
Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9/11?

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004

I peeked at the "Around the World" area first before posting here. It's pretty dead there, isn't it.

I'll start, noting three things.

The first has already happened.

My 16 year old chose me over my wife (no accounting for taste, I say) to be interviewed about recollections of that day. That was special, to recollect that with him. It was a school project.

Second...this Sunday & Monday, for both pleasure & business, I'll be in NY, and Sunday evening, though lots is going on there as a 9/11 recollection, I'll be seeing an off Broadway bit of theatre: Freud's Last Session. It's on the one hand, not designed to touch on anything particularly concerning terrorism or the horror of the day. On the other hand, it should engage questions concerning whether or not there is a G-d, so maybe it's apropo after all. A link is here:

Friends welcome! (Props to Bee, who in this thread:, mentioned BroadwayBox for a discount). rabbi is joining with others, particularly of the Muslim faith, and also the Christian community, on a "multi-state campaign," culminating in a rally I hope to go to in Frederick, MD, on 9/25. I believe the programming will be detailed at his developing site, Clergy Beyond Borders, here:

and I hope you'll join me in wishing this endeavor well.

So, how about you?

Ira Z.


Jun 25, 2007
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Ira - SO and I took the time to reminisce on where we were, and what we were doing this morning. I imagine we'll take a few moments of silence.


Jul 7, 2004
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

DH probably won't do anything special. Since it hit a little close to home for me Ill probably watch some of the specials on TV.


Jul 28, 2008
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

I'm surprised and pleased (if thats the right word) at how far reaching the onset of this Anniversary is. I live in a small rural town in the UK and this Sunday there is to a be a band and memorial with our firefighters, ambulance services and obviously everyone that wishes to pay their respects. I can't believe its ten years, we went to New York on our honeymoon in 2007 and spent some time at ground zero, it was incredibly moving.


Apr 2, 2006
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Right now I'm drawn to accounts of that day. Fortunately nothing can truly recreate the horror of that day, or the feelings and fears we went through then. But accounts like this on help keep it from being less than it was:,0,313814.story?page=3

Reading it, I'm amazed at how much time elapsed before building #7 collapsed.

On 9-11, sometime in the morning, our office was shut down for the day and we were sent home. Sometime that afternoon I felt the need to be in a place of worship and went to my church, which is located in the midst of State office buildings. The sanctuary was subdued and dimly lit, the silence broken ever five minutes or so by the chime of a single bell and a brief reading from scripture - a lamentation, psalm, or reassurance.

This Sunday I'll be in the choir loft, singing "The Prayer of Saint Francis."


Jan 18, 2009
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

I too am getting caught up about reading accounts of the day and the children that were born after their parents died. Brings back a lot of memories. And, now that I'm building my own family, makes it actually much more upsetting to me than the actual day in some ways. I was pretty young and hadn't settled down yet. I really had nothing to lose. I felt bad for the victims and their families but now I can relate so much more to the feelings of loss that permeated that day.


Nov 18, 2004
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

We will be praying for our friends that we lost on that horrific day. It changed me forever. It's not about me, but seeing my friends be killed, and leave kids behind.. Just kills me. :((


Apr 2, 2006
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Kaleigh - I'm so sorry. Most of us living on the West Coast I were spared that aspect of 9-11 - losing people we knew or seeing the devastation on structures or lives first-hand.


Jun 29, 2006
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

I'm not doing anything special for it. I don't for pearl harbor day either.


Jun 29, 2011
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

My law student friends and I re-watched the "Today Show" episode from 9/11 and reflected on our memories of that day. I suppose it's good to remember and share.


Dec 29, 2006
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Lottie UK|1315594833|3013786 said:
I'm surprised and pleased (if thats the right word) at how far reaching the onset of this Anniversary is. I live in a small rural town in the UK and this Sunday there is to a be a band and memorial with our firefighters, ambulance services and obviously everyone that wishes to pay their respects. I can't believe its ten years, we went to New York on our honeymoon in 2007 and spent some time at ground zero, it was incredibly moving.

I think it's amazing that this has reached other countries. The solidarity (?) is very much appreciated, I'm sure, to those in the US, specifically to those who lost someone. Thank you for sharing that, Lottie.

One of my best friends lost a friend who worked in at the WTC. I didn't know him but I do think of him and my friend on the anniversary every year. I call my friend and she tells me various memories she has of her friend.

I've been watching news programs with my husband and we talk about that day every year. I know that in many towns around us, all flags are lowered to half-mast and church bells ring to signify the times that the planes crashed. Police, firefighters, and EMT service employees usually band together and say a few words to honor those who have passed away.

If the anniversary falls on a work day, there's a moment of silence right after our daily morning announcements over the PA system. Our students either weren't born in '01 or they were too young to know anything about 9/11, so they're not affected the same way the adults are. For the most part, we treat the day as any other day, but I'm sure staff members honor the anniversary in their own way privately.


Nov 16, 2008
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Actually, Im taking some sweets/baked goods to our local first responders for work. I work in a nursing home, and we call on the EMT/Fire dept next to daily, so we thought this would be an appropriate time to recogonize them for their continual trips to our facility.


May 12, 2011
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

charbie|1315665548|3014379 said:
Actually, Im taking some sweets/baked goods to our local first responders for work. I work in a nursing home, and we call on the EMT/Fire dept next to daily, so we thought this would be an appropriate time to recogonize them for their continual trips to our facility.

Thank you for doing that, Charbie, and other PSers who are paying their respects likewise. It means so much to first responders, my SO being one of them.

We are deeply saddened by NY Mayor Bloomberg and his choice to tell first responders they are not allowed to be at Ground Zero tomorrow to pay their respects because "there is no room for them".

My prayers go out to everyone who lost loved ones on 9/11 and to the people who risked and lost their lives to help rescue innocent victims that day, and every day....


May 14, 2006
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

My local church is doing a Rosary after Mass to recognize 9/11 so I will pop in before work and say a prayer. I can't believe it's been 10 years. My heart goes out to anyone that lost a friend or family member that day.


Mar 24, 2007
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

I'm not planning anything special, except that my church choir's first service of the regular year (we take a summer hiatus) is tomorrow, so I'll be singing.


Jan 26, 2003
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

I didn't know I'd be doing anything, Ira, but I guess I'll be remembering. I had not planned to attend any ceremonies or to watch anything on television, but I was certainly very aware of the impending anniversary and drawn to reading about it or listening to news about it on the radio.

When Karl posted his thread on Pricescope, I was hyper-alert to it. I remembered the forum I was on when September 11, 2001 unfolded and we realized, together, that there were two planes hitting the towers and that it wasn't accidental.

I remembered eBay's Auction for America and the months after 9/11 I spent working on it, selling little red, white and blue flag pins to benefit funds for deceased first responders and workers and their families; how I enjoyed wrapping the pins in red, white and blue tissue paper and decorating the packages to look beautiful to send out to generous donors who were buying the little pins for charity. I was donating them and the wrapping and postage; eBay was donating the advertising space; and the buyers were spending scads of money on the little pins...all to help out. We were all in it together.

And if one of the many little American flags on the roadside fell over, someone ran into the traffic and straightened it without fear of being hit by a car!

My husband and daughter and I attended church togther...and it didn't matter which one. We were with our neighbors. It had been a fluke that my husband had not been at his office in lower Manhattan the day of the strike. It was I who told him and all the other people-at a conference center in rural Massachusetts-about the attack. Then he brought home a man from New Jersey who couldn't get home because all the bridges into/ out of Manhattan had been closed. Once travel became possible my husband was barred from going to his office, which was close to the Ground Zero area, by the National Guard, but he managed to sneak into the dust-filled building anyway.

Children at my daughter's school didn't know, the first day, where their parents were. It was too chaotic. People were walking through Manhattan and didn't have phones. There was no cell phone service. Miraculously, for a community 30 minutes from Manhattan, we didn't lose one parent from our elementary school (although we lost many from our town).

Although it was the worst of times, in many ways it brought out the best in us.



Jul 7, 2004
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

There is a really excellent documentary on the Smithsonian channel. I need to check the name of itb ut it's artifacts of the attacks that were donated to the Smithsonian. IT was fantastic.


Aug 12, 2005
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

No. I will not be watching television, listening to the radio, or using the internet... I am reminded every time the clock says "9:11" or the words "nine one one" are uttered by anyone, about the horrifying catastrophe/attack on America that happened 10 years ago. I remember exactly where I waes, what I was doing, etc. I remember the tense months afterward. I remember watching the documentaries up until a couple years ago that made me cringe and weep.

September 11 marks the second anniversary of my first date with S. We plan to spend the day on the lake with friends and have a quiet Sunday dinner in the evening. I know many couples have gotten married on 9/11 since 2001...people have given birth, people have died. I will never forget, but I won't watch all the dramatic, for ratings, crap on television, nor will I listen to it, nor will I chat about it online.

What I will do is continue to vote locally, think globally, respect all people, keep educating myself, and try to always lead by (peaceful) example.


Apr 13, 2008
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

Well... Today is my brother in law's birthday, so we do celebrate every 9/11. I also will do a random act of kindness to remember the kindness of those who ran to the aid of others.

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

charbie|1315665548|3014379 said:
Actually, Im taking some sweets/baked goods to our local first responders for work. I work in a nursing home, and we call on the EMT/Fire dept next to daily, so we thought this would be an appropriate time to recogonize them for their continual trips to our facility.

Fabulous idea. I hope we'll do something like this next weekend. 9/11 is here.

Taking tripper (discount) bus to NY, cause it's efficient. Am also slightly anxious for not having get away tranport.

Be well everybody.

Ira Z.

Miss Sparkly

Jan 2, 2010
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

No, although it was a horrific day it had little effect on me as I didn't know anybody who was in that area, was too young, and dealing with my parents divorce at the time. Today I am going to go see my grandmother-in-law who is visiting from Louisiana. We will likely talk about the good old days of New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina (more specifically Slidell, which is where she lives, grew up and where the eye of the storm hit) and how times have changed since then. That for me is heartbreaking to see in her all that was lost in Louisiana. I'm sure that if I saw the same thing, in person, from somebody on 9/11 it would touch me similarly.

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
Re: Are you doing anything to recognize the anniversary of 9

The building where I worked then was a local authority headquarters and our Fire Service colleagues put together a memorial to those who lost their lives that day. It includes a photograph of each of the fire fighters who died - their faces became familiar to all of us working there in the years after. Although I did not know them, I know what they stand for- their courage and selflessness will always be remember by their colleagues all over the world. I am thinking of them, and of their families today.
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