
Appraising internet diamond

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Jan 3, 2002
What is the best way to have a diamond purchased on the internet appraised? Should I have the seller send it to an appraiser or take it to a local one in person?
Also, what is the best way to find a "reputable" appraiser in my area? There is one listed in my area (West Palm Beach, FL) on this site, but he hasn't responded to my e-mail yet.
Some internet vendors will send a stone to an independent appraiser before you even pay for the diamond. Then you can talk to the appraiser and decide if you want to keep the diamond. You pay and the appraiser sends the diamond to you.

Some vendors will make you pay for the diamond up front and then allow you a number of days in their return policy for you to have the diamond appraised. That can mean sending it off to someone or taking it to someone local. Just check the appraiser's credentials and make sure that appraiser does not sell diamonds as they may try to downplay your purchase in order to sell you something.

Beware: Some appraisers are not as independent as they would have you believe. The price for their service should be based on some flat fee or fee per carat. It should not be based on the amount of time they spend with you or the value of the diamond you are purchasing. as fast as you can when an "independent" appraiser suggests you buy a certain brand and just happens to have some of those stones there for you to look at. Also, you need assurance that the appraiser will work in a timely fashion and get your written appraisal out in a timely fashion. Don't pay until these services are completed.

Have you decided who you are buying from? David Atlas, who posts here as oldminer, is highly regarded for his independent appraisal services and there are vendors here who will send stones to him prior to purchase. You can find his website at

Hope this helps :)
Thanks for the advise.
I thought I had decided on who I was buyijng from, but since finding pricescope, I have found more places to shop. Anyway to find out which sites deal directly with Dave?
Well...there are two ways to do that I guess. One would be to call Dave and ask him and the other would seem to be to ask the individual vendors.

Let us know how things work out.

Some vendors prefer to send a stone directly to an appraiser because they know the address is real and they will not get 'scammed'.
Most genuine dealers will be quite happy to use an appraiser, those that are not mmay well have something to hide.
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