
Anyone heard of/suffered from Silent Reflux

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Samantha Red

Jan 9, 2007
I visited my doctor yesterday because I have had a sore throat for a couple of weeks and she thinks I may have something called Silent Reflux. It is when acid comes up from your stomach and burns your pharynx and larynx apparently. You don''t necessarily feel anything like heartburn symptons, but it gives you a load of other symptons, chronic cough, mucus in the throat etc, all of which I have. One of the major things I have to do which will help enormously is lose weight, and my doctor has given me some medication. I had never heard of this before, but would be curious to hear if anyone knows anything about it?


Mar 15, 2005
I''ve certainly seen slient reflux in ENT clinics during residency training (though I''m not an ENT!). Some people presented with hoarse voice and ended up having polyps on their vocal cords (or just thicker vocal cords and irritated tissues around them) that get better with meds like zantac or prevacid. Have they prescribed any meds for you to take while you''re trying to lose the extra weight?

Samantha Red

Jan 9, 2007
Date: 8/19/2009 12:38:22 PM
Author: drk
I''ve certainly seen slient reflux in ENT clinics during residency training (though I''m not an ENT!). Some people presented with hoarse voice and ended up having polyps on their vocal cords (or just thicker vocal cords and irritated tissues around them) that get better with meds like zantac or prevacid. Have they prescribed any meds for you to take while you''re trying to lose the extra weight?
Thanks for the response drk. I have some antacid tablets and liquid to take before going back to my doctor in one month. I can''t believe acid can do so much damage to your throat!


Mar 15, 2005
Good thing you and your doc caught the likely problem now. Untreated reflux can wreak havoc on the esophagus and larynx. Hope you start to feel better soon!


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 8/19/2009 6:40:52 PM
Author: drk
Good thing you and your doc caught the likely problem now. Untreated reflux can wreak havoc on the esophagus and larynx. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Very true! Your doctor sounds to be on the right track, IMO. Down the line, GERD can even cause esophageal cancer. Hope you are feeling better soon, Samantha.


May 14, 2008
Date: 8/19/2009 6:40:52 PM
Author: drk
Good thing you and your doc caught the likely problem now. Untreated reflux can wreak havoc on the esophagus and larynx. Hope you start to feel better soon!
Wow, never heard of silent reflux, mine is screaming petulant child refux. If I don''t take my nexium morning and night it bites me big time.

Silent reflux sounds pretty scary because at least I feel it and am motivated to take the pills.

Keep taking your meds Samantha, the last thing you want to wind up with is Barret''s Esophagus

You should be scoped now you''ve been diagnosed. Has your doctor suggested that or referred you to a Gastro specialist?


Jul 27, 2005
Yes. I''m pretty sure I have it. Lots of problems this Spring & have been on a bunch of different meds. My younger sister has regular old GERD & has been actively treating it for years. My father & brother & I seem to have the silent kind. Runs in the family. My grandmother did develop esophageal cancer from it, thought she beat it but passed away shortly after it reappeared in her liver. Awful stuff. I wish my Dad would take more medicine. Really fear for him as he''s nearing the age the cancer was discovered in my Grandma and not very active about treating it. Mine has been better with diet changes ... less caffeine, less soda, less chocolate, very little wine, no spicy/acidic foods, trying not to eat late at night, raising the head of my bed, propping up with pillows. With all those things I haven''t been suffering the coughing symptoms anymore -- or waking up with acid coming up. I think a few weeks of the medicine helped soothe my system & allowed healing on the irritated areas. Now I only take Zantac at night if I know I ate too late or indulged in one of the trigger foods/drinks. So far much better. But I probably still need to get scoped to make sure nothing is too wrong down there. Blerg.

Samantha Red

Jan 9, 2007
Thank you all for such informative responses. I am taking medication and making lifestyle/diet changes ( I have lost 2lb this week and intend to lose a significant amount further). I still wake with a sore throat, but my early morning cough has definitely improved and the constant throat clearing has diminished.

I had no idea how ''dangerous'' it can be if let untreated. I go see my Dr again on the 16th Sept so hopefull will hear more from her then about potential further investigations

Thank you again
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