 2 of the 3 tests LOL.