
Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little sad?


Feb 19, 2008
at the rising popularity of antique cushions? I get a pang of sadness everytime i see a new post of an antique cushion :(sad . I know it's silly but i have always been one to love to have something unique, never what "other" people are choosing,wearing or doing ect. I've been so happy wearing my omc these past few years when they seemed rare even in this knowledgable community, i dont want them to get out!!.. boohooo ;(

btw heres some new shots :naughty: photo-6.jpg photo-7.jpg photo-8.jpg


Feb 15, 2007
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Um, I'm going to need some more pictures of that stunner before I can respond. :Up_to_something: :cheeky:

About your post, though--I do think it's a bit silly and you have nothing to worry about. First, did you really choose your OMC because it was unique? I'm hoping not. I'm hoping you chose your stone because you find it to be beautiful. (In fact, I hope most people make their choices based on their own personal preferences, and not based on what others do and do not choose or own!) Second, I don't think you'll see a lot of antique cushions IRL. Yes, there are more here on PS, but I believe we are quite ahead of the general population (if I may say so myself!) Besides, if the antique cushion craze does catch on, you can always say that you had yours way back when . . .

Seriously, though, we need more pictures. And stats. And closeups. Your ring is gorgeous.


Mar 2, 2007
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Hi Lily! You new ring is just lovely. It is different from your other stone, but is beautiful and has a bit of a different personality to it. Is it bigger too? It looks bigger on you!

To answer your question, yes I am definitely saddened by the rising popularity of antique cushions. I loved that I had something different and special...and old. I do notice that so many people on PS seem to have them these days and I too feel that pang every time I see another one. But I think that PS is a skewed representation of the real world. I don't see many of them in the "real world".

I live in LA and I haven't seen one person with one here. Friend or stranger (and I totally scope out other peoples' rings). Anyone I know who has a cushion has a modern one. And the one person I know with an antique ring has a transitional round which is pretty close to a modern round.

But I know what you mean. I try to take solace in the fact that no two old stones are alike. They are each unique...and that alone makes them different from others.

Black Jade

Aug 21, 2008
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

What a lovely stone and lovely set. Thanks for sharing.

'As just pointed out in the post above, others may get old mine cuts/cushions, but yours will always be unique. It s from a period when diamonds were handcut and hand polished. there is a real difference between stones like yours and the new machine cut imitations of them. YOU know this, whether others realize it or not. The vast majority of these beautiful old stones were recut into modern round brilliants (and this is actually still going on a lot, when you get away from knowledgeable areas like pricescope--I have a friend I have been trying to convince for the past three years not to ruin her family heirloom in this way--so far she's been holding off but I don't know how much longer)--believe me, you have something special.

Also, as pointed out above, don't be deceived by Pricescope into believing that what people are buying here is representative of the general population who is buying diamonds. In the area where I live, which I think is fairly representative of the country outside of NY/LA/Dallas and a few sophisticated metropolitan areas, most everyone who buys a diamond ring, if they don't buy a modern round brilliant, buys a princess. the little haloes have just gotten here and are popular. the asscher craze completely passed us by. One high end jeweller had ONE in the window for several years--and no one bought it or was even interested (I think they just thought it was a funny looking princess). No one has heard of colored diamonds, other than the funky blue irradiated which hit here a short while ago but didn't sell very well. the ONLY people who have OMCs or OECs have inherited them and do not seem to know that they are different from modern round brilliants, except that one in a while they might say something like 'the diamond has got all chipped' (because they WILL reset them into tiffany style rings that don't protect the thin girdles) or "i wish this diamond sparkled a bit more, but it's from my grandmother or great-grandmother and they didn't know how to cut them right yet then.

the single biggest trnd in the past three to four years has been diamonds getting smaller. the average around here never was anything close to a carat (a .75 is considered a very good size here and people get them for upgrades) and the newly engaged young people seem to have gone down from getting about 1/3 carat for an average, to about 1/4 carat--sometimes a 1/4 carat total weight. Upgrades were never very common and now you do not see them.

I like to have something unique too and jsut bought a lovely marquise, because its a style that I love that I don't see much when I travel to NYC or New England where I go often for school things (there are a lot of old money people there)--but here where I live my marquise is only unique in being larger, whiter and very sparkly-- a whole BUNCH of women my age (50-ish) still have their marquise e-rings from the 80's and early 90's. They never heard that these went out. IN fact, many many people that have congratulated me on my new ring say, "That's so beautiful and you were so smart to get a marquise which is such a classic and will never go out of style."


Jan 3, 2005
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Pricescope seems to be way ahead of the game when it comes to ring shapes/design and their popularity. For a while it seemed that halo's were all the rage and everyone was getting one and posting. I still rarely see a halo in real life. Three stone's with pear sides were in vogue here for a while too. Cushions have become more popular and may seem that every other post in SMTB is a antique or august vintage cushion but I still rarely see anyone with one in my every day like. Think of them is regaining popularity b/c of their beauty which just makes them more timeless and classic.

and we definitely need more pictures of your ring!!


Jun 21, 2010
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Haven|1304442612|2911268 said:
Um, I'm going to need some more pictures of that stunner before I can respond. :Up_to_something: :cheeky:

About your post, though--I do think it's a bit silly and you have nothing to worry about. First, did you really choose your OMC because it was unique? I'm hoping not. I'm hoping you chose your stone because you find it to be beautiful. (In fact, I hope most people make their choices based on their own personal preferences, and not based on what others do and do not choose or own!) Second, I don't think you'll see a lot of antique cushions IRL. Yes, there are more here on PS, but I believe we are quite ahead of the general population (if I may say so myself!) Besides, if the antique cushion craze does catch on, you can always say that you had yours way back when . . .

Seriously, though, we need more pictures. And stats. And closeups. Your ring is gorgeous.

I totally agree! I also agree with mrssalvo regarding halos I rarely see them IRL too! So don't be sad...


Apr 4, 2010
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Iluvprettyrocks|1304449769|2911383 said:
Haven|1304442612|2911268 said:
Um, I'm going to need some more pictures of that stunner before I can respond. :Up_to_something: :cheeky:

About your post, though--I do think it's a bit silly and you have nothing to worry about. First, did you really choose your OMC because it was unique? I'm hoping not. I'm hoping you chose your stone because you find it to be beautiful. (In fact, I hope most people make their choices based on their own personal preferences, and not based on what others do and do not choose or own!) Second, I don't think you'll see a lot of antique cushions IRL. Yes, there are more here on PS, but I believe we are quite ahead of the general population (if I may say so myself!) Besides, if the antique cushion craze does catch on, you can always say that you had yours way back when . . .

Seriously, though, we need more pictures. And stats. And closeups. Your ring is gorgeous.

I totally agree! I also agree with mrssalvo regarding halos I rarely see them IRL too! So don't be sad...

also totally agree! I have never seen a HW inspired halo IRL or an antique cushion. (but I would LOVE to!)


Feb 19, 2008
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

thanks Haven and i am happy to oblige :naughty:

bigdiamondtinygal- thanks a lot for noticing : ) yes it is an upgrade, pretty much the forever upgrade actually its a 1.62 crt o-p range 7.06x7.50 measurements. It does have a different personality even though it looks a lot like my old stone irl. what's funny is another pricescoper JUST snapped up my old stone 1.30 crt from Adam at owd i think her name is unicorn..

photo-9.jpg real life perspective on my sweeties head : )
photo-10.jpg photo-11.jpg out in the sunny sun.


Feb 19, 2008
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Black jade, i love marquises and how different they are. My friends who lives in long island with her boater hubby has a 2crt one. when i asked why she chose a marquise as opposed to the ever popular round she said it was because it reminder her of a boat! and when she wears it she thinks of her hubby who lives for fishing.. how sweet no?

heres a few more.. IMG01765-20110211-1522.jpg IMG01769-20110212-2158.jpg 1417.jpg[/img] IMG01763-20110211-1423.jpg


Feb 19, 2008
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

and last: IMG01762-20110211-1417.jpg IMG01770-20110213-1440-1.jpg


Nov 12, 2004
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Oh, Lily, how I love your ring!!

I have to tell you- I totally almost ended up with your old stone....I was all set to have it mounted for a pendant and (literally) backed out last minute. Adam is such a nice guy and was so patient with me. I was so sad to let the stone go b/c I really loved it, but it had to be done. I'm very happy for Unicorn though, as she was meant to have it and I'm sure it will make her happy for a very long time!!!!

Your new stone is just stunning though!! I will never get tired of seeing pics of it!!!! Love that pink band too (note to self, put in "push present" folder, LOL)!!!!! Your daughter is so cute too!!! :))


Apr 8, 2011
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

I agree that it may seem like so many people have cushions but in reality they are rarely seen in real life.

I have Cushion cut leverback earrings and I’ve found that very few people even know what a cushion cut diamond is. I also have a radiant solitaire and someone once came up to me and said “oh I love emerald cuts” lol, so I think the average person outside the forums has limited knowledge of cuts other than the standard.

Regardless of how many other have cushions, yours is still unique and you have a beautiful ring.

I totally understand your feeling though, wanting something different - something out of the ordinary. As you start to feel sad remember “imitation the best form of flattery"


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

Beautiful ring!

I'm an asscher guy and have worn mine for several years now.
I could count on one hand the asschers I've seen on others.
I wish they were more common.

I love asschers and wish everyone wore one so I can enjoy them more often.
I don't give a hoot about being unique, but, oh well . . . people vary.


Apr 26, 2007
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

lily1120|1304466094|2911585 said:
Black jade, i love marquises and how different they are. My friends who lives in long island with her boater hubby has a 2crt one. when i asked why she chose a marquise as opposed to the ever popular round she said it was because it reminder her of a boat! and when she wears it she thinks of her hubby who lives for fishing.. how sweet no?

Hence their original name ... navette!


Jun 10, 2010
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

kenny|1304533271|2912198 said:
Beautiful ring!

I'm an asscher guy and have worn mine for several years now.
I could count on one hand the asschers I've seen on others.
I wish they were more common.

I love asschers and wish everyone wore one so I can enjoy them more often.
I don't give a hoot about being unique, but, oh well . . . people vary.

I'm a huge admirer of asschers. No engagement ring yet but I'm hoping for an asscher. I have never seen one in real life on someone else--PS got me hooked on them!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

slg47|1304451266|2911403 said:
Iluvprettyrocks|1304449769|2911383 said:
Haven|1304442612|2911268 said:
Um, I'm going to need some more pictures of that stunner before I can respond. :Up_to_something: :cheeky:

About your post, though--I do think it's a bit silly and you have nothing to worry about. First, did you really choose your OMC because it was unique? I'm hoping not. I'm hoping you chose your stone because you find it to be beautiful. (In fact, I hope most people make their choices based on their own personal preferences, and not based on what others do and do not choose or own!) Second, I don't think you'll see a lot of antique cushions IRL. Yes, there are more here on PS, but I believe we are quite ahead of the general population (if I may say so myself!) Besides, if the antique cushion craze does catch on, you can always say that you had yours way back when . . .

Seriously, though, we need more pictures. And stats. And closeups. Your ring is gorgeous.

I totally agree! I also agree with mrssalvo regarding halos I rarely see them IRL too! So don't be sad...

also totally agree! I have never seen a HW inspired halo IRL or an antique cushion. (but I would LOVE to!)

Agree! IRL I mainly see RB solitaires, Princess solitaires, RB on pave/eternity bands... and a few halos, but I have only ever seen 1 cushion in real life!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Re: Any other antique cushion owners of few years a little

lily1120|1304439251|2911181 said:
at the rising popularity of antique cushions? I get a pang of sadness everytime i see a new post of an antique cushion :(sad . I know it's silly but i have always been one to love to have something unique, never what "other" people are choosing,wearing or doing ect. I've been so happy wearing my omc these past few years when they seemed rare even in this knowledgable community, i dont want them to get out!!.. boohooo ;(

btw heres some new shots :naughty: photo-6.jpg photo-7.jpg photo-8.jpg

I tend to think every antique cushion is unique!
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