
Are all of your fingers the same size?

Miss Sparkly

Jan 2, 2010
I noticed today in a meeting that when my coworker is bored she slides her rings on and off between fingers. Afterwards I asked her if they fit every finger and she said yes! That her pinkys are obviously smaller but a size 7 fits all her other fingers both hands :eek: Lets see my left hand is a 4 then 8 then 9.5 and I'm guessing about a 9.5 and my right hand is a 5 then a 8 then a 10.5 then an 11.5 (hehe - I play with the ring sizers at jewelry shops too much :cheeky: ). I'm soooooo jealous of her fingers right now!
No - mine are not the same. My middle finger is the biggest, followed by the pointer, then the ring finger. The fingers on the right hand are a half size larger generally than those on the right. Would be nice to wear rings on different fingers!!
Nope, And in fact, the same finger on different hands are different sizes. My right hand ring size is 1/2 size larger than the same fingers on the left hand.
I don't think same size fingers are the norm. Mines are not the same size, but I don't know the specific size.
I just ordered some free plastic ring sizers so I know the size of all of my fingers!

left hand: 4, 5, 7, 7 1/2, 7 1/2
right hand: 4 1/2, 5 1/2, 7 1/2, 8, 8
For me, heck no...and I agree that it's not the norm to have all the same size, but aside from the pinky being the smallest and the thumb being the biggest, I don't think there's a "typical" pattern. My pinkies are about a 4, ring fingers 6.75, middle fingers more like 7.5-8ish, and index fingers 8-8.5ish. I've never tried to size my thumbs because they have a very prominent "waist," such that any ring big enough to get over my thumb knuckle would be way too loose on the skinny part of my thumb. So thumb rings have always been off the table for me (a shame because I like the look!). Oh, and my left hand is ever so slightly (less than 1/4 size) smaller than my right.
Mine are not and my wedding rings are a half size smaller than my ring finger on my right hand.
My ring fingers are not even the same! 5.75 on the left 6.5 on the right!
Yes, they actually are! I can switch rings up on either hand.
asscherisme|1314331592|2999905 said:
Nope, And in fact, the same finger on different hands are different sizes. My right hand ring size is 1/2 size larger than the same fingers on the left hand.

Same exact thing for me!
6 out of 10 fingers are the same for me but they aren't ones I want to wear rings on. My ring fingers only have a very slight size difference between them so I often switch rings back and forth.
Good god, no! My pinky is a 4 and my thumb is an 8. I run the gamut!
asscherisme|1314331592|2999905 said:
Nope, And in fact, the same finger on different hands are different sizes. My right hand ring size is 1/2 size larger than the same fingers on the left hand.
My hands are the same as Asscherisme's. My left-hand ring finger is a 5.5, my right is a 6. And my middle fingers are definitely larger than my ring fingers!
I think my right hand is a bit larger. I try to put my e-ring on the right hand and it's a bit tighter than the left

I think right hand would go something like 2.5, 5, 6.5, 6, 7, Left hand something like 2, 4.5, 6, 5.5, 7 -- so if I have a ring in size 6-6.5 then depending on how cold my hands are, I can switch it around on quite a few fingers. But no way I could find one that would fit every single one!

ETA I've seen my SIL wear the same ring on left hand ring finger and right hand middle finger. I don't know if it was loose on one and tight on the other, though.
Nope, no two fingers are alike. I can only wear a ring on one finger ;(
Mine are all different sizes, though I think the same finger on each hand is within a half size. My ring finger on the left is a 4.25/4.5; my ring finger on my right hand is a 5.

I don't think I'd want all my fingers the same size. I have this vision of all my fingers being these long skinny things that look like twigs.
my fingers are not the same size, but I've never bothered to measure them all.

I've also wondered when people buy rings, which finger do they buy for? does it depend on the size of the gem, etc?

For example, for my right hand with a larger ring I would want to wear it on my middle finger, because it would feel more 'balanced.' For smaller gems my ring finger. On my left hand I wear my e-ring/band and a thumb ring.
Nope, mine are all different sizes too! Actually they go from smallest (pinky) to biggest (pointer) and then the thumb is a little smaller than the pointer. All the fingers on my right hand are bigger than all the fingers on my left hand, too.

I want to see a picture of hands where the three fingers are all the same size-I'm intrigued! Laila, care to add one? :cheeky:
April20|1314373846|3000308 said:
Mine are all different sizes, though I think the same finger on each hand is within a half size. My ring finger on the left is a 4.25/4.5; my ring finger on my right hand is a 5.

I don't think I'd want all my fingers the same size. I have this vision of all my fingers being these long skinny things that look like twigs.

Her fingers look normal. I have a jeweler friend who wears a size 3 on her ring finger yet her fingers easily look like a size 6+ to me. She had to pull off her ring to prove how tiny they really are.
No way! My fingers are all different sizes... The smallest by far is my pinky which is a ridiculous size 1.5, and the rest range from 5 to 7 probably. My little finger is so much smaller than the rest of my fingers it's so funny!
No mine are all different sizes. My middle finger is bigger than my ring finger and my index finger is bigger than my ring finger too. My right hand middle finger is also bigger than the one on my left hand.
That would be awesome but no, mine are different sizes.
Not at all. And my knuckles are easily 1 full size if not more difference from my finger even.
Just tried it like slg -

L: 2.5, 4, 5, 5.5, 5
R: 3, 4.5, 5.5, 6, 5.5

So my right index finger is my biggest! How odd Sparkly - I don't think I've ever met anyone with fingers all the same size (or even similar)..
All different sizes here too.

The handy thing is that a ring that fits my right ring finger in summer will fit my left ring finger in winter. The left ring finger ring goes to the right middle finger in winter and so on. So I can wear most of my rings all year round, switching them as necessary, even though my rings really swell up in summer.
Different sizes here also. With the exception of my pinkies, my left ring finger is the smallest.