
Anyone feeling snarky???

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Feb 22, 2008
oh dadadadear! i''m picturing your guy in one of those really bad jester hats you can get as a souvenir at six know, with the little bells? and i thought the visual of my puerto rican fiance in a kilt was funny!


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 6/14/2008 1:55:47 AM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy
The wedding hasn''t happend yet, but it will certainly be interesting. This is a conversation I actually had with my FSIL.
Me: So what have you done on your wedding?
FSIL: Well, We picked the colors and the theme is going to be sort of a winter palace.
Me: sounds lovely, do you have any specifics?
FSIL: Yes, the dress is going to be medievil and so are the attendents clothes. My bouquet is going to be blue roses.
Me: really, so a medievil ice palace?
FSIL: Oh Yes. Your FI will be one of the ushers and he will be dressed as a court jester and the cake is going to be a purple castle with a frosting dragon.
I don''t know her that well and thought she was pulling my leg but my FMIL who never jokes with me came over and confirmed it. My FI has not made a comment about being the jester but I think he has the same take as I do.
Oh, dear.
That''s all I have to say about that.


Feb 2, 2008
Date: 6/13/2008 7:54:59 PM
Author: ringster
i don''t know this bride but this is lmao and OMG at the same time -- i think someone posted it before somewhere on PS but it deserves another looksee

I-Reporter''s wedding cake is a full-size likeness of herself

Omg I don''t think I''ve seen this before, but I would be so traumatized sitting there with a plate full of myself..It''s like that Star Trek episode..


Apr 11, 2008
We went to my BF''s friend''s wedding 2 weeks ago. When it came time for bouquet tossing no one will come out and they kept on trying to get someone to come up until finally I felt bad and went out first (I really honestly hate doing this and usually sit it out). After like 5 minutes some girls came from the back room of the church (who are they???) and there were many about 6-7 women standing behind the bride. So she throws it and the women in the middle runs in opposite directions as if they''re about to catch a molten lava and the bouquet falls on the floor!
To make it worse, one of those women picks it up to give it back to the bride, and instead of walking over with it she decides to toss it. Bride misses it, bouquet falls on the floor AGAIN, and falls apart into hundred pieces
It was the saddest bouquet tossing ever...


Jan 14, 2007
I went to a friend''s wedding two years ago where the priest offended nearly half of the guests. Everyone was a little nervous going to the ceremony in the first place because we had been told that it was 2hours long, partially in Latin and women would need to keep their heads covered. We just didn''t know what to expect. At first it was beautiful, the church was gorgeous, the vocalists were amazing, the bride looked beautiful. It quickly went downhill though. The priest offended women, those of the jewish faith, minorities, and gays. I won''t go into all the details, but for example he said that all women are inherently evil and that they need to overcome that and learn to honor their husbands and fulfill their destiny by procreating. It was awful and awkward for everyone.

On a funnier note, I went to this other wedding where one of the guests caught the bouquet. Well her bf wanted to catch the garter but so did this other guy who thought that she was really hot. Well they ended up rolling around on the floor wrestling for it. It was hysterical!


Nov 9, 2007
My parents wedding, (which I was unable to attend
) was rather unforgettable. The rabbi was 3 hours late, so the guests made bets on who had gotten cold feet. A priest friend of my father''s was just getting ready to do the ceremony when the rabbi showed up and gave a sermon about how awful Arabs are. Best man was (and remains) an Arab , the rabbi offended all my mother''s Catholic relatives, and the fact that the priest was involved offended some Jews. Luckily my grandmother was just thrilled that Mom was getting married, she had been convinced that at 28 it would never happen.
While everyone waited for the rabbi they sat on the stairs of the venue and got tipsy. Oh, and this was in July with no AC.
Not sure if its snarky, but it gave me hope that everything could go wrong and life will still be fine. My parents still hold hands when walking together.


Feb 22, 2008
Date: 6/15/2008 3:12:38 PM
Author: swimmer

Not sure if its snarky, but it gave me hope that everything could go wrong and life will still be fine. My parents still hold hands when walking together.

now THAT''S adorable.
Thanks for the reminder that salmon linens rather than blush will still be okay.


Oct 18, 2005
At a wedding I went to 5 years ago, not only did the groom go to remove the garter with his teeth (call me a prude, but having FI''s head under my dress in front of a bunch of people? no thanks), but they turned the whole thing into a not-so PG event... and there were kids present. She jokingly made *ahem* sounds, he removes a G-string that she''d hooked to her undies or garter, and they had the garter catcher put the garter back on the bouquet catcher''s leg with his teeth. Now, the guy wasn''t married, but he had two young boys with another woman, and let me tell you that the boys did not find this funny at all.

I have nothing against children in general or children at weddings, or occasional adult jokes. But if you do have children at your wedding, please try to keep your wedding as PG rated as possible...


Feb 2, 2008
Date: 6/16/2008 7:41:55 AM
Author: anchor31
At a wedding I went to 5 years ago, not only did the groom go to remove the garter with his teeth (call me a prude, but having FI''s head under my dress in front of a bunch of people? no thanks), but they turned the whole thing into a not-so PG event... and there were kids present. She jokingly made *ahem* sounds, he removes a G-string that she''d hooked to her undies or garter, and they had the garter catcher put the garter back on the bouquet catcher''s leg with his teeth. Now, the guy wasn''t married, but he had two young boys with another woman, and let me tell you that the boys did not find this funny at all.

I have nothing against children in general or children at weddings, or occasional adult jokes. But if you do have children at your wedding, please try to keep your wedding as PG rated as possible...

I don''t think you''re being a prude Anchor, I agree 100%. They see enough crap on TV and in magazines and stuff nowadays they don''t need adults reinforcing it.


Apr 22, 2007
Two dreadlocked dudes on stilts beating one another senseless with big sticks, while swimming across a lake. After the ceremonial 'birthing' of one of them out of a styrofoam-filled plastic wrap thing on the ceiling inside the reception hall. All accompanied by flame-throwers and tribal drumming.

At the time we didn't know what to make of it. But everyone's still talking about it now, more than a year later!


Jun 26, 2007
My sister''s best friend got married to a man named Sergio. Her uncle was the officiant and I am not joking, called him Serio at least 10 times in the ceremony. He was corrected once or twice, but continued to do it. It was so painfully hard not to laugh.

Later on at the reception, the grooms mother who is a bit of a show off insisted on dancing with her date before the bride and groom danced. It was just weird...

And lastly, during the toasts at a wedding recently the father of the bride gave a 15 minute toast/roast. Some of it was nice, some of it was embarrassing, and he kept going on and on and on... AND ON about the sanctity of marriage. I didn''t think it was THAT weird, although it was booooooooooooring, but then I found out he had left his wife of 20 years 3 months before for some young bimbo. I think everyone in the room felt pretty awkward.
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