
anybody get the mammogram "call back" for more views?


Mar 6, 2006
I got a mammogram Monday and today got the dreaded call back saying I needed to come back in for both more views as well as a songram. The nurse would not tell me anything beyond that.

They could not fit me in for 2 1/2 weeks. Now I'm worried and trying not to obsess! I'm 41 and a single mom and the logical side of my brain is telling me it could be a fasle positive, but of course I'm scared :(

Anybody else ever get that dreaded call back? How did you keep your mind off it until you went back?

It sucks getting older :(


Mar 8, 2010
My mom did. I will say, our small town has a notoriously terrible history of missing important things and misdiagnosis though. They didn't even want to send her for more views, they just wanted her to go straight for a surgical biopsy. So, she went for another mammogram, in a town with a much better reputation. The new result? 2 lymph nodes that looked like they were overlapping, based on the angle of the first view.

I'm sure you must be very nervous, but it's so much better to be proactive than to accidentally find something much later.


Sep 1, 2009
My aunt gets the call-back every time. They've actually started having her do something different (sonogram?) now and skip the traditional mamogram because it ALWAYS shows unclearly for her. The first year was scary for her until she learned that her body just doesn't show well and they can't tell anything on the regular one.

My mom got the call-back last year. She was really scared because her mom had breast cancer (treated successfully :appl: ). She kept saying that she was "fine" but then she'd bring up her appointment and say she didn't want to talk about it because she was trying not to think about it. I know she was scared. She really threw herself into cleaning/organizing stuff around the house so that she'd be busy/tired enough to not think about things.

Sorry, no great advice -- I've seen "the call-back" and can only imagine how scary it is when it is you (no relaxing matter for the family either!).

Good luck with your appointment -- I hope it is quick, painless and turns out to be nothing.


Jul 7, 2011
I think if it were something serious, they'd schedule your next appointment right away and not in two and a half weeks.


Apr 2, 2006
I've been called back once - something they couldn't see clearly. I got to go through the fun of a mamogram for a second time, but when all was said and done I got the "all clear.' That was several mamos ago... no call-backs since then.

If they were truly concerned I think they'd find a way to get you back in there a bit sooner than 2 1/2 weeks -- at least I hope that's the case!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
yes. sometimes there is an overlap in the imagery and its difficult to read. i've had this happen.

for your call back: you can ask to see the dr who is doing the reading for the call-back testing. s/he can tell you right then if nothing is seen. if you don't ask to see that particular dr, the test result will be sent to your ordering dr and you may be delayed in getting your answer. i was told that the dr might be too busy but i countered with i wasn't in a hurry to be anywhere and i could wait to talk with him.


Aug 31, 2011
If your breast tissue is on the dense side, this is fairly common. Try not to worry about it. (I know that's easier said than done.)


Dec 17, 2008
When they went to digital x-rays in my area I got a call-back. My sister-in-law who is a nurse said that they see so much
more on the digital x-rays that there tend to be more callbacks that end up being nothing. Mine ended up being dried
milk from breast feeding. I had to go after 6 months for another look. Everything was good.

Try not to worry until you get something more definitive. There are a lot of false positives that end up being nothing
according to what I hear and according to my experience. Keep us posted.


Mar 6, 2006
Thanks for the replies. I have to admit I did loose sleep last night, so I did some reading online. Dangerous I know! But what I read actually made me feel better.

I read that when centers are new to digitial, they have a learning curve and tend to call back more women than normal as they learn to get use to reading digital. The center I went to just went digital months ago... so thats one plus in my favor.

Also, the nurse did mention that younger women (she defined as under 50) tend to have more naturally dense breasts...another issue I may have.

I had to laugh at the cleaning comment. I was up at 5am and before my kids got up, already did laundry and mopped the floors, and started rearranging my closet!

I tend to clean/organize when I'm nervous so I have a feeling my house will be in great shape in two weeks.

I do have breast cancer in my famill, treated both successfully and unsuccesfully so thats why I'm so nervous.


Feb 3, 2008
Yes! I had to go in for a breast ultra-sound. It was a nothing. I know it is hard, but try not to worry. It is very likely that it is a big fat nothing.

I also had to have ultra sound to screen for fibroids, that came back "carcinoma should be considered". They said my uterine lining was too thick, which is a symptom of endometrial cancer. Talk about freaked out! I had to wait two plus weeks, and I was on the internet every day reading about it. Well, about 2 days before the appointment, I realized that the only time a thickened wall was an issue was in post menopausal women. I am not post menopausal. You would think they would have caught that!? Hello, I was nuts for 2 weeks! Even my
GP didn't catch it. When I called her about the results she said "Well, you will have to have a biopsy." Geez. All this to say, most likely
this will be a nothing. I know it's hard!


Nov 12, 2004
Hi Asscher!

Please don't worry, as this happens all the time ( I am a NP in an ob'gyn office). We are CONSTANTLY calling patients back to tell them that they need additional views taken. Women who are a bit younger sometimes have issues with breast density (thickness of the tissue), which can make it hard for the radiologist to read the mammogram thoroughly. Most likely, if they actually saw something suspicious, the radiologist and/or your ob/gyn would have explained this to you right away and they would recommend you either had a biopsy or even just refer you to a breast MD for a consult.

Best of luck. Please try to stay calm. And keep us posted!!! :))


Mar 6, 2006
luv2sparkle|1318515750|3039307 said:
Yes! I had to go in for a breast ultra-sound. It was a nothing. I know it is hard, but try not to worry. It is very likely that it is a big fat nothing.

I also had to have ultra sound to screen for fibroids, that came back "carcinoma should be considered". They said my uterine lining was too thick, which is a symptom of endometrial cancer. Talk about freaked out! I had to wait two plus weeks, and I was on the internet every day reading about it. Well, about 2 days before the appointment, I realized that the only time a thickened wall was an issue was in post menopausal women. I am not post menopausal. You would think they would have caught that!? Hello, I was nuts for 2 weeks! Even my
GP didn't catch it. When I called her about the results she said "Well, you will have to have a biopsy." Geez. All this to say, most likely
this will be a nothing. I know it's hard!

Wow, all that worry for nothing. Glad you are OK!

The good news is that the nurse said that I will find out that day if I'm all clear or need to go for more tests.

So the great thing is that if its nothing, I will walk out of the center that day without having to wait longer. The scheduled the follow up for a time when the radiologist is available to read the results right away.


Mar 6, 2006
Dani|1318516397|3039314 said:
Hi Asscher!

Please don't worry, as this happens all the time ( I am a NP in an ob'gyn office). We are CONSTANTLY calling patients back to tell them that they need additional views taken. Women who are a bit younger sometimes have issues with breast density (thickness of the tissue), which can make it hard for the radiologist to read the mammogram thoroughly. Most likely, if they actually saw something suspicious, the radiologist and/or your ob/gyn would have explained this to you right away and they would recommend you either had a biopsy or even just refer you to a breast MD for a consult.

Best of luck. Please try to stay calm. And keep us posted!!! :))

thanks for the reassurance! I'll definately post an update when I get it.

I would rather be called back by them being cautious than miss something.

Miss Sparkly

Jan 2, 2010
My mom has such dense tissue that they do ultrasound instead. It could just be something like that.


Jul 18, 2007
Yes, I did get the call back after a mammogram.

It was to redo one breast screening, to be sure that an area on the first film was not anything more than an aberration. It was a film problem and not an actual 'spot' in the breast tissue.

The radiologist is probably just being very, very cautious. And there's nothing wrong with that. Until you go back, relax, and just assume they want some clarification.


Aug 5, 2010
Hi Asscherisme:

I am a breast cancer survivor and am so sorry you are going through this. I just wanted to say that on so many levels, I am not worried for you. I know it is hard not to worry, but do try. If you can't stop, then really enjoy your clean house! A couple of random thoughts:

  • IIRC, there are 4 or 5 classifications for the findings of a mammogram. They range from something like "nothing unusual" to the words I will never forget: "Highly suggestive of malignancy." If anyone had reviewed your images and found it in the latter category, they would be on the phone and making an appointment with you immediately - they do not waste time
    Only an extremely small percentage of films are given this highest category.
    Breast cancer on mammograms typically shows up as microcalcifications - teeny tiny white specks. Many things can mimic teeny tiny white specks on film, including dust particles, body powders, etc.
    You didn't mention any symptoms, and I think you would have mentioned it right away if you had any kind of lump
    Just about everyone I know has been called back at least once.

I hope this helps. I really wish you all the best and will send you good thoughts. No one should have to go through this worrying :nono: :errrr:

Big hugs,



Mar 6, 2006
Minou, Thanks for sharing your experience. I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you. I appreciate you taking the time to reassure me. You are right, I have zero symptoms. I woke up this morning deciding that I'm not going to let myself be crazy about this and not going to worry about something that I can't do anything about right now.


Jan 7, 2010
Try not to worry. More often than not, it's not cancer (I'm an oncologist)


Jan 11, 2006
Yes, this happened to me in my 40's, too. I had the ultrasound which showed a couple of cysts. They did a needle biopsy and there was no cancer, thankfully! I think they drew fluid from the cysts which made them shrink. It happened one more time and then not again. The doctor told me to limit cola drinks and caffeine.

Sorry you have to worry about it even though the chances are slim that there is anything wrong. There is just no avoiding that until you find out. And I hope the time passes quickly until you hear that there is nothing to worry about!


Jan 19, 2011
I just wanted to be yet another health care provider to offer some reassurances (I am an Internist) that this is very, very common and whereas I know that is not comforting in itself, hopefully reassurances from those that see this in their daily life will offer some comfort. More times than not, it turns out to be much ado about nothing. When I was a PCM (I am a hospitalist now) and would get these results back, I would personally call my patients and let them know the specifics I could obtain from the radiology report. I am not sure if this is the norm but my mom died from lung cancer 3+ years ago and I understand the anxiety involved in these calls and at least at my hospital, they are more of an automated call from radiology with followup instructions instead of explanations. A lot of my patients are pros at this as this is not their first call back but invariably all appreciate my call. If you have easy accessibility to your PCM/ordering provider, you can always place a call to him/her and for reassurances awaiting for your appointment. Good luck and let us know when everything comes back as ok!


Nov 19, 2004

I swear there should be a rule against this, I'm a Cardiothoracic resident and see this all the time. I feel that doctors should be more vigilent of the potential anguish they are inflicting on patients.

I can't tell you not to worry, because I would worry too! Even being in the health care system and understanding radiology, I would still fret. In my institution, the US images are done by a technician, and then when the radiologist is available he takes a look at them. Usually the technicians are excellent and know if the quality of the image. However, they aren't the people interpreting. Sometimes, it's as simple as the doctor not being satisfied that he has good, clear images of the entire breast. Or that he sees a shadow, and wants to get a full on view to confirm it with another view.

Honestly, if they had seen something clearly alarming, you would have been referred for a biopsy. Which isn't the case, so that's a good thing.

Hang in there!


Feb 16, 2009
Yep, happened to me last year. The second was clear, and this year was just the one mammogram, also clear. Try to relax. :)


Sep 13, 2010
I'm 42 and I had to go back for a repeat mammograms 2 years in a row. First for my left side then my right. They said it's due to "dense" breast tissue. Thankfully the beast center I go to has a Dr. read the repeat mammograms right away so no waiting to get results. My 2 girlfriends had repeats as well. I understand your fear, uncertainty and horrid thoughts that must be going through your head, just know that it is not uncommon. Sending hugs your way!


Aug 11, 2008
Yes I have-Try not to worry :) I know that is easier said than done! Sending good vibes your way!!!


Jan 10, 2009
It is understandable that you are concerned. But I applaud you for being diligent and getting your mammogram in the first place. Like many here have said, it is most likely nothing, but it is a good thing your doctor is diligent.

It was a little more than 6 years ago when I was in my late 40s. Turns out I have microcalcifications and they were concerned because of a certain pattern and because of the powdery appearance. I underwent a biopsy to take samples (they took about 11 or 12) and I have the markers in my breast so they know what they are on the mammogram. Everything was and has been negative since. My breast tissue back then was quite dense. Now that I have gone through menopause the breasts are less dense and the images are clearer on the digital films.

Even though I haven't had a period in over 5 years, I still go for my annual pap smear. My doctor explained it this way. What happens if the sample was misread one year and you wait 2 years to get your next one? So I have my mammogram scheduled for this Friday and my gyne check up next Tuesday! Reminds me I have to get my car inspected too! (funny if you don't get that car inspected every year you cannot legally drive it, but a lot of people won't see a doctor once a year to check their own health!)


Mar 6, 2006
You all are AWESOME Thanks for all the reassuring replies. And I'm also appreciative of everyone who shared their personal experiences, and the health care providers who chimed in too.

I got my appointment moved up a few days (got a phone call about a cancellation) so I get the results 3 days sooner now. I am going in next Tuesday.

Everywhere I go in town, there are breast cancer month posters and reminders to get mammograms. At the schools, stores, etc. I can't get away from it! Trying not to worry, but its still on my mind.

I'll definately update when I know more info.


Nov 7, 2004
I just was in for a routine mammogram, and every other woman in the waiting area (3) were there for repeat mammograms. Not only that, they were often having to take 2 or 3 scans. They would take it, then the specialist would look at it, and if they weren't satisfied they had to go back to do it again! I'm not sure what the issue was. So, I guess I won't be surprised if I get called back as well.


Nov 3, 2009
I very much understand and sympathize with you. Five years ago I asked my GP to send me to breast MRI instead of a mammogram because MRI was considered superior. The test came positive for stage IIB breast cancer. I had a 3-year old and another son, who was 17, a family... I saw a breast surgeon who I did not like (but who was surprised that he did not feel a lump), then I found another breast surgeon. Who did everything, a mammogram, an ultrasound, and a biopsy, in one day, and by the end of the day he personally took my MRIs and brought them to the best specialist in breast MRIs for the second reading. In short, it was an artifact, a false-positive diagnosis.

So after that, I was doing mammograms and MRIs. Last year I got a "call back". About the other breast. They scheduled me the next day. The nurse took extensive views (she was very good) and then the radiologist showed me the pictures. There were microcalcifications which looked exactly the same as three and two years prior, so he just said I needed to do mammograms diligently, every year.

I wish you the best of luck, please, keep us posted, these must be horrible days for you. I wish you to get the good news, and I wish you to get them sooner!


Aug 5, 2010
Dust your way asscherisme! I don't usually "hangout" here, but over in CS, but right now I've been checking in every day to see how you are doing and here the latest. I am happy to hear that it has been moved up three days - the sooner for you to hear that everything is fine :praise: :saint: =)


Mar 6, 2006
I wanted to update. After the mammogram, they sent for immediately for a sonogram. Then after that, they brought me back a second time for more views on sonogram. They did see a tumor and are sending me to a breast surgeon. I was told it does show some characteristics of being benign but they can't be sure until its biopsied.

Doing my best not to panic but my brain is telling me its panic time. I felt like I was going to pass out when they brought me back to the little room for a consult and told me I need to go see a breast surgeon for further evaluation.

Did not sleep last night. Actually threw up just thinking about it.
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