
Any issues with this diamond??


Jan 22, 2018
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if a diamond with the below dimensions may have some issues. It scores a 1.7 using the HCA tool and I didn't see anything wrong with the diamond at the store but it's some times difficult to tell in the store lighting. I also looked at the diamond with an idealscope and it looked ok but I by no means am an expert.

1.5 carat
Clarity: VS1
Color: I
Depth: 58.9%
Table: 61%
Crown angle: 33
Pavilion angle: 40.8

Thank you!!!
The depth is a bit on the more shallow end of excellent. The table is on the upper range of excellent and the crown angle is somewhat more in the shallow range of excellent. The diamond will have a larger look than a AGS000 cut, but you might find this particular combination of proportions pleasing to you. You did not mention girdle thickness or culet size. Those might also be factors to some extent in your consideration.
Thanks for your response!!
I can't remember the girdle thickness of yhe diamond. How will the girdle thickness affect the appearance?

What do you mean by it may have a larger appearance than ags000? Is this typically considered a bad thing?
Hopefully the girdle of this diamond is in the thin to slightly thick range. That is 100% a guess.
Other diamonds hypothetically exist of identical proportions and identical weight, but with with thicker girdles. Such stones will look a bit smaller even though they weigh the same. As a girdle thickens there will be a gradual reduction of the visible surface area. If your current choice of diamond has a thick to extremely thick girdle, then this diamond will look smaller than some with thinner girdles. You did not provide sufficient data to know your chosen diamond's "spread" and relative size. I am warning you of this missing decision making data not warning you this diamond is a poor choice based on anything I see.

An AGS000 is a very finely fashioned diamond and many GIA3X diamonds are very well cut, too, but not as well cut as nearly all AGS000 stones. There are many posts on Pricescope warning of the relative looseness of GIA cut grading and I agree there is some difference on the outer fringes of the GIA grade which are compromises in appearance. Get an I-S image of your choice and compare it to some of the AGS000 and super ideal cuts offered by various vendors. Get an understanding of the finer nuances of cut quality before you compromise or make a mistake. You might have already found a diamond you like a lot and maybe it is perfect for you, but you can shop until YOU are sure. The best outcome is that you buy happy and stay that way because you did a good job before making your decision.
Thank you so much for this information!

Is it possible that this diamond will have a fish eye appearance? I ask because I recently returned a diamond that I thought was too deep/steep (41.3 pa, 62.6 depth) but I didn't see this until I got home. So I want to avoid any nailhead/fish eye diamonds.

Again thank you so much for your time!
This is not a fisheye or a nail head. Likely, I could see that it is a little less than a perfect depth, but many would not see that element of light return without some visual assistance tool. I can never guess the expertise or opinionated nature of individual consumers. Something with this diamond may not be right, or right for you. I'd need the girdle thickness to be more sure myself and you can't be sure without that fact, either.
Ok. I'll get the girdle thickness and post it once I get it.
Thank you!!
Hi oldminer!
The girdle thickness is thin to medium (3%).
I'm responding about durability concerns with feathers in general as I can't specifically comment on this diamond.

A feather is a break in the diamond crystal. Why the term ‘feather?’ Because it’s a gentler word than “break” or “crack” (technically it is a crack). And there is a reason the term was designed to be gentler.

Here is why it’s gentler. When you wear a diamond it will never undergo the extraordinary heat and pressure it was exposed to during sawing, bruting, blocking and polishing. It was already exposed to forces far beyond anything that will happen on your finger.

In general terms, durability issues are relegated to the I1-I3 clarity grades. With that said, feathers near the girdle are most likely to encounter bangs, dings and pressure that could widen them in an irregularly harsh situation. Therefore, while SI1 and SI2 diamond are generally considered safe, it’s prudent to have a responsible professional who is on your side look at any feather near the girdle and tell you if there would be risks during the pressure of stone-setting or casual wear.

And remember, every diamond has cleavage planes. Even a flawless diamond can chip if it takes a hard knock at the wrong angle. That's why a good insurance policy against damage/loss is a good idea for any diamond owner.
Thank you for your reply LaylaR!
The diamond is a VS1 and I don't remember seeing any feathers in the report. Only a few small clouds.
Do you see any reasons the diamond might have leakage issues or not have good light return? That's my main concern. I've looked at the diamond with an aset scope and didn't see any issues and it scores a a 1.7 with the HCA tool . I'm just trying to get others opinion since I'm no expert in diamonds
I am sorry for the confusion, I posted the feather information in the wrong thread.

Regarding the diamond. It's a 60/60 style diamond with a lower crown than you will see commonly recommended on these boards and a larger table than you'll see recommended.

There are different "flavors" of modern round brilliants. Here is the information about this flavor that you need to help you decide:

Please read John Pollard's detailed response and if you have questions, feel free to ask them. That's what we are here for. :wavey: