
Are people generally either emerald OR tsav people...


Apr 28, 2008
or can they be emerald AND tsav people?

Do most people prefer one overwhelmingly to the other, regardless on which camp they fall in? It seems to me like there are a couple die hard tsav lovers around here, and die hard emerald lovers too.

Or do most people love both equally?

Personally, I can appreciate a fine tsav, I really can, but my heart lies with emeralds. What about you all?
I love and own both. I feel I have to be quite careful with my emerald, however. Thus, it spends a good deal of time in the box.
I am having my Tsav set this winter. I think I will wear it more, but I don't think I will wear it every day.
I love them both equally. Most people would think the tsav is an emerald. But those of us on the forum I think can appreciate each of them for entirely different reasons.

Here is my tsavorite. I love the color of tsavorite; it is more "forest like" than emerald.

221A green.JPG
I guess I will jump in here....
Green stones in general make my heart go pitter-pat,
I have several Emeralds, and only one Tsavorite, but I
love my Bright-Christmas-Green Tsav to pieces.....
If it were bigger..... Ahhhhhhhhhhh
It's a ring now, bezeled in 18 Carat gold.
Every time I wear it, I couldn't love it more.

Then again, the Emeralds and their Beautiful Glow!!!!!!!!!
I love them for their Blue-Green Sheen *that's the type of Emerald I love best*.
My large one is waiting for a beautiful Pendant setting.....

So hard to choose, I pick BOTH!
I just can't fall into one camp.

And then, there are the green Tourmalines.......

Edited to add:
Oh God, Love that Tsav, Pink!!!! :love: :love: :love:
I consider myself an emerald and tsavorite person, although the emerald edges out the tsavorite by a slight margin. Like you, Indy, I can appreciate a fine quality tsavorite but between the two, I will favour an equally fine emerald over it though. The only similarity between a tsavorite and emerald is that both are green and that's all. A tsavorite is a true sparkler and if you want untreated, affordable (compared to an emerald) and crystal clean, that's the stone for you. If you like a soft satiny velvety colour and glow that envelops you in its depths with a stronger blue modifier, the emerald will be IT.
ooo~Shiney!|1290868560|2780297 said:
I guess I will jump in here....
Green stones in general make my heart go pitter-pat,
I have several Emeralds, and only one Tsavorite, but I
love my Bright-Christmas-Green Tsav to pieces.....
If it were bigger..... Ahhhhhhhhhhh
It's a ring now, bezeled in 18 Carat gold.
Every time I wear it, I couldn't love it more.

Then again, the Emeralds and their Beautiful Glow!!!!!!!!!
I love them for their Blue-Green Sheen *that's the type of Emerald I love best*.
My large one is waiting for a beautiful Pendant setting.....

So hard to choose, I pick BOTH!
I just can't fall into one camp.

And then, there are the green Tourmalines.......

Edited to add:
Oh God, Love that Tsav, Pink!!!! :love: :love: :love:

Thank you. It will be set with pear shaped blue sapphire sides. The color of Tsav reminds me of the lush grass in Scotland. We once went to one of the castles, I've forgotten which one, but it starts with a G, and the main thing I recall was the lush grass where we parked the rental car. Tall grass, more lush than I have ever seen, even though cars parked on it. I don't remember a thing about the castle, I just remember that grass. We don't have grass like that in the USA.
I actually don't own either, but I love tsavs and really don't care for emeralds. I just like the color of tsavs better, and so many emeralds seem to have that milkiness/cloudiness to them that I dislike. Good question!
I think both have qualities that make people love them, but since I'm very much a person that loves purity of color, I have to say to me, nothing beats a fine Muzo Emerald for the color green. It's in a class by itself, and the real pricey ones "drop of oil" ones, that are thousands per carat, are a miracle of nature.
Indy, like you I appreciate tsavorites but I love emeralds. I have both, a nice Muzo emerald sugarloaf and a small sugarloaf tsav from Swala. The tsav it very pretty and sparkles but I love the glow of my emerald.
B.E.G.|1290869766|2780304 said:
I actually don't own either, but I love tsavs and really don't care for emeralds. I just like the color of tsavs better, and so many emeralds seem to have that milkiness/cloudiness to them that I dislike. Good question!

I also adore tsavs but don't like emeralds. I'm big on clarity and like the color and sparkle of tsavorites better.
I am a garnet person so naturally tsavorite and demantoid are my stones.
However, if I had the money to buy a clean, large Muzo emerald...
u guys are talkin about 2 of my favorites-enclosed are two of my pendents--1st is tsavorite & the next up is columbian emerald--both greenie meanies-a good color for me-steve...


I like both but I'd buy a tsavorite over an emerald given the choice.

They're a lot rarer and no treatment issues to deal with plus they're much less worrying to wear.

My grandmother has a fabulous emerald e-ring and my SIL's e-ring which I bought the stones for, designed and commissioned has a 1.5ct rb with matched emerald pears on the sides. They were hard to find and she wishes I'd bought tsavs as then she could clean her ring in an ultrasonic. They are beautiful though.
Good question.

I think it's probably easier to find the right tsav than the right emerald.

I love the sharp, sparkly forest green of my tsav. However, the smoky, steamy, glowy, sultry, . . . . , qualities of an emerald could make the right one, oh-so-very-special. They have a certain mystique and history. I'm a bit of an inclusion lover, too.

I think people may be not so much into emeralds as it's harder to find a great one. (?)

Say, Chrono, how are you going to set your emerald, btw?

Oh, now you just talked me into another stone to put on the "acquire list". Darn. :tongue:

I love green, any green! My emeralds are my treasures--not b/c of their value b/c of what they "represent"--a 10 anni present and another when my son was born.

I recently had two demantoids set with a yellow sapphire in a (custom) ring. Altho they are small they are terrific sparklers--I'd love to get bigger ones of the same vibrant color!

It is only a matter of time before I get a tsav. And I love my prehnite. So any green is a "go" for me! :wink2:

emeralds are my birthstone and i would love to own a beautiful one one day....

no such luck as yet!

if anyone can recommend any good sites for emeralds i could drool over, please post on this thread thanks! :))
This thread has been really interesting, and I keep coming back to it. I was certain that we would all be more polarized, but I see a lot of people liking both tsavs and emeralds. Totally not what I had expected.

It still won't get me to like emeralds, though! :tongue:
I dont think it's too surprising, actually. Pink stone lovers like different varieties, too. I love green gems on the blue side rather than the yellow. The sharpness of a good tsav is so sparkly fresh & you can get lost in the depth of its green. On the other hand, emeralds have that velvet green that glows almost all by its soft self, irresistable. Practically, I'd buy a tsavorite over an emerald for the same reasons above -- easier to wear & clean, less expensive for good quality (though going up, I've noticed!).

--- Laurie
I like both but I love a great Emerald and one will always outrank a great Tsav for me. I'm really not sure why. I have a perception (and I do know that it's wrong) that a fabulous Emerald is rarer, more majestic and has more kudos than an excellent Tsav. Of course I understand that it's my perception is skewed because I inherited a superb Emerald that I'm incredibly attached to and I think that has coloured my vision somewhat!

Having said that, I own both and admire the different qualities but if I had to buy one again, with fabulous examples in front of me, I'm pretty sure the Emerald would be coming home with me!
I, like many others, like sparkle and don't like noticeable inclusions, so for a long time, I've liked tsavs. Lately, though, I'm more and more drawn to emeralds because I don't think I've ever seen one firsthand with the "glow." I would love to. I have some earrings that have little tiny emeralds - very pretty bluish green. And the other day at the Intergem show, one of the vendors I frequent had set aside a Muzo emerald for me thinking I might be interested. It was a lovely, clear bluish green, and quite pricey. But I have yet to see one that has the glow.
I am really enjoying this thread! Very interesting.

Pandora, that sounds gorgeous--a diamond ring with emerald pear sidestones.
They have the same coloring agent, right? I'd say that I might be an "emerald" person if money were no object. As it is, tsavorites seem easier to deal with- no treatment, great clarity. I have nether but I could see myself with a nice tsavorite, a truly high quality emerld, not so much.
JewelFreak|1290980495|2781123 said:
I dont think it's too surprising, actually. Pink stone lovers like different varieties, too...

Well, that's just the thing. I love green, pretty much any and all greens...except emeralds!
Emeralds all the way. I don't own any stavs, but have seen them. They don't do anything for me. I think it's more the prestige an emerald has.
Imdanny|1291016680|2781619 said:
They have the same coloring agent, right? I'd say that I might be an "emerald" person if money were no object. As it is, tsavorites seem easier to deal with- no treatment, great clarity. I have nether but I could see myself with a nice tsavorite, a truly high quality emerld, not so much.

No, tsavorites are principally coloured by vanadium, emeralds by chromium - although rarely tsavorites may contain traces of chromium as well.
Pandora|1291075226|2782181 said:
Imdanny|1291016680|2781619 said:
They have the same coloring agent, right? I'd say that I might be an "emerald" person if money were no object. As it is, tsavorites seem easier to deal with- no treatment, great clarity. I have nether but I could see myself with a nice tsavorite, a truly high quality emerld, not so much.

No, tsavorites are principally coloured by vanadium, emeralds by chromium - although rarely tsavorites may contain traces of chromium as well.

I stand corrected. Thanks, Pandora!
m76steve|1290886392|2780464 said:
u guys are talkin about 2 of my favorites-enclosed are two of my pendents--1st is tsavorite & the next up is columbian emerald--both greenie meanies-a good color for me-steve...

Do you make these pendents? Do you sell them? They're fantastic!
imdanny-thanks for ur comments-i have a goldsmith who does my pendent building-i buy the stones at auction or overseas & design my items-put them together as i buy the stones-i usually dont add periferal? stones but make my pendents symetrical & easy to look at and catch as much light as i can-the tsavorite is over 25 cts.-the stones are good quality, neon green, with the smaller stones a little deeper in tone---the emerald is 10+cts columbian with the stones being good quality-some a little lighter than others & all treated with oil only-no fillers-all my emeralds are set in 18 kt yel gold-matter of fact this pendent is being appr. in the next few days-iv had several offers on most of my items but have never sold any-all part of the hobby-thanks for ur kind comments-steve...
imdanny-u seem to have a likeing for green-one more pendent-garnet-russian demantoid with horsetails-lots of flash-pleasing green color-several years to get to this config-a labor of love & still a hobby-steve...


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