
Anyone own a Butter by Nadia dress?

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Sep 5, 2007
I''ve read a lot of pros/cons from people about this dress. Or their idea of what a con might be. Anyone have one? I thought it might be cool for traveling and packing light.
I don''t own one, but now I really want one!
I wanted these for my bridesmaids so they could work it any way they wanted it. Alas, no stores carry it in New Mexico. Stupid desert. I REALLY want one of these. If I could just find a place that sold them online...

Well here it is, but only in Eggplant, and I want Cerulean!
That looks like it could be disastrous in my care...
Date: 2/24/2009 8:30:47 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
That looks like it could be disastrous in my care...

LOL it does look like something I could easily choke myself with. I want one so bad, though. The husband said I could, but I feel bad spending $250 on a piece of fabric.
Date: 2/24/2009 9:48:31 AM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 2/24/2009 8:30:47 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
That looks like it could be disastrous in my care...

LOL it does look like something I could easily choke myself with. I want one so bad, though. The husband said I could, but I feel bad spending $250 on a piece of fabric.
Hey, you only go around once...right? It''s totally fine to splurge on yourself every now and again. If you like the dress, get the''ll enjoy it, and wear it.

I actually consider $250.00 to be a bargin...considering how many different dresses you actually get with that one piece. You''d spend well over $250.00 if you were to actually buy a similar dress for every "option" that comes with this one.

But, I would buy it in a universal brown, black or grey or maybe even that you won''t be limited by color. I mean, the options color-wise are beautiful...but you can only wear aqua blue to so many places before its been done to death, you know?
If anyone sews, this is a super easy project! I made one for myself a few years back (although unfortunately the fabric I chose was a bit too stretchy). It''s essentially a circle skirt with two long strips of fabric sewn at slight angles to the top of the skirt. I''ll look around and see if I can find the instructions...
Date: 2/24/2009 10:22:41 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Date: 2/24/2009 9:48:31 AM

Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 2/24/2009 8:30:47 AM

Author: Italiahaircolor

That looks like it could be disastrous in my care...

LOL it does look like something I could easily choke myself with. I want one so bad, though. The husband said I could, but I feel bad spending $250 on a piece of fabric.
Hey, you only go around once...right? It''s totally fine to splurge on yourself every now and again. If you like the dress, get the''ll enjoy it, and wear it.

I actually consider $250.00 to be a bargin...considering how many different dresses you actually get with that one piece. You''d spend well over $250.00 if you were to actually buy a similar dress for every ''option'' that comes with this one.

But, I would buy it in a universal brown, black or grey or maybe even that you won''t be limited by color. I mean, the options color-wise are beautiful...but you can only wear aqua blue to so many places before its been done to death, you know?

True. I''m just being cheap because it''s still fresh from when I had to sell my diamonds. We are comfortable enough to do buy it now, but I''ll think about it.

And BitT, that would be AWESOME! My mom sews and could help me make it

I used the instructions from this blog back in 2006 -- it only took a couple of hours for (a not terribly talented sewer) to complete! And I think I paid about $25 for the material. Here''s the link:

Infinity Dress
YAY! thanks Big T! I am so trying this asap.
Thanks BigT, I''m going to try this tonight! I love sewing!
This looks really cool but I am scared to death I would screw it up somehow and come unraveled while out!
Date: 2/24/2009 11:14:26 AM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 2/24/2009 10:22:41 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Date: 2/24/2009 9:48:31 AM

Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 2/24/2009 8:30:47 AM

Author: Italiahaircolor

That looks like it could be disastrous in my care...

LOL it does look like something I could easily choke myself with. I want one so bad, though. The husband said I could, but I feel bad spending $250 on a piece of fabric.
Hey, you only go around once...right? It's totally fine to splurge on yourself every now and again. If you like the dress, get the'll enjoy it, and wear it.

I actually consider $250.00 to be a bargin...considering how many different dresses you actually get with that one piece. You'd spend well over $250.00 if you were to actually buy a similar dress for every 'option' that comes with this one.

But, I would buy it in a universal brown, black or grey or maybe even that you won't be limited by color. I mean, the options color-wise are beautiful...but you can only wear aqua blue to so many places before its been done to death, you know?

True. I'm just being cheap because it's still fresh from when I had to sell my diamonds. We are comfortable enough to do buy it now, but I'll think about it.

And BitT, that would be AWESOME! My mom sews and could help me make it
Didn't you just buy a lovely, fat, chunky cushion and a dainty little band in January?
wow you guys sew too! Superwomen here on PS.

I own one of these in ruby, and I really like it (it was a gift from my FSIL). The first time I tried it on, I couldn't do get it on--but I'm hopeless. A friend of mine had to help me learn how to get it on right, but now, I love it.

My review: On the one hand, its cool that you can get so many looks out of one piece, but on the other hand, it all sort of looks the same, so its not like you're getting all these different dresses in one (not IMO anyway). I want to get it in another color (maybe black?) Another thing, the fabric is clingy, at least the one I have, so if you don't like clingy fabric, beware. My BFF tried it on and she hated the way it looked...she's very busty and couldn't wear her normal bra with it. Also, someone mentioned it unraveling...if you put it on correctly, it doesn't loosen and fall off
, so no worries. All-in-all, it's a hot dress, and violet02, it's perfect as a pack-light-vacation-dress.
How cute!!! I just happened to be in a cute boutique called Pookie & Sebastian when they had these dresses. I should have tried it on. It was super cute, but I didn't like the length. I like dresses to be short or long. Mid-calf isn't too flattering for my legs unless it's a pencil skirt.
Oh! And Bia's right -- the fabric is very clingy. It's kind of "no undergarments or it'll show in lumps and bumps" clingy!
Date: 2/24/2009 4:32:14 PM
Author: Bia
wow you guys sew too! Superwomen here on PS.

I own one of these in ruby, and I really like it (it was a gift from my FSIL). The first time I tried it on, I couldn''t do get it on--but I''m hopeless. A friend of mine had to help me learn how to get it on right, but now, I love it.

My review: On the one hand, its cool that you can get so many looks out of one piece, but on the other hand, it all sort of looks the same, so its not like you''re getting all these different dresses in one (not IMO anyway). I want to get it in another color (maybe black?) Another thing, the fabric is clingy, at least the one I have, so if you don''t like clingy fabric, beware. My BFF tried it on and she hated the way it looked...she''s very busty and couldn''t wear her normal bra with it. Also, someone mentioned it unraveling...if you put it on correctly, it doesn''t loosen and fall off
, so no worries. All-in-all, it''s a hot dress, and violet02, it''s perfect as a pack-light-vacation-dress.
Thanks for the review on how it is on Bia! I think a local shop here has them so I am going to call them and see if they do so I can try it on in person. I think it would be fun to get black or eggplant and a patterned one. The clingy fabris IS a consideration though. And I was wondering if it would realy look THAT different . Have you tried it as a skirt? Does that work?

TheBigT - awesome pattern thanks for sharing that! I''m not a sewer really though. I wonder if it would be less pricey to have a seamstress make you one then to buy one. That way you can have whatever fabric you want.

Overall though it''s a super cute idea!
Date: 2/24/2009 5:19:00 PM
Author: violet02
Date: 2/24/2009 4:32:14 PM

Author: Bia

wow you guys sew too! Superwomen here on PS.

I own one of these in ruby, and I really like it (it was a gift from my FSIL). The first time I tried it on, I couldn''t do get it on--but I''m hopeless. A friend of mine had to help me learn how to get it on right, but now, I love it.

My review: On the one hand, its cool that you can get so many looks out of one piece, but on the other hand, it all sort of looks the same, so its not like you''re getting all these different dresses in one (not IMO anyway). I want to get it in another color (maybe black?) Another thing, the fabric is clingy, at least the one I have, so if you don''t like clingy fabric, beware. My BFF tried it on and she hated the way it looked...she''s very busty and couldn''t wear her normal bra with it. Also, someone mentioned it unraveling...if you put it on correctly, it doesn''t loosen and fall off
, so no worries. All-in-all, it''s a hot dress, and violet02, it''s perfect as a pack-light-vacation-dress.

Thanks for the review on how it is on Bia! I think a local shop here has them so I am going to call them and see if they do so I can try it on in person. I think it would be fun to get black or eggplant and a patterned one. The clingy fabris IS a consideration though. And I was wondering if it would realy look THAT different . Have you tried it as a skirt? Does that work?

TheBigT - awesome pattern thanks for sharing that! I''m not a sewer really though. I wonder if it would be less pricey to have a seamstress make you one then to buy one. That way you can have whatever fabric you want.

Overall though it''s a super cute idea!

Yes, I have tried it as a skirt, and it looks similarly to the picture. I''m pretty tall (5''10) so it wasn''t that long on me. I also wore it with a delicate tank top and it looked great! BUT, it was during the summer, so it "worked." I''m not a fashionista by any means, so this dress was only accidentally a hit, definitely not something I would have thought to rock on my own. As usual I got help from my FSIL (she could have been the 5th member of the SATC foursome) as she knows how to wear everything.

Definitely check it out because its a fun look, esp in the summer, as I said before. I love it in the ruby, but I also think black is a good color to get because you''ll get more wear out of it. You can''t wear a red dress every time, ya know?
Date: 2/24/2009 4:18:21 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Didn''t you just buy a lovely, fat, chunky cushion and a dainty little band in January?

Yes. I had to return it and sell my original round center stone. But that''s another thread
Date: 2/24/2009 9:50:25 PM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 2/24/2009 4:18:21 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Didn''t you just buy a lovely, fat, chunky cushion and a dainty little band in January?

Yes. I had to return it and sell my original round center stone. But that''s another thread
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