
Any PSers with perfect vision?


Mar 4, 2010
Inspired by the recent thread on contact lenses, I thought I'd ask if there are any PSers with perfect vision.

I've never needed glasses. I think it's hereditary since both my parents also have perfect vision (until their age caught up with them, of course, and they became long-sighted). But everyone in FI's family wears glasses.
I have 20/10.... after LASIK :)

My mom, dad, and sister all wear contacts/glasses. I had terrible eyes (I couldn't see the big "E" in eye exams without help) until I had LASIK in 2008.

My husband, however, has perfect eyes and nobody in his family wears contacts or glasses, so I definitely agree with you that it's likely hereditary.
Me! I've always had phenomenal vision! I'm the designated street sign reader in our house. I'm the only one that can see far enough!

Hubby has terrible, terrible vision. I hope this kid we're cookin' right now gets my eyesight! ;))
Both my sister and I have perfect vision, no need for glasses. I'm 31 and she is 36.
*Normal vision

Sorry. All those years in optometrists offices won't let me say "perfect vision" as there is no such thing.

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, but my DH has better than normal vision. 20/20 indicates that normal vision can see it at 20 feet, and you can see at 20 feet also. DH has 20/15. What most people can see at 15 ft, he can see at 20. I'll be squinting trying to read a license plate number and he'll say, "they're from KY." It's crazy.
somethingshiny|1307120568|2936973 said:
*Normal vision

Sorry. All those years in optometrists offices won't let me say "perfect vision" as there is no such thing.

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, but my DH has better than normal vision. 20/20 indicates that normal vision can see it at 20 feet, and you can see at 20 feet also. DH has 20/15. What most people can see at 15 ft, he can see at 20. I'll be squinting trying to read a license plate number and he'll say, "they're from KY." It's crazy.

I've always found this way of describing somebody's eyesight to be very confusing. FI and I got in a huge fight once because I just couldn't get it.
somethingshiny|1307120568|2936973 said:
*Normal vision

Sorry. All those years in optometrists offices won't let me say "perfect vision" as there is no such thing.

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, but my DH has better than normal vision. 20/20 indicates that normal vision can see it at 20 feet, and you can see at 20 feet also. DH has 20/15. What most people can see at 15 ft, he can see at 20. I'll be squinting trying to read a license plate number and he'll say, "they're from KY." It's crazy.

My mum has vision like your DH's - she can see things I couldn't hope to *with* glasses! Wears glasses now for close-up work but the distance vision is going strong.

I just got new glasses yesterday.. my prescription has increased again. It's now 2.75 apparently, whatever that means :nono: My prescription has steadily increased since the blackboard first started getting blurry around second year of college.. my DH's prescription is stronger than mine but it hasn't changed in a decade, which is apparently very odd at our age!
I wish! I've had vision issues since I was 10 years old. When I was 22 (six years ago) I had LASIK. My vision went from nearly legally blind (I couldn't make out my fingernails when my hand was in front of me) to about 20/25 vision. Sadly, I'm one of the small percentage of people for whom LASIK is not a permanant fix. My eyes have been deteriorating since the surgery, after about 18 months I got glasses to wear just when driving/in grad school classes, and I'm now at about 20/60, and wear glasses or contacts every day. I do have the option of having a "touch-up" surgery for free, but my first round also left me with some dryness, and my surgeon isn't willing to do the surgery because the dryness could keep me from healing well.
I'm 20/20, brother is 20/20, both parents are/were 20/20. The future father of my future children can't see past about 8 inches without contacts, and jokes have made made about sullying my FOO's fine genetic ocular stock with a dang, dirty myopic!

He's cute though, so I'll keep him for now.
Yssie|1307124054|2937022 said:
I just got new glasses yesterday.. my prescription has increased again. It's now 2.75 apparently, whatever that means :nono: My prescription has steadily increased since the blackboard first started getting blurry around second year of college.. my DH's prescription is stronger than mine but it hasn't changed in a decade, which is apparently very odd at our age!

That's how we talk about eyesight in Europe; degrees of short-sightedness.
I do NOW - after LASIK. But I was near-sighted from about 4th grade until I got LASIK done 2-3 years ago. My ex-BF has perfect vision though (the jerk) as does another guy I dated recently, and I really think those are the only two I can remember off the top of my head who don't wear contacts or glasses!

Btw, I <3 LASIK. I would marry it for freeing me from glasses and contacts!
I've always had "perfect" vision, but I haven't had an eye checkup since before college and I can tell that my distance vision isn't as perfect as it used to be... :sick: It's funny, because I always wanted glasses when I was in highschool-- I thought they were so neat... :lol: Unfortunately contacts terrify me, so let's hope my vision stays perfect for a long while!

Fiance has always had glasses or contacts, but they don't seem to bother him too much. I wonder if he'll think about LASIK one of these days?
I have perfect vision! It's 20/10 and it's all natural-no LASIK for me! :cheeky: I'm a great navigator because I can read street signs from so far away!
The 20/20 is simple. The first number is where you stand, the second number is where "normal vision" stands to see the same object clearly.

So, I'm blind as a bat. I can only be measured to 20/400+ meaning; I have to stand 20 feet away to see what most people can see at 400 ft or more and still see clearly. My vision is actually worse than that, but that's as far as the charts go. Driving requirements are 20/40. If you're any worse than that, you have to have it indicated on your license that you require glasses or contacts.
My vision in each eye is as good as it gets (I used to do competitive shooting so it was rather useful). However I have major problems converging so my eyes don't work very well together and I have to have things a fair distance away or I see three of them.

I also have problems with things looking three-dimensional especially black on white text. I am loving my Kindle as the contrast isn't as much as normal printed paper and so it's much, much easier and less tiring to read.

DH has terrible eyesight and can barely see a thing without his glasses or contacts. In my family, my father and I have great eyesight and the rest have terrible vision.

Fingers crossed that our daughter has my eyes. They are certainly the same slightly almond shape as mine, whether sight/eye shape have anything in common genetically I don't know...
Eye shape can affect sight, but eye lid shape cannot. In other words, the ball shape may be more cylindrical and pointy causing near sightedness, or it could be more squashed flat due to the muscle surrounding the eye ball itself. The almond or round "shape" of the eye lids do not affect vision, unless of course, you have a big flap of a lid that gets in the way.
I was at the doctor 2 months ago and he said I have 20/10 vision!!!
I had Lasik 10 years ago, and have *almost* perfect vision now, but I still have a slight astigmatism that shows up occasionally. I was hoping Lasik would correct it 100% but it didn't. I was 20/15 right after my surgery, but I guess my astigmatism was too strong or something. I don't wear contacts or glasses, but I do find myself squinting sometimes to read street signs. :|
I've had vision problems since I was a kid. I got my first glasses in grade school and was amazed I could see across the street! I have very bad astigmatism so the only contacts that work for me are hard or gas perm. I have fantastic distance vision with contacts (usually 20/15 but then I need reading glasses. My eyes are pretty dry these days and had trouble getting my contacts out so I quit wearing the contacts over a year ago. I am in no line bifocals now; close up vision is pretty good but distance is fuzzy.
Me, heck no. But I remember my dad could see the 20/20 line when he was in his 60's. He did wear glasses for reading though.

I had the luck to inherit my mom's terrible vision. Near sighted with astigmatism.
I'm 20/20 now, although I was 20/15 as a teenager, and I do have a very light prescription for distance vision (since my near vision is better than my distance vision).
Yeah, well, if you have "perfect" vision, don't get attached to it, because at some point you WILL need correction for something - near, far, whatever.

I had 20/15 until about 35, I'm guessing. When I turned 40 I decided to go in to have my eyes checked: 40 ya know - get all the systems checked ;)) And I walked out with a prescription for reading glasses. When I started using them, it was a revelation, because I realized I'd slowly been reading less and less and thinking that I was just too busy or tired, when in reality, it was just getting to be more and more of a genuine strain. At 48 my script has gotten stronger 4 times now? Sigh....

My eye doc said that everyone's eyes start going at 40, whether they admit it or not. I don't know a single person over about 45 who is not sporting either glasses or admitting to contacts. The ones that don't are a menace in my opinion. I knew one woman who was in such denial - she was NOT going to wear glasses by gawd - that she had her computer screen with such large print that you had to scroll off the screen to read more than half a sentence. :rolleyes:

Right now I have a dedicated pair of computer glasses, optimized for the distance I sit from the screen. I'd die without them. And bifocals for whatever else ails me. Oh, and prescription Maui Jims. Mmm! Love me my Maui Jims! ;))

I had remarkable vision until a few years ago. As it goes, my DH was always terribly jealous of my eagle eyes, he being a high myope. During the year I was researching/writing my thesis, he sought revenge by continually turning down the lights in my study. My eyes have never been the same.

That is my story and I am sticking to it! :cheeky:

cheers--Sharon :bigsmile:
Yssie|1307124054|2937022 said:
somethingshiny|1307120568|2936973 said:
*Normal vision

Sorry. All those years in optometrists offices won't let me say "perfect vision" as there is no such thing.

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, but my DH has better than normal vision. 20/20 indicates that normal vision can see it at 20 feet, and you can see at 20 feet also. DH has 20/15. What most people can see at 15 ft, he can see at 20. I'll be squinting trying to read a license plate number and he'll say, "they're from KY." It's crazy.

My mum has vision like your DH's - she can see things I couldn't hope to *with* glasses! Wears glasses now for close-up work but the distance vision is going strong.

I just got new glasses yesterday.. my prescription has increased again. It's now 2.75 apparently, whatever that means :nono: My prescription has steadily increased since the blackboard first started getting blurry around second year of college.. my DH's prescription is stronger than mine but it hasn't changed in a decade, which is apparently very odd at our age!
How old are you Yssie? I had the exact same thing- stronger glasses every year (well, starting in 3rd grade for me, not college!) and then, right after 30, I've not had to. Vision finally stabilized. The eye doctor said it was very, very typical to have your eyes finally stop changing right about then... well, until the need for reading glasses sets in in about a decade, lol. (Mine's worse than yours, a bit.)

My sister was legally blind- if she took her contacts out she seriously couldn't even walk. Then she had lasik and now she has 20/30. Good deal!
I am a 20/10 as well, I am always the navigator for road trips!
LGK|1307208663|2937742 said:
Yssie|1307124054|2937022 said:
somethingshiny|1307120568|2936973 said:
*Normal vision

Sorry. All those years in optometrists offices won't let me say "perfect vision" as there is no such thing.

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, but my DH has better than normal vision. 20/20 indicates that normal vision can see it at 20 feet, and you can see at 20 feet also. DH has 20/15. What most people can see at 15 ft, he can see at 20. I'll be squinting trying to read a license plate number and he'll say, "they're from KY." It's crazy.

My mum has vision like your DH's - she can see things I couldn't hope to *with* glasses! Wears glasses now for close-up work but the distance vision is going strong.

I just got new glasses yesterday.. my prescription has increased again. It's now 2.75 apparently, whatever that means :nono: My prescription has steadily increased since the blackboard first started getting blurry around second year of college.. my DH's prescription is stronger than mine but it hasn't changed in a decade, which is apparently very odd at our age!
How old are you Yssie? I had the exact same thing- stronger glasses every year (well, starting in 3rd grade for me, not college!) and then, right after 30, I've not had to. Vision finally stabilized. The eye doctor said it was very, very typical to have your eyes finally stop changing right about then... well, until the need for reading glasses sets in in about a decade, lol. (Mine's worse than yours, a bit.)

My sister was legally blind- if she took her contacts out she seriously couldn't even walk. Then she had lasik and now she has 20/30. Good deal!

I'm just 25 - so another 5 years until stability, you say? :cheeky:
I want lasik but surgery scares me... though I would *love* to drive without getting lost because I missed the sign :nono:
I envy those with great vision. I've worn glasses since 3rd grade, and my eyesight is horrible. I don't even know what the numbers mean. I was just at my eye doctor's not too long ago, and when I asked what my vision was and what it meant, he just laughed. He actually told me that because my eyes are so bad, the numbers wouldn't mean anything anyway. Um, okaaayyyyy... :confused:
no glasses for me yet - 1 week short of 30 years old. But everyone in my family wears them, even my siblings, so it might be a matter of time.
PumpkinPie|1307248346|2938205 said:
no glasses for me yet - 1 week short of 30 years old. But everyone in my family wears them, even my siblings, so it might be a matter of time.

Totally off topic, but Pumpkin Pie, Your avatar is making me get into the car in the month of June at 9:45pm in search of pumpkin pie. Thanks.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Last time I went to the optometrist, about 2 years ago, I had 20/10 vision. Not sure if it's still because I feel like things look slightly blurry when my eyes are tired. Growing up, I always wanted glasses because my mom wore glasses. My younger sister started needing for school and driving in high school, and older sister also started in college. My dad needs reading glasses now, started using them when he was 55.
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