
Anybody else fickle about e-ring?

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Feb 10, 2005
I''m making myself overly nervous today about the e-rings I showed my boyfriend.

I have absolutely ADORED many of the rings I see on PS and each time I think "maybe I''d like something more like that?" Then I think maybe I want just a plain solitaire setting with the largest possible center stone and no side stones? My bf says he wants to get something "unique" so I showed him pictures of rings that I liked and he''s going to go off those.

I''m just worried that what I might change my mind in regards to what I like. Anyone else worried about this?

I don''t think I have control over the ring process anymore since I have already showed him pictures and I know he doesn''t want to just get a solitaire... I don''t know... I''m crazy.

Am I just anxious to get the ring?


Apr 15, 2004
You''re not alone ~ my preferences definitely evolved over time & after being exposed to so many different styles here on PS. I''m really really really happy with my final decision and am glad it was my ''last stop''!! I wanted something unique, but still something somewhat simple & classic, not ornate... Although, I had complete control over the process in that I picked the stone, the setting, etc. While I was still in ''browsing'' mode and continuously showing bf pics of rings I liked he just kept saying ''whatever, just let me know when you find THE ONE''... and eventually I landed on what I wanted and I showed it to him but waited a month or so to tell him it was THE ONE to make sure that I didn''t end up seeing something else that I liked more, since that had happened before also!!!


Jan 7, 2005
The thing is, they''re all pretty. So I think it''s natural to have uncertainty about your choice, especially if you''re browsing pscope, or other sources of eye candy a lot.

For me, after I actually GOT the ring, most of those twinges went away. Of course I still sometimes go, ooooooooooooh that''s pretty! And would like to wear it, but you know, it''s not the one my sweetie gave me, so I don''t really want it, I adore my ring, I adore the fact that J gave it to me, it''s special. RHRs, however, are fair game.


Nov 4, 2004
You will no doubt have plenty of sympathetic ears in this forum....It is very hard because, like Blue Chica said, pretty much all diamond rings are gorgeous. I was in exactly the same boat as you for awhile leading up to getting engaged. I would have dreams about different settings, and nightmares about picking the wrong one. I let my fiance pick the diamond, but I am very pciky about things so I wanted to make sure that the ering that I had for the rest of my life was exactly what I wanted. If I were you, I would tell your fi2b that you need some time to decide what you want and give yourself awhile to figure it out. One day, it will just come to you. That''s what happened for''ll just know. Think about what YOU would want on YOUR hand for the rest of your life. There are lots and lots of beautiful rings out there that I love, but that doesn''t necessarily mean that they''re right for me or for my hand. Discovering PS was a little scary for me cause I saw so many gorgeous rings that were all different styles and I got so confused, but once I stuck to thinking about what is best for me on my finger and what I would most want to see there day in day out, then the decision was easy! From your post, I''m not sure if you''ve gone ring shopping at all, but you should definitely do that before you decide. Looking at a picture and putting on a ring are two totally different things. Sometimes a ring that you love in a picture just doesn''t look as great on your hand and the opposite can happen also. You see a ring that looks just ok, but when you put it on, sings! Good luck and keep up posted....btw, can you fill us in on what settings you are looking at?


Jan 27, 2004
I don''t think you are the only one ficked. I have my diamond in a "temporary" 14kt 4 prong "tiffany"s style setting until I find something that just right. However, as I discovered Pricescope, I see more and more beautiful settings of all styles and really can''t decide.


Mar 6, 2005
You aren''t fickle you are openminded. Or that is what I like to tell myself
. I am bouncing back between an eternity band style, prong or pave set and a classic tiffany cause that will never look dated and I worry that people will be able to tell what years I was engaged by my ring. But I have gone and looked primarly at four and six prong basic plat settings. I am going to see my BF in a few weeks and his lives in a town with a Micheal B dealer so I think I might go and have a looksee. Plus we are in college and will be graduating soon, I have bene on paretns scholarship but he hasn''t so I feel somewhat bitchy asking for an expensive ring, but I want what I want. Does that make sense? Post some pictures of what you are thinking of.


Feb 10, 2005
Here are some:

Antique-ish, vintage T&Co Ring 1920s
The center stone is about 1.43 ct. so I don't know that something similar but equally beautiful can be made with a 0.5 ct stone


Classic Solitaire

SuperbCert Tiffany Replica (this is the only actual picture of the setting that someone posted in SMTR-Eye Candy) It looks beautiful!


Feb 10, 2005

I feel the same way! My boyfriend has been working extra hours at his weekend job (we are both students too) to afford the ring because he says he doesn''t want to wait much longer (i.e. HE''S the one getting antsy!)
. Sometimes I tell him how bad I feel that he has to work so hard and that I would be happier with a less expensive ring but he says he doesn''t want to hear that, he just wants to know I''ll be happy. I *honestly* feel that the ring he ideally wants to get custom made is just way out of his budget.
He said it''s just as important for him to get a ring HE loves to give to me... so I made it clear (I hope) that I would be really happy with a less expensive solitaire (like the superbcert one) as long as HE would be happy too. I guess that''s all I can do right?

(sorry I used the word "happy" too much... my brain is fried from studying


Feb 10, 2005
Stuller Solstice 6-prong
(about 1/3 price of the SuperbCert Tiffany Replica - what do you guys think?)




Mar 6, 2005
Date: 3/13/2005 1
7:18 AM
Author: snow_happy

I feel the same way! My boyfriend has been working extra hours at his weekend job (we are both students too) to afford the ring because he says he doesn''t want to wait much longer (i.e. HE''S the one getting antsy!)
. Sometimes I tell him how bad I feel that he has to work so hard and that I would be happier with a less expensive ring but he says he doesn''t want to hear that, he just wants to know I''ll be happy. I *honestly* feel that the ring he ideally wants to get custom made is just way out of his budget.
He said it''s just as important for him to get a ring HE loves to give to me... so I made it clear (I hope) that I would be really happy with a less expensive solitaire (like the superbcert one) as long as HE would be happy too. I guess that''s all I can do right?

(sorry I used the word ''happy'' too much... my brain is fried from studying
I know it is soo hard! He is taking an overload
to graduate even faster and I know he has toerh expenses. We are both antsy to get married, sometimes four years feels like forever! But I still have to get my PhD so I cant really complain too much becuase my parents will pay for grad school only if I am not married! BF says he will marry me and pay for it but I dont know... As for a different ring I know this makes me a mega huge bitch but I want the first one to be the only one forever. I want the one he gives me that day to never need an upgrade. But that is my being a brat again. Who knows what will happen....


Feb 10, 2005
Hi Matatora,

What field are you in? For science/engineering, all graduate students get their tuition and a small stipend paid for by their professors. Also, if you are in sciences there are a ton of NSF, NASA contracts that will pay for just about everything. Not to mention there are a TON of scholarships for women. Try AAUW (American Association of University Women)... they have fellowships for women pursuing graduate degrees. I''m currently on fellowship paid for by a private company and will switch to a government contract for my PhD (as long as I can pass my preliminary exams!). So if you decide to go for your PhD there is a good chance you can get it paid for! (which means your bf can save more money for a ring

I am also sappy in that I want one ring for the rest of my life. I mentioned the idea of upgrading to my bf and he was horrified at the idea of changing the stone or setting. Even when I brought up changing my pendant (tiny tiny I2 clarity but I love it!) to an ACA stone he got really sad!
So I believe I will have my original e-ring forever... that''s ok with me.

This brings me back to the original point... should I go for the classic 6 prong solitaire or something different?
Plus the solitaire would be more affordable.


Feb 10, 2005
Ok so I was SUPER excited because I had found a beautiful diamond and solitaire setting for just under 2000. $2000 is what I originally wanted to stay under until I started looking at rings and the budget (in my head) started going up. So now I found this ring for under my original budget! Is it weird that I am giddy about finding a great deal?

I was SOOOOO happy and told my bf when he called. He just kind dismissed it.
I asked him if it was a waste for me to get excited because he had already picked something else out...and he said he didn''t want to tell me and thanked me for the information about the ring... saying "maybe it''ll be useful information, maybe not".

I mean I know I will be happy if he gets one custom-made but getting a great deal AND having money in savings is great too right?

Thanks for listening to me ramble.


Nov 19, 2004
Hey Snow!

I love the antique style ring you posted. It is incredible! I don''t like to say that I am fickle.. maybe more indecisive? I love an AmberGretchen style ring
and a Lovey style ring. Either with a round brilliant or a cushion. I go back and forth, back and forth. Thank god I have lots of time to decide!


Mar 6, 2005
Date: 3/13/2005 12:55:12 PM
Author: snow_happy
Hi Matatora,

What field are you in? For science/engineering, all graduate students get their tuition and a small stipend paid for by their professors. Also, if you are in sciences there are a ton of NSF, NASA contracts that will pay for just about everything. Not to mention there are a TON of scholarships for women. Try AAUW (American Association of University Women)... they have fellowships for women pursuing graduate degrees. I''m currently on fellowship paid for by a private company and will switch to a government contract for my PhD (as long as I can pass my preliminary exams!). So if you decide to go for your PhD there is a good chance you can get it paid for! (which means your bf can save more money for a ring

I am also sappy in that I want one ring for the rest of my life. I mentioned the idea of upgrading to my bf and he was horrified at the idea of changing the stone or setting. Even when I brought up changing my pendant (tiny tiny I2 clarity but I love it!) to an ACA stone he got really sad!
So I believe I will have my original e-ring forever... that''s ok with me.

This brings me back to the original point... should I go for the classic 6 prong solitaire or something different?
Plus the solitaire would be more affordable.
He he no engineering for me that is my BF, I would slit my wrists if I had to take his course load. I am a Human Development and Psychology double major. The thing is my parents will pay for everything if I am still single, so it seems silly to me at moemtns to take on that sort of debt without needing to, and then at other times I am soo ready to be married that my head feels like it will explode. Plus I will have to make the decision about where I go to grad school before he will know where his first job yea I think I will be a LIW for at least a few more years
Thanks for all the info about scholarships
that is superkool.
As for thing ring I think it is a matter of taste. I am with you BF about the idea of upgrading it just makes me sad. No reason I jsut dont care for change. Anyway how do you feel about wedding bands?
Do you want yours to match his? If you the solitare would definately be the choice becuase no guy is going to want a pave wedding band a plain band will look silly intricate ring.
I feel liek I need more detial to give a better response. I hope this is helpful and not frustrating.


Dec 14, 2004
Snow...I''ve been very fickle to the point that friends try to remind me that "it''s not about the''ll love whatever he gets you". While I agree that''s true, I believe in value for the dollar too much! LOL. I keep jumping back and forth between the ritani with bezel around the center & micro pave on the band & going the same style with an octagonal frame. I''ve been patiently waiting to see Cute''s ring & what do you know, it made an appearance! :) Still very undecided! lol. good luck navigating the selection process!


Nov 15, 2004
snow-happy- a friend of mine has the stuller solstice setting for a solitare.. i love it! you can''t go wrong w/a solitare. but i love the other options too! hehe


Feb 10, 2005
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your help. It turns out my BF loved the antique setting so much he''s going to have something similar made within (or maybe slightly over the budget) but the design will be tweaked for $$ reasons. We''ll see what it turns out to be! I''m excited! I don''t know when he''s going to get it made (but I think it''s going to made at SingleStone in LA) so a lot of the engagement is still a surprise!

It probably won''t be for a few months but i''ll post the end result!
I''m already really excited!!!!
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