
Any tips on working with Alex Park?


Nov 10, 2023
Hi guys!

Since this is my first time venturing into the buying a diamond/getting a ring made world, I decided that perhaps it would be better for my first go round to go somewhere that could procure the diamond and make the setting for a reasonable cost all at one place; instead of me buying the diamond and sending it off to have a setting made (that's a little intimidating for me --although I know there are several wonderful price scopers who would help me pick out the stone --it's the sending it off/getting it set that is daunting).

So, after combing through and reading numerous threads on these pages, I decided Alex Park would be a good place to start. I worked up my nerve and reached out through Instagram DM, let them know I was interested in a 4.5-5 ct lab diamond for a replacement to my original engagement ring, preferably HPHT no blue nuance, D-E color (my husband can see color), excellent top notch cut, near H and A if not H and A, round brilliant--basically a very well cut lab diamond-you know the things I have learned about on these pages. I also let him know that I was a "price-scoper" and I would want a certificate with it. I then shared that I wanted him to also make the setting, shared some pictures of ideas, let it know it would be platinum, etc. And that finally, after we got that figured out, I would like to get a platinum wedding band to coordinate.

I am having a bit of a challenge getting more than an "4.51, E, VS1, Ideal' and a price back. Has anyone been successful in getting more information--table, depth, crown angle, pavilion, a video, anything? I understand the numbers don't tell the whole story, but this information doesn't tell me enough and I am uncomfortable purchasing a diamond without it. Any tips on how to approach this--or perhaps this is not the right vendor for this? I would welcome any suggestions--or guidance.

Or if any of y'all want a project and willing to help me through the steps of buying it on my own and sending it off to get a setting made and set, we can do that also. I'm starting to get a bit discouraged, and perhaps instead of designing a setting, I'm thinking of just getting some help from the Price Scope community to pick out a great stone, put it in a plain uncomplicated platinum 6 prong setting (like a Vatch-113 or similar), buy a eternity band at one of the on line retailers, and calling it a day.

Thank you!


Aug 12, 2005
He’s a busy guy, I think just got back from vacation last week, and he doesn’t have a whole team of people to respond to inquiries so you’re gonna get concise facts and that’s it. If that’s a style you can deal with, you’re going to get a fabulous ring. If you need a lot of salesmanship and hand-holding, he’s probably not going to make you happy. With Alex, in my experience, you know what you want and he supplies it. There isn’t a lot of back and forth, period.

Otherwise, I’d graciously ask if @DejaWiz and/or @Kim N are interested in helping! Good luck.


Jan 16, 2023
I think you would do better having PSers help you find a stone than having David Klass set it. No need to settle for a simple pronged setting. I get the feeling his team can help you bring a design to life.


Dec 16, 2007
I don’t think his business model offers the kind of info and support you are after. I also seem to recall he isn’t keen on working with pricescopers either! So, no tips except to say that the fit might not be the best if you want more service.


Dec 16, 2007
By the way there are vendors who offer more service and also offer high quality settings. You will just pay more than you might with a drop shipper or IG seller. And maybe it’s worth it so have a positive experience.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
If you want a top-notch cut in a Tiffany style setting, why not get one of Whiteflash's precision lab diamonds since that's their lab version of A Cut Above, and they're a Vatche retailer?

I will echo the others in that I don't believe Alex's style will work with what you're looking for.


Dec 17, 2008
I dont know why people keep recommending Alex Park for this kind of work. Its really not his business model from what
I've seen. And, oh, BTW, he's not really a big fan of Pricescopers. We want too much "info" and he basically wants you to
trust him (most people who do trust him are happy with their stones/settings).

Alex is buy what he offers (which is usually nice stones at a good price). I'm sure people will jump in and tell me
that he purchased stones for them but, I think, in general, this is not how he likes to do business.

Agreeing with @Dreamer_D, @0515vision and @Kim N . I think you should get PSers to help with a stone and then use David Klass.
You will get a lot more hand-holding and control, and learn the process along the way(which is what most people starting off need).
I feel like Alex is more for experienced diamond buyers who know his business model and dont expect a lot from him
(put their trust in him).

"Buying a diamond and sending it off", with DK is no issue. You ask DK for a mailing label. The stone is insured under DK's insurance.
You wrap it up the way they say and then drop it off. Very easy! Don't let that bother you.

Wishing you the best of luck in whichever direction you choose to go! I'm predicting a beautiful ring in your future!


Apr 23, 2021
Engrgrl1 have you checked with Jon (Rhino) at Distinctive Gem?
He has access to pretty much everything in virtual inventory as well as his own custom cuts, plus he can go full custom on the setting.


Nov 10, 2023
I really think I have been "spoiled" following along here and learning about all the "specs" on a diamond that make it a possibly great candidate (I have learned that it may look good on paper, but seeing it is confirming it;)2), and seeing the care and expertise and details that DejaWiz and Kim N and others put into selecting a stone. You guys amaze me--and have given me quite an education!

I just assumed that for purchasing a large center stone across the country, it would be important to at least know the details on it (that's why I am sticking with a round for my first purchase, as I have once again learned from you folks that it is perhaps a bit easier to weed out the bad ones and find possible good candidates from dimensions and at least a video with a RB).

I might feel comfortable doing that with a tennis bracelet or a pair of earrings or even a Ritani eternity ring, but with an engagement replacement ring where that center stone is so prominent, I really don't know Alex enough (or at all actually) to buy it without more information--I mean everyone's definition of a great stone is different, isn't it?

So I was surprised since many Pricescopers work with him, that when I innocently asked for more details on the stone, it went over like a fart in church.

And I didn't realize being a Price Scoper is a bad thing:lol-2:

I may have to re-think my approach.


Jan 16, 2023
Is this the three stone project you queried about in January? Several people posted their rings from David Klass on that thread. I have a feeling you’ll really enjoy working with him. DK works with PSers all the time to create gorgeous works of art.

It’s about matching the seller with the buyer, that’s all. Alex, especially at his price point, works for a certain type of consumer.


Dec 17, 2008
So, I dont know if you newer folks know about this but a few years back Alex posted a picture of a not-so-attractive body part on
IG (I believe). He then said something about PSers being a pain in the ... dont quote me because I dont remember the exact wording.
Everyone was up in arms about it at the time, but I think he was trying to send a (not so subtle) message to PSers. I laugh when
I think about it now but, at the time, it didn't seem that funny. So, now you get the drift of not asking for too much from Alex.
If he has a stone that you love (and he does have a good eye), great, buy it and he'll make you a nice setting to go with it. If he
doesn't have what you're looking for, it might be better to go somewhere else (if you want all the details).

He only left the post up for a little while before taking it down. I think there is probably an old thread on PS
about it somewhere but I couldn't find it.

I dont have a bad opinion of Alex. I just think you need to understand his ways and be able to work in that environment. Most
people are happy with the end result.


Nov 10, 2023
Is this the three stone project you queried about in January? Several people posted their rings from David Klass on that thread. I have a feeling you’ll really enjoy working with him. DK works with PSers all the time to create gorgeous works of art.

It’s about matching the seller with the buyer, that’s all. Alex, especially at his price point, works for a certain type of consumer.

I looked hard at 3 stone rings, but have decided to make my first purchase a single stone 4.5-5 ct ("stunner":lol-2:) replacement for my engagement ring--another PS lesson--go big or go home:lol-2:

My ring size is 5.5, so the 4.5 range stretching to a 5 is about all I think I can handle.

Alex did give me a price, and it seemed reasonable, but jeez, it is still several thousand dollars and I still want to know a little more about that center stone--at least see a video of it--before I bought it. I think he accesses ungraded stones, so that may be part of the reason--but I am just guessing on that.

UPDATE: I just checked my messages, after asking for the "specifications" I got a reply that Alex has ordered the stone and will share the information when he receives it. It is a 4.51 E Vs1 Ideal for $3300 I know nothing more than that :) So let's see how this goes. (I understand that I may be paying additional $ for a cert, if it doesn't have one. I am good with that).

Y'all know that as soon as I get the details/video, I will be sharing with my people, the Price scopers, so that the experts and everyone else here who knows way more than I do can give me their opinion ;)2

If this does not work out, my next step is to have the experts here pick out a good one and we will start down that path!



Nov 10, 2023
So, I dont know if you newer folks know about this but a few years back Alex posted a picture of a not-so-attractive body part on
IG (I believe). He then said something about PSers being a pain in the ... dont quote me because I dont remember the exact wording.
Everyone was up in arms about it at the time, but I think he was trying to send a (not so subtle) message to PSers. I laugh when
I think about it now but, at the time, it didn't seem that funny. So, now you get the drift of not asking for too much from Alex.
If he has a stone that you love (and he does have a good eye), great, buy it and he'll make you a nice setting to go with it. If he
doesn't have what you're looking for, it might be better to go somewhere else (if you want all the details).

He only left the post up for a little while before taking it down. I think there is probably an old thread on PS
about it somewhere but I couldn't find it.

I dont have a bad opinion of Alex. I just think you need to understand his ways and be able to work in that environment. Most
people are happy with the end result.

Thank you so much! Nope, had no idea. I have only been on here about 7-8 months or so, trying to absorb info like a sponge!

Perhaps I made an assumption that was wrong, because I saw his name all over PS as a go-to guy, and read that you need to buy the stone from him to make a ring, and I know that PSers are very educated purchasers, so I figured that he "talked" in specs. My bad,

He did respond (which shocked me) that he ordered the stone and will share the specs when it gets here. So I thanked him and when I get the specs I will share. Right now, I know that it is RB, 4.51, ideal, E vS1 and $3300--that is all.:lol-2: In the meantime, I had better get working on narrowing down what I want for the ring in case it is a keeper!

snowballs mom

Nov 24, 2017
I am interested in hearing about your experience. I have purchased two premade items from his website (earrings and a ring), and have been happy with both. My daughter likes my diamonds so much she wants to purchase her engagement ring from Alex, and that will be a custom project more along the lines of yours.


Mar 11, 2002
My one experience with Alex was rather brisk and to the point. I just bought a loose stone from him and it was fine but the experience was not my favorite. I don’t think I would choose to work with him for an emotional project like an engagement/wedding ring because he’s not really going to make the experience seem special. It’s very much a here’s what I have, this is the price, buy or not, I don’t care kind of experience. I would only buy something he already has listed on his Instagram, stone or already made jewelry in the future. I don’t personally enjoy feeling like I am bothering someone just to ask a clarifying question when I’m spending thousands with them. I would probably personally buy my stone with the help of the lovely PSers here and have David Klass make the setting.


Feb 1, 2014
I think you would do better having PSers help you find a stone than having David Klass set it. No need to settle for a simple pronged setting. I get the feeling his team can help you bring a design to life.

David Klass would be my first choice for this -- he's made four custom rings for me, and I hope more are in my future. So happy with each of them, and working with him is easy and fun.


Jul 17, 2008
I looked hard at 3 stone rings, but have decided to make my first purchase a single stone 4.5-5 ct ("stunner":lol-2:) replacement for my engagement ring--another PS lesson--go big or go home:lol-2:

My ring size is 5.5, so the 4.5 range stretching to a 5 is about all I think I can handle.

Alex did give me a price, and it seemed reasonable, but jeez, it is still several thousand dollars and I still want to know a little more about that center stone--at least see a video of it--before I bought it. I think he accesses ungraded stones, so that may be part of the reason--but I am just guessing on that.

UPDATE: I just checked my messages, after asking for the "specifications" I got a reply that Alex has ordered the stone and will share the information when he receives it. It is a 4.51 E Vs1 Ideal for $3300 I know nothing more than that :) So let's see how this goes. (I understand that I may be paying additional $ for a cert, if it doesn't have one. I am good with that).

Y'all know that as soon as I get the details/video, I will be sharing with my people, the Price scopers, so that the experts and everyone else here who knows way more than I do can give me their opinion ;)2

If this does not work out, my next step is to have the experts here pick out a good one and we will start down that path!


Alex has a great eye for stones and seems to have IGI certs for most larger ones. I told him what I was looking for and he delivered wonderfully. If you don’t have 5he patience of Job use someone else. If you do have the patience, you get a good deal!


Nov 10, 2023
Alex has a great eye for stones and seems to have IGI certs for most larger ones. I told him what I was looking for and he delivered wonderfully. If you don’t have 5he patience of Job use someone else. If you do have the patience, you get a good deal!

Thank you! I have the patience, and I am liking the pricing so far, I just got the impression I was irritating him by asking questions--Kinda like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld:lol-2:

I have learned cut is the most important, and I let Alex know that I have waited a very long time for this, so I was interested in a lab stone in the 4.2-5 ct range, prefer HpHt no blue nuance, D,E color, no visible inclusions , " the stone to be spectacular", a "very high quality fabulous cut stone", "top notch" cut with dimensions in the "price scoper range" , great material, and that it "sparkled and flashed like I was signaling airplanes" :lol-2: Basically, a "stunner". The words in quotes are what I included in my message. I did not give him a budget.

I let him know my current engagement ring is an earth grown, little over a ct, D, vvs1 stone--and that my husband can see the color difference between a D, E, and F so would prefer to stay in the D-E range.

Let's see how this goes, he did order the stone. As soon as I get the info, etc., I will post for my PS friends to evaluate and see how it matches up.

PS- I'm also an April Baby with a big birthday coming up mid-month, so this ring is my present for 28 years of marriage, 3 nearly grown daughters, and 60 years...


Nov 10, 2023
David Klass would be my first choice for this -- he's made four custom rings for me, and I hope more are in my future. So happy with each of them, and working with him is easy and fun.

I think if this initial stone, discussion doesn't work out with Alex, I am going to go the route of having some of our PS experts help me locate a stone, and then go the David Klass route. Can I ask how long the process takes with David Klass?


Nov 10, 2023
My one experience with Alex was rather brisk and to the point. I just bought a loose stone from him and it was fine but the experience was not my favorite. I don’t think I would choose to work with him for an emotional project like an engagement/wedding ring because he’s not really going to make the experience seem special. It’s very much a here’s what I have, this is the price, buy or not, I don’t care kind of experience. I would only buy something he already has listed on his Instagram, stone or already made jewelry in the future. I don’t personally enjoy feeling like I am bothering someone just to ask a clarifying question when I’m spending thousands with them. I would probably personally buy my stone with the help of the lovely PSers here and have David Klass make the setting.

Thank you for sharing that--yes, I felt a bit like I am bothering him. We will see how this initial go round with this stone goes. If I need to pivot, I am going to follow your advice and have the PS folks help me locate a stone, and then work with David Klass.


Dec 17, 2008
I think if this initial stone, discussion doesn't work out with Alex, I am going to go the route of having some of our PS experts help me locate a stone, and then go the David Klass route. Can I ask how long the process takes with David Klass?

It really depends how many times you go back and forth on the CADs and how complicated your setting is. Do you have a picture
of what you want for a setting?


Jan 3, 2013
Can I ask how long the process takes with David Klass?

Good luck! Generally Klass takes about six weeks to complete a setting! I also use him and agree that he is amazing!


Oct 22, 2019
Let me start by saying I have bought 4 diamonds from Alex. And I would buy another.

However there really is no customer service. If you see a diamond, like it and buy it, there is not a problem. However, I asked him for an OEC 3+ carat and he sent me one and it wasnt great, it wasnt Alex quality. I OWN an Alex OEC, i have one already, this one was not good compared to the one i already had and others he posted. Thankfully he did allow me to send it back, I was sooo appreciative that he let me return it, but then he forgot i had a credit when i went to purchase a new stone, so that was a few days of back and forth and i had to prove it to him.

He is able to keep the prices low by having low overhead and no customer service and he's very brusque, so just know that going in and you take what you get. And most likely you will get something beautiful because he has a great eye. So you cant have it all, you get his gift of seeing a great diamond for a great price, but that low price is because there's no hand holding.

If you want/need more help, I personally would go the KimN/Deja and then David Klass route. Or the Jonathan/CVB - more cost but very good eyes!
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2018
Didn't read everything yet (will later bc it looks funny) but love the Soup Nazi reference. It's perfect actually. NO DIAMONDS FOR YOU! ONE YEAR! Agree with what others said; if you need lots of questions answered etc he's not the guy for you.

PSers can be known to be a PITA bc we are picky and analytical about stones and settings! Good thing for us, not so much for all sellers!! There was someone from colored stones who complained about us haha I cannot remember who it was now. Something about how they wouldn't take a zillion photos anymore and/or accept returns from PSers. :lol: I'm sure someone here will remember.


Aug 14, 2018
Let me start by saying I have bought 4 diamonds from Alex. And I would buy another.

However there really is no customer service. If you see a diamond, like it and buy it, there is not a problem. However, I asked him for an OEC 3+ carat and he sent me one and it wasnt great, it wasnt Alex quality. I OWN an Alex OEC, i have one already, this one was not good compared to the one i already had and others he posted. Thankfully he did allow me to send it back, I was sooo appreciative that he let me return it, but then he forgot i had a credit when i went to purchase a new stone, so that was a few days of back and forth and i had to prove it to him.

He is able to keep the prices low by having low overhead and no customer service and he's very brusque, so just know that going in and you take what you get. And most likely you will get something beautiful because he has a great eye. So you cant have it all, you get his gift of seeing a great diamond for a great price, but that low price is because there's no hand holding.

I personally would go the KimN/Deja and then David Klass route. Or the Jonathan/CVB - more cost but very good eyes!

Curious @Inked so when you returned was it only able to be for a store credit and not a refund? Or did you just choose that method?


Aug 14, 2018
So, I dont know if you newer folks know about this but a few years back Alex posted a picture of a not-so-attractive body part on
IG (I believe). He then said something about PSers being a pain in the ... dont quote me because I dont remember the exact wording.
Everyone was up in arms about it at the time, but I think he was trying to send a (not so subtle) message to PSers. I laugh when
I think about it now but, at the time, it didn't seem that funny. So, now you get the drift of not asking for too much from Alex.
If he has a stone that you love (and he does have a good eye), great, buy it and he'll make you a nice setting to go with it. If he
doesn't have what you're looking for, it might be better to go somewhere else (if you want all the details).

He only left the post up for a little while before taking it down. I think there is probably an old thread on PS
about it somewhere but I couldn't find it.

I dont have a bad opinion of Alex. I just think you need to understand his ways and be able to work in that environment. Most
people are happy with the end result.

I forget the specific details as well - but I think it was a meme about the feeling of a mosquito biting you in the butt (in fact I think more precisely the anus) and he compared that to the annoyance of PSers. :lol::lol::lol:

Then once someone asked if a ring could be sized up and he said no not unless you eat more cheeseburgers. I'm not sure why that was if the person had asked if the ring could be sized down and he said to eat fewer cheeseburgers that would be a different story lol.


Oct 22, 2019
Curious @Inked so when you returned was it only able to be for a store credit and not a refund? Or did you just choose that method?

My choice, I thought it would help me jump on a stone if he posted one I wanted but lesson learned, that was not the way to go LOL!!


Jan 1, 2021
I highly recommend Distinctive Gem (I’ve bought a lab diamond from Jonathan) and Whiteflash (their certified/in-house labs are a bit cheaper than DG’s). I love Sholdt for settings—they are super easy to communicate with. I have not used David Klass, but I know others have been very happy with him. David at Diamonds by Lauren is also really easy to work with. He has a lot of labs in stock and can also source things as well.


Jul 17, 2008
Thank you! I have the patience, and I am liking the pricing so far, I just got the impression I was irritating him by asking questions--Kinda like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld:lol-2:

I have learned cut is the most important, and I let Alex know that I have waited a very long time for this, so I was interested in a lab stone in the 4.2-5 ct range, prefer HpHt no blue nuance, D,E color, no visible inclusions , " the stone to be spectacular", a "very high quality fabulous cut stone", "top notch" cut with dimensions in the "price scoper range" , great material, and that it "sparkled and flashed like I was signaling airplanes" :lol-2: Basically, a "stunner". The words in quotes are what I included in my message. I did not give him a budget.

I let him know my current engagement ring is an earth grown, little over a ct, D, vvs1 stone--and that my husband can see the color difference between a D, E, and F so would prefer to stay in the D-E range.

Let's see how this goes, he did order the stone. As soon as I get the info, etc., I will post for my PS friends to evaluate and see how it matches up.

PS- I'm also an April Baby with a big birthday coming up mid-month, so this ring is my present for 28 years of marriage, 3 nearly grown daughters, and 60 years...

Happy birthday to you too! I’m up 5 years on you the last week of the/month.
I’m sure Alex will knock it out of the park for you!
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