
Anyone else glorified?


Apr 30, 2005
Do you feel glorious today?

I certainly do.
Yes! I'm done work till Tuesday and I need the rest. Feel glorious!
Funny you mention that because I was just this minute telling my dh how exhausted I am because it's been such an intense week for me. I had my second endoscopy this week (had the first one 4 weeks ago) and saw a new doctor and changed meds and did a full week of errands and only missed one day of work. But while I feel so tired I also feel like I accomplished a lot and am relieved I am finally on the road (I hope!) to answers...and I am feeling a bit better overall so to answer your question, yes. I feel glorious. Plus I am off till next Wednesday so Yay! :appl:
Yes! My daughter and her husband are here for a visit and they are pregnant! She sadly lost a baby 2 months ago so we feel super blessed that she is expecting again so soon :))
kenny|1396041485|3643124 said:
Do you feel glorious today?

I certainly do.

Is there any particular reason - like a new fancy diamond, or a larger Octavia is in the works?

There must be something because you seldom go to a 'glorious' place. Just saying :wavey:
No. I'm putting in about 75 hours/week right now and am flat tired. One of the dogs had the poos last night as well, so I've had about 2 hours of sleep and am up for work at 6 am on Sat. 'Glorified' is about as far away from what I feel as humanly possible. :lol:
kenny|1396041485|3643124 said:
Do you feel glorious today?

I certainly do.
:errrr: ..Only if you let me wear your Octavia.
Yes. Gay marriage became legal in the UK at midnight tonight.

People are busy tying the knot.

Woohoo! :appl:
Actually, I do! Got my hair cut short today, got it colored, and London and I both got parts in the community theater play we auditioned for over the weekend!
Yay Maisie-that's wonderful news! :appl: Wishing your daughter and her dh an easy pregnancy. :appl:

Ginger, I hope you get some restful sleep this weekend!

Rosetta, woohoo! :appl:

Packrat, congrats on the community theater roles! And yay on the new do! I love a short and sassy cut. :appl:
No, don't feel glorified. I feel more chicken fried . . .

Yes! ::) I'm expecting a package from Fedex today... :naughty:
No... today starts the first of six shifts in a row. ::) :blackeye:
missy|1396094286|3643328 said:
Yay Maisie-that's wonderful news! :appl: Wishing your daughter and her dh an easy pregnancy. :appl:

Ginger, I hope you get some restful sleep this weekend!

Rosetta, woohoo! :appl:

Packrat, congrats on the community theater roles! And yay on the new do! I love a short and sassy cut. :appl:

Thanks Missy! I'm freaked out, having never been on stage before, but at least I don't have to SING like London does haha!
packrat|1396105861|3643397 said:
missy|1396094286|3643328 said:
Yay Maisie-that's wonderful news! :appl: Wishing your daughter and her dh an easy pregnancy. :appl:

Ginger, I hope you get some restful sleep this weekend!

Rosetta, woohoo! :appl:

Packrat, congrats on the community theater roles! And yay on the new do! I love a short and sassy cut. :appl:

Thanks Missy! I'm freaked out, having never been on stage before, but at least I don't have to SING like London does haha!

I know you'll be great packrat! Don't be too nervous-and break a (figurative) leg!!! (That's the correct lingo right?) :appl:
I do. I've had a lot of grief and loss recently in my life, but I feel very happy to be alive and healthy! I also have a lot of gratitude for the good people and things in my life.